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Kim, E.-H.; Kwon, J.-M.; Kwon, B.-h.

, "Transformerless three-phase on-line UPS with high performan e," Power Electronics, IET , !ol.", no.", pp.#$%,##", Mar h "$$& 'oi( #$.#$)&*iet-pel("$$+$)"" ,-stra t( , transformerless three-phase on-line .ninterr.pti-le power s.ppl/ 0UPS1 is propose'. The propose' UPS is ompose' of a re tifier, an in!erter an' a -atter/ harger*'is harger. The re tifier reg.lates a 23-lin4 !oltage an' performs power fa tor orre tion. 5n the other han', the in!erter pro!i'es a reg.late' sin.soi'al !oltage an' has the .rrent-limiting apa-ilit/ for an imp.lsi!e loa'. The -atter/ harger*'is harger re'. es the n.m-er of -atter/ an' s.pplies the power 'eman'e' -/ the loa' in the e!ent of the inp.t power or 'e rease of the inp.t !oltage. Sin e -oth ne.tral lines of the inp.t an' !oltages are onne te' at the entre of the 23-lin4, the nee' for an isolation transformer is eliminate' an' the si6e, weight an' ost of the s/stem are signifi antl/ re'. e'. ,''itionall/, new ontrol algorithms of the re tifier, the harger*'is harger an' the in!erter are propose'. 4e/wor's( 7 .rrent limiters;in!ertors;power fa tor orre tion;re tifiers;.ninterr.pti-le power s.pplies;23lin4 !oltage;-atter/ harger-'is harger; .rrent-limiting apa-ilit/;in!erter;power fa tor orre tion;re tifier;reg.late' sin.soi'al;transformerless three-phase on-line UPS;.ninterr.pti-le power s.ppl/8, U9:( http(**ieee;*stamp*stamp.<sp=tp>?arn.m-er>)+&@&$+?isn.m-er>)+&@&$@ Ja--ari, M.; Aar6anehfar', H., "Aamil/ of soft-swit hing resonant 23-23 on!erters," Power Electronics, IET , !ol.", no.", pp.##%,#"), Mar h "$$& 'oi( #$.#$)&*iet-pel("$$B$$"+ ,-stra t( Swit he' resonator on!erters as a new famil/ of soft-swit hing 23-23 on!erters are presente'. , .nifie' omprehensi!e st.'/ is performe', topologies are ategorise', essential an' general eC.ations are presente', the ontrol me hanism is 'is .sse' an' a .sef.l omparison is pro!i'e'. Pra ti al res.lts onfirm the integrit/ of the propose' on!erters an' their theoreti al anal/sis. 4e/wor's( 723-23 power on!ertors;resonant power on!ertors;swit hing on!ertors;23-23 on!erters; ontrol me hanism; on!erter topolog/;soft-swit hing on!erters;swit he' resonant on!erters8, U9:( http(**ieee;*stamp*stamp.<sp=tp>?arn.m-er>)+&@&$B?isn.m-er>)+&@&$@ :i, D.; He, E., "High step-.p soft swit hing interlea!e' -oost on!erters with ross-win'ing- o.ple' in'. tors an' re'. e' a.;iliar/ swit h n.m-er," Power Electronics, IET , !ol.", no.", pp.#"F,#%%, Mar h "$$& 'oi( #$.#$)&*iet-pel("$$+$%B) ,-stra t( ,n interlea!e' -oost on!erter is propose' to e;ten' the !oltage gain an' to re'. e the swit h !oltage stress ompare' with the on!entional interlea!e' -oost on!erter in high step-.p appli ations. Dith the topolog/ !ariation, onl/ one set of a ti!e lamp ir .it is ne essar/ for the interlea!e' two phases to re / le the lea4age energ/ an' to a-sor- the !oltage spi4es' -/ the lea4age in'. tan e of the win'ing- o.ple' in'. tors. Both the main swit hes an' the lamp swit h of the propose' on!erter are GHT soft swit hing performan es '.ring the whole swit hing transition, whi h minimises the swit hing losses. The 'io'e t.rn-off .rrent falling rate is ontrolle' -/ the lea4age in'. tan e, whi h alle!iates the 'io'e re!erse-re o!er/ pro-lem an' re'. es the relati!e re!erse-re o!er/ losses. The e;perimental res.lts -ase' on a )$-%B$-H 23*23 protot/pe !erif/ the effe ti!eness of the theoreti al anal/sis. 4e/wor's( 7in'. tors;power on!ertors;23-23 protot/pe; ross-win'ing- o.ple' in'. tors;high step-.p soft swit hing;interlea!e' -oost on!erters;interlea!e' two phases;lea4age in'. tan e;re'. e' a.;iliar/ swit h n.m-er;topolog/ !ariation;!oltage )$ H to %B$ H;!oltage spi4es8, U9:( http(**ieee;*stamp*stamp.<sp=tp>?arn.m-er>)+&@&$&?isn.m-er>)+&@&$@ 3h.'amani, 9.; Has.'e!an, K.; 9amalingam, 3.S., "Ion-linear least-sC.ares--ase' harmoni estimation

algorithm for a sh.nt a ti!e power filter," Power Electronics, IET , !ol.", no.", pp.#%),#)@, Mar h "$$& 'oi( #$.#$)&*iet-pel("$$B$$$@ ,-stra t( , no!el algorithm is presente' for harmoni estimation in an a ti!e power filter. The .rrent signal whose harmoni s are to -e estimate' is mo'elle' -/ .sing Ao.rier series. The f.n'amental freC.en / is estimate' -/ .sing a non-linear least-sC.ares approa h an' in!ol!es a one-'imensional sear h o!er the allowa-le freC.en / range in the power s/stem. The estimate' freC.en / is then .se' in the signal mo'el to omp.te the harmoni magnit.'es. The performan e of a sh.nt ,PA .sing this approa h for freC.en / an' harmoni e;tra tion has -een st.'ie' -/ .sing -oth omp.ter sim.lation an' har'ware implementation. Jt is shown that the a ti!e filter is a-le to tra 4 the hanges in the loa' .rrent wa!eform 0-oth with respe t to magnit.'e an' wa!eshape1 more a .ratel/ an' faster than in the on!entional metho's. 4e/wor's( 7Ao.rier series;a ti!e filters;least sC.ares appro;imations;nonlinear estimation;power harmoni filters;Ao.rier series;loa' .rrent wa!eform;nonlinear least-sC.are--ase' harmoni estimation;one'imensional sear h;sh.nt ,PA;sh.nt a ti!e power filter8, U9:( http(**ieee;*stamp*stamp.<sp=tp>?arn.m-er>)+&@&#$?isn.m-er>)+&@&$@ H.a, 3.-3.; D., 3.-D.; 3h.ang, 3.-D., ", no!el ' !oltage harge -alan e ontrol for as a'e' in!erters," Power Electronics, IET , !ol.", no.", pp.#)+,#FF, Mar h "$$& 'oi( #$.#$)&*iet-pel("$$B$$"F ,-stra t( The a.thors propose a no!el ' !oltage harge -alan e ontrol for as a'e' in!erters. The propose' ontroller has two a.;iliar/ ontrol signal feat.res( 0#1 a -alan e' 'is harging of isolate' inp.t ' !oltages an' 0"1 goo' fle;i-ilit/ an' s.ita-ilit/ for the appli ations when the n.m-er of H--ri'ge in!erter mo'.les is hange'. Dhen ompare' with the on!entional as a'e' in!erters, the propose' ontrol an self-a'<.st to a hie!e -alan e harge ontrol witho.t a omple; ir .it. The s/stem 'oes not reC.ire a new 'esign of ontroller if a new H--ri'ge in!erter mo'.le is a''e' to the s/stem for in reasing the power apa it/, or an H--ri'ge in!erter mo'.le is 'is onne te' from the s/stem owing to its The 'esign of the a.;iliar/ ontrol signals is 'es ri-e' in 'etail an' implemente' in software. Ainall/, a +-le!el as a'e' in!erter with three ' -a on!erter mo'.les was onstr. te' an' teste'. ,nal/sis, sim.lations an' e;perimental res.lts are presente' to 'emonstrate the s.periorit/ of the propose' s/stem. 4e/wor's( 723-,3 power on!ertors;-ri'ge ir .its;in!ertors;!oltage ontrol;23 !oltage harge -alan e ontrol;23-,3 on!erter;H--ri'ge in!erter;a.;iliar/ ontrol signals;-alan e' 'is harge; as a'e' in!erters8, U9:( http(**ieee;*stamp*stamp.<sp=tp>?arn.m-er>)+&@&##?isn.m-er>)+&@&$@ Gan hetta, P.; Dheeler, P.; Empringham, :.; 3lare, J., "2esign ontrol an' implementation of a three-phase .tilit/ power s.ppl/ -ase' on the matri; on!erter," Power Electronics, IET , !ol.", no.", pp.#F@,#@", Mar h "$$& 'oi( #$.#$)&*iet-pel("$$+$"++ ,-stra t( , matri; on!erter an' a !aria-le-spee' 'iesel generator are integrate' to reate a three-phase .tilit/ power s.ppl/. The matri; on!erter is 'esigne' to meet stri t harmoni an' transient response reC.irements while allowing !aria-le !oltage an' freC.en / inp.t from the generatorKs permanent magnet alternator. This ena-les the generator to pro!i'e sta-le power o!er a range of engine spee's an' loa' on'itions. , #$K4D e;perimental protot/pe is 'esigne', realise' an' teste' as an offline power s.ppl/, an' the res.lts are pro!i'e' to 'emonstrate the s/stem performan e.. 4e/wor's( 7alternators;'iesel-ele tri generators;ma hine ontrol;matri; on!ertors;permanent magnet generators;power s.pplies to apparat.s;generator permanent magnet alternator;harmoni reC.irements;matri; on!erter;power #$ 4D;three-phase .tilit/ power s.ppl/;transient response reC.irements;!aria-le-spee' 'iesel generator8, U9:( http(**ieee;*stamp*stamp.<sp=tp>?arn.m-er>)+&@&#"?isn.m-er>)+&@&$@ Kanaan, H.L.; ,l-Ha''a', K.; Ha/e4, ,.; Mo.ghar-el, J., "2esign, st.'/, mo'elling an' ontrol of a new

single-phase high power fa tor re tifier -ase' on the single-en'e' primar/ in'. tan e on!erter an' the Sheppar'-Ta/lor topolog/," Power Electronics, IET , !ol.", no.", pp.#@%,#++, Mar h "$$& 'oi( #$.#$)&*iet-pel("$$+$$F# ,-stra t( , new single-phase power fa tor orre tor 0PA31 -ase' on the Sheppar'-Ta/lor topolog/ is st.'ie'. 3ompare' with on!entional PA3s, this topolog/ fa ilitates a -etter inp.t .rrent tra 4ing, lower !oltage stresses a ross the 'e!i es an' larger !oltage range for the same operating area. The on!erter is integrate' as a PA3 at the 23-en' of a single-phase 'io'e -ri'ge. P.lse-wi'th-mo'.late' 0PDM1 m.lti-loops ontrol s hemes are propose' an' 'e!elope' in or'er to a .nit/ power fa tor at the ,3-so.r e si'e an' a reg.late' !oltage at the 23-loa' si'e. The first ontrol metho' .ses the simple an' h/stereti --ase' ontroller; the se on' emplo/s a on!entional PJ reg.lator; an' the thir' is -ase' on the mo'el nonlinearit/ ompensation approa h. The 'esign of the last two ontrol metho's is -ase' on the 4nowle'ge of a mathemati al mo'el that wo.l' a .ratel/ represent the on!erter. This mo'el is 'e!elope' in this paper .sing the state-spa e a!eraging te hniC.e, an' then the small-signal transfer f.n tions of the on!erter are 'eri!e' for linear ontrol 'esign p.rpose. The performan e of the 'ifferent ontrol strategies is e!al.ate' sim.lation e;periments arrie' o.t on a n.meri al !ersion of the on!erter. The implemente' mo'el of the on!erter is o-taine' -/ .sing the swit hing f.n tion te hniC.e. The ontrol s/stem is teste' .n'er -oth rate' an' 'ist.r-e' operating on'itions. The s/stem performan e is e!al.ate' in terms of so.r e .rrent total harmoni 'istortion 0TH21, inp.t power fa tor, 23 !oltage sta-ili6ation, an' reg.lation following loa' !ariations. 4e/wor's( 7PJ ontrol;PDM power on!ertors;-ri'ge ir .its;harmoni 'istortion;power fa tor orre tion;re tif/ing ir .its;state-spa e metho's;swit hing on!ertors;transfer f.n tions;!oltage ontrol;23 !oltage sta-ili6ation;PA3;PJ reg.lator;PDM m.ltiloops ontrol s heme;Sheppar'-Ta/lor topolog/;mathemati al mo'el;power fa tor orre tor;p.lse wi'th-mo'.lation;single-en'e' primar/ in'. tan e on!erter;single-phase 'io'e -ri'ge;single-phase high power fa tor re tifier;small-signal transfer f.n tions;state-spa e a!eraging te hniC.e;swit hing f.n tion te hniC.e;total harmoni 'istortion8, U9:( http(**ieee;*stamp*stamp.<sp=tp>?arn.m-er>)+&@&#%?isn.m-er>)+&@&$@ Gh., M.; :.o, A.:., "Holtage-lift-t/pe .4 on!erters( topolog/ an' anal/sis," Power Electronics, IET , !ol.", no.", pp.#+B,#&#, Mar h "$$& 'oi( #$.#$)&*iet-pel("$$+$$"% ,-stra t( The !oltage-lift 0H:1 te hniC.e is an effe ti!e metho' that o.l' -e applie' in ele troni ir .it 'esign. , series of negati!e ' -' on!erters 0!oltage-lift-t/pe 3.-4 on!erters1 appl/ing series 3.-4 implementing H: te is intro'. e'. 3ompare' with the 3.-4 on!erter protot/pe, these on!erters an perform positi!e to negati!e ' -' !oltage in reasing on!ersion with higher !oltage transfer gains. The/ are 'ifferent from other e;isting ' -' step-.p on!erters an' possess se!eral a'!antages, mainl/ in l.'ing fewer swit hes, lear on!ersion pro esses an' a high !oltage with the small ripple. Sin e the propose' on!erters a!oi' .sing transformers an' as a'e onne tion, the relati!e simple str. t.res are -enefi ial to potential pra ti al appli ations in , 'etaile' theoreti al anal/sis for ontin.o.s an' 'is ontin.o.s on'. tion mo'es is gi!en. Both sim.lation an' e;perimental res.lts are pro!i'e' to !erif/ the main hara teristi s. 4e/wor's( 723-23 power on!ertors;networ4 anal/sis; as a'e onne tion;' -' on!erters;' -' step.p on!erters;'is ontin.o.s on'. tion mo'e;ele troni ir .it 'esign;!oltage-lift-t/pe 3.4 on!erters8, U9:( http(**ieee;*stamp*stamp.<sp=tp>?arn.m-er>)+&@&#)?isn.m-er>)+&@&$@ 3hatter<ee, K.; Mho'4e, 2.H.; 3han'ra, ,.; ,l-Ha''a', K., "Simple ontroller for ST,T35M--ase' !ar generators," Power Electronics, IET , !ol.", no.", pp.#&","$", Mar h "$$& 'oi( #$.#$)&*iet-pel("$$B$#)@ ,-stra t( , ST,T35M--ase' Har generator for me'i.m power appli ations, .tilising one- / le ontrol is propose' here. The ontrol str. emplo/s an integrator with a reset as its ore omponent to ontrol the

p.lse wi'th of the on!erter 'e!i es so that the .rrent 'rawn from the so.r e is a pre isel/ ontrolle' rea ti!e .rrent lea'ing or lagging the .tilit/ !oltages as 'eman'e' -/ the s/stem. Moreo!er, one- / le ontrol ma4es the swit hing freC.en / of the 'e!i es onstant. This simplifies the pro ess of 'esign of passi!e filters to eliminate higher-or'er swit hing freC.en / harmoni s. The semi on'. tor 'e!i es are operate' with a swit hing freC.en / of # 4H6 so that MT5s or high-power JMBTs an -e .se' for me'i.m power appli ations. The effe ti!eness of the s heme is !erifie' 'etaile' sim.lation st.'ies. To onfirm the !ia-ilit/ of the s heme, 'etaile' e;perimental st.'ies are arrie' o.t on a s ale'-'own la-orator/ protot/pe 'e!elope' for the p.rpose. 4e/wor's( 7PDM power on!ertors;ele tri .rrent ontrol;ins.late' gate -ipolar transistors;ma hine ontrol;stati H,r ompensators;th/ristor appli ations;MT5s;ST,T35M;Har generators; on!erter 'e!i es;freC.en / # 4H6;high-power JMBTs;higher-or'er swit hing freC.en / harmoni s;integrator;me'i.m power appli ations;one- / le ontrol;passi!e filters;p.lse wi'th;rea ti!e .rrent ontrol;swit hing freC.en /8, U9:( http(**ieee;*stamp*stamp.<sp=tp>?arn.m-er>)+&@&#F?isn.m-er>)+&@&$@

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