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The 7 Hands-Down Best Internet Marketing Products In Existence

"The 7 Hands-Down Best Internet Marketing Products In Existence!"

By Rache Ro!"

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The 7 Hands-Down Best Internet Marketing Products In Existence

Disc ai#er and $o%yright &oti!ication'

Copyright 2010 by Dennis ec!er,

"he contents are based on the a#thor$s personal e%perience and research. &o#r res#lts may vary, and 'ill be based on yo#r individ#al sit#ation and motivation. "here are no g#arantees concerning the level o( s#ccess yo# may e%perience. Each individ#al$s s#ccess depends on his or her bac!gro#nd, dedication, desire and motivation. )*"E+ ,ome o( the recommendations in this report might contain a((iliate lin!s. -( yo# clic! on the lin!.s/ and p#rchase s#ch a prod#ct based on my revie' and0or recommendation, - 'ill receive a re(erral commission. 1hether - receive a commission or not 'ill not have any e((ect on the p#rchase price o( the prod#ct. 2dditionally - am sometimes o((ered a complimentary prod#ct to revie'. 3y decision to promote these prod#cts is based on my o'n satis(action 'ith the prod#cts. - do not recommend crap, and any revie' - ma!e 'ill be based on my o'n e%periences, 'hich are not typical. &o# co#ld do better, yo# co#ld do 'orse, yo# co#ld do nothing at all, and that is totally o#t o( my control. 1e ma!e every e((ort to ens#re that 'e acc#rately represent o#r prod#cts and services. "here is no g#arantee that yo#r res#lts 'ill match e%amples p#blished in this report. ,ome lin!s may change or even not 'or! (or many reasons beyond the control o( the a#thor and distrib#tors. "hey cannot g#arantee or other'ise be responsible (or 'hat yo# might (ind 'hen yo# clic! thro#gh to sites not #nder the control o( the p#blisher o( this report.

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The 7 Hands-Down Best Internet Marketing Products In Existence

()out *s'
Dennis Becker began his -nternet mar!eting career in 1445 by selling on e ay 'hile still r#nning a (#ll time retail b#siness. eginning in 2002, he became interested in -nternet mar!eting, and spent 6 years trying virt#ally everything 'ith dismal res#lts. *ne day, (r#strated and beat, b#t #n'illing to 7#it, he devised a ne' strategy to simpli(y the entire process, starting 'ith a mindset ma!eover. "hat strategy changed his li(e, and he 'rote abo#t it in the classic 89 #c!s a Day: boo!, available at 2ma;on, or thro#gh a lin! in the reso#rces section. <e also opened an 8-nsiders Cl#b: in 200= to help more e%perienced -nternet mar!eters achieve their (irst >10000day o( pro(its by (ollo'ing proven, sometimes little?appreciated, b#siness models to receive ama;ing res#lts. Rache Ro!e has been a (#ll time -nternet 3ar!eter since @#ne 200A, and has been on the -nternet (or over a decade. 2ltho#gh sheBs dabbled in many (ields, sheBs mostly !no'n as a membership site e%pert, copy'riter to the C-nternet ,tarsC, and o((line b#siness e%pert. ,he dedicates her time to learning as m#ch as possible, both in -nternet 3ar!eting and in li(e. ,he Doined the sta(( o( Earn1KaDay in 2010. &o# can read more abo#t her on her blog at http+00'''.EachelEo(

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The 7 Hands-Down Best Internet Marketing Products In Existence

Fi!e many other people, 'hen - (irst started -nternet 3ar!eting constantly pl#n!ed do'n h#ndreds .i( not tho#sands/ o( dollars on 'hatever the latest?and?greatest prod#ct 'as. - bo#ght it all ? eboo!s, so(t'ares, co#rses, coaching programs... yo# name it, - had it. Every time - read an email (rom someone saying that - needed something to become s#ccess(#l, - bo#ght it. - (ig#red that #ntil - became s#ccess(#l mysel(, - sho#ld believe them. -n retrospect, the b#l! maDority o( prod#cts that - bo#ght 'ere a 'aste. - can only thin! o( 2 high?priced co#rses that - got a lot o( .i( any/ val#e (rom. *ther things spar!ed ideas, b#t 'erenBt partic#larly note'orthy. -n the end, most o( my best ed#cation 'as (rom boo!s, trial and error, and "he 1arrior Gor#m. -n this report, -Bm going to tell yo# abo#t the (e' things that - have absol#tely no regrets abo#t b#ying. - originally tried to 'rite a report abo#t = di((erent prod#cts that - p#rchased, b#t - co#ldnBt thin! o( =. "here are only 9 paid prod#cts that - consider absol#tely i#%erati+e. "he other 2 -Bll tell yo# abo#t are prod#cts that yo# can get (or (ree. ,#re, - co#ld easily stic! 2 more paid prod#cts in 'ith my a((iliate lin! ? prod#cts that are somewhat help(#l ? b#t -Bd rather be 100H completely honest. "he prod#cts -Bll mention to yo# are those that I don,t think I cou d succeed without- and %roducts I !ee shou d )e in e+eryone,s #arketing arsena . "here are certainly s#bstit#tions (or some o( them, b#t - thin! theyBre all the best in the mar!et right no' and thatBs 'hy -Bm sharing. - also 'ant to ma!e one thing clear...

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My Intention Is &/T To Throw ( Mi ion (!!i iate 0inks (t 1ou!

"his report has been o#t (or a (e' 'ee!s no'. 1henever people sign #p, - as! them (or their initial (eedbac!. *ne person 'rote to me and said it (elt li!e - 'as trying to sell a((iliate prod#cts. - very m#ch appreciated that (eedbac!Iand 'ant to clear the air (rom the beginning. -Bm trying to be as #p(ront and sincere as possible. 1hether yo# b#y the paid prod#cts - recommend or not is yo#r call ? -Bll be (ine either 'ay. "hese are D#st the = prod#cts - recommend the most some (ree, some not. "o tell yo# the tr#th, - co#ldn$t even thin! o( = paid prod#cts -$d stand behind 1000H. 1ith that, letBs get startedJ

Market 2a#urai
-$ve heard people say 3ar!et ,am#rai is a 8!ey'ord tool.: - s#ppose yo# co#ld say that, especially i( yo# thin! Gerraris are in the same class as Gords. 2nd that$s beca#se 3ar!et ,am#rai is the best !ey'ord tool on the mar!etI pl#s it$s so m#ch more. &o# see, most !ey'ord tools give yo# the estimated search co#nt (or a partic#lar !ey'ord. "he better !ey'ords also ta!e a loo! at ho' many other 'ebsites ran! (or that partic#lar !ey'ord. "hat 'ay yo# get a sense o( ho' m#ch competition yo#$ll have (or that !ey'ord. 3ar!et ,am#rai gives yo# all that in(ormation and more. Gor starters, this tool gives yo# an estimate (or the amo#nt o( tra((ic Copyright 2010 by, all rights reserved Page 5

The 7 Hands-Down Best Internet Marketing Products In Existence

yo#$ll get (rom a partic#lar !ey'ord. ,ee, even tho#gh a !ey'ord might get K n#mber o( searches per day, that doesn$t mean yo#r site even i( it is L1 'ill get all that tra((ic. )e%t, it lets yo# spy on yo#r competition. ,o not only do yo# !no' ho' many other 'ebsites ran! (or a partic#lar !ey'ord, the tool gives yo# an idea o( 'hether yo# can beat a partic#lar competitor. Gor e%ample, yo# can (ind o#t ho' many o( yo#r competitors incl#de the !ey'ord in their page titles. "hird, the tool also estimates the commercial val#e o( a !ey'ord. &o#$ve probably heard the e%perts tal! abo#t #sing 8b#ying: !ey'ords .those are 'ords that s#ggest yo#r prospect is a b#yer and not a tire !ic!er/. "his tool helps yo# choose search terms (rom red?hot b#yers. )e%t, it also lets yo# !no' i( some o( yo#r search terms are seasonal !ey'ords .meaning they appear more at one time o( the year than at other times/. *bvio#sly, i( yo#$re creating Christmas sites or 'edding sites, yo# already !no' yo#$ll have spi!es in tra((ic at di((erent times o( the year. 3ar!et ,am#rai gives yo# an idea o( 'hen and ho' yo#r tra((ic 'ill (l#ct#ate. "he in(ormation yo# get (rom 3ar!et ,am#rai isn$t D#st good (or search engine p#rposes it$s also good (or pay per clic! mar!eting. "hat$s beca#se the tool helps yo# estimate ho' m#ch tra((ic yo#$d get 'ith yo#r !ey'ords i( yo# created an 2d1ords campaign. - co#ld go on, beca#se the !ey'ord tool portion o( 3ar!et ,am#rai does m#ch more than - have room to tell yo# abo#t. 2 moment ago - also mentioned that the tool is more than a !ey'ord tool. "hat$s beca#se it also helps yo# do things li!e (ind articles, videos and other content to p#t on yo#r site, it helps yo# ma%imi;e yo#r pay per clic! campaigns and it helps yo# p#blish content on yo#r site .right (rom 3ar!et ,am#rai no need to open m#ltiple 'indo's/.

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-t$s a time?saver and it$s a pro(it?ma!er. 2nd ta!e it (rom someone 'ho$s #sed a lot o( tools, yo# 'on$t (ind a better !ey'ord tool aro#nd.

3et Res%onse
-( yo#Bve been in -nternet 3ar!eting (or more than a (e' min#tes, yo#Bve probably heard C"he moneyBs in the listC. -Bve seen this proven time and time again ? not D#st 'ith my lists, b#t 'atching other people. -Bve seen (riends promote prod#cts (or me and earn tho#sands o( dollars 'ithin min#tes. *ne o( my (riends recently made >2MK in a day... all than!s to one email he sent o#t to his list. .-( yo#Bre not s#re 'hat a list is, itBs basically 'hen people sign #p 'ith their name and email address and opt to receive emails (rom yo#. -tBs basically li!e having an address boo! o( people 'ho 'ant to hear (rom yo#. "he po'er o( a list is incredible beca#se yo# have instant access to people 'ho have already sho'n that theyBre interested in 'hat yo# have to say. &o# donBt have to go searching (or tra((ic every single time yo# 'ant to promote something? yo# can simply mar!et right to yo#r e%isting list. &o# can do broadcasts 'hen something great comes o#t that yo# 'ant people to !no' abo#t right a'ay, or yo# can set #p a#toresponders so that people get one email (rom yo# a(ter CKC days, another a(ter CKC days, and so (orth, so yo# stay in their mind./ "here are a lot o( programs o#t there thatBll help 'ith yo#r list, b#t believe to be the best choice (or most people. ."here are m#lti?tho#sand dollar programs that o((er more options ? b#t - donBt thin! theyBre 'orth it #ntil yo#Bve created a list and can D#sti(y the e%pense./

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- li!e so m#ch beca#se they o((er a lot o( phenomenal bene(its. "o begin 'ith, they boast incredible email deliverability rates. "here are lots o( list?b#ilding services o#t there, b#t not all o( them do s#ch a good Dob 'ith ma!ing s#re that emails are act#ally sent o#t to people. "heyBre o(ten b#ggy and mediocre at best. "he inter(ace is incredibly easy to navigate and very int#itive. -Bve been inside other a#toresponder services and had a hard time (ig#ring o#t 'hat to do ne%t. ma!es everything insanely simple. "hey also o((er a lot o( reports ? s#ch as ho' many people open #p yo#r emails, 'hat emails they open, 'hat s#bDect lines 'or! the best, and so (orth. "his helps yo# p#t a p#lse on yo#r list and immediately co#rse?correct i( something isnBt going 'ell.

3oog e Too s
Noogle has a nice little pac!age o( tools yo# can #se to optimi;e yo#r site, split?test yo#r campaigns and (ind the best !ey'ords. Fet$s go over these tools separatelyI Noogle Key'ord "ool "his is yo#r basic !ey'ord tool that yo# can #se to #ncover the e%act terms yo#r mar!et is already searching (or in Noogle. 1hile it$s D#st a basic tool, this is the database that most other !ey'ord tools .li!e 3ar!et ,am#rai/ #se as the basis (or their lists. 2s s#ch, yo# can be ass#red o( getting good res#lts i( yo# D#st need to #ncover yo#r niche !ey'ords. <ere$s ho' it 'or!sI Copyright 2010 by, all rights reserved Page 8

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&o# enter yo#r broad !ey'ords .li!e 8-nternet mar!eting:/ and the tool ret#rns h#ndreds or maybe even tho#sands o( related res#lts, li!e+ Fearn -nternet mar!eting Otah -nternet mar!eting Piral -nternet mar!eting -nternet mar!eting opport#nity est -nternet mar!eting co#rse

2nd so on. y de(a#lt, the list is ran!ed by monthly searches, meaning those at the top o( the list get the most searches and those at the bottom o( the list get the least. )ot only 'ill yo# see the estimates (or monthly searches, yo# also get other in(ormation s#ch as an estimate o( yo#r competition and ho' m#ch yo# might bid i( yo# #sed these 'ords in an 2d1ords campaign. Noogle 1ebsite *ptimi;er <ere$s the easiest 'ay to e%plain this tool+ -t$s a tool yo# can #se to split?test di((erent variations o( yo#r 'ebsite. Gor e%ample, let$s s#ppose yo# 'ant to see i( <eadline 2 or <eadline res#lts in a better conversion rate. 2ll yo# have to do is create yo#r t'o variations, load them into the tool, and the 1ebsite *ptimi;er ta!es care o( the rest. "he tool randomly sho's yo#r di((erent variations to di((erent visitors, and then it analy;es yo#r data so yo# !no' 'hich variation gives yo# the best res#lts. &o# may create one o( more variations o( di((erent elements and pit them against each other. "hese elements incl#de+ &o#r sales letter headline. -t$s the most important part o( yo#r sales Copyright 2010 by, all rights reserved Page 9

The 7 Hands-Down Best Internet Marketing Products In Existence

letter, so test this (irst. ,ales letter s#b?headlines. &o#r P.,. &o#r call to action. "he opening o( yo#r letter. "he g#arantee. -mages on yo#r site.

*nce yo#$ve tested these main elements, then yo# can test smaller elements i( yo#$d li!e, s#ch as (ont color, (ont si;e, @ohnson bo%es and similar. Noogle 2nalytics "his is the most po'er(#l tool in this trio. "hat$s beca#se Noogle 2nalytics gives yo# the ability to test and trac! complete campaigns as 'ell as individ#al ads and sales letters. 2nd that means yo#$ll !no' 'hich o( yo#r mar!eting activities gives yo# the best E*- .ret#rn on yo#r investment/ so that yo# can spend even more time and money on these high?pro(it activities. &o# can trac! things li!e+ 2n ad yo# place on yo#r blog. Email ads yo# send via yo#r ne'sletter. Email ads yo# place on other people$s sites, blogs and ne'sletters. *((line ads .s#ch as classi(ied advertising/. anner or te%t ads. 2d1ords ads, !ey'ords and landing pages.

2nd most anything else yo#$d li!e to trac!. 2s #s#al, no thin!ing re7#ired D#st pl#g the re7#ired in(ormation into the tool and it 'ill do all the trac!ing and n#mber cr#nching. "hen it 'ill give yo# the analysis in easy?to?read charts. Copyright 2010 by, all rights reserved Page 10

The 7 Hands-Down Best Internet Marketing Products In Existence

2dmittedly, - havenBt #sed very many hosting options ? so there might be something better o#t there. Gor me, tho#gh, <ostNator is so a'esome that - havenBt needed to chec! o#t alternatives. Gor >M.49 a month, yo# can host #nlimited 'ebsites thro#gh them. -Bm not too s#re 'hat their band'idth re7#irements are, b#t - can tell yo# - have 100 or so 'ebsites on my acco#nt and have never (aced any problems ? even 'hen - got an in(l#% o( tra((ic (rom being in a maga;ine. - really li!e <ostNator (or several reasons. Girst o( all, the c#stomer service is G2)"2,"-C. 2s mentioned be(ore, - have the technical inclination o( a Delly(ish ? so there are times -Bve de(initely needed to 'rite in and as! 7#estions. "hey have live chat help available constantly, so -Bve al'ays gotten ans'ers 'ell 'ithin 19?20 min#tes .m#ch better than having to email in a help re7#est and 'ait 2M ho#rs/. "he C, reps are #s#ally really !no'ledgeable, too .there are other companies - call and the reps arenBt s#re 'hat the ans'er is, so this is really re(reshing/. "heir inter(ace is incredibly easy to navigate and they o((er tons o( options 'ith their Gantastico program. ,ome o( the things yo# can enDoy 'ith Gantastico De F#%e+ ?-mmediately installing a blog into yo#r site 'ith one clic! .no doing any tech 'or! yo#rsel(/ ?-mmediately installing yo#r choice o( 2 (or#ms into yo#r site 'ith one clic! .no doing any tech 'or! yo#rsel(/

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?-mmediately installing a help des! into yo#r site 'ith one clic! .no doing any tech 'or! yo#rsel(/ ?-mmediately installing polls, calendars, G.2.Q. sections, classi(ied ads, and m#ch more, in yo# g#essed it... one clic!. "hey even have site b#ilders yo# can #se no'. - havenBt played 'ith these yet, b#t they seem li!e a great option. - love the stats yo# can get (rom 'ithin the control panel as 'ell. 1ith <ostNator thereBs no need to b#y any e%pensive tra((ic analytics programs beca#se it tells yo# e%actly 'here yo#r tra((ic is coming (rom ? 'hat search terms they #sed to get there, 'hat lin!s they 'ere sent in (rom, and so (orth. -Bve heard horror stories o( people 'ith other hosting programs ? people 'hoBve had all their sites sh#t do'n right a'ay than!s to a mis#nderstanding, 'hich costs them tons o( money. -Bve never heard anything bad abo#t <ostNator and highly recommend it.

Earn 456 ( Day

"here are lots o( -nternet 3ar!eting (or#ms o#t there. - typically donBt #se them beca#se theyBre either really negative, or beca#se theyBre time?'asters (or me. Fi!e - said in the beginning, - learned a lot (rom "he 1arrior Gor#m. -t de(initely has its per!s, and o((ers a lot (or beginners. 3y L1 (or#m no', tho#gh, is absol#tely Earn >1K 2 Day .i( yo# go there, please ignore the hype?y so#nding letter and let me tell yo# e%actly 'hy itBs so a'esome/. "o begin 'ith, the people on there are (ab#lo#s. "heyBre positive, s#ccess?oriented, and act#ally get st#(( done. "here are de(initely Copyright 2010 by, all rights reserved Page 12

The 7 Hands-Down Best Internet Marketing Products In Existence

ne'bies in there, b#t theyBre a di((erent breed than 'hat yo# might (ind in reg#lar (or#ms. "hey 'or! hard to'ards act#ally ma!ing money online. "hereBs a C,#ccess ,toriesC section in E1K2D in 'hich -Bm al'ays reading abo#t people reaching levels o( s#ccess that theyBd only yet dreamed o(. "hereBs also a CDo'nloadsC section 'hich is 'orth the price o( the (or#m in itsel(. Dennis, the o'ner, (re7#ently b#ys prod#cts that have resale rights and gives them to members (or (ree. -n (act, members are even allo'ed to re7#est prod#cts and Dennis o(ten b#ys them. "he membership is >M0 a month, b#t even do'nloading one prod#ct a 'ee! o(ten more than ma!es #p yo#r cost, ? thatBs i( yo# donBt even bother loo!ing thro#gho#t the (or#ms. Dennis is constantly adding more val#e (or the members as 'ell. <e recently hired some top -nternet 3ar!eting e%perts to come and share their e%pertise. "hey share all sorts o( things t'o o( them have a paid membership co#rse that they give (or (ree 'hen yo#Bre a member 'ithin the site. "he comm#nity there is great, too. - al'ays see people vol#nteering to help others. Dennis teaches everyone one 'ay in 'hich he ma!es a h#ge income .C3ini?3oney ,ites - thin! theyBre called ? yo#Bll read all abo#t it once yo# sign #p/ and holds peoplesB hands #ntil theyBre ma!ing money. "he members are also 7#ic! to D#mp in and ans'er 7#estions. - recently intervie'ed Dennis (or a membership co#rse -Bm doing and as!ed him abo#t his retention rates. <e said theyBre m#ch stronger than the 6 month average, and that doesnBt s#rprise me at all. -Bm al'ays seeing comments in there (rom people saying things li!e, C1o' ? - didnBt thin! this (or#m co#ld get any better.C Copyright 2010 by, all rights reserved Page 13

The 7 Hands-Down Best Internet Marketing Products In Existence

3y (avorite (ree prod#ct is, hands do'n, 1ordpress. .-( yo#Bre not (amiliar 'ith it, itBs a blogging plat(orm thatBs incredibly int#itive and #ser?(riendly./ - love 1ordpress so m#ch beca#se o( all the things yo# can do 'ith it. -tBs certainly di((erent than K,itePro b#t o((ers 7#ite a bit. Gor starters, i( yo# search, yo# can (ind tons o( di((erent C'idgetsC to enhance yo#r blog. &o# can do things s#ch as add polls, ma!e yo#r blog even more search?engine (riendly .more on that in a min#te/, add special (eat#res, a#tomatically send emails to people each time yo# create a ne' blog post, and ,* m#ch more. "he (eat#res are practically endless. 1ordpress is also a'esome (or search engine optimi;ation. -Bve tested o#t a (e' di((erent types o( 'ebsites, and the ones - b#ild 'ith 1ordpress al'ays get the highest ran!ings in the search engines, bar none. "here are lots o( themes yo# can get (or 1P as 'ell. &o# can have a ne' one every time yo#r mood changes i( yo# 'ant ? and there are tons o( ones that yo# can get (or (reeJ - act#ally @O," changed my theme over at EachelEo( and love itJ

- consider boo!s absol#tely imperative to any s#ccess -Bve had online. 3ost physical cheap boo!s are so m#ch more help(#l than any !ind o( eboo! yo#Bll ever b#y. - 'o#ldnBt tell yo# to stic! only to the list -$m abo#t to give yo# beca#se thereBs so m#ch val#e in ,* many boo!s .especially ones that Copyright 2010 by, all rights reserved Page 14

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arenBt related to b#sinessJ/, b#t -Bll give yo# a list o( some o( my (avorites. "hey all sho#ld be easily obtainable at p#blic libraries, tho#gh -Bd probably recommend b#ying them so that yo# can re(erence them at any time. <ereBs my personal list+ -n(l#ence by Eobert Cialdini 2ttractor Gactor by @oe Pitale Parado% *( Choice by arry ,ch'art; 2)&"<-)N that Dan Kennedy p#ts o#t ,#ccess Principles by @ac! Can(ield Go#r <o#r 1or!'ee! by "im Gerriss "he 2ns'er by @ohn 2ssara( 3ade "o ,tic! by Chip <eath and Dan <eath "ested 2dvertising 3ethods by @ohn Caples ,ecrets *( "he 3illionaire 3ind by ". <arv E!er

To 7ra% It *%...
-t really s#rprised me, 'hen 'riting this report, to (ind that o#t o( all the prod#cts - p#rchased, - co#ldnBt thin! o( = di((erent ones that loved. -( - 'as incl#ding something li!e CcoachingC in the list, that might be di((erent ? mentoring and coaching is priceless. #t (or act#al prod#cts, - had to stop at 9. - hope this list helps yo# ? maybe it helps yo# in (inding a'esome prod#cts, or maybe it helps yo# reali;e that there are tons o( Cbells and 'histleC things o#t there that yo# really don,t need. ,#re, a lot o( it helps yo#. -t helps yo# shorten yo#r learning c#rve and s#cceed 7#ic!er. <ec!, - po#r my heart into p#tting o#t my o'n -nternet 3ar!eting Copyright 2010 by, all rights reserved Page 15

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prod#cts once in a 'hile 'ith the (#llest intention o( helping people. #t i( yo#r b#dget isnBt there yet, do yo# necessarily )EED anything besides 'hat - mentionedR Probably not. 1ith love, Eachel

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7ant More8 Here (re 2o#e Resources'

Earn1KaDay the -nternet mar!eterBs -nsiders Cl#b 'here 'e share tips, tactics, s#ccess strategies, and disseminate c#tting edge in(ormation abo#t 12 di((erent b#siness models. 9 #c!s a Day "his is ho' Earn1K2Day 'as born. Fearn the techni7#es that, inspired by a 9?dollar bill, too! my -nternet mar!eting income (rom >60 a day to >=00 a day in less than a year. 2ction En(orcer "his des!top application that 'ill bring yo# more (oc#s and let yo# get more done in less time than yo# ever imagined. 2 comprehensive list o( all o( o#r prod#cts.

(rtic e Marketing
= 3in#te 2rticle ,ecrets <o' to 'rite any article in = min#tes or less. 2rticle 3ar!eting 6A9 Fearn techni7#es that 'ill bring yo# yearlong article tra((ic. 2rticle Pro(it Gorm#la Fearn the (orm#la that @ohn "aylor #ses to ma!e each article he #ses 'orth >25 .or more/.

Copy Cheats "his ta!es 8best o( the best: copy'riting lessons and p#ts them all in one page. &o#r copy'riting s!ills 'ill absol#tely get a lot better a(ter going thro#gh this report. Oltimate Copy'riting <andboo! ? <o' to 'rite irresistible, pers#asive and engaging sales copy so that yo# can ma!e more sales (or yo#r prod#cts and services. Copyright 2010 by, all rights reserved Page 17

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9ree ance 7ork

Greelance Pro(it 3ethod Discover 26 di((erent 'ays yo# can earn money as a (reelance 'riter.

0ist Bui ding

Fist #ilding Eenegade ? <o' to generate massive email lists o( targeted, h#ngry b#yers.

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