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Gonzalo Dvar Conde 3 Derecho y EBS HUMAN RESOURCES - D.

Hermann Bohnekamp

ADOLF HITLER: Charismatic leadership? Anti-Leadership.

The esential objetive of this papper work is try to strip the word leader content, reclaiming the word person, deep and real, which means everything in Human Resources. History Was Adolf Hitler a leader? If we think a leader is the one that generates enthusiastic and loyal following adhesion, undoubtedly he is a great leader. But, what kind of country does Hilter inherits in 1933? A lost, confused and helpless Germany. Above fears and phobias of the German people, started Hitler to design a seductive and intoxicating opportunistic speech. That was his program. Ledership skills? An important communication skills and a fine observation of the wounds caused by the First World War. Six years later, Germany follows the way to dominate Europe and the world, to bring the most important test of the modern age. Who is behind that project? Adolf Hitler; a carismatic man who persuades and movilizes the asleep masses. From his success, on what bases did it build his action of government? What central points does inspire his regime? Violence, extreme nationalism, racism, superiority of the Aryan race using the fear and the insecurity of the people. In politics, to exercise the leadership, a real leadership, the first thing that it is necessary to fight is the ignorance and the population stupidity. The one who manages to govern on ignoramuses and stupids, is not a good leader; for this the education is something cardinal in a State. Our analyzed leader manages to say " I have been a politician against my will. For me the politics is a way to obtain an end "; Clearly Machiavellian position, in which the end justifies the means. And which was his end? The power, the zeal to dominate and a real obsession for the weak persons. Of there that we could not qualify as a real leader. His zeal of superiority is not any more than the obverse than a complex of inferiority that accompanies all his life. But, the time is a fire that he does not excuse, and always he places each one in his site. "The lie is always the first one in everything and drags the fools for the continuous vulgarity. The truth always comes the last one and late, limping with the time ". The shaded anthropologic dreg on which it was resting the fascist building they were not allowing to be optimistic in the long term.

Gonzalo Dvar Conde 3 Derecho y EBS Both in the life and in the business company, the most important thing having a base before beginning a project. this "principios" are the props on which there is going to be sustained the future success that we try to reach. More success, more I weigh they will have to bear our bases. But good, there abound in Europe other leaders of these characteristics; Stalin, Milosevic. What is behind these strong and authoritarian commanders, who in the bottom are amateurs apprentices of leadership? What word would explain his success? Charisma, equivocal word that must be explained. If for charisma talent understands natural skill, almost innately, for certain activities or professions, there is no problem. The dread arises when it passes to the genetic or deterministic thing. Charisma is for many almost synonymous of supernatural intelligence, magnetism. From this perspective, for evil understanding the figure of the leader, worship yields itself to his personality, in the same way as the young persons adore his musical or sports heroes. There is not a leader without a follower. Hitler achieved an absolute mechanization of German society, but that is not leadership. The real leadership The leader must have a personal resignation spirit. The essential point in authority concerns loving the other, because this is what will bring along love upon him, hence the authority our parents have performed over us. About this love that is not imposed, but awaken in the other. - Because of the authority being a certain perception of kindness and love, you can only obtain it, as it is obvious in the parents case, through sacrifice. You cannot be a true leader without sacrifice spirit, without that resigning spirit that makes the friendship possible. - The leader must have a cultured spirit, a rich one, full of interests. The one that never gets interested in nothing, will not be able to leader anything, since his only interest is himself. Companies need to be supported in people whose actions outbreak from the internal motivation of those that direct them. - The leader must see his company as an ethic company, i. e. , as a service. In this purpose, himself must be an ethic man. To be an ethic man, he must seek virtue. To seek virtue, he cannot limit himself to reading it in books, he must practice it, because virtue is strength, and strength is only given with habit. Thus that is why Teresa de Calcuta was such a great ethic leader. Who does not attend others, will use them. - The Leader must exercise his authority not as a policeman would do whilst watching you, but moral authority, the derivation of his coherent life. Firstly you leader with what you are, then with what you do and finally with what you say. The leader must be, before anything, coherent: an upright man, sincere, who does not yield to blackmail, neither puts his fingers in the lies gear.

Gonzalo Dvar Conde 3 Derecho y EBS - The leader should not be subjected to the vagaries of fashion and of his own passions. Hedonism stands as the anesthesia for leadership. Due to this, the leaders education includes a character education so to make his will power not being a slave of his own whim. Talent is educated in the calm and character in the storm (Goethe). The efforts, the toiling works, go progressively leaving this habit that is strength, which is virtue. Everyman, so, can be a leader, beacause they all have that improvement potential if they are provided with the enough motivation and if they really desire it. - The leader must not let himself fall in desperation in adversity, loss or even freedom privation, but he must always maintain that interior freedom of choosing his internal attitude towards the most terrible situations and lacks. Its the richness and freedom which make that even the most deprived and imprisoned man can be happy. This is the only freedom that remains in a concentration camp. Victor Frankl is an example. - The leader must be cautious and studious of the means to be put so to achieve the proposed ends. Aristotle already said that the first virtue of a ruler, of the good ruler, must be prudence (fronesis); this can also be used for the leader, which is also a ruler. Prudence includes asking for advice. Prudence includes namely listening to the advice that is given. - The leader needs that interior man, an interior weight. The mimetic man, faceless, that changes with the fashion ideals and newspapers, the one that pursues an ideal today and another one tomorrow, will never be the leader of anyone, because he is not able of leading himself. - The leader must capture values and make his values be captured. Values are like beauty. Cannot see it, cannot understand it, but feel it. And as the beauty of an artistic piece requires a learning of a way of view so to be caught; in the same way the good educator leaves the youth in freedom having laid in them the responsibility and the highest ideals; thereby, the leader must know how to motivate at the highest level. And that is why the leader needs an empathic heart and conscience that will allow him to comprehend the others, placing his self in their role and capture their values. The leader looks always for the hidden diamond that is present in any person, as a headstone on which to start building, even in those that are thought to be bad persons: Theyll tell you they are bad, but is not true.

The world needs modals. Todays young persons need already a few leaders that they mark his future. And in it we are. The leaders of the future are born now.

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