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FATIGUE RISK BASED ANALYSIS ON ETB JACKET PLATFORM FOR SERVICE LIFE EXTENSION Created by Irfan, Muhammad Subject Subject Alt Keyword : : Lepas pantai : Offshore structures : Analisa kelelahan spektral, ETB Jacket Platform, Keandalan, Risk Based Inspection (RBI)

Description :
Untuk memenuhi permintaan minyak dan gas bumi dalam negeri, PHE ONWJ bermaksud memperpanjang umur operasi ETB Jacket Platform untuk 20 tahun mendatang. Awalnya ETB jacket platform di desain untuk umur operasi selama 15 tahun dan dioperasikan sejak tahun 1993 diperairan laut Jawa. Tugas akhir ini menyajikan hasil studi penilaian ulang struktur ETB Jacket Platform dengan melakukan analisa kelelahan berbasis resiko menggunakan metode Full Spectral Fatigue Analysis untuk tujuan perpanjangan umur operasi. Analisa kelelahan dihitung akibat beban gelombang siklis yang terjadi selama operasi. Berdasarkan analisa kelelahan didapatlah umur kelelahan sambungan struktur yang terendah yaitu pada sambungan 301 dan 403 dengan member 203-301 dan 301-403 dengan lama masing-masing 214.35 tahun dan 432.04 tahun. Dengan melakukan analisa keandalan menggunakan simulasi Monte Carlo pada sambungan member yang memiliki umur kelelahan terendah, didapatlah peluang kegagalan per tahun/ Annual Probability of Failure (ΔPoF) untuk masing- masing sambungan 301 dan 403 adalah 9.24 x10-4 yr-1 dan 3.14 x10-3 yr-1 dengan indeks keandalan masing-masing adalah 3.12 dan 2.74. Besar resiko kegagalan pada sambungan member ini dalam level Low Risk, untuk kategori konsekuensi keamanan, containment, lingkungan dan produksi, sedangkan level Medium Risk untuk kategori konsekuensi biaya/ cost. Pada tugas akhir ini, RBI juga diterapkan sehingga didapatkan interval waktu inspeksi berdasarkan resikonya. Dari pengerjaan tugas akhir ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa struktur ETB jacket platform masih mampu beroperasi untuk 20 tahun mendatang setelah design life ( 15 tahun ) tercapai dengan level resiko yang rendah.

Description Alt:
To meet the demand for oil and gas domestically, PHE ONWJ ETB intends to extend the operating life of Jacket Platform for the next 20 years. Initially ETB jacket platform designed for operation over the age of 15 years and operated since 1993, Java Sea. This final project presents the results of the reassessment study of ETB jacket platform structure by doing the risk-based fatigue analysis using the full spectral analysis method of fatigue analysis for the operation life extension. Analysis calculated fatigue due to cyclic wave loads that occur during operation process. Based on the analysis of fatigue, then obtained lowest fatigue life of the connection structure (joint) of 301 and 403 in connection with the member \\\\\\\'203-301 \\\\\\\'and \\\\\\\'301-403\\\\\\\' long each with 214.35 and 432.04 years. By doing reliability analysis using Monte Carlo simulation on the connection member that has the lowest fatigue life, obtained probability of failure per year / Annual Probability of Failure (ΔPoF) for each connection 301 and 403 is 9.24 x10-4 yr-1 and 3.14 x10-3 yr -1 with respective reliability indices were 3.12 and 2.74. The risk level of of safety, containment, environment and production consequences at the joint are grouped as Low Risk Level. And for the cost consequences grouped as Medium Risk. At this final project, Risk Based Inspection are also applied so the interval of inspection time period could be obtained based on the risk. Finally ETB jacket structure are still feasible to operate 20 years forward after completing the 15 years of the operational life before.


: Prof. Ir. Daniel M. Rosyid, Ph.D., MRINA

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: 25/07/2011 : Text : pdf : Indonesian : ITS-Undergraduate-3100011044754 : 3100011044754 : RSKe627.98 Irf a : Undergraduete Theses,Offshore Engineering,RSKe627.98 Irf a,2011 : ITS Community : Copyright @2011 by ITS Library. This publication is protected by copyright and per obtained from the ITS Library prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a re transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, reco For information regarding permission(s), write to ITS Library

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