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The following books are reco m m e n d e d as desira bl e rea ding befor e and during the cours e. It is sugg e s t e d that all train e e s should read the first six books on this list b ef o r e the cours e begins. 1. MEARNS !. and T"#RNE $. %erson& 'entr e d 'ouns elling in Action (ondon) Sag e Se*t e m b e r +rd

edition ,--. The first book on *ers o n& centr e d couns elling writte n b/ $ritish aut h or s for world& wide distribution and inde e d the first fund a m e n t a l text b o o k on *ers o n& centr e d couns elling since Rogers 'lient& 'ent e r e d Thera * / in 1011. This is a *rofoun dl/ *ractical book *acke d with illustr a tion s from couns elling *ractic e. It has bee n widel/ acclaim e d and re& *rinte d ma n / time s since its original *ublication in 1022. This secon d edition cont ains new ma t e ri al and u*d a t e d refer e n c e s . ,. %3RT#N '. #rient e d A**roac h +. R#9ERS '. R. %erson 'entr e d Thera * / ) the 4ocusing

%algra5 e 6,--78 #n $eco min g a %erson $oston) "ought o n Mifflin 10:1

%erha * s the mos t famo u s and influential of all Rogers ; books. It is a much mor e *ers o n al book tha n 'lient 'ent e r e d Thera * / and tackles som e of the fund a m e n t a l issu e s und e rl/ing the conce * t of growt h and self actu ali<a tio n. It is also a mo5ing accou n t of *s/ch o t h e r a * / throu g h the ex* erie n cin g of the ther a *is t. 7. 9EN!(IN E. T. 610218. 4ocusing New =ork ) $ant a m $ooks

Eugen e 9endlin was a close ass ocia t e of 'arl Rogers. This 5er/ rea d a bl e book which has sold ne arl/ half a million co*ies is in effect abou t the a**lication of the core conditions to ones elf & a *rofoun dl/ ther a * e u tic *roce s s which is centr al to *ers o n& centr e d ther a * /. A new $ritish edition of the book is to be *ublish e d b/ Rando m "ous e %res s in August ,--+. 1. T"#RNE $. 'arl Rogers (ondon) Sag e 100,

This acce s sible book offers uni>u e insights into Rogers ; own life and de5 elo * m e n t tog e t h e r with a clear ex*o sition of his ma?or theor e tic al idea s. A furth e r featur e is a det ailed ex*lora tion of Rogers ; actu al wa/ of working with clients as it has be e n record e d on audio& ta* e and film. The book also *res e n t s the contro5 e r si al 5iew that Rogers ; *rofoun d influenc e s on the de5 elo* m e n t of couns elling and *s/cho t h e r a * / throu g h o u t the world ma / owe much to the fact that he is a twen ti e t h cent ur / ;secular; re*r e s e n t a t i5 e of a s*iritu al tradition that goes back cent urie s . :. MEARNS !. %erson& 'entr e d 'ouns elling Training (ondon Sag e 100.

This is a highl/ read a bl e and com*r e h e n s i5 e ex*lor a tio n of *ers o n& centr e d training b/ the !irector of the 'ouns elling 3nit at Strat h cl/d e 3ni5ersit/. !a5e Mearns knows the sub?ect inside& out and his book will throw shafts of illumina tion on the couns elling training ex* e ri e n c e /ou will ha5 e at 3EA. .. SAN!ERS %. 6ed8 The Tribes of the %erson& 'entr e d Nation ) A guide to the schools of ther a * / associa t e d with the %erson& 'entr e d A**roac h %''S $ooks Ross& on& @/e ,--7 'arl RogersA "el*ing S/st e m ) Bourne / (ondon Sag e 1002 and

2. $ARRETT&(ENNAR! 9. Subs t a n c e

This is a mon u m e n t a l book which will undo u b t e dl / beco m e a classic. $arret t& (ennar d chart s the de5 elo* m e n t of the *ers o n& centr e d a**ro a c h from its earl/ begin nin g s to the *res e n t da/. =ou will find almo s t e5er/t hin g her e including the *re5 ailing historical social and *olitical backgro u n d s agains t which the a**ro a c h has e5ol5e d.

0. 9EN!(IN E.T.

4ocusing& #rient e d %s/cho t h e r a * /

(ondon) 9uilford %res s 6100:8 This book exa mi n e s the mo m e n t& to& mo m e n t *roce s s of ther a * / the ongoing client& ther a *is t relations hi* and the wa/s in which the ther a *is tAs res*o n s e s can stimula t e and ena bl e a clientAs ca* a cit/ for direct ex* erie n c e and CfocusingA. 1-. !R=!EN @. 6ed8 Indi5idu al Thera * /) A "andb o ok #*en 3ni5ersit/ %res s 100-

A rece n tl/ u*d a t e d book which att e m * t s to com* a r e and contr a s t differe n t a**ro a c h e s to ther a * / curre n tl/ *ractis e d in $ritain. Each cha* t e r auth or 6a leading *ractition e r of the *articular a**ro a c h describ e d 8 has be e n re>uir e d to write to the sa m e form a t and to ex*lor e the sa m e issu e s . The result is a mos t succe s sf ul exercis e in com* a r a ti5 e anal/sis. $rian Thorn e contribut e s the cha* t e r on *ers o n centr e d ther a * /. 11. DIRS'"EN$A3M ". and "EN!ERS#N E.(. 'arl Rogers !ialogu e s (ondon) 'onst a bl e 100-

This book consist s of se5 e n rem a rk a bl e con5 er s a ti o n s betw e e n 'arl Rogers and som e of the gre a t minds in *hiloso* h / and *s/ch olog /. Include d are discus sio n s with Martin $uber %aul Tillich $ 4 Skinner Micha el %olan/i and 9regor/ $ates o n . There is also ext e n d e d consid e r a tio n of Rheinhold Niebuhr; s The self and the dra m a s of histor/ and an exch a n g e betw e e n Rollo Ma/ and Rogers edit e d and *ublish e d . The 5arious dialogu e s o5erla* in inter e s tin g wa/s and ex*lor e a whole rang e of issu e s & the me a nin g of life and religion the nat ur e of knowled g e hum a ni sing and dehu m a n i sin g the healing relations hi* and the *roble m of e5il. 1,. DIRS'"EN$A3M ".and "EN!ERS#N E.(. The 'arl Rogers Read e r (ondon) 'onst a bl e 100-

This is a su* er b collection of Rogers ; ma?or writings and includ e s ma n / articles from the later /ears as well as extr ac t s from the well& known *ion e e rin g works. There are significant section s on ther a * / *ers o n al growt h educ a tio n scienc e *hiloso* h / and social issu e s . "oward Dirsche n b a u m was Rogers ; biogr a * h e r and Ealerie "end er s o n one of his clos es t ass ocia t e s . 1+. (EEANT R. and S"(IEN B. 6eds8 the %erson A**roac h $oston ) %rae g e r 1027 'lient 'ent er e d Thera * / and 'ent er e d

A 5er/ ex* e n si5 e book which might be bes t obtain e d throu g h inter& librar/ loan thou g h ther e is now a 102. *a* e r b a c k edition which is not >uite so

ex* e n si5 e . Its significanc e lies in the fact that it gath e r s tog e t h e r thinking from all real ms of the *ers o n& centr e d a**ro a c h including *ers o n& centr e d couns elling res e a r c h and ma n a g e m e n t . 17. MEARNS !. and !R=!EN @. 6eds8 Action Ex*erien c e s of 'ouns elling in (ondon ) Sag e 100This book mak e s com* ulsi5 e readin g. 'entr al to it are the *ers o n al accou n t s of indi5idu al clients and couns ellors who eac h relat e their own 5er/ differe n t ex* e ri e n c e s of couns elling. The/ ex*lor e such issue s as identit/ ex* e c t a ti o n s trust *ow er and boun d a ri e s . Each exa mi n e s too the inten si5 e *ers o n al me a nin g s of ;succ e s s ; or ;failure; in the client or couns ellor role. It is a 5er/ mo5ing book. 11. R#9ERS '. R. 'lient& 'ent e r e d Thera * / $oston ) "ought o n Mifflin 1011

The first ma?or att e m * t b/ Rogers to describ e his a**ro a c h in det ail. It draw s exte n si5 el/ on inter5iew ma t e ri al and much of it is as 5alid tod a / as when it was first writte n. It cont ains the famo u s ninet e e n *ro*ositions . 1:. R#9ERS '. R. 10218 An excellen t and 5er/ *ers o n al introdu c tion to *ers o n& centr e d grou* work and es* e ci all/ to the *roce s s of the encou n t e r grou*. #f *articular inter e s t is Rogers ; ex*lora tion of the >ualities re>uire d of a grou* facilitator and his discus sio n of the *roce s s e s of chan g e und e r g o n e b/ thos e who *artici* a t e in encou n t e r grou* s . This book offers an excelle n t *re* a r a ti o n for thos e who ha5 e not *re5iousl/ be e n in5ol5ed in *ers o n& centr e d cont e x t s . 1.. R#9ERS '.R. and STEEENS $.6eds 8 %erson to %erson (ondon) Sou5e nir %ress 10.+ Re*rint e d 100, The aut h or s hi* of this book in5ol5e s a uni>u e collabor a tio n betw e e n 'arl Rogers and $arr/ Ste5 e n s 6a wom a n 8 who is a writer and a li5ing exa m *l e of the hum a ni s tic a**ro a c h to life. The book is built aroun d se5 e n *a* e r s which all start out from the ass u m * ti o n that the sub?ecti5 e hum a n being has an im*ort a n c e and a 5alue which is fund a m e n t a l. The *a* e r s co5er a 5ariet/ of to*ics 6including Fabnor m alF *eo*le and beh a 5iour8 but all are ess e n ti all/ abou t *ers o n s and the wa/ throu g h to em* a t hic und er s t a n d i n g. Encoun t e r 9rou*s New =ork ) "ar*er and Row 10.6also a5ailable as %enguin *a* e r b a c k

There are also contribution s from Eugen e 9endlin Ean !use n.

Bohn Shlien and @ilson

12. !R=!EN @. and T"#RNE $. 6eds8 Training and Su*er5ision for 'ouns elling in Action (ondon ) Sag e 1001 This book att e m * t s to ex*lore what is in5ol5e d in the training and su* e r5ision of couns ellors. It draw s on the ex* e ri e n c e of nu m e r o u s *ractition e r s and besid e s offering im*ort a n t theor e tic al consid er a tio n s con5 e /s the excite m e n t 6and the confusion8 of being a train er or train e e a su* e r5is or or a su* e r5is e e . There are se5 er al contribution s from %'T train er s and erstw hile train e e s althou g h the book is not solel/ concer n e d with the *ers o n& centr e d tradition. 10. MA= R. M. %h/sician s of the Soul New =ork ) Amit/ "ous e 1022

This book focus e s on the searc h for the self amo n g the centr al s*iritu al teac hin g s of the world. The aut hor de5ot e s a cha* t e r eac h to the life and teac hin g s of (ao T<u 6Taois m8 Moses 6Budais m8 Besus 6'hristia nit/8 9ota m a 6$udd his m8 Drishna 6"induis m8 and Moha m m e d 6Isla m8. @ithin each cha* t e r he carefull/ un* a ck s the se min al teac hin g s of each ma s t e r and adds his own ex* e ri e n c e of each tradition. In addition he inter*r e t s all the doctrin e s allegoricall/ so that the read e r learns how each doctrin e a**lies to the searc h for the self. ,-. 3%B#"N S. In Search of Bulian of Norwich (ondon) !arton (ong m a n G Todd 1020

This is a kind of s*iritu al det e c ti5 e stor/. @ho was BulianH @h/ has she sudd e nl/ beco m e so famo u s H This fascin a tin g illustr a t e d ex*lor a tio n of BulianAs world I her cit/ her cent ur / and her rem a r k a bl e book I the first writte n b/ a woma n in English I unco5 er s the clues to the exciting m/s t e r / that is Bulian. The book also indicat e s the rele5 a n c e of BulianAs teac hin g s to the ther a * e u tic ?ourn e /. ,1. $RAJIER !. 6E!8 'onst a bl e 100+ $e/ond 'arl Rogers (ondon

A grou* of the mos t inno5a ti5 e ther a *is t s in the tradition of Rogers ha5 e writte n a series of com* elling ess a /s ex*loring new direction s in

ther a * e u tic *ractic e. and challen g e s .

The book is full of *ractical and theor e tic al insight s

,,. T"#RNE $. and !R=!EN @. 6Eds8 'ouns elling ) Interdisci*linar / %ers* e c ti5 e s Milton De/ne s #*en 3ni5ersit/ %res s 100+ This book aims to de mo n s t r a t e how gre a t a trag e d / it would be if couns elling were to beco m e the exclusi5 e *ro5inc e of *s/ch ologis ts or me dic al *ractition e r s . $/ in5iting contribution s from couns ellors from a wide 5ariet / of backgro u n d s and aca d e mi c disci*line s the editors seek to show that Finterdisci*linar/ *ers * e c ti5 e s F enrich and illustra t e the *ractice of couns elling and are inde e d ess e n ti al to thos e who are aud a ciou s enou g h to confron t the com*le x m/s t e r / of hu m a n *ers o n alit/. There are cha* t e r s b/ Bud/ Moore and 'am* b ell %urton of the 'entr e for 'ouns elling Studie s. ,+. MERR= T. In5itation to %erson& 'entr e d %s/cholog/ (ondon @hurr 1001

This book offers a brief introd uc tio n to the *ers o n& centr e d 5iew of hu m a n de5 elo * m e n t and ex*lore s how the a**ro a c h can be a**lied in educ a tio n and oth er social cont e x t s . ,7. RENNIE !.(. %erson& 'entr e d 'ouns elling ex* erie n ti al a**ro a c h (ondon Sag e 1002 ) An

This book cont ain s *ow erful new idea s abou t *ers o n& centr e d theor/ and *ractic e. Su**ort e d b/ inten si5 e >ualita ti5 e res e a r c h into the clientAs ex* erie n c e of couns elling the book highlights the significanc e and *er5 a si5 e n e s s of reflexi5it/ and ex*lore s sur*rising wa/s in which clients contribut e reflexi5el/ to the couns elling *roce s s . ,1. T"#RNE $. %erson& centr e d 'ouns elling and 'hristian S*iritu alit/ (ondon @hurr 1002

This is the secon d 5olu m e of $rian Thorn eAs Kcollect e d worksL which cont ain s a wealth of ma t e ri al illustr a tin g his dual allegia nc e to the *ers o n& centr e d com m u nit / and the liberal cath olic wing of the Anglican 'hurch. The first 5olum e ) %erson& centr e d 'ouns elling ) Thera * e u tic and s*iritu al dime n sio n s 6also *ublish e d b/ @hurr in 10018 is a similar collection of cha* t e r s and articles and has *ro5e d sufficientl/ *o*ular to ha5 e be e n re& *rinte d six time s since *ublication.

,:. T"#RNE $. and (AM$ERS E. 6eds8 Euro* e a n %ers* e c ti5 e 1002

%erson& 'entr e d

Thera * / (ondon

) a Sag e

This book mak e s a5ailable for the first time in English som e of the mos t significant theor e tic al idea s and *ractic al a**lication s of a distinguis h e d grou* of contribu t or s at the cutting edg e of the a**ro a c h . The book includ e s cha* t e r s b/ $rian Thorn e Bud/ Moore Sara h "awtin and 'am* b ell %urton & all me m b e r s of the 3EA 'entr e for 'ouns elling Studie s. ,.. @I(DINS %. %erson& centr e d Thera * / in 4ocus 6'ouns elling G %s/cho t h e r a * / in 4ocus8 Sag e %ublications (td ,--, Thera * / Toda/ ) New and %ractice (ondon

,2. MEARNS !. and T"#RNE $. %erson& 'entr e d 4rontiers in Theor/ Sag e ,---

This book cont ain s much new thinking on the a**ro a c h . It also addr e s s e s ma n / of the issue s *res e n tl/ confron tin g the *s/ch o t h e r a * / and couns elling *rofes sion as it e5ol5e s. ,0. MERR= T. 6ed.8 The $A%'A Read e r %''S $ooks ,---

This is a collection of *a* e r s *ublish e d during the *as t . /ears in the ?ourn al of the $ritish Association for the %erson& 'entr e d A**roac h 6$A%'A8. It is full of fascin a tin g contribution s to both theor / and *ractice. Bud/ Moore feat ur e s amo n g the contribu t or s as does Su<an n e De/s a form er me m b e r of the !i*lom a 'ours e. +-. @=ATT 9. 6series editor8 Rogers Thera * e u tic 'onditions ) E5olution Theor/ and %ractice 67 5ols8 Ross& on& @/e ) %''S $ooks ,---& -,.

Thes e four 5olum e s look at Rogers ; ther a * e u tic conditions in de*t h throu g h a series of ess a /s b/ distinguis h e d *ractition e r s within the *ers o n& centr e d a**ro a c h . The 5olum e s in the series are 'ongru e n c e 6ed. 9ill @/att8 Em*a t h / 6ed. Sheila "augh and Ton/ Merr/8 3ncondition al %ositi5e Regar d 6ed. Barold $o<art h and %aul @ilkins8 and 'ontac t and %erce * tion 6ed. 9ill @/att and %ete Sand e r s 8. +1. NATIE((# %. 6,--18 The *ers o n& centr e d A**roac h ) A %assion a t e %res e n c e ) Ross& on& @/e ) %''S $ooks.

This is an inten s el/ *ers o n al and mo5ing book which co5ers ma n / differe n t as* e c t s of *ers o n& centr e d work from the *ers * e c ti5 e of a distinguis h e d

America n *ractition e r who is ne5 er afraid to be her own *ers o n. ad mir a bl e rea din g for som e o n e on the thre s h old of training. +,. T"#RNE $. T.

It mak e s

The M/stical %ower of %erson& 'entr e d Thera * / (ondon ) @hurr %ublisher s 6,--,8.

In this book $rian Thorn e reflects on *ers o n& centr e d ther a * / as an ess e n ti all/ s*iritu al disci*line. $rian writes from a 'hristian *ers * e c ti5 e but sugg e s t s that the cont e m *l a ti5 e tradition s in all religions ha5 e sur*risingl/ clos e conn e c tion s with the *ers o n& centr e d a**ro a c h to ther a * /. ++. $3'"ANAN (. "39"ES R Ex*erien c e s 'ouns elling Training 6eds8 %algra5 e ,---. +7. 'AIN !. B. +1. 4AIR"3RST B. 6ed8 A**roac h +:. DIN9&S%##NER S. NE@NES '. of %erson& 'entr e d

'lassics in the %erson 'entr e d A**roac h %''S $ooks @ome n @riting in the %erson 'entr e d

%''S $ooks 1000 S*iritu alit/ and %s/chot h e r a * / %''S $ooks 9rou*w ork and

+.. (A9# '. MA'MI((AN M. Ex*erien c e s in Relat e d n e s s ) the %erson& 6eds8 'entr e d A**roac h %''S $ooks +2. MA'I((AN M 'han g e +0. MEARNS !. 7-. MERR= T 'ouns elling 71. M#3STADAS '. A**lications 7,. AM(INE E.

The %erson& 'entr e d A**roac h to Thera * e u tic Sag e %ublications ,--7 !e5elo*in g %erson& 'entr e d 'ouns elling Sag e %ublications 1001 (earning and $eing in %erson& 'entr e d

%''S $ooks 1000 "euristic Res e a r c h )!esign Method olog / and Sag e %ublications 63SA8 100!ibs) In Search of Self

(ondon) %eng uin $ooks 10.1 !ibs is a child Eirginia Axline the child *s/ch o t h e r a * i s t . This is the rem a r k a bl e stor/ of a *ers o n& centr e d *ractition e r and *la/ ther a *is t whos e work de mo n s t r a t e s be/o n d all doub t the fallac/ of the belief that *ers o n& centr e d ther a * / is suita bl e onl/ for articulat e middle& class adults. It is a 5er/ mo5ing book. 7+. "INTERD#%4 E Integr a tin g S*iritualit/ in Alexan d ri a EA) America n Association 1002 'ouns elling 'ouns eling

77. '##%ER M. 6,-- 28

Essential Research Findings in Counselling and Psychotherapy: The Facts are Friendly, (ondon Sag e.

71. (EEANT R. 4. G S'"(IEN B. M. 6Eds.8 610278 Client-Centered therapy and the Person-Centered Approach: New Directions in Theory, Research and Practice, New =ork %rae g e r. 7:. M'(E#! B. 6100 78 Doing Counselling Research, (ondon Sag e.

7.. @I(DINS %. G MIT'"E((&@I((IAMS J. 6,--,8 The Theor/ and Ex*erien c e of %erson& 'entr e d Res e a r c h . IN @ATS#N B. M. 9#(!MAN R. M. G @ARNER M. S. 6Eds.8 Client-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy in the ! st Century" Ross& on& @/e %''S $ooks.

')N!i*loma 'ourse Initial Reading (ist

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