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VOLUME NO. 3 (2013), ISSUE N O.


ISSN 2231-5756


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

6urnover intensions% CorB e@h!ustion% Perceived worBlo!d% CorB f!3ily ,onflicts% Job !utono3y% $!irness of rew!rds(

orB stress is the 3!5or he!lth proble3s occur these d!ys (D!!len% Cille3sen% "!nders% A ;eldhoven% >**<)( "tress is ! hu3!n life !spect th!t c!n be tr!ced b!cB to !l3ost the evolution of 3!nBind !s ! re!sonin& !nd thinBin& ("ondhi% ,h!wl!% J!in% A 7!shy!p% >**=)( 6urnover !t worB pl!ce h!s received !w!reness by 3!ny rese!rchers ('oor A M!!d% >**=)( 6urnover of worBers is ! well-reco&ni-ed sub5ect of critic!l i3port!nce to the or&!ni-!tionsE it:s ! widely rese!rched pheno3enon% ! &i!nt Du!ntity of hypothetic!l !nd observed liter!ture identified v!rious f!ctors or re!sons responsible for turnover ("h!h% $!Bhr% Ah3!d% A M!3!n% >*)*)( ?3ployee turnover is &lob!l observ!ble f!ctE 3!ny or&!ni-!tions !re de!lin& with turnover issue ( n tod!y:s business scen!rio it is difficult to !chieve &o!ls until it cle!rly t!cBle with turnover proble3s((R!n!% "!l!ri!% .er!i% A A3in% >**<)( n !ddition% e3ployees who feel stress !nd !n@iety !t their 5ob !re liBely to be h!vin& hi&her turnover ("toner A 7i3% >**=)( Pressure c!n enh!nce turnover it is fund!3ent!lly ! for3 of unple!s!nt feelin& !nd it h!s &ot the possibility to incre!se e3ployee turnover% issues in 3!n!&e3ent of office worB !nd f!3ily 3!tters !rise bi& proble3s% so 3!ny or&!ni-!tions Beep lenient f!3ily friendly policies for e3ployees !s they concentr!te on their worB efficiently ('oor A M!!d% >**=)( Mor&eson% Del!ney7lin&er% !nd .e3in&w!y(>**1) finds th!t 5ob !utono3y incre!sed i3proved the ownership of worB but !lso those e3ployees feel the confidence which is i3port!nt f!ctor for their worB% 3ore power of !utono3y in 5ob enh!nce the 3otiv!tion power of e3ployees( CorB-f!3ily conflicts c!n incre!se the stress level !3on& profession!lsE it 3!y !lso consider !n obst!cle in 5ob perfor3!nce((Ahu5!% ,hudob!% 7!c3!r% Mc7ni&ht% A #eor&e% >**I)."tr!te&ies i3plied by e3ployers focusin& on worB-life 3!tters reflects th!t it is ! si&nific!nt ele3ent(('oor A M!!d% >**=)( "ondhi et !l (>**=) su&&est 3!5or i3plic!tion !s the or&!ni-!tion would need to !cBnowled&e worB e@h!ustion !s ! princip!l outco3e of the !&&r!v!ted develop3ent !nd worB opportunities th!t do3in!te the country tod!y% n order to effectively sust!in &rowth% the detri3ent!l effects of worB e@h!ustion will h!ve to be reco&ni-ed !nd curt!iled by 3ore effective worBin& conditions !nd policies( M!ny studies focused on the pro&ress of the v!rious predictors !nd their b!cB&round of turnover intensions !nd fully tested theories re&!rdin& turnover !3on& e3ployee Cestern re&ion worBin& environ3ent e@cludin& 3!ny developin& countries includin& P!Bist!n (Jh!ti!l% M!n&i% A #hu3ro% >*)>)( n our rese!rch we will find the !nswers of the followin& Duestions( Ch!t is i3p!ct of 5ob !utono3y% worB-f!3ily conflicts% perceived worB overlo!d% f!irness in rew!rd on worB e@h!ustionN And how the worB e@h!ustion f!ctor !ffects turnover intensions !3on& e3ployeesN

CorB e@h!ustion is Bey f!ctor which c!n le!d tow!rds the turnover intension in worBers( 6urnover intensions !re the ch!llen&in& f!ctors for or&!ni-!tions( Also too 3!ny pressure% conflicts between worB !nd f!3ily% 5ob !utono3y !nd f!irness of rew!rd !re the Bey f!ctors which influence the worB e@h!ustion which further le!d to the turnover intension( n the 3ethodolo&ic!l w!y the worB e@h!ustion is pl!yin& intervenin& role between the turnover intension !nd other f!ctors( 6his worB e@h!ustion f!ctor is !ddress throu&h conseDuently fr!3eworB v!lid!tin& the throu&h rese!rch !re!( Wor6 e;4a02tion n observ!tion of worB e@h!ustion (or 5ob burnout) study is the co3bin!tion of two ener&ies e3otion!l !nd 3ent!l which !re necess!ry for 5ob de3!nds (Moore% >***b)( niti!lly it w!s !ddressed !s Ptediu3(L 6ediu3 referred !s !n e3otion!l condition % 3ent!l% !nd physic!l e@h!ustion influenced by pro-lon& p!rticip!tion in de3!ndin& conditions% the outco3e is th!t tediu3 is the effect of consistin& 3uch unhelpful !nd few helpful ele3ents in rel!ted environ3ent th!t is% so 3uch conflicts% stress% !nd de3!nds in co3bin!tion with rew!rds% successes% !nd !cBnowled&3ents% .owever one 3i&ht c!n consider on ! de3!ndin& pl!ce on th!t point one 3!y feel !ppreci!ted !nd v!lued% ne!rly 3!ny people feel tediu3 or e@h!ustion when their life e@perience stress r!ther th!n he!lthy support( (Moore% >***!)( Moore discovered in >***b th!t people influenced by worB e@h!ustion will not reflect the whole 5ob !ttitude !nd refle@es est!blish to rel!te with e@h!ustion f!ctor( Moreover% people !re 3ore liBely to e@perience ! co3bin!tion of these% dependent on the perceptions which !re rel!ted with the c!use of e@h!ustion( Job burnout h!s been e@pl!ined !s repe!ted or const!nt e3otion!l pressure rel!ted with ! well-built inte&r!tion with people for ! lon& ti3e period (Moore% >***!)("toner A 7i3(>**=)st!te th!t burnout h!s three 3!5or ele3ents4 e3otion!l e@h!ustion %de-person!li-!tion e@h!ustion ele3ent !nd decre!sed person!l !cco3plish3ent ("o3e !ttitudin!l re!ctions !re the direct outco3es of worB e@h!ustion% where!s other !ttitudin!l re!ctions rel!y on individu!lXs infor3!l contribution for the worB e@h!ustion (Moore% >***b)(Chen !n e3ployee is not in e@h!ustion in worB environ3ent% &re!ter involve3ent in 5ob 3!y incre!se the outco3es of positive f!ctors of the worBin& environ3ent( .owever% for e3ployees who !re in worB e@h!ustion conditions% &re!ter involve3ent in 5ob c!n results the ne&!tive f!ctors of the worBin& environ3ent !nd incre!se their ne&!tive effects on the Du!lity level of worB life (Moore% >***!)( Wor6 fami1y 3onf1i3t $!3ily !nd worB !re two fund!3ent!l do3!ins in 3ost !dults: lives('OOR% >**+)(CorB !nd f!3ily interference is ! Bind of inter role conflicts th!t t!Be pl!ce !s !n outco3e of unsuited role stress fro3 the worB- f!3ily issues% worB c!n cre!te interference with the f!3ily 3!tters or f!3ily c!n !lso interfere with the worBin& 3!tters(2ildiri3 A Ayc!n% >**=)( n consider!tion of 3odern or&!ni-!tion conflict of worB or f!3ily is closely rel!tes to e@h!ustion% lesser or&!ni-!tion!l


A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed (Refereed/Juried) Open Access ntern!tion!l e-Journ!l - ncluded in the ntern!tion!l "eri!l Directories




ISSN 2231-5756

co33it3ent level% 5ob diss!tisf!ction% worB-f!3ily conflicts occurs when the ti3e% ener&y level !nd beh!vior!l f!ctors of ! role in one scen!rio (choosin& worB or f!3ily) cre!te difficulties to overco3e the de3!ndin& situ!tion of the other scen!rio (choosin& between f!3ily or worB)(Br!&&er% "rednicBi% 7utcher% ndovino% A Rosner% >**1)(.owever !s 2ildiri3 A Ayc!n (>**=) st!te% CorB-$!3ily ,onflicts !re closely !tt!ched to ne&!tive or&!ni-!tion!l !nd psycholo&ic!l results % for e@!3ple hi&h level of depression si&ns% !nd incre!sed us!&e of !lcohols% diss!tisf!ction with life% s!tisf!ction level with 5ob !nd level of 3!rit!l s!tisf!ction% !nd incre!sed turnover intensions( $!3ily-worB conflicts occur if worB !nd ho3e 3!tters !re un!ble to est!blish side by side !nd it bec!3e difficult to 3!n!&e both !t one ti3e( 'ot only f!3ily !nd ho3e de3!nds h!ve been found !s ! prec!ution of d!ily stress conseDuences of f!3ily to worB conflicts it !lso been found unhe!lthy for e3ployee:s physic!l !nd 3ent!l conditions(D!!len% Cille3sen% "!nders% A ;eldhoven% >**<)(6he view of worB-f!3ily conflicts !rise fro3 e@!3inin& the level where de3!nds resources effects the perfor3!nce of worB !nd f!3ily do3!ins( De3!nds !re psycholo&ic!l or structur!l sources connected with role needs% nor3s !nd e@pect!tions where individu!ls 3ust re!ct or 3!Be !d!pt!tion by physic!l or 3ent!l effort (;oyd!noff% >**+)(More recent conducted study h!s !ccepted its n!ture with 3ore th!n one di3ension% where the de3!nds of f!3ily !nd worB !re in directly !nd in eDu!l co3petition( "pecific!lly% worB-f!3ily conflicts st!tes th!t worB de3!nds 3!y cre!te interference with individu!lXs !bility to brin& out f!3ily t!sBs( $!3ily-worB conflicts st!tes when f!3ily 3!tters interfere with individu!lXs t!sBs of worB Br!&&er% et !l((>**1)( )o< "0tonomy Job !utono3y cle!rly st!ted !s the de&ree of control of !n individu!l h!s over his or her own prep!r!tion% t!sB !nd !rr!n&e3ents ("toner A 7i3% >**=)( Job !utono3y is refers to the i3port!nt decisions in their worB over de&ree of discretion e3ployees% such !s the ti3in& !nd 3ethods of their t!sBs (P!rBer% A@tell% A 6urner% >**))( Authors conceived th!t freedo3 in decisions 3!Bin& on the 5ob or t!sBs w!s linBed with rel!tively fewer sy3pto3s of e@h!ustion% !nd depression% even when 5ob lo!d were he!vy (7ir3eyer A "hiro3% )<=I)( Autono3y c!n !lso pl!y ! contributin& role tow!rds self-estee3 throu&h the !ppr!is!ls of coworBers% bec!use in office culture it c!n be ! sy3bol of st!tus for !n e3ployee ("chw!lbe% )<=1)(P!rBer% A@tell% A 6urner (>**)) defined th!t Job !utono3y c!n be reco&ni-ed !s one of the si&nific!nt ele3ents of worB desi&n t!sBs for e3ployee outco3e liBe 3otiv!tion !nd 5ob s!tisf!ction( $reedo3 of 3ove3ent% c!n e@ecute pl!ns !nd cre!te t!sB !cco3plish3ent levels% !nd independence fro3 direct observ!tion !re i3port!nt for providin& people !n intelli&ence of control over their worB( ,le!rly this control of intelli&ence w!s benefici!l psycholo&ic!lly in its own w!y( Moreover scope of !utono3y w!s si&nific!nt psycholo&ic!lly for other 3!tters !s well% in the environ3ent of worBpl!ce they were use !s indic!tors of reli!bility% sy3bol% confidence !nd co3petence( 9!r&e nu3ber of people !ppreci!ted !utono3y bec!use of its 3e!nin&s in these !spects !nd conco3it!ntly !bout the individu!ls who h!d 3e!nt it ("chw!lbe% )<=1)( Fairne22 of Re:ard2 Rew!rds is the conspicuous of ! sli&htly b!l!nce between the intrinsic rew!rds (for e@!3ple !utono3y% v!riety% !nd ch!llen&e) !nd the e@trinsic rew!rds (for e@!3ple frin&e benefits% p!y% pro3otion% !nd physic!l worBin& conditions) th!t h!ve ! powerful effect on the e3ployeesX !ttitude tow!rds their 5ob !nd the co3p!ny ("ondhi et !l% >**=)(6he rew!rd issu!nce structur!l 3ethod in econo3y is constructed by the pl!nner( n Ppost-Refor3L proper pl!nned econo3ies rew!rds !re presented !s bonus% the si-e !nd !3ount of which is rel!ted to such success indic!tions liBe profit r!te !nd v!lue of output (6!3% )<=))( ,!te% 9loyd% .enton% !nd 9!rson ()<=>) st!te th!t e3ployee don:t focus on the sub5ect of distributive f!irness when there levels of rew!rds in ! rel!tionship !re hi&h( $!irness in rew!rds c!n be st!ted !s the !bility to which 3!Bin& decisions in worB environ3ents !re considered !s reflect eDuit!ble !nd f!ir (M!sl!ch A 9eiter% >**=)( (hu5!% ,hudob!% 7!c3!r% Mc7ni&ht% !nd #eor&e(>**I) &!ve su&&estions th!t e3ployees !re willin& to for3 soci!l e@ch!n&e bonds with others ones !s they consider they !re f!irly !nd inversely receivin& perBs of v!lue to the3 !s !n outco3e of the soci!l e@ch!n&e ele3ent( On other h!nd% soci!l e@ch!n&e co33it3ents !ffect the level of or&!ni-!tion!l co33it3ent( !er3ei5ed Wor6 Load M!n!&eri!l level worB in which worB lo!d w!s reported to be the 3!in ele3ent of see3in& stress in worB% stron&ly followed by !3bi&uity role !nd the role of conflict (Moore% >***!)( 6he correl!tion between !n individu!l !nd &roup hu3!n oper!tor !nd t!sB de3!nds% it is the !3ount of worB h!nd over to or e@pected fro3 !n e3ployee in ! specified ti3e("ondhi et !l% >**=)( n >*** Moore describe Perceived worB overlo!d reflected 3ore v!ri!nce in the e@h!ustion level of infor3!tion technolo&y profession!ls th!n the other 3ore co33only cited worBpl!ce individu!ls% !nd it w!s !lso shown in the stron& 3!5ority of proble3s e@pl!ined by the e@h!usted technolo&y e@ecutives% it is su&&ested th!t e3ployee in or&!ni-!tions !re const!ntly !sBed to t!Be on un!chiev!ble worBlo!ds !nd de!dlines% n f!ct% worB overlo!d condition !nd less ti3e to co3plete the worB h!ve been reported !s 3ost co33on de3!nds in the worBin& environ3ents of e3ployees( T0rno5er Intention 6urnover described !s oneXs propensity to dep!rt the 5ob th!t the individu!l is currently pursuin&("ondhi et !l% >**=)(.!rris% J!3es !nd Boonth!no3 (>**1) st!te th!t str!in is ! psycholo&ic!l response cre!ted by ! "tressor th!t 3!y cont!in frustr!tion% nervousness% depressed feelin&s% !nd other sy3pto3s of physic!l disturb!nce !s well( #ener!lly !uthors of stress !ddress "tressors in sense the str!ins !nd predictors !s the result of these "tressors( .owever in so3e scen!rios or&!ni-!tion!l politics !re see3s !s thre!tenin&( Chen the individu!ls e@perience str!in !nd the resultin& e3otion!l feelin&s of willin& to stop or &o !w!y fro3 or&!ni-!tion th!t is turnover intentions((Reh3!n% >*)>) "t!te th!t turnover purely refer to the le!vin& pheno3enon of worBers of !n or&!ni-!tion% 6his is ! h!r3ful situ!tion% 3i&ht le!d tow!rds the dis!ppoint3ent of worBer sust!in!bility in the or&!ni-!tions% sBippin& ! 5ob !ppe!rs to show si&nific!nt worB pl!ce troubles% in spite of opportunities to &o for better 5obs% e3ployee:s turnover disrupt ste!3s% incre!ses costs% lower productivity% !nd le!ds in lost Bnowled&e( "o% it is necess!ry for the policy 3!Bers to re!li-e the si&nific!nce of e3ployee:s 5ob s!tisf!ction level( P,74,?E,F W17; 1E,7@18F 8=F W17; ER98>03?1= 6he de&ree of worB e@h!ustion ch!n&es with perceived worB overlo!d in ! s!3e p!ttern !s incre!se in perceived worBlo!d results rel!tive incre!se in worB e@h!ustion( n f!ct perceived worB over-lo!d is the perception th!t one h!s too 3uch !bility to do (Ahu5! et !l% >**I)( Moore (>***!) observed th!t worB overlo!d is the stron&est contributin& f!ctor tow!rds e@h!ustion( 6herefore perceived worBlo!d h!s positive influence on worB e@h!ustion( HI' Perceived worB over-lo!d will influence the worB e@h!ustion (C?) positively( W17; F8<?@6 C1=2@?430 8=F W17; ER98>03?1= More worB f!3ily conflicts !3on& the worBers results in hi&h level of worB e@h!ustion( 6he worB f!3ily conflicts 3i&ht be ! f!ctor of stress condition in worBin& environ3ent (Ahu5! et !l% >**I)..i&h level of CorB f!3ily conflicts c!n !ffect the beh!vior of worBer b!dly which 3!y results tow!rds worB e@h!ustion( .ence worB e@h!ustion !nd worB f!3ily conflicts !re positively rel!ted( H2' CorB f!3ily conflict will effect worB e@h!ustion positively( J1A A>31=1<6 & W17; ER98>03?1= Autono3y on 5ob h!s ne&!tive effect on worB e@h!ustion( As 5ob !utono3y incre!se in the worB e@h!ustion f!ctor decre!ses !nd vice vers!( Job !utono3y &ive ! power to worBer to control its t!sBs by own( Job !utono3y !ssoci!ted with worB e@h!ustion !s well !s !utono3y on 5ob !lso h!s been found to be rel!ted with turnover intentions !3on& e3ployees ("toner A 7i3% >**=)( H ' Job !utono3y will ne&!tively influence worB e@h!ustion( F8?7=,00 12 R,:87F0 8=F W17; ER98>03?1= (Ahu5!% ,hudob!% 7!c3!r% Mc7ni&ht !nd #eor&e(>**I) su&&est e3ployees !re willin& to construct soci!l e@ch!n&e rel!tions with one !nother !s they perceive th!t they !re receivin& benefits f!irly !nd reciproc!lly !s ! result of the soci!l e@ch!n&e( n this 3!nner% soci!l e@ch!n&e rel!tionship !ffects worB e@h!ustion( H4' $!irness of rew!rd !3on& worBers will ne&!tively influence worB e@h!ustion( W17; ER98>03?1= 8=F T>7=1E,7 I=3,=3?1=0 CorB e@h!ustion f!ctor positively influences the turnover intensions in ! positive w!y( More worB e@h!ustion level !ffect hi&h turnover intensions( 6urnover intensions c!n !lso be !ddress !s burnout which 3e!ns the outco3e of st!ble or freDuent pressure on e3otions linBed with tense !tt!ch3ent with people over lon& ti3e (Moore% >***!)("o turnover intensions !re positively rel!ted with worB e@h!ustions( H#' CorB e@h!ustion (C?) will influence turn over intentions !3on& worBers positively(


A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed (Refereed/Juried) Open Access ntern!tion!l e-Journ!l - ncluded in the ntern!tion!l "eri!l Directories




ISSN 2231-5756

6he purpose of understudy rese!rch is to use the fr!3eworB of rese!rch on worB e@h!ustion f!ction !nd turnover intension by !n!ly-in& ele3ents which inhibits worB-life inte&r!tions( n concernin& rese!rch 3odel si@ v!ri!bles !re present( One is dependent which turnover intension is( CorB e@h!ustion is the intervenin& v!ri!ble between dependent !nd independent v!ri!bles( $our independent v!ri!bles !re present in rese!rch 3odels !reE perceived worBlo!d% worB-f!3ily conflicts% !utono3y !t 5ob !nd f!irness of rew!rd( n rese!rch 3odel perceived worBlo!d !nd worB-f!3ily conflicts h!ve positive influence on worB e@h!ustion f!ctor while the 5ob !utono3y !nd f!irness of rew!rd h!ve ne&!tive influence on worB e@h!ustion( More over worB e@h!ustion h!s positively influence on turnover intension( FIGURE 1

Perceived worBlo!d

CorB $!3ily ,onflict CorB ?@h!ustion Job Autono3y 6urnover ntensions

$!irness of Rew!rds
6his study is conducted in the 6 sector% v!rious Binds of institutions were involved for the purpose of d!t! collection( All the responders were conveniently involved by whole / he!rted( All our t!r&eted popul!tion w!s free !nd fr!nB to us in the process to the collection of d!t!( 6he 6 institutions were b!sic t!r&et !nd we found ! lot of e@periences !nd dyn!3ic results fro3 this sector( Ce used the P!per / !nd / Pencil 6echniDue to collect the d!t! for the study !nd their !n!lysis( Ce distributed 0** Duestionn!ires in v!rious 6 institutions in our t!r&et !udience% but the >0K Duestionn!ires were returned b!cB !nd )< Duestionn!ires were uns!tisf!ctory for the !n!lysis due to response bi!sness( Ce &ot the effective response r!te !s K>(IKU( 6his study is b!sed on the >)= Duestionn!ires( Ce h!ve used I different de3o&r!phics !nd 0K Duestions !s 3e!surin& sc!le to underst!nd the beh!vior of our respondents( 6he brief su33!ries of de3o&r!phic v!ri!bles !re !s under4 n our study there !re )>< were 3!les (1<()KU) !nd =< were fe3!les (+*(=0U)( ?sti3!ted !&e of respondents: r!n&es fro3 >*->1 ye!rs were KI (0+(=IU)% >I / 0* ye!rs were I> (>=(++U)% 0) -01 ye!rs were +< (>>(+=U) !nd 0I / +* ye!rs were 0) ()+(>>U)( n 3!rit!l st!tus v!ri!ble there !re )0< respondents were 3!rried (I0(KIU) !nd re3!inin& K< were sin&le (0I(>+U)( Other de3o&r!phic v!ri!bles or&!ni-!tion n!3e% inco3e% e@periences were !sBed fro3 respondents(


TURNO&ER INTENSIONS 6he dependent v!ri!ble 6urnover described !s oneXs propensity to dep!rt the 5ob th!t the individu!l is currently pursuin& ("ondhi et !l% >**=)($ive ite3s is to 3e!sure this v!ri!ble% ! s!3ple ite3 bein& P will prob!bly looB for ! 5ob in ! different or&!ni-!tion in co3in& ye!r(J 6he 3e!sure of ,ronb!ch:s !lph! for five ite3s for this s!3ple w!s *(<1>( .owever the ,ornb!ch:s !lph! v!lue of this rese!rch is *(==I( All five ite3s !re present !nd !ll ite3s !re selected while no ite3 is dropped( WORK E*"USTION t is the intervenin& v!ri!ble( n observ!tion of worB-e@h!ustion study is the co3bin!tion of e3otion!l ener&y level !nd 3ent!l ener&y level reDuired to fulfill 5ob de3!nds (Moore% >***b)( t is &ener!lly re&!rded !s the core co3ponent of 5ob burnout( "even ite3s is to 3e!sure this v!ri!ble liBe P feel burned out fro3 3y worB(J 6he v!lue of ,ronb!ch !lph! for seven ite3s w!s *(K<)( But the ,ornb!ch:s !lph! v!lue for this rese!rch is *(=)*( All seven ite3s !re present !nd !ll ite3s !re selected while no ite3 is dropped( WORK F"MIL' CONFLICT CorB-f!3ily conflict is the independent v!ri!ble( (C$,) h!ppen when involve3ent in the worB !nd the f!3ily role is unsuited in so3e !spect( As ! result% contribution in one either role is 3!de 3ore co3ple@ by virtue of involve3ent the other role ("ondhi et !l% >**=)( ?i&ht ite3s !re to 3e!sure this v!ri!ble such !s P6he de3!nds of 3y worB interfere with 3y ho3e !nd 3y f!3ily life(J ,ronb!ch:s !lph! v!lue of this v!ri!ble w!s *(KK<( .owever the ,ronb!ch:s !lph! v!lue for this rese!rch is *(=+<(?i&ht ite3s !re presented while !ll ite3s !re selected !nd no ite3s is dropped( )OB "UTONOM' Job !utono3y is independent v!ri!ble( Job !utono3y c!n be st!ted !s the 5ob &ives freedo3 of subst!nti!l% independent !nd 5ud&3ent in Bept or&!ni-in& the worB !nd choosin& the syste3!tic procedures to be used further ("ondhi et !l% >**=)( $our ite3s !re !sBed liBe P h!ve the !uthority it initi!te pro5ects !t 3y 5ob(J,ronb!ch !lph! v!lue of this v!ri!ble w!s *(I<*( .owever the ,ronb!ch:s !lph! v!lue for this rese!rch is *(00+( $our ite3s !re presented while !ll ite3s !re selected !nd no ite3 is dropped( !ERCEI&ED WORKLO"D Perceived CorB 9o!d is the independent v!ri!ble( t is the !ssoci!tion between ! &roup !nd individu!l hu3!n oper!tor !nd t!sB de3!nds% n !ddition% it is the !3ount of worB !ssi&ned or e@pected fro3 !n e3ployee in ! specified ti3e( ("ondhi et !l% >**=)( "even ite3s !re !sBed liBe P usu!lly brin& worB ho3e with 3eJ( 6he v!lue of ,ronb!ch:s !lph! for seven ite3s w!s *(K+*( But the ,ronb!ch:s !lph! v!lue for rese!rch is *(K=<( All seven ite3s !re present !nd !ll ite3s !re selected while no ite3 is dropped(


A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed (Refereed/Juried) Open Access ntern!tion!l e-Journ!l - ncluded in the ntern!tion!l "eri!l Directories




ISSN 2231-5756

F"IRNESS OF REW"RDS $!irness of Rew!rds is independent v!ri!ble( Rew!rds is the conspicuous of ! sli&htly b!l!nce between the intrinsic rew!rds (for e@!3ple !utono3y% v!riety% !nd ch!llen&e) !nd the e@trinsic rew!rds (for e@!3ple frin&e benefits% p!y% pro3otion% !nd physic!l worBin& conditions) th!t h!ve ! powerful effect on the e3ployeesX !ttitude tow!rds their 5ob !nd the co3p!ny ("ondhi et !l% >**=)( "i@ ite3s is to 3e!sure this v!ri!ble% ! s!3ple ite3 bein& PMy or&!ni-!tion h!s processes th!t !ssure th!t !ll te!3 3e3bers will be tre!ted f!ir !nd eDu!l(J 6he 3e!sure of ,ronb!ch:s !lph! for si@ ite3s for this s!3ple w!s *(=K*( .owever the ,ronb!ch:s !lph! v!lue of rese!rch is *(K>0( All si@ ite3s !re present !nd !ll ite3s !re selected while no ite3 is dropped(


RELIABILITY ANALYSIS Ce ,o3puted ,ronb!ch:s Alph!:s to !n!ly-e the reli!bility of the sc!les( 6he Alph! coefficient v!lues fulfilled the su&&ested cutoff level of *(K* ('unn!lly% )<K=)( 6he Alph! coefficient of Job Autono3y is *(K0+% CorB-f!3ily conflict is *(=+<% worB e@h!ustion is *(=)*% perceived worB overlo!d is *(K=<% f!irness of rew!rds is *(K>0 !nd of turnover intention is *(==I( TABLE 1 S7/ Y V87?8A@, T138@ =1/ 12 ?3,<0 A@598 1 Job !utono3y *+ (K0+ 2 CorB-f!3ily conflict *= (=+< CorB e@h!ustion *K (=)* 4 Perceived worB overlo!d *K (K=< # $!irness of rew!rd *I (K>0 % 6urnover intention *1 (==I CORRELATION ANALYSIS TABLE 2' CORRELATION RESULTS E03?<83, H1 Perceived CorB Overlo!d g-- -- --h CorB ?@h!ustion (/#(#QQ H2 CorB f!3ily ,onflict g-- -- --h CorB ?@h!ustion (/42!QQ H Job Autono3y g-- -- --h CorB ?@h!ustion "(/ #&QQ H4 $!irness of Rew!rds g-- -- --h CorB ?@h!ustion "(/%14QQ H# CorB ?@h!ustion g-- -- --h 6urnover ntention (/422QQ QQ C177,@83?1= ?0 0?C=?2?48=3 83 39, (/(1 @,E,@ -2"38?@,F./ ,orrel!tion An!lysis shows the rel!tionship of independent v!ri!ble with dependent v!ri!ble( 6here is si&nific!nt positive rel!tionship between perceived worB overlo!d !nd worB e@h!ustion h!vin& v!lue (r V *(1*1% pg *(*)) !nd confir3s our hypothesis )( Results shows the si&nific!nt positive rel!tionship between worB f!3ily conflict !nd worB e@h!ustion (r V *(+><% pg *(*)R !nd supports our hypothesis >( CorB e@h!ustion h!s si&nific!nt ne&!tive rel!tionship with 5ob !utono3y (r V -*(01K% pg *(*)) !nd supports our hypothesis 0( $!irness of rew!rds h!s si&nific!nt ne&!tive rel!tionship with worB e@h!ustion (r V -*(I)+% pg *(*)) !nd supports our hypothesis +( CorB e@h!ustion h!s si&nific!nt positive rel!tionship with turnover intention (r V *(+>>% pg *(*)) !nd supports our hypothesis 1( REGRESSION ANALYSIS TABLE 4' REGRESSION RESULTS W17; ER98>03?1= Z R2 (1*1 (0++ (+>< ((>1K (01K (0>1 (I)+ (0=* -------T>7=1E,7 I=3,=3?1= Z R2 ------------------------(+>> (00> E03?<83, (***WW (***WW (***WW (***WW (***WW

P,74,?E,F W17; OE,7@18F W17; 28<?@6 C1=2@?43 J1A A>31=1<6 F8?7=,00 12 R,:87F0 W17; ER98>03?1=

DISCUSSION P,74,?E,F W17; 1E,7@18F Our hypothesis predicts th!t Perceived worB overlo!d will positively predict CorB ?@h!ustion( Re&ression result prove our hypothesis !nd shows the positive i3p!ct of Perceived CorB overlo!d on CorB ?@h!ustion (cV *(1*1% p g (*))( Results e@pl!in th!t CorB ?@h!ustion c!n be deter3ined by perceived worB overlo!d( W17; F8<?@6 C1=2@?43 Our hypothesis predicts th!t worB f!3ily conflict will positively predict worB e@h!ustion( Re&ression result prove our hypothesis !nd shows the positive i3p!ct of worB f!3ily conflict on CorB ?@h!ustion (cV *(+><% p g(*))( Results e@pl!in th!t CorB ?@h!ustion c!n be deter3ined by worB f!3ily conflict( J1A A>31=1<6 6he hypothesis predicts th!t CorB ?@h!ustion will be ne&!tively rel!ted to the 5ob !utono3y( 6o test this hypothesis% we re&ressed 5ob !utono3y on CorB ?@h!ustion( Ce found th!t 5ob !utono3y h!s si&nific!nt ne&!tive i3p!ct on worB e@h!ustion (cV-*(01K% pg(*))( F8?7=,00 12 R,:87F0 .ypothesis predicts th!t f!irness of rew!rds will ne&!tively influence worB e@h!ustion( 6o prove the hypothesis we re&ressed f!irness of rew!rds on worB e@h!ustion !nd found th!t f!irness of rew!rds ne&!tively influence worB e@h!ustion (cV-*(I)+% p g (*))( W17; ER98>03?1= Our .ypothesis predicts th!t turnover intention will be positively influenced by CorB ?@h!ustion !nd Rel!tionship Ou!lity( And results confir3 our hypothesis (cV*(+>>% p g (*))(


6urnover intensions !3on& e3ployees in worBin& environ3ent is ! si&nific!nt issue% !ccordin& to this rese!rch study ele3ents such !s worB e@h!ustion% perceived worB-overlo!d !nd worB f!3ily conflicts !re 3!5or c!uses !nd effect of e3ployees turnover intentions( n !ccord!nce of this rese!rch or&!ni-!tions 3ust for3 !nd i3ple3ent str!te&ies throu&h which turnover intentions level c!n controlled( $uture rese!rch c!n be conducted in other sectors liBe b!nBin& sector% educ!tion!l sector etc( Moreover% ! co3p!r!tive study c!n !lso be conducted between two or 3ore countries or between 3!les !nd fe3!les(


A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed (Refereed/Juried) Open Access ntern!tion!l e-Journ!l - ncluded in the ntern!tion!l "eri!l Directories




ISSN 2231-5756

6his rese!rch study h!s v!rious li3it!tions( "uch !s this rese!rch is conducted on the worBin& environ3ent of 6 sector with one country( 'o other sectors or other countries !re p!rt of this rese!rch( $urther in presence of si@ v!ri!bles it is Duite difficult for sub5ect to response Duestionn!ire in efficient 3!nner( #ender difference c!n !lso !dd si&nific!nt ch!n&e in results specific!lly in worB-f!3ily life b!l!nce f!ctor( As worB e@h!ustion% perceived worBlo!d% worB f!3ily conflicts !re 3!5or c!use of turnover intensions so individu!lly ! co3prehensive rese!rch on these ele3ents c!n be conducted(

)( >( 0( +( 1( I( K( =( <( )*( ))( )>( )0( )+( )1( )I( )K( )=( )<( >*( >)( >>( >0( Ahu5!% M( 7(% ,hudob!% 7( M(% 7!c3!r% ,( J(% Mc7ni&ht% D( .(% A #eor&e% J( $( (>**I)( 6 ROAD CARR OR"4 BA9A', '# COR7-$AM 92 ,O'$9 ,6% JOB A86O'OM2% A'D COR7 O;?R9OAD 6O M 6 #A6? 68R'O;?R '6?'6 O'"( M " Ou!rterly% 0* (0)% )-)=( Br!&&er% J( D(% "rednicBi% O( R(% 7utcher% ?( J(% ndovino% 9(% A Rosner% ?( (>**1)( COR7-$AM 92 ,O'$9 ,6% COR7-$AM 92 ,8968R?% A'D OR#A' MA6 O'A9 , 6 M?'". P B?.A; OR AMO'# 6?A,.?R"( Journ!l of Business !nd Psycholo&y% >* (>)% 0*0-0>+( ,!te% R( M(% 9loyd% "( A(% .enton% J( M(% A 9!rson% J( .( ()<=>)( $!irness !nd Rew!rd 9evel !s Predictors of Rel!tionship "!tisf!ction( "oci!l Psycholo&y Ou!rterly% +1 (0)% )KK-)=)( D!!len% #( ;(% Cille3sen% 6( M(% "!nders% 7(% A ;eldhoven% M( J( (>**<)( ?3otion!l e@h!ustion !nd 3ent!l he!lth proble3s !3on& e3ployees doin& Ppeople worBJ4 the i3p!ct of 5ob de3!nds% 5ob resources !nd f!3ily-to-worB conflict( nt Arch Occup ?nviron .e!lth% =>% ><)/0*0( .!rris% 7( J(% J!3es% M(% A Boonth!no3% R( (>**1)( Perceptions of Or&!ni-!tion!l Politics !nd ,ooper!tion !s Moder!tors of the Rel!tionshipBetween Job "tr!ins !nd ntent to 6urnover( Journ!l of M!n!&eri!l ssues% )K ())% >I-+>( Jh!ti!l% A( A(% M!n&i% R( A(% A #hu3ro% ( A( (>*)>)( Antecedents !nd ,onseDuences of ?3ployee 6urnover4 ?3piric!l ?vidence fro3 P!Bist!n( British Journ!l of ?cono3ics% M!n!&e3ent A 6r!de% > (+)% >K<-><1( 7ir3eyer% "( 9(% A "hiro3% A( ()<=I)( P?R,? ;?D JOB A86O'OM2 ' 6.? MA'8$A,68R '# "?,6OR4 ?$$?,6" O$ 8' O'"% #?'D?R% A'D "8B"6A'6 ;? ,OMP9?T 62( Ac!de3y of M!n!&e3ent Journ!l% >< (+)% =0>-=+*( M!sl!ch% ,(% A 9eiter% M( P( (>**=)( ?!rly Predictors of Job Burnout !nd ?n&!&e3ent( Journ!l of Applied Psycholo&y% <0 (0)% +<=/1)>( Moore% ?( J( (>***!)( One Ro!d to 6urnover4 An ?@!3in!tion of CorB ?@h!ustion in 6echnolo&y Profession!ls( M " Ou!rterly% >+ ())% )+)-)I=( Moore% ?( J( (>***b)( C.2 " 6. " .APP?' '#N A ,A8"A9 A66R B86 O' APPROA,. 6O COR7 ?T.A8"6 O' ,O'"?O8?',?"( Ac!de3y of M!n!&e3ent Review% >1 (>)% 001-0+<( Mor&eson% $( P(% Del!ney-7lin&er% 7(% A .e3in&w!y% M( A( (>**1)( 6he 3port!nce of Job Autono3y% ,o&nitive Ability% !nd Job-Rel!ted "Bill for Predictin& Role Bre!dth !nd Job Perfor3!nce( Journ!l of Applied Psycholo&y% <* (>)% 0<</+*I( 'OOR% '( M( (>**+)( CorB-$!3ily ,onflict% CorB- !nd $!3ily-Role "!lience% !nd Co3en:s Cell-Bein&( 6he Journ!l of "oci!l Psycholo&y% )++ (+)% 0=<-+*1( 'oor% "(% A M!!d% '( (>**=)( ?@!3inin& the Rel!tionship between CorB 9ife ,onflict% "tress And 6urnover ntentions !3on& M!rBetin& ?@ecutives in P!Bist!n( Journ!l of Business !nd M!n!&e3ent% 0 ()))% <0-)*>( P!rBer% "( 7(% A@tell% ,( M(% A 6urner% '( (>**))( Desi&nin& ! "!fer CorBpl!ce4 3port!nce of Job Autono3y% ,o33unic!tion Ou!lity% !nd "upportive "upervisors( Journ!l of Occup!tion!l .e!lth Psycholo&y% I (0)% >))->>=( R!n!% 6( M(% "!l!ri!% M( R(% .er!i% #( M(% A A3in% M( A( (>**<)( dentifyin& $!ctors Pl!yin& 3port!nt Role in the ncre!sin& ?3ployeesX 6urnover R!te4 A ,!se of 6eleco3 ndustry in P!Bist!n( ndus 5ourn!l of 3!n!&e3ent !nd soci!l sciences% 0 (>)% =*-=<( Reh3!n% D( M( (>*)>)( ?3ployee 6urnover !nd Retention "tr!te&ies4 An ?3piric!l "tudy of Public "ector Or&!ni-!tions of P!Bist!n( #OBA9 JO8R'A9 O$ MA'A#?M?'6 A'D B8" '?"" R?"?AR,.% )> ())% =0-=<( "chw!lbe% M( 9( ()<=1)( Autono3y in CorB !nd "elf-?stee3( 6he "ociolo&ic!l Ou!rterly% >I (+)% 1)<-101( ".A.% ( A(% $A7.R% M(% A.MAD% M( "(% A MAMA'% 7( (>*)*)( M?A"8R '# P8".% P899 A'D P?R"O'A9 $A,6OR" A$$?,6 '# 68R'O;?R '6?'6 O'4 A ,A"? O$ 8' ;?R" 62 6?A,.?R" ' PA7 "6A'( Reveiw of econo3ic !nd Business studies% 0 ())% )IK-)<>( "ondhi% '(% ,h!wl!% D(% J!in% P(% A 7!shy!p% M( (>**=)( CorB-?@h!ustion - A ,onseDuenti!l $r!3eworB4 ;!lid!tin& the Model in the ndi!n ,onte@t( ndi!n Journ!l of ndustri!l Rel!tions% +0 (+)% 1+K-1K0( "toner% M( P(% A 7i3% .( P( (>**=)( Burnout !nd 6urnover ntention A3on& "oci!l CorBers4 ?ffects of Role "tress% Job Autono3y !nd "oci!l "upport( Ad3inistr!tion in "oci!l CorB% 0> (0)% 1->1( 6!3% M(-2( "( ()<=))( Rew!rd "tructures in ! Pl!nned ?cono3y4 6he Proble3 of ncentives !nd ?fficient Alloc!tionof Resources( 6he Ou!rterly Journ!l of ?cono3ics% <I ())% )))-)>=( ;oyd!noff% P( (>**+)( 6he ?ffects of CorB De3!nds !nd Resources on CorB-to-$!3ily ,onflict !nd $!cilit!tion( Journ!l of M!rri!&e !nd $!3ily% II (>)% 0<=+)>( 2ildiri3% D(% A Ayc!n% M( (>**=)( 'urses: worB de3!nds !nd worB/f!3ily conflict4A Duestionn!ire survey( ntern!tion!l Journ!l of 'ursin& "tudies% +1% )0II)0K=(


A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed (Refereed/Juried) Open Access ntern!tion!l e-Journ!l - ncluded in the ntern!tion!l "eri!l Directories



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