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Cooking Iconic Tandoori Dishes in

Cooking Iconic Tandoori Dishes

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Cooking Iconic Tandoori Dishes

Cooking Iconic Tandoori Dishes in


Cooking Iconic Tandoori Dishes in

This is an instruction manual how to use Master Chef Gas Oven tandoor and also it contains certain recipes.

Taoshobuddha and Taoshobuddha Food Network

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Cooking Iconic Tandoori Dishes

Images: Taoshobuddha A production of

Food is consciousness. Food nourishes your consciousness. Food helps you to grow physically mentally and spiritually. Food creates your !ody thoughts emotions and understanding. " !alanced food !rings inner harmony. "nd when you are harmoni#ed within there is !eauty and then this inner !eauty manifests through your life in myriad
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ways as thoughts understanding intelligence dishes and love. $hen you are unconscious that you consume you are diseases. It is your choice maintain a healthy life style. neglecting& in your choice of food going to attract many to select right food to %ow long can you go on


The word Taoshobuddha comes from three words, tao, sho, and Buddha. The word Tao was coined by the Chinese master, Lau Tzu. It means that which is and cannot be put into words. It is unknown and unknowable. It can only be e perienced and not e pressed in words. Its ma!nanimity cannot be condensed into finiteness. The word "ho implies, that which is #ast like the sky and deep like an ocean and carries within its womb a treasure. It also means one on whom the e istence showers its blessin!s. $nd lastly the word Buddha implies the %nli!htened &ne' one who has arri#ed home. Thus, Taoshobuddha implies one who is e istential, on whom the e istence showers its blessin!s and one who has arri#ed home. The %nli!htened &ne( Page 5 of 66

Cooking Iconic Tandoori Dishes

Exotic Tandoori Cuisines

The uniqueness of Indian Cuisine lies in its special blend of spices that release unique yet pleasant aroma in the atmosphere The aroma comes from the fragrance of spice blend And the finishing look makes it e!en more attracti!e than a beautifully dressed beauty This creates an enticing ambiance in the surroundings

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'reface $hat is Tandoor& Tandoori Cooking Master Chef Gas Oven Tandoor %ow to use Gas Oven Tandoor Tandoori vs Other Cooking .tyles Marination Tandoori Chicken Chicken Tikka Masala Tandoori 'otatoes Tandoori .weet 'otatoes Tandoori Mushroom Tikka 'aneer Tikka and 'aneer Tikka Masala Cooking in Master Chef Gas Oven Tandoor

() (* (+ ,) ,,/ *, *0 1( 1+ 0( 00 0/ -0

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My main interest is transformation of human consciousness so that you are more loving and understand the essence of life. This is the !eginning of 2ife 3ternal. The process of transformation entails the movement of consciousness from thinking to feeling and finally to !eing. Meditation is the only way for this. %owever most of you may not !e interested in choosing that route for transformation. Therefore I have chosen the applied aspect of meditation with Cooking as the way. Food is the realm where you can find everyone. "ll of us are interested in good and tasty food even if you do not know how to cook. This way I can continue to draw you towards new way of cooking lovingly innovative and creative yet healthy and nourishing. This is to sow the seeds of creativity in you. 4ou may re5ect any thing. Certainly you will not re5ect a tasty dish
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that I cook or teach you how to cook e6otic and Iconic in a totally awesome style. $hen you are cooking lovingly you are in fact meditative and learning how to !e meditative in every aspect of life. These recipes are the outcome of understanding the Iconic Tandoori .tyle of Indian Cooking. In the process many fusion and new recipes have !een introduced not only to satiate your taste !uds !ut to infuse the interest in making cooking creative !oth an art and science simultaneously. Once you are creative you have started moving on a different plane of consciousness. Many new recipes are included in this !ook and I hope you can create your own recipes as well as time goes on. There is much scope once you know the !asic art of Iconic Tandoori .tyle of 3ast Indian Cooking. I must e6press gratitude for our friend Gavin of )he*ian! +on!kan! ,ian!nan %namelware Co., Ltd in mainland China for his utmost cooperation at every stage 7 development of the design customi#ing the Master Chef Gas Oven Tandoor and in making it availa!le in its present form for successful marketing. $hen I suggested the idea of
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including a printed "pron and a Tandoori Cook78ook his response was positive and overwhelming. 9ntil I come !ack to speak you on another 5ourney of taste and consciousness with some other e6citing recipes do en5oy these recipes. 8onne appetite. 2ove:::


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What is Tandoor?

Tandoor is a cylindrical clay oven used in cooking and !aking iconic dishes in India 'akistan Middle 3ast and the areas with significant Indian population. ;ow even in Metropolitan Cities these Tandoori Dishes have !ecome very popular so much so that certain countries claim some of these dishes as their ;ational Dish. The tandoor is used for cooking in .outhern Central and $estern "sia as well as in the Caucasus. The heat in a tandoor was traditionally generated !y a charcoal or wood fire !urning within the tandoor itself thus e6posing the food to live7fire radiant heat cooking and hot7air convection cooking and
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smoking !y the fat and food 5uices that drip on to the charcoal. The temperatures in a tandoor can reach up to 1/)<7 -))oC =>))<F? and it is common for tandoor ovens to remain lit for long periods to maintain the high cooking temperature. The tandoor design is something of a transitional form !etween a makeshift earth oven and the hori#ontal7plan masonry oven. The oldest e6amples of a tandoor were found in the settlements of the ancient Indus @alley Civili#ation though earlier tandoor7type ovens have !een recovered in early7%arappan conte6ts on the Makran coast including the mound site of 8alakot 'akistan. In .anskrit the tandoor was referred to as kandu. The word tandoor comes from the Dari words tandAr and tannAr. "lso these are derived from very similar terms from other languages as 'ersian tanAr -., "rmenian tBonir -., "ra!ic tannAr - ., %e!rew = ?e.g. in 2eviticus ,C1 Turkish tandDr 9#!ek tandir "#eri tndir and Eurdish tendFr. %owever according to Dehkhoda 'ersian Dictionary the word originates from "kkadian tinFru and is mentioned as early as in the "kkadian 3pic of
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Gilgames. "s such tandoor may not have originated from .emitic or Iranian altogether dating !ack to periods !efore the migration of "ryan and .emitic people to the Iranian plateau and Mesopotamia. $ith the passage of time advanced technology was used to create modern Tandoors. Gust as the computer technology has undergone many innovations. "s a result from huge computers we have now 2ap7Tops and 'ersonal Computers. 3arlier computers have to !e kept in large "ir7Conditioned Hooms. ;ow with advancements of technology all that has !ecome redundant. In the same way the Tandoor Industry could not separate itself from the trends of innovations and manBs insatia!le Iuest to improve upon his environment and em!race modern conveniences. From large fi6ed Tandoors we have Tandoors on castors. .till the use of Tandoor remained to certain e6perts. 3ach restaurant has specially trained Tandoor Operators. In recent times and with the popularity of Iconic Tandoori Dishes many manufactures have ventured in creating Models for domestic purposes as well.

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In this field I make mention of )he*ian! +on!kan! ,ian!nan %namelware Co., Ltd in mainland China. The company has created the model for domestic use. This particular Gas Oven Tandoor serves the twin purpose of a Con#entional Tandoor and &#en simultaneously. The high temperature is maintained using the *D %eating TechniIue that maintains the reIuired temperature inside the Tandoor and cooks the Iconic traditional Tandoori dishes to satiate the taste !uds of /ood Lo#ers world over. I take pleasure in introducing this special piece of technology making availa!le to each one of you. "nd on this occasion I am eIually happy to present the !ook Cookin! Iconic Tandoori 0ishes in our new Traditional and innovatory 1aster Chef 2as &#en Tandoor.

Cooking Taoshobuddha way Cooking lovingly, Cooking meditatively!

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Tandoori Cooking
Tandoori Cooking is a speciali#ed cooking style developed in Indian .u!7Continent and Middle 3ast. %owever very often people seem to think that tandoori to !e a recipe. 2ike many of the worldBs great dishes this is actually a cooking method that has !ecome synonymous with the food that is prepared. "ccordingly the word tandoori refers to a marinated meat or paneer cooked over an intense fire in a tandoor. " tandoor is a clay oven in which a hot fire is !uild. Marinated meats are lowered into the oven on long metal skewers and cooked in this smoky and e6tremely hot environment until done. The temperature is retained inside the tandoor as the traditional insulation prevents the emission of heat.
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Tandoor is a clay oven large enough to hold a good si#ed fire and then all the food that gets placed in it. Generally restaurants have !uilt in tandoor that is dug into the ground or !uilt into an enclosure. The real secret is that heat can only escape it through to top. The direct heat of the fire is reflected !y the ceramic sides intensifying the heat and creating a cooking environment that easily reaches 0)) degrees Celsius. It is !uried or enclosed to hold in the heat and to keep anyone from coming in contact with the outside surface. The marinade used in any tandoori dish starts with thick plain yogurt. $hile this might sound a little strange this is actually perfect for marinating meats !ecause it has a natural acidity and it is thick so it holds to the meat well and keeps the her!s and spices in place. The flavor of the yogurt is so mild that you do not even taste it. Marinade is prepared !y com!ining plain yoghurt and a !lend of different spices. Then the desired item is mi6ed in the mi6ture so that marinade is well coated on all sides of the piece. ;ormally it is kept for some time for the flavors to infuse into. Tandoori dishes are usually red or yellow. $hatever !e the color there is a gla#e always this depends on
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the marinade ingredients. The red is provided !y ground annatto seeds which can !e somewhat difficult to find at your local store. The yellow comes from saffron which can !e very e6pensive. %owever these are healthier than the cheap food colors that are health ha#ards. In addition to the colors provided !y the spices tandoori marinade is also flavored traditionally with ginger garlic coriander powder cayenne pepper and garam masala. 4ou ad5ust the heat of your tandoori dish !y adding more or less cayenne pepper. .o after you have com!ined your spices and yogurt got the right color and heat !aste it over your meat. 4ou need the meats to sit in this thick marinade for several hours to a!sor! the flavors. ;ow you are ready to cook in Tandoor. Hemem!er that tandoori dishes are cooked at very high temperatures.

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aster Chef !as "ven Tandoor

Master Chef Gas Oven Tandoor is an innovation in Tandoor technology. It is redefining your Tandoor 36perience through *D heating system in a simple cookware. The *D %eating .ystem is uniIue to maintain and circulate the heat throughout the Tandoor while maintaining the Optimum Temperature of 1/) o7-))o Celsius while the cooking process is on. The heat inside the Tandoor remains as high as !etween 1/)7-)) degree Celsius. It is com!ined with the Convection Convention and Hadiant heat transfer. "s a result the food is cooked very fast. In the process the 5uices and tastes are locked inside giving cooked moist food that tingles individual taste !uds.

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Traditionally the walls of the Tandoor a!sor! a lot of heat. This results in giving Flat 8read J ;aan a uniIue flavor you can never forget. This is retained

in this uniIue innovation. The shape of Tandoor is also very important. The shape helps in ensuring that the heat is trapped and circulated in a manner that the food on the skewers is heated from all sides including inside !y the hot skewer. "s a result the food not only looks cooked from appearance inside it is really cooked inside as well. The * D %eating .ystem is developed !y using the three trays. 3ach one of the trays has a different vent system that helps not only in maintaining the
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heat inside the Gas Oven Tandoor instead circulates through Convection Convention and Hadiant transfer. Convection is the concerted collective movement of ensem!les of molecules within fluids. It happens only in fluids gases and rheids J =a non7molten solid that deforms !y viscous flow at least a thousand times faster than it would deform elastically under the same applied stress. The term which was coined !y .. $arren Carey in (>0* has the same Greek root as rheology the science of viscoelasticity and nonlinear flow?. Convection of mass cannot take place in solids since neither !ulk current flows nor significant diffusion can take place in solids. Diffusion of heat can take place in solids !ut is referred to separately in that case as heat conduction. " good model for convection is when you place a glass full of a liIuid on a gas !urner you then can feel the different levels of heat in the glass. Convective heat transfer is one of the ma5or modes of heat transfer and convection is also a ma5or mode of mass transfer in fluids. Convective heat and mass transfer take place through !oth diffusion J the random 8rownian motion of individual particles in the fluid J and !y advection in which matter or heat is
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transported !y the larger7scale motion of currents in the fluid. In Master Chef Gas Oven Tandoor the !ottom tray with uniIue in and out vent system and the water inside helps in the transfer of heat through convection. Convention heat transfer is the normal system as we have conventional ovens. It is !ased on %@"C J %eat J @entilation and "ir Conditioning system. %@"C 7 heating ventilation and air conditioning is the technology of indoor and automotive environmental comfort. %@"C system design is a su!7discipline of mechanical engineering !ased on the principles of thermodynamics fluid mechanics and heat transfer. This is the techniIue that is used in your conventional ovens and the heating systems used in cold countries. 2ast is the Hadiant %eat .ystem. Hadiant heating systems supply heat directly to the floor or to panels in the wall or ceiling of a house. This helps in maintaining the heat inside for e6cellent cooking. This systems depend largely on radiant heat transfer 7 the delivery of heat directly from the hot surface to the people and o!5ects in the room via infrared
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radiation. In case of Master Chef Gas Tandoor it provides the comfort cooling to the food placed inside the Tandoor. Hadiant heating is the effect you feel when you can feel the warmth of a hot stovetop element from across the room. Thus all three convection convention and radiant heating systems are incorporated in this uniIue Master Chef Gas Oven Tandoor. "nd the Tandoor is not 5ust an ordinary piece of ware instead it is uniIue technology J a devise to give you the uniIue cooking e6perience.

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Redefining Tandoor Experience

#ow to use !as "ven Tandoor

The Master Chef Gas Oven tandoor is made of four components. (. 8ase tray for convection heating system. To start the Gas Oven Tandoor you add water in this component and put on your gas !urner on high flame. 're heat the Tandoor for -7/ minutes for !est results.
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,. Middle tray is used for making many items like gravies !rownies etc. *. The top perforated tray is used for cooking tandoori and other items. On this tray you cook ;aans Hotis Chicken Fish 2am! 'aneer and other vegeta!les. This tray is also used for !aking !uns cupcakes and items like these. 1. 2ast component is the wonderful lid. This can !e kept in standing position. Inside the metal flower shape helps in maintaining radiant heat system of the *D heating device.

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Tandoori vs "ther Cooking $tyles

There are various cooking style where the items directly come in contact with heat. 9sually the heat can !e generated through electric current wood coals or gas. "lmost all the cooking styles like Grill 8roil 8ar!eIue use all these three heating systems. 2rill J It is a general term that refers to any cooking largely !y radiant heat. 8roil is sometimes used to distinguish heat from a!ove 7 usually from an electric heating element. Grill also refers to the wire grid
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used to support the meat a!ove the heat source. In the 9." grilling is often done over charcoal or a gas flame outside !ut the heat source may also !e electric or a wood fire. Barbecue -BB3. 7 In many places it means the same as grilling. For e6ample the "ustralian .hrimp on the 8ar!ecue. 8ut some people restrict the word to a low temperature roasting perfected in certain areas where 88K is used in this slow smoked sense grill then means a faster hotter cooking used for steaks ground meat and fish. For 88K the meat is often seasoned !y ru!!ing it with a mi6 of dry spices 7 salt !lack pepper paprika cumin etc. It may !e !asted while cooking with a sauce that typically has a mi6 of sweet sour and spicy =88K sauce?. Or this sauce may !e served with the meat. In the 9." pork is the most common 88K meat though in some areas !eef is cooked this wayL and also chicken. Overlapping with 88K is pit cooking where a fire heats stones in a pit the meat is wrapped and placed in the pit and covered to cook for a long time. This way the meat cooks !y steaming not !y radiant heat. In the 'acific this is used for whole pigs. In Me6ico and some parts of the 9." this is
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used for lam! and goat and parts of the cow like the head. Tandoori J This refers to the high heat cooking originating in ;3 India =though some trace it to central "sia?. Meat is usually suspended on hooks or skewers inside a very hot clay oven. It may have !een marinated with spices and yogurt. "mokin! J This is a general term like grillingL e6posing the meat to smoke. If the smoke is cool it 5ust imparts flavor on the contrary if hot it also cooks the meat. 88K is a type of hot smoking. It is also a way of preserving food. From an elementary point of view the primary distinctions !etween grilling !ar!ecue and smoking are temperature and pro6imity to the source of heat. "s noted grilling is !asically performed !y placing food directly on top of the source of very high heat. ConseIuently raising the temperature of the meat happens Iuite Iuickly. The fuels used for grilling are gas woodMcharcoal or electric. The last generally produces the least amount of heat and is therefore the least favored. 8ar!ecue is performed !y placing the food away from the heat source and involves a temperature
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around ,,07,0) degrees. Thus the cooking time is greater than that reIuired !y grilling. The fuel used for !ar!ecue must include at least some wood as the flavor imparted !y smoke is an integral part of the process. Therefore the cooking temperature in 88K and Tandoor differs significantly and also the e6otic marinating process in Tandoori Dishes. "s a result items cooked in Tandoor are far tastier than !ar!ecued ones. "lthough it is individual choice still the Iuality of food could cooked in two ways differ significantly. In common parlance there is some am!iguity !etween grilling and 88King !ut connoisseurs will emphasi#e that they are two different things. Tandoor is a specific type of clay pit with a fire at the !ottom and the protein or !reads are placed inside a!ove the woodMcharcoal fire located at the !ottom to cook. "lthough these days you can !uy in home electric tandoors or gas oven tandoors or even make NtandooriB items in a regular home oven and stove top it really only refers to this particular cooking method. The food items !eing cooked are not propped up on a grill instead these are skewered on NseekhsB and suspended a!ove the flame with a special rack or
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with the skewers leaning against the tandoor wall at a slant or in the case of !reads placed directly against the wall of the tandoor. The tandoor is originally from Central "sia and is a very ancient method of cooking. It has !een in .outh "sia for a very long time as well !rought !y Central "sian invaders during pre7Islamic "ryan invasion era. %owever much later it spread to "ra! and other Mediterranean cultures and is known as tanoor in those regions. Internationally the tandoor is most associated with Indian cuisine. $ithin India it is widely popular !ut specifically associated with the regions which were formerly seats of Muslim culture within ;orth India and with Mughlai cuisine as well as with 'un5a!i cuisine. It is also an e6tremely popular method of cooking 'akistan and "fghanistan of course due to the historical connections to India. I really could not speak a!out tandoor in 8angladesh it is widespread outside of the conte6t Mughlai7Indian restaurants& One thinks of meat cooking when tandoor comes to mind !ut actually there are neigh!orhood tandoors all over 'akistan and other regional countries where one can go to purchase tandoori flat !reads 7 various types of naans to have with oneBs daily meals so the
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tandoorOs role overlooked.









Classic tandoori dishes paneer or chicken are marinated in yogurt lemon 5uice and plenty of spices. Therefore preparing correct marinade is the first and the foremost reIuirement for an e6otic and tasty Tandoori dish.

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(. ,. *. 1. 0. -. +. /. >. (). ((. (,. (*. (1. ;atural yogurt Cumin powder Garam Masala Coriander powder Turmeric powder Chili 'owder Guice Cloves garlic J crushed Grated ginger Eashmiri Chili 'owder Mustard Oil 8esan or Chickpea Flour "5wain or Carom .eeds .alt ( cup ( Ta!lespoon ( Ta!lespoon ( Teaspoon ( Teaspoon ( Teaspoon ( lemon / ( inch , Ta!lespoons , Ta!lespoons , Ta!lespoons P Teaspoon to taste Page 32 of 66

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(0. Coconut Oil

, Ta!lespoons

(. %eat the coconut oil in a skillet. $hen oil is hot add carom seed and the add !esan or chickpea flour. On low flame path until you get the nice roasted aroma. ,. 'lace all dry spices with the e6ception of turmeric powder lemon 5uice ginger and garlic and one ta!lespoon of the !esan mi6 in non7 corrosive glass or stainless steel mi6ing !owl. *. "dd yoghurt and whisk into a paste with a little water and stir in well. 1. In a skillet heat mustard oil on medium heat until it !egins to smoke. .witch off the flame and add the turmeric. This will give a gla#e to the oil. ;ow add this mi6ture to the marinade and whisk well to get a thick smooth consistency. The use of chickpea flour is optional in ordinary tandoori chicken fish or lam!. This is more essential when you are cooking Ee!a!s. %owever when you
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use chickpea flour your final dish will have a uniIue flavor. I prefer this in all my tandoori dishes.

Tandoori Chicken
Tandoori chicken is one of the iconic dish prepared in tandoor. Tandoori Chicken is a dish of Mughlai cuisine. It was popular among the no!le and ;awa! families. This dish !ecame popular with the ordinary
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Muslims of .outh "sia as the Mughal 3mpire declined in Indian su!7continent. The tandoori chicken so impressed the first 'rime Minister of India Gawaharlal ;ehru that he made it a regular at official !anIuets. @isiting dignitaries who en5oyed tandoori chicken included "merican 'residents Hichard ;i6on and Gohn F. Eennedy .oviet leaders ;ikolai 8ulganin and ;ikita Ehrushchev the Eing of ;epal and the .hah of Iran. For preparing the e6otic dish the chicken is first marinated in specially prepared marinade of yogurt and seasoned with the spice mi6ture tandoori masala. It is moderately spicy in 8angladesh 'akistan and India !ut the heat is reduced in most $estern nations. Cayenne pepper red chili powder or Eashmiri red chili powder is used to give it a fiery red hue in the original version. " higher amount of turmeric infused in mustard oil produces an orange color. %owever in milder versions !oth red and yellow food coloring could sometimes !e used to achieve !right colors however turmeric powder is !oth mild and !rightly colored as is paprika a sweet red pepper powder. Most of the restaurants use artificial colors in an effort to optimi#e profits and attract the
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customers with colors. %owever the use of artificial color is dangerous to health. The fame of tandoori chicken led to many !yproducts such as chicken tikka chicken tikka masala and chicken ke!a!s. "ll these are commonly found in the menus of Indian restaurants all over the world. The Chicken Tikka Masala in Makhani Gravy is designated as the ;ational Dish of 3ngland.

(. ,. *. 1. 0. -. Chicken ( J * pound Freshly7ground !lack pepper Q teaspoon .alt to taste Coconut oil or 8utter for !rushing Fresh cilantro sprigs for garnish .lices of cucum!er red7.panish onion tomato and lemon for garnish +. Chaat Masala for garnishing /. Marinade enough to cover the chicken

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(. Clean and chicken and cut into serving pieces skinned and trimmed of all visi!le fat ,. 'rick the flesh of the chicken all over with a fork. *. 9sing a sharp knife cut slashes in the flesh to allow the marinade to penetrate. 'lace the chicken in a nonreactive large shallow !owl. 1. "dd enough marinade to cover the chicken pieces well. Mi6 well with hand or spatula so that the marinade is well coated on the chicken pieces and inside the slashes. 0. Cover and refrigerate / hours or overnight. %owever never marinate for longer than , days. -. Hemove the chicken from the refrigerator at least *) minutes !efore cooking. +. Hemove the chicken from the marinade pressing lightly to e6tract e6cess marinade and !rush with oil.
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/. 're heat the Master Chef Gas Oven Tandoor on high flame adding water to the !ottom tray. >. ;ow place the chicken pieces on perforated portion of Master Chef Gas Oven Tandoor and cover the lid. From the glass lid you can watch and also as soon as chicken !egins to cook you will get the aroma. "fter 07- minutes open the lid and turn over the chicken pieces and !rush !utter or oil to maintain the moister. Cook again for 07- minutes on medium high flame. (). 'iercing the chicken piece near the !one with a knife will help you to know if it is cooked once the knife comes out clean. .witch off the flame and allow for another (minute. ((. Hemove from the Tandoor and place of the serving dish. 8rush 8utter and sprinkle Chaat Masala. .erve garnished with sprigs of cilantro and slices of cucum!er red onion tomato and lemon. Tandoori Chicken.

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Chicken Tikka asala %&ritains true national dish'

Chicken Tikka Masala is an e6otic chicken dish that decorates the restaurant menus world over. "rgua!ly the most famous Indian dish in 9nited Eingdom or even one of the most famous dishes of any type of cuisine is C%ICE3; TIEE" M"."2".
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The dish came to even more prominence when a 9E Foreign .ecretary proclaimed it to !e N8ritainBs true national dishB. $hatever !e its true origins every time you take a mouthful of this deliciously creamy and flavor full dish it will make sense to you why it is so very !eloved and favorite of millions of food lovers world over. This recipe makes it the classic way 7 marinating the chicken first and then cooking it in the curry sauce.

1arinade4 (. 8oneless skinless chicken !reasts ( 2!s =poked with a fork and cut into small !ite7 si#ed chunks? ,. Marinade mi6 2ra#y4 (. Olive or Coconut oil ,. 8utter *. Diced Onions 1. Ginger7Garlic 'aste 0. Green Chili minced -. Tomato paste +. Garam masala /. 'aprika >. Tomatoes finely diced (). .alt to taste , teaspoons * ta!lespoons (P cup (M* cup , 1 ta!lespoons ( teaspoon , teaspoons /
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((. Oil for gla#e (,. Dried fenugreek leaves ( ta!lespoon (*. %eavy cream P cup (1. Minced fresh cilantro for garnish

For the marinadeC In a large !owl take enough marinade to coat all chicken pieces. "dd the chicken and toss to coat. Marinate in the refrigerator up to overnight for !est result. 2ra#y4 (. 'repare Master Chef Gas Oven Tandoor. $hen it is nice and hot lightly !rush it with oil. ;ever forget to add water to the !ottom pan. 'lace the chicken pieces on the perforated grill shaking off some of the e6cess marinade. Cook until it is charred a!out , minutes on each side. Do not worry that the chicken will still !e a little uncooked. It finishes cooking in the gravy if at all remains uncooked.
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,. $hen cooked remove the pieces from the Tandoor and set aside. 2ightly !rush !utter or oil for gla#e. *. 'lace a large skillet over medium heat and add the oil and !utter. 1. $hen the !utter has melted add diced onion and sautR until cooked. "dd Ginger7Garlic 'aste and chili peppers. .autR until lightly !rowned around the edges. 0. "dd the tomato paste and cook until the tomato has darkened in color and soft a!out * minutes. It will depend on several things therefore use your cooking e6perience. -. "dd the garam masala and the paprika and sautR for a!out ( minute to draw out their flavors. +. "dd diced tomatoes salt and ( cup water. 8ring to a !oil turn down to a simmer and cook until thickened a!out () minutes. 4ou may need more water depending on how much liIuid the tomatoes give off.

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/. Transfer the sauce into a !lender or food processor or use hand !lender and process until smooth. 'our !ack into the skillet and !ring !ack up to a !oil. "dd the chicken and fenugreek leaves. Take the heat down to a simmer and cook for a!out () minutes. "dd the cream and stir through. >. Garnish with minced fresh cilantro and serve over rice with naan or a crusty piece of !read:

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Cooking Iconic Tandoori Dishes

Tandoori Potatoes

Tandoori potatoes are easy to prepare and delicious to eat. These can !e served as a starter or as part of a main course. .kinless new potatoes are ideal for cooking this dish.
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Cooking Iconic Tandoori Dishes

These Tandoori marinated 'otatoes are one of the easiest side dishes. These tastes good hot or cold: These can !e served as starters or as finger foods to suit any occasion. .erve these with cilantro and mint chutney or you can use the tomato ketchup. %owever these taste e6cellent when served hot along with green chutney.

(. ,. *. 1. 0. -. +. 'otatoes cu!ed (P l!s Coconut oil , tsps .hreeGun Tandoori Masala , tsps Fire .alt to taste Cilantro for Garnishing Chaat Masala for garnish .lices of Cucum!er Tomatoes for Garnish
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Cooking Iconic Tandoori Dishes

(. 'eel and cut potatoes into even7si#e cu!es ,. "dd cu!ed potatoes to !oiling water with ( tsp. of salt and par!oil potatoes for +7() minutes until they are slightly cooked. Do not overcook. 8oiling time will vary depending on the si#e of potato cu!es and flame. Drain and keep aside. *. 'lace the potatoes in a non7corrosive mi6ing !owl. "dd marinade to cover and coat well all the potatoes in the marinade. 1. %eat Coconut oil in a skillet when hot turn off the flame and add a ta!lespoon of mustard paste mi6 well and pour over the potatoes. This will give gla#e and nice color to potatoes. 0. Eeep aside for a!out one hour prefera!ly in refrigerator to marinate. -. Take out the marinated potatoes () minutes !efore placing in the Master Chef Gas Oven Tandoor.
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Cooking Iconic Tandoori Dishes

+. 're heat the Tandoor. "dd water to the !ase tray. This is important for two reasons. Firstly this prevents the item from !urning. "nd second when the e6cess marinade drips through the perforations into the water this gives the real tandoori smoke flavor to the dish. /. Cook for 07- minutes watching through the glass lid regularly. The actual cooking time will depend upon the 8T9 of your Gas 8urner. >. $hen done remove from the pan (). .erve garnished with cilantro cucum!er and tomato slices sprinkled with chaat masala as starter with chutney of your choice.

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Cooking Iconic Tandoori Dishes

Tandoori $weet Potato

.weet potato is one of the root vegeta!le that is very nutritious and remains uncontaminated. The sugar content in sweet potato is time released. This makes it even healthier than potatoes. Many dishes of it can !e made. I share with you how to make tasty tandoori marinated sweet potatoes.

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(. ,. *. 1. 0. -.

.weet 'otatoes ( l!s 8utter for garnish ( Ta!lespoon .lices of red onion tomato cucum!er .esame .eeds ( Ta!lespoon Chaat Masala for garnish Marinade mi6 to coat the sweet potatoes

(. 'eel cut sweet potatoes into ( inch cu!es

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Cooking Iconic Tandoori Dishes

,. 8oil water with salt and turmeric powder when the water !egins to !oil add sweet potato

cu!es and until half done. Hemove from the water and cool running under water. *. Take the marinade in a non J corrosive !owl. To this add sesame seeds and mi6 well. "dd the sweet potatoes. Mi6 well so that the marinade is coated all around the cu!es. 1. %eat mustard oil in a skillet and when hot switch the flame and add turmeric powder mi6
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and pour over the sweet potatoes. "gain mi6 well. 0. Eeep in the refrigerator for ( hour and when ready to cook take out at least () minutes !efore. -. 're heat the Master Chef Gas Oven Tandoor and !efore you switch the flame to heat pour enough water in the !ottom tray. "nd when the tandoor hot place the marinated sweet potato cu!es on the perforated tray. Cover the lid. Cook for () minutes on medium high flame. Eeep checking through the lid. +. $hen done pierce one piece with the fork to make sure it is cooked well. ;ow switch off the flame and leave for another (7, minutes with lid covered. /. Hemove from the Tandoor and serve garnished with the chaat masala and slices of tomato onion and cucum!er. >. 4ou can also place cucum!er onion and tomatoes in the tandoor when you are leaving the cooked pieces after you have switched off
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the flame. .erve hot as starter for any occasion along with chutney of your choice.

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Cooking Iconic Tandoori Dishes


ushroom Tikka

Tandoori Mushroom Tikka Ee!a! is e6tremely delicious ke!a! made with !utton mushrooms veggies and then com!ined in special yoghurt marinade. It is an authentic tandoori style ke!a! preparation which has the soft touch of Indian spices and tandoori masala. It is a great delicious dish to serve for any occasion from ordinary get together to e6otic parties. These serve as e6cellent starter. 4ou can cook these separate or along with other vegeta!les like !ell peppers onion cu!es tomatoes and chunks of pineapples.

(. ,. *. 1. 0. -. 8utton mushrooms ,)) gms Hed Onion cut into tiny chunks ( large Tomatoes cut in chunks =remove pulp? , large Colored 8ell peppers cut into chunks ( Cup " few wooden skewers soaked in water For garnish cilantro and chaat masala Page 54 of 66

Cooking Iconic Tandoori Dishes

(. $ash and clean the mushrooms thoroughly in normal running water. ,. Cut the mushrooms in P however this is optional. *. In a !ig !owl com!ine the marinade and all the ingredients. Mi6 well. Make sure that all the vegeta!les and mushroom are well coated in the mi6ture and keep in the refrigerator for ,)7 *) minutes. 1. Take a !unch of tooth picks or skewers and arrange the marinated veggies in each toothpick. "rrange in this order first insert the onion then a piece of tomato then mushroom and finally a piece of !ell pepper. 0. Full the !ottom tray of Master Chef Tandoor with water and place over the medium flame and pre heat for () minutes until the water !egins to !oil. ;ow arrange the tooth picks on the perforated tray. Cover the lid and cook for 0 minutes occasionally checking through the
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glass lid. 4ou will o!serve the vegeta!les turning slightly golden. -. $hen turned golden switch off the flame !ut keep the lid covered for another ( minutes. +. In the same way fill all the toothpicks and arrange on any normal greasy plate. /. 8rush !utter for gla#e. .erve hot garnished with chaat masala. 4ou can use a dip of your choice as well.

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Cooking Iconic Tandoori Dishes

Paneer Tikka (nd Paneer Tikka &utter asala

'aneer Tikka and 'aneer Tikka Masala is another iconic dish prepared in Master Chef Gas Oven tandoor. This is one of the most widely sought dish world over in restaurants serving 3ast Indian Cuisines. This is done in the same way as the Mushroom Tikka. These can !e served as appeti#ers. "lso when these are cooked with .hahi or Mughlai gravy the dish !ecomes e6otic. The !asics of the two recipe is the same. First you have to cook paneer tikkas and then simmer in gravy for a few minutes. "lso the gravy can !e cooked in the middle !aking tray simultaneously while the paneer tikkas are cooking in the top perforated tray. This dish augers well with Tandoori ;aans 'arathas rice or 8iryani.
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Cooking Iconic Tandoori Dishes

(. ,. *. 1. 0. -. +. /. >. (). %imalya 'aneer 9nfired Cu!es (,O#s 8ell 'eppers Green Hed 4ellow cu!es ( cup Tomatoes * 2arge Hed Onion cu!es Q Cup Marinade Mi6 8utter for gla#e ( t!s Chaat Masala Cilantro Fresh Cream Q Cup Tomato 'uree ( P Cup
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((. (,. (*. (1. (0. (-. (+. (/.

.hreegun .hahi 'aneer Masala Cashew nut 'aste Coconut oil Turmeric Ground Mustard .eeds $ooden skewers Eashmiri Chili 'owder Gold Garam Masala

, T!s , T!s , T!s P tsp , tsp ()7(, , T!s ( Tsp

(. In a non7corrosive !owl mi6 paneer cu!es !ell peppers onions tomato cu!es without pulp in the marinade e6plained earlier. %eat some oil when hot add P tsp turmeric powder and ,tsp mustard powder mi6 and add to the marinade !owl and again mi6 well so that the marinade is coated properly on all pieces. Eeep in the refrigerator covered overnight !ut not for more than , days. ,. 'ut the !ottom tray of the Master Chef Tandoor on gas range. "dd water and then place the other two trays and cover with glass lid. .witch on the flame. Eeep medium high. It takes -7> minutes for the Tandoor to !e ready.
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Cooking Iconic Tandoori Dishes

*. 9se always water soaked skewers. () Minutes !efore use take out the marinade !owl. "rrange the paneer !ell peppers onion and tomato in an order. "rrange all the skewers. 1. ;ow arrange the skewers on the top perforated tray. Cover the lid and allow to cook. It may take -7+ minutes. 8ut keep watching through the glass lid until you get the average of cooking time. 0. Open the lid and !rush the !utter with pastry !rush. This will give gla#e. 2eave covered for another a minute or so. -. .witch off the flame. Hemove from the cooked pieces holding the skewer in one hand and with another hand J using a cloth slip out all the cooked stuff. +. .erve garnished with chaat Masala and slice of cucum!er. 9se your own discretion for garnish.

5aneer tikka as paneer tikka masala

For this we will make .hahi gravy.

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Cooking Iconic Tandoori Dishes

(. %eat oil in a sauce pan or skillet. "lways use thick !ottom pan. To hot oil add cumin seed and allow to crackle. ,. "dd diced onion and sautR until translucent. "dd minced ginger and garlic and cook until raw flavor goes add diced tomatoes and add .hahi 'aneer Masala and cook until tomatoes are soft. 4ou can add water if needed. *. Hemove from the flame and cool. Then make a smooth puree. 4ou can use this method or you can use the pureed seasoning and tomatoes. 1. In the same pan heat some oil and add enough !utter. $hen !utter melts add the pureed mi6ture and Eashmiri Chili 'owder. "dd water and allow the !oil. "dd cashew nut paste and again allow to simmer. 0. ;ow add the tandoori paneer tikka and the vegeta!le pieces if you wish. Generally in 'aneer Tikka Masala these are not added. Mi6 well. Fold in the cream and Eeep the lid cover for a few minutes !ut keep the flame switched. -. Hemove the lid and server garnished with cilantro and garam masala along with ;aan or
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8iryani as the e6otic meal. 4ou can use compliment this with Daal Makhani Fresh Garden .alad and 4oghurt Haita for any occasion.

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Cooking Iconic Tandoori Dishes

Paneer Tikka masala

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Cooking Iconic Tandoori Dishes

Cooking in

aster Chef !as "ven Tandoor

(. Cocktail 'i#a httpCMMwww.youtu!e.comMwatch& vSe(oG@9m8Kk1TfeatureSshareTlistSF2$D,4eiU3-gkIlv >e2"l,V" ,. @egetarian 2asagne httpCMMwww.youtu!e.comMwatch& vSikFH!C5c1"9TfeatureSshareTlistSF2$D,4eiU3-gkIlv>e 2"l,V" *. $hole wheat Flour 8iscuit httpCMMwww.youtu!e.comMwatch& vSsu8eTW$#G)sTfeatureSshareTlistSF2$D,4eiU3-gkIlv> e2"l,V" 1. 'av 8ha5i httpCMMwww.youtu!e.comMwatch& vSikFH!C5c1"9TfeatureSshareTlistSF2$D,4eiU3-gkIlv>e 2"l,V" 0. 'aneer Tikka Page 64 of 66

Cooking Iconic Tandoori Dishes httpCMMwww.youtu!e.comMwatch& vSIyfWc.t95*)TfeatureSshareTlistSF2$D,4eiU3-gkIlv>e 2"l,V" -. 8utter Chicken and 36otic Gravy httpCMMwww.youtu!e.comMwatch& vS!i2TwEnekr9TfeatureSshareTlistSF2$D,4eiU3-gkIlv>e 2"l,V" +. Tandoori Chicken httpCMMyoutu.!eMvCODeGt>gvc /. 8ha5nee Thalipeeth httpCMMyoutu.!eM0gn9GWc8g>o >. Mawa Cup cake httpCMMyoutu.!eMn5G#.vCWI-s (). 3ggless 8rownie httpCMMyoutu.!eMm6*.2O*prUc ((. Tandoori Hoti httpCMMyoutu.!eMHli#HpK7@$M (,. Garlic ;aan httpCMMyoutu.!eM>oKkvh"u$Ms

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