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Date: ___________________ Lesson Plan in Science and Health V First Grading Period I.

OBJECTIVE: Describe some physical changes during puberty II. S BJECT !"TTE#: #eproducti$e System %Changes during puberty& ". Science Concepts'Ideas: (. "t the ages o) ((*(+, the human body enters a period o) dramatic physical and mental changes re)erred to as adolescence or puberty.

-. During this period, the body begins to undergo changes in se.ual characteristics. /. 0uberty means a young person has the ability to procreate or produce o))spring. +. 1hen puberty begins, the girl start to menstruate. Boys start releasing sperms in the semen 2hich can )ertili3e the )emale4s mature egg. 5. Changes in one4s physical characteristics are mainly caused by chemical produced by the body called, hormones. 6. The male se. organs produce testosterone 2hile the )emale se. organs produce hormones called estrogen and progesterone. B. Science 0rocesses: Identi)ying and describing and comparing C. !aterials: Chart, )lashcards #e)erences: Into the 7uture: Science and 8ealth 5 pp.9*(: Science and 8ealth 5 by Jessie Villegas pp. (6 III. 0#OCED #E:


0reparatory "cti$ity: #e$ie2: Describe the )ollo2ing: ;ygote, embryo, )etus

b. 0resentation: i. !oti$ation: 0icture study: 1hat changes ha$e you noticed in the picture o) #omeo as he gro2 older< Do these changes happened to you< ii. "cti$ity: (. #ecall the changes that ha$e occurred in one4s body since he'she 2as nine years old. -. #ecord changes in the noteboo= /. Tally ans2ers in a table as sho2n: Changes >es ?o


Concept 7ormation: i. Did all o) you e.perience the same changes< ii. 8o2 do you react to these changes< iii. 8o2 many are surprised< i$. 8o2 many are ashamed<

d. @enerali3ation: e. IV. "pplication: 1hat other changes happen to male and )emale as they reach puberty< I) you menstruate any day today, should you be a)raid< "shamed to others<

EV"A "TIO?: Classi)y 2hether the )ollo2ing changes occur on boys or in girls. #earrange the items in the proper heading.

(. The breast begin to )orm. -. The shoulders become broad. /. The body becomes muscular. +. The boys produce semen. 5. "the "dam4s apple enlarges. 6. The hips beome broader. B. The $oice become deeper. V. "SSI@?!E?T: ?ote other changes in your li)e.

Date: ___________________

Lesson Plan in Science and Health V First Grading Period I. OBJECTIVE: Describe bodily changes o) a male')emale at pubertyC #elate the menstrual cycle o) the )emale to the ability to get pregnant or reproduce its o2n =ind. II. S BJECT !"TTE#: 1hen a @irl Becomes a 1oman ". Science Concepts'Ideas: (. The menstrual cycle the )emale reproducti$e organs. in$ol$es the monthly changes in

-. The menstrual )lo2 occurs 2hen the egg is not )ertili3ed by a sperm cell. /. !enstruation lasts some )our to )i$e successi$e days once e$ery -9*day cycle a)ter the egg is released by the o$ary. +. "s long as )emale e.perience menstruation, she can get pregnant. B. Science 0rocesses: De)ining, enumerating, obser$ing and in)erring. C. !aterials:

Enlarged diagrams o) the )emale4s reproducti$e system 0ictures sho2ing the changes that occur in the )emale4s reproducti$e system during one month.
#e)erences: Into the 7uture: Science and 8ealth 5 Science and 8ealth 5 by Jessie Villegas III. 0#OCED #E: a. 0reparatory "cti$ity: #e$ie2: Changes in the body during puberty b. 0resentation:

i. !oti$ation: 1ho among you ha$e seen an ad$ertisement o) sanitary nap=ins< 1ho uses them< 1hy< ii. "cti$ity: 1hat do you thin= 2ill happen i) the egg is not )ertili3ed by any sperm cell< 1hat is menstruation< c. Concept 7ormation: se the chart on page (- o) the te.tboo=. Each column in the chart represents the day. Discuss 2hat happens to the reproducti$e organ %uterus, o$ary& o) a )emale 2ithin a month. De)ine menstruation based on your e.perience. Enumerate the symptoms on menstruation. d. @enerali3ation: 1hat happens 2hen a mature egg is not )ertili3ed by a sperm cell< 1hat is menstrual cycle< 1hat is its importance<


EV"A "TIO?: !ultiple Choice: Choose the letter o) the correct ans2er. (. 1hat happens 2hen a mature egg is not )ertili3ed by a sperm< a. The egg is absorbed by the body.

b. The egg is bro=en into pieces and is discharged as menstrual )lo2. c. The egg becomes mature and goes out as a )ertili3ed o$um.

d. The egg goes bac= to the )allopian tube. -. 1hy is menstruation considered as a cycle< a. Because it occurs e$ery month

b. Because it goes round and round the uterus c. Because it enables a 2oman to become pregnant e$ery year

d. Because it enables a 2oman to e.perience menopause once a year.

/. 8o2 o)ten does a 2oman e.perience menstruation< a. E$ery ten days in a month

b. E$ery (- days in a month c. E$ery (+ days in a month

d. E$ery -: days in a month V. "SSI@?!E?T: 8o2 do 2e ta=e care o) our reproducti$e organs<

Date: ___________________ Lesson Plan in Science and Health V First Grading Period


OBJECTIVE: Identi)y and describe the male reproducti$e system and its maDor parts.


S BJECT !"TTE#: #eproducti$e System %!ale4s #eproducti$e System& ". Science Concepts'Ideas: The parts o) the male reproducti$e systems are the penis, scrotum, testicles, $as de)erens, epididymis, prostrate gland and urethra. B. Science 0rocesses: Identi)ying and describing C. !aterials: Enlarged diagrams o) the male4s reproducti$e organ

#e)erences: Into the 7uture: Science and 8ealth V p./ Science and 8ealth 5 by Jessie Villegas pp. (+*(5


0#OCED #E: a. 0reparatory "cti$ity:

Tal= about photocopying center 2ith the class. Then as=: 8a$e you e$er $isited a photocopying center< 8o2 many copies o) the original can a machine ma=e< b. 0resentation: i. !oti$ation: Sho2 a picture o) a )amily, then as=: 8o2 many members are there in the )amily< Do the children resemble their parents< In 2hat 2ays do they loo= li=e their parents< Introduce reproduction. 8o2 do human beings carry out the process o) reproduction< ii. "cti$ity: (. Sho2 the enlarged picture o) the male reproducti$e organs. -. Identi)y the parts. /. #ead each structure and )unction's o) each part )rom the boo=. c. Concept 7ormation: i. 1hat are the parts o) the male4s reproducti$e organ< Describe the structure and )unction o) each organ. 1hat are produced in the testicles< 1hat part o) the organ do sperm cells mature< d. @enerali3ation:

e. "pplication: 8o2 are the parts o) the male reproducti$e system related to their particular )unctions< IV. EV"A "TIO?: S=etch the male reproducti$e system. Aabel each part. Opposite the part, 2rite its )unction.


"SSI@?!E?T: #ead )urther the structure o) each part o) the male reproducti$e organ.

Date: ___________________ Lesson Plan in Science and Health V First Grading Period


OBJECTIVE: Identi)y and describe the )emale reproducti$e system and its maDor parts.


S BJECT !"TTE#: #eproducti$e System

%7emale4s #eproducti$e System& ". Science Concepts'Ideas: The parts o) the )emale reproducti$e systems are the o$aries, uterus, cer$i., $agina, $ul$a and )allopian tube B. Science 0rocesses: Identi)ying, describing and communicating C. !aterials: Enlarged diagrams o) the )emale4s reproducti$e system

#e)erences: Into the 7uture: Science and 8ealth V p.-*+ Science and 8ealth 5 by Jessie Villegas pp. (+*(5


0#OCED #E: a. 0reparatory "cti$ity: #e$ie2: 0arts o) the male reproducti$e system b. 0resentation: i. !oti$ation: 8o2 do you di))erentiate a boy )rom a girl< ii. "cti$ity: (. Obser$e the enlarged diagrams o) the )emale4s reproducti$e system -. Identi)y the parts /. Describe the structure and )unctions o) each part c. Concept 7ormation: i. 1hat are the parts o) the )emale4s reproducti$e organ< ii. 1hat is produced in the o$aries< iii. Describe the parts

d. @enerali3ation: e. "pplication: "re the male and )emale reproducti$e systems ali=e< 1hat are the important organs on the male and )emale reproducti$e systems< IV. EV"A "TIO?: S=etch the )emale reproducti$e system. Aabel each part. Opposite the part, 2rite its )unction.


"SSI@?!E?T: 8o2 do 2e ta=e good care o) our reproducti$e organs<

Date: ___________________ Lesson Plan in Science and Health V First Grading Period


OBJECTIVE: #elate the structure o) the male')emale reproducti$e system to its )unction in reproduction


S BJECT !"TTE#: #eproducti$e System ". Science Concepts'Ideas: (. Each part o) the male and )emale reproducti$e systems plays a $ital role in human reproduction.

-. The )emale4s initial role in the human reproduction is to produce the egg cells or o$a in the o$aries. /. The male role in the human reproduction is to pro$ide the sperm that )ertili3e the egg and deposit the sperm into the $agina o) the )emale. B. Science 0rocesses: De)ining, comparing and in)erring C. !aterials:

!odels, illustrations, diagrams

#e)erences: Into the 7uture: Science and 8ealth 5 p. -*+ Science and 8ealth 5 by Jessie Villegas p. (+ III. 0#OCED #E: a. 0reparatory "cti$ity: #e$ie2: 1hat are the maDor parts o) the male reproducti$e system< 1hat are the maDor parts o) the )emale reproducti$e system< b. 0resentation: i. !oti$ation: 1ithout the male reproducti$e organs is reproduction possible< 1ithout the )emale reproducti$e organs is reproduction possible< ii. "cti$ity: "cti$ity (.( E Into the 7uture: Science and 8ealth 5 p.c. Concept 7ormation:

1hat is the male reproducti$e organ< 1hat does it produce< 1hat hormone does it produce< 1hat are the other parts< 1hat is the )emale reproducti$e organ< 8o2 many o$aries are there< 1hat do the o$aries produce< 1hat se. hormones are produced in the o$aries< 8o2 important are the o$aries and testes< d. @enerali3ation: e. "pplication: Can the male per)orm reproduction by himsel)< Can a )emale per)orm reproduction by hersel)< Do you reali3e the importance o) ha$ing a se. organ< IV. EV"A "TIO?: Classi)y the )ollo2ing parts o) the se. organs into )emale and male. (. O$ary -. Testicles /. Vas de)erens +. terus 6. Scrotum B. 0enis 9. Vul$a F. 0rostrate (:. Vagina

5. 7allopian tube


"SSI@?!E?T: Dra2 your se. organ and label its parts.

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