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Maryla n d St a t e Fire Mars h a l

News Release
Martin OMall e y Gov e r n o r Brian S. Gera ci Sta t e Fire Mars h a l


STATE#I E (February 6, 2014) The cold temperatures grasping Maryland ha e resulted in numerous !ires in ol ing heating and electrical e"uipment# $n estigators %ith the &!!ice o! the 'tate Fire Marshal ha e responded to 22 electrical related !ires and 1( heating related !ires in the month o! )anuary# Fire departments !rom around the 'tate are busy responding to se eral o! these accidental !ires# *reliminary reports !or 201+ re eal 20, electrical !ires occurred in Maryland resulting in o er -4#+ million dollars in damage and 1.2 heating appliance related !ires resulted in nearly -+#4 million dollars in damage# The 'tate Fire Marshal /rian '# 0eraci is reminding all Marylanders o! the ris1s associated %ith heating appliances and electrical use# Most fires related to heating appliances and electrical issues are preventable through proper maintenance and fire safe practices. Please review the safety tips provided below to avoid unwanted and uncontrolled fire where you live, work or play , e2claimed the 'tate Fire Marshal#

Electrical Sa$ety
3a e electrical %or1 per!ormed by an electrician# 4imit using heat producing appliances such as5 co!!ee ma1ers, micro%a es, toasters, space heaters, etc#, by using them alternati ely# 6onsider ha ing 0round Fault 6ircuit $nterrupter outlets (0F6$) installed in 1itchens, bathrooms, garages, basements and outdoors# These de ices reduce the ris1 o! shoc1 by automatically turning o!! the po%er supply at the outlet# Ma7or appliances such as5 re!rigerators, air conditioners, %ashers, dryers, etc# should only be plugged directly into a %all outlet# 82tension cords and po%er strips should ne er be used %ith these de ices#
1201 Reisterstown Road, Pikesville, MD 21208

& erloaded circuits are a signi!icant cause !or !ires# 4imit de ices plugged into an electrical circuit# 3a e an electrician install additional outlets and circuits to !ul!ill your electrical needs# 9hen in doubt, ha e a "uali!ied electrician thoroughly inspect the household electrical system#

#oodstove and Fire%lace Sa$ety

8nsure chimneys are cleaned annually or more !re"uently i! used as the primary heating e"uipment# :se properly si;ed !ireplace screens or enclosures# <e er use a !lammable li"uid to start a !ire# 9hen disposing o! cooled ashes, do not use paper or plastic containers to remo e them, instead use a metal container# =shes %ill insulate hot embers long a!ter the !ire is considered out# Ma1e sure !uel burning sto es are installed according to local !ire codes and manu!acturer>s instructions#

F&rnace Syste' Sa$ety

3a e your !urnace inspected and ser iced annually# 6hec1 and replace !ilters according to manu!acturer>s directions# = dirty !ilter restricts air !lo% causing the system to %or1 harder#

(orta)le S%ace Heaters Sa$ety

6hec1 portable electric heaters !or !rayed?damaged %ires and ensure they are clean and placed on a !lat le el sur!ace# :se only @listedA appliances by an appro ed testing laboratory and !ollo% manu!acturer>s instructions# Bo not use e2tension cords %ith portable space heaters# The e2tension cord can o erheat and cause a !ire# $! you use 1erosene !uel !ired heaters, use only @CD1A 1erosene !uel# <e er !ill the unit inside, remo e it to the e2terior a!ter it has cooled be!ore re!ueling# Note* *ortable 1erosene heaters are )anned !or use in Balti'ore "ity# &pen a %indo% enough to pro ide proper entilation# Ceep combustibles (!urniture, curtains, clothing, paper goods, etc#), at least (+) three !eet !rom all heat sources# Fuel burning appliances can produce the deadly, tasteless and odorless gas 1no%n as carbon mono2ide# $nstall and maintain carbon mono2ide alarms inside your home to pro ide an early %arning o! carbon mono2ide le els# =l%ays turn o!! portable heating e"uipment %hen lea ing the room !or e2tended periods# *ortable heaters should ne er be operated unattended#

=long %ith these sa!ety tips, chec1 to ma1e sure your smo1e alarms and 6& detectors are in good %or1ing order# Routine maintenance and safe operation of heating equipment and electrical appliances, combined with properly installed and operating smoke alarms and carbon mono ide detectors, are proper life!saving measures for all Marylanders, stated 0eraci#


1201 Reisterstown Road, Pikesville, MD 21208

The &!!ice o! the 'tate Fire Marshal is an agency o! the Bepartment o! 'tate *olice dedicated to helping protect citi;ens !rom !ire and e2plosion through a comprehensi e program o! education, inspection, in estigation and !ire protection engineering# For more in!ormation on !ire sa!ety call 1D.00DE2ED+124, log onto our %ebsite at5 %%%#mdsp#org?!iremarshal and?or http5??!aceboo1#com?Maryland'tateFireMarshal# Media contact5 /ruce B# /ouch, Beputy 'tate Fire MarshalF 44+D+24D6.,6

1201 Reisterstown Road, Pikesville, MD 21208

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