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Mexican History 1860s-1930s

When we last left Mexico, Maximilian had been executed, and Benito Juárez had
resumed his presidency.
In 1871 he narrowly won reelection, only to die of a heart attack a year later.

In 1877 Porfirio Díaz takes control of the country, which he will rule in one form or
another until 1911. His reign is a mixed bag. Mexico undergoes tremendous
commercial development, based largely on foreign investments [mostly American
and British].

The Porfiriato, as his rule is called, turns Mexico City into a thriving city, but it is the
upper class who benefits, not the poor majority.

The inequalities of Mexico’s political and economic system breeds discontent, which
eventually leads to the Mexican Revolution.

In 1910 Francisco Madero, a member of the educated liberal class, runs against Díaz
in the presidential elections and loses, despite promising democracy, agrarian
reform [redistributing land among the poor/descendents of the original land
owners], and workers’ rights.

Madero publishes a book calling for free and democratic elections, and an end to
Díaz’s regime. Even though 90% of the population is illiterate, the word spreads
and Madero becomes the leader of a popular revolution.

20 Nov. 1910 The Mexican Revolution begins when Madero issues the Plan of San
Luis Potosi.

1911 Diaz is forced to step aside and Madero is elected president, but conflict and
violence continue for a decade. Popular leaders like Emiliano Zapata in the south
and Pancho Villa in the north emerge as the champions of the poor, and refuse to
submit to presidential authority.

1913 After a series of riots in the streets of Mexico City, Madero is overthrown by
General Victoriano Huerta, who declares himself dictator and has Madero killed.
Supporters of Villa, Zapata and others force Huerta to resign in 1914. Venustiano
Carranza [fancy first names were a requirement to lead Mexico back then!] takes
power, but Villa and Zapata oppose him.

Matters are further complicated by a series of invasions by the US, who are nervous
about what’s going on south of the border.

General Álvaro Obregón defeats Villa in the north.

1917 Mexico is recruited by Germany as an ally in World War I, but resists.

Carranza oversees a new liberal constitution, although his actions grow increasingly
reactionary, culminating in the ambush and murder of Zapata in 1919 [although
many of his followers refuse to believe that he’s dead, and his legend lives on as
Carranza himself is assassinated by his former supporters and is replaced by

1920 Obregón’s rule improves education, women’s rights, and is supported by all
but the conservative clergy and wealthy landowners.
Their resentment will eventually lead to the Guerra Cristera/Cristero War, pitting the
anti-Catholic/anti-clerical Mexican government against the more conservative
elements of Mexican society.

The subtext of this week’s film has to do with land reform, class divisions, and
economic disparity in the early 1900s.

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