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APGOVPOL Unit 1 Test Review Chapters 1-3

1) All of the following are policymaking institutions of the American national government EXCEPT

2) Government is defined as the

3) A public good is defined as

4) All governments

5) An interest group so single minded that its members often vote on only one issue, ignoring a politician's stand on everything else, is known as

6) __________ is a set of institutions that link together government, politics, and public policy.

7) Which of the following statements best describes voter turnout in the United States?

8) Public policy is defined as a

9) An example of public policymaking would be

10) Which of the following statements about a government's policy agenda is FALSE?

11) A political party is a key __________ in America's democratic system.

12) One type of linkage institution is

13) Representation refers to

14) Which of the following is NOT one of the cornerstones of an ideal democracy?

15) A key question that confronts government regarding different public policy choices is

APGOVPOL Unit 1 Test Review Chapters 1-3 16) Governments in the modern world, whether democratic or not, are similar in doing all of the following EXCEPT

17) The theory that sees wealth as the basis of power is the

18) The nature of groups and the government in hyperpluralist theory is

19) People who worry about PACs are most especially concerned about

20) Elite and class theory holds that

21) The ability of groups to prevent the government from taking actions adverse to their interests leads to what the text calls

22) One of the most prized values in American society and politics is

23) John Locke believed in each of the following EXCEPT

24) John Locke's ideas on natural rights were related to human law in that

25) John Locke believed that the "end of government" (what it was ultimately trying to accomplish) was

26) Which of the following was NOT a problem with the national government under the Articles of Confederation?

27) Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress had the power (but not necessarily the ability) to

28) According to James Madison, and many of the delegates at the Constitutional Convention, the primary source of political conflict was

29) Delegates to the Constitutional Convention generally agreed on each of the following EXCEPT 30) The Virginia and New Jersey Plans introduced at the Constitutional Convention differed mainly over whether

APGOVPOL Unit 1 Test Review Chapters 1-3

31) Regarding the right to vote in national elections, the framers of the Constitution

32) Lockean thought and the Declaration of Independence are similar in that both

33) Broadly speaking, compared with the government under the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution gave the central government

34) The one element of government that Madison's plan placed within direct control of the voters was the

35) Each of the following violations of individual rights is forbidden in the original Constitution EXCEPT

36) The __________, offered as one possible scheme at the Constitutional Convention, called for each state to be equally represented in Congress.

37) Ratification of the Constitution needed

38) The Madisonian requirement that each branch of government acquire the consent of the others for many of its actions created a system of

39) Which of the following statements about judicial review is FALSE?

40) In United States v. Lopez, the Supreme Court ruled that

41) Most of the governments in the world today are __________, in which all power resides in the central national government.

42) Which of the following is an example of a confederation?

43) One of the reasons federalism is so important is that it 44) When the framers wrote the Constitution, they had no practical choice but to adopt a federal system for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

APGOVPOL Unit 1 Test Review Chapters 1-3

45) The supremacy clause of the Constitution states that all of the following are the supreme law of the land, EXCEPT

46) The primary thrust of the original intent and wording of the Tenth Amendment is that

47) In the Constitution, the powers to coin money, to enter into treaties, and to regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the states were given to

48) Which of these was NOT a principle established in the case of McCulloch v. Maryland?

49) Federal policies to regulate food and drugs, build interstate highways, protect consumers, try to clean up dirty air and water, and do many other things are all justified as __________ powers of Congress.

50) The Constitution requires that states give __________ to the public acts, records, and civil judicial proceedings of every other state.

51) In determining the power of Congress to regulate commerce in the case of Gibbons v. Ogden (1824), the Supreme Court

52) Enumerated powers are those that are

53) The Supreme Court case of Printz v. United States

54) In __________ federalism, the powers and policy assignments of the different levels of government are distinct, like a layer cake.

55) In __________ federalism, the powers and policy assignments of different levels of government are like a marble cake, with mingled responsibilities and blurred distinctions between layers of government.

56) Since the ratification of the Constitution, American federalism has gradually changed from 57) The main instrument the national government uses to influence state governments is

APGOVPOL Unit 1 Test Review Chapters 1-3 58) Fiscal federalism is

59) Which of the following is NOT true about categorical grants?

60) The fact that the new Republican majority in Congress prefers block grants to categorical grants indicates that

61) Grants for specific programs distributed according to community demographic factors, such as population or income, are

62) Medicaid is an example of

63) Federalism is advantageous for democracy for each of the following reasons EXCEPT

64) Each of the following is considered a disadvantage of federalism for democracy EXCEPT

65) Over the last 125 years, the people of the United States have turned increasingly to the national government to solve problems or provide assistance because


The first tier (entry point) to the judicial system is the ______________ (class notes)


Proposition 8 was a(n)(class notes)

68) 69)

The same-sex couple was the ___________________ in the court case concerning Proposition 8(class notes) Who was being sued in the Proposition 8 case? (class notes)


What is the best description of the United States government? (class notes)

71) Which of the following is FALSE concerning John Lockes philosophical beliefs regarding government? (class notes)

APGOVPOL Unit 1 Test Review Chapters 1-3


What is the central tenet of a democratic system of government? (class notes)


The right of free speech does not protect peoples (class notes)


In regards to the case of Texas v. Johnson, all of the following is true EXCEPT? (class notes)


In Texas v. Johnson, the policy that one could not desecrate a venerated object was (class notes)


The Equal Protection clause and the Due Process clause can both be found (class notes)


Giving the national executive some legislative powers is an example of (class notes)


Most of the powers granted the federal government in the US Constitution are located (class notes)

81) 82)

The amendments to the Constitution demonstrate the following truism in our US government (class notes) Which of the following controversies associated with the writing of the US Constitution is FALSE (class notes)


Which of the following are FALSE regarding the Supreme Court case Printz v United States (class notes)


According to John Locke(class notes)

85) Which of the following is true concerning the U.S. Constitution? (class notes)

APGOVPOL Unit 1 Test Review Chapters 1-3

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