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Eor steady state with no heat generation, the Laplace equation applies.

The solution to Equation (3-1) will give the temperature in a two-dimensional body
as a Iunction oI the two independent space coordinates and . Then the heat Ilow
in the and directions may be calculated Irom the Eourier equations
Consider the rectangular plate shown in Eigure 3-2. Three sides oI the plate are
maintained at the constant temperature 1, and the upper side has some
temperature distribution impressed upon it. This distribution could be simply a
constant temperature or something more complex, such as a sine-wave distribution.
We shall consider both cases.
To solve Equation (3-1), the separation-oI-variables method is used. The essential
point oI this method is that the solution to the diIIerential equation is assumed to
take a product Iorm
Eirst consider the boundary conditions with a sine-wave temperature distribution
impressed on the upper edge oI the plate. Thus
Where, is the amplitude oI the sine Iunction. Substituting Equation (3-4) in (3-
1) gives
Observe that each side oI Equation (3-6) is independent oI the other because and
are independent variables. This requires that each side be equal to some constant.
We may thus obtain two ordinary diIIerential equations in terms oI this constant,
is called the separation constant. Its value must be determined Irom the
boundary conditions. Note that the Iorm oI the solution to Equations (3-7) and (3-
8) will depend on the sign oI
; a diIIerent Iorm would also result iI
were zero.

The only way that the correct Iorm can be determined is through an application oI
the boundary conditions oI the problem. So we shall Iirst write down all possible
solutions and then see which one Iits the problem under consideration.

This Iunction cannot Iit the sine-Iunction boundary condition, so the
0 solution
may be excluded.

Again, the sine-Iunction boundary condition cannot be satisIied, so this solution is
excluded also.

Now, it is possible to satisIy the sine-Iunction boundary condition; so we shall
attempt to satisIy the other conditions. The algebra is somewhat easier to handle
when the substitution (0 T - T
) is made.
The diIIerential equation and the solution then retain the same Iorm in the new
variable , and we need only transIorm the boundary conditions. Thus
Applying these conditions, we have
- C
And Irom (c)
This required that;
Recall that was an undetermined separation constant. Several values will
satisIy Equation (3-13), and these may be written
Where n is an integer. The solution to the diIIerential equation may thus be written
as a sum oI the solutions Ior each value oI n. This is an inIinite sum, so that the
Iinal solution is the inIinite series
Where the constants have been combined and the exponential terms converted to
the hyperbolic Iunction. The Iinal boundary condition may now be applied:
Which requires that Cn 0 Ior n ~1. The Iinal solution is thereIore
The temperature Iield Ior this problem is shown in Eigure 3-2. Note that the heat-
Ilow lines are perpendicular to the isotherms.
Consider a two-dimensional body that is to be divided into equal increments in
both the x and y directions, as shown in Eigure 3-5. The nodal points are
designated as shown, the m locations indicating the x increment and the n locations
indicating the y increment. We wish to establish the temperatures at any oI these
nodal points within the body, using Equation (3-1) as a governing condition. Einite
diIIerences are used to approximate diIIerential increments in the temperature and
space coordinates; and the smaller we choose these Iinite increments, the more
closely the true temperature distribution will be approximated.
The temperature gradients may be written as Iollows:
Thus the Iinite-diIIerence approximation Ior Equation (3-1) becomes
A very simple example is shown in Eigure 3-6, and the Iour equations Ior nodes 1,
2, 3, and 4 would be
When the solid is exposed to some convection boundary condition, the
temperatures at the surIace must be computed diIIerently Irom the method given
above. Consider the boundary shown in Eigure 3-7. The energy balance on node
(m, n) is
Equation (3-25) applies to a plane surIace exposed to a convection boundary
condition. It will not apply Ior other situations, such as an insulated wall or a
corner exposed to a convection boundary condition.
Consider the corner section shown in Eigure 3-8. The energy balance Ior the corner
section is
Other boundary conditions may be treated in a similar Iashion, and a convenient
summary oI nodal equations is given in Table 3-2 Ior diIIerent geometrical and
boundary situations.
Solution Techniques
Erom the Ioregoing discussion we have seen that the numerical method is simply a
means oI approximating a continuous temperature distribution with the Iinite nodal
elements. The more nodes taken, the closer the approximation; but, oI course, more
equations mean more cumbersome solutions. Eortunately, computers and even
programmable calculators have the capability to obtain these solutions very
quickly. In practical problems the selection oI a large number oI nodes may be
unnecessary because oI uncertainties in boundary conditions. Eor example, it is not
uncommon to have uncertainties in , the convection coeIIicient, oI 15 to 20
percent. The nodal equations may be written as
Eor example, the matrix notation Ior the system oI Example 3-5 would be
If a solid body is suddenly subjected to a change in environment, some time must
elapse before an equilibrium temperature condition will prevail in the body. We
refer to the equilibrium condition as the steady state and calculate the temperature
distribution and heat transfer by methods described in Chapters 2 and 3. In the
transient heating or cooling process that takes place in the interim period before
equilibrium is established, the analysis must be modified to take into account the
change in internal energy of the body with time, and the boundary conditions must
be adjusted to match the physical situation that is apparent in the unsteady-state
heat-transfer problem.
To analyze a transient heat-transfer problem, we could proceed by solving the
general heat-conduction equation by the separation-of-variables method, similar to
the analytical treatment used for the two-dimensional steady-state problem.
The differential equation of one dimensional unsteady conduction is;
We continue our discussion of transient heat conduction by analyzing systems that
may be considered uniform in temperature. This type of analysis is called the
lumped-heat-capacity method. Such systems are obviously idealized because a
temperature gradient must exist in a material if heat is to be conducted into or out
of the material.
If a hot steel ball were immersed in a cool pan of water, the lumped-heat-capacity
method of analysis might be used if we could justify an assumption of uniform ball
temperature during the cooling process. Clearly, the temperature distribution in the
ball would depend on the thermal conductivity of the ball material and the heat-
transfer conditions from the surface of the ball to the surrounding fluid (i.e., the
surface-convection heat transfer coefficient).We should obtain a reasonably
uniform temperature distribution in the ball if the resistance to heat transfer by
conduction were small compared with the convection resistance at the surface, so
that the major temperature gradient would occur through the fluid layer at the
surface. The lumped-heat-capacity analysis, then, is one that assumes that the
internal resistance of the body is negligible in comparison with the external
resistance. The convection heat loss from the body is evidenced as a decrease in
the internal energy of the body, as shown in Figure 4-2. Thus,
Where A is the surface area for convection and V is the volume. The initial
condition is written
T =T
at =0
So that the solution to Equation (4-4) is
We have already noted that the lumped-capacity type of analysis assumes a
uniform temperature distribution throughout the solid body and that the assumption
is equivalent to saying that the surface-convection resistance is large compared
with the internal-conduction resistance.
Such an analysis may be expected to yield reasonable estimates within about 5
percent when the following condition is met:
Where, k is the thermal conductivity of the solid. If one considers the ratio V/A=s
as a characteristic dimension of the solid, the dimensionless group in Equation (4-
6) is called the Biot number:
Consider a two-dimensional body divided into increments as shown in Figure 4-19.
The subscript m denotes the x position, and the subscript n denotes the y position.
Within the solid body the differential equation that governs the heat flow is
Assuming constant properties, we recall from Chapter 3 that the second partial
derivatives may be approximated by
The time derivative in Equation (4-24) is approximated by
In this relation the superscripts designate the time increment. Combining the
relations above gives the difference equation equivalent to Equation (4-24)
Thus, if the temperatures of the various nodes are known at any particular time, the
temperatures after a time increment may be calculated by writing an equation
like Equation (4-28) for each node and obtaining the values of
. The
procedure may be repeated to obtain the distribution after any desired number of
time increments. If the increments of space coordinates are chosen such that
x =y the resulting equation for
If the time and distance increments are conveniently chosen so that
It is seen that the temperature of node (m, n) after a time increment is simply the
arithmetic average of the four surrounding nodal temperatures at the beginning of
the time increment. When a one-dimensional system is involved, the equation
And if the time and distance increments are chosen so that
The temperature of node m after the time increment is given as the arithmetic
average of the two adjacent nodal temperatures at the beginning of the time
0 0 100 100 100 100 0
1 0 30 100 100 30 0
2 0 30 73 73 30 0
3 0 37.3 62.3 62.3 37.3 0
4 0 31.73 30 30 31.73 0
The subject oI convection heat transIer requires an energy balance along with an
analysis oI the Iluid dynamics oI the problems concerned. Our discussion in this
chapter will Iirst consider some oI the simple relations oI Iluid dynamics and
boundary layer analysis that are important Ior a basic understanding oI convection
heat transIer. Next, we shall impose an energy balance on the Ilow system and
determine the inIluence oI the Ilow on the temperature gradients in the Iluid.
Einally, having obtained knowledge oI the temperature distribution, the heat-
transIer rate Irom a heated surIace to a Iluid that is Iorced over it may be
Consider the Ilow over a Ilat plate as shown in Eigures 5-1 and 5-2. Beginning at
the leading edge oI the plate, a region develops where the inIluence oI viscous
Iorces is Ielt. These viscous Iorces are described in terms oI a shear stress :
between the Iluid layers. II this stress is assumed to be proportional to the normal
velocity gradient, we have the deIining equation Ior the viscosity,
The constant oI proportionality is called the dvnamic viscositv. A typical set oI
units is newton-seconds per square meter; however, many sets oI units are used Ior
the viscosity, and care must be taken to select the proper group that will be
consistent with the Iormulation at hand. The region oI Ilow that develops Irom the
leading edge oI the plate in which the eIIects oI viscosity are observed is called the
boundarv laver. Some arbitrary point is used to designate the position where the
boundary layer ends; this point is usually chosen as the coordinate where the
velocity becomes 99 percent oI the Iree-stream value. Initially, the boundary-layer
development is laminar, but at some critical distance Irom the leading edge,
depending on the Ilow Iield and Iluid properties, small disturbances in the Ilow
begin to become ampliIied, and a transition process takes place until the Ilow
becomes turbulent. The turbulent-Ilow region may be pictured as a random
churning action with chunks oI Iluid moving to and Iro in all directions.
The transition Irom laminar to turbulent Ilow occurs when

Iree-stream velocity, m/s

x distance Irom leading edge, m
v /p kinematic viscosity, m
This particular grouping oI terms is called the Reynolds number, and is
dimensionless iI a consistent set oI units is used Ior all the properties:
Consider the Ilow in a tube as shown in Eigure 5-3. A boundary layer develops at
the entrance, as shown. Eventually the boundary layer Iills the entire tube, and the
Ilow is said to be Iully developed. II the Ilow is laminar, a parabolic velocity
proIile is experienced, as shown in Eigure 5-3a. When the Ilow is turbulent, a
somewhat blunter proIile is observed, as in Eigure 5-3b. In a tube, the Reynolds
number is again used as a criterion Ior laminar and turbulent Ilow. Eor the Ilow is
usually observed to be turbulent d is the tube diameter. Again, a range oI Reynolds
numbers Ior transition may be observed, depending on the pipe roughness and
smoothness oI the Ilow. The generally accepted range Ior transition is
2000 Re
Consider the elemental control volume shown in Eigure 5-4. We derive the
equation oI motion Ior the boundary layer by making a Iorce-and-momentum
balance on this element.
To simpliIy the analysis we assume:
1. The Iluid is incompressible and the Ilow is steady.
2. There are no pressure variations in the direction perpendicular to the plate.
3. The viscosity is constant.
4. Viscous-shear Iorces in the direction are negligible.
We apply Newton`s second law oI motion,
The above Iorm oI Newton`s second law oI motion applies to a system oI constant
mass. In Iluid dynamics it is not usually convenient to work with elements oI mass;
rather, we deal with elemental control volumes such as that shown in Eigure 5-4,
where mass may Ilow in or out oI the diIIerent sides oI the volume, which is Iixed
in space. Eor this system the Iorce balance is then written
The result oI the net Iorce in x direction is
This is the momentum equation oI the laminar boundary layer with constant
The integral boundary-layer equation is
5 -14]
II the velocity proIile were known, the appropriate Iunction could be inserted in
Equation (5-14) to obtain an expression Ior the boundary-layer thickness. Eor our
approximate analysis we Iirst write down some conditions that the velocity
Iunction must satisIy:
The simplest Iunction that we can choose to satisIy these conditions is a
polynomial with Iour arbitrary constants. Thus
Applying the Iour conditions (a) to (d),
Apply this velocity proIile in equation 5-14, yields
Or in dimensionless Iorm
The exact solution oI the boundary-layer equations as given in Appendix B yields
The Ioregoing analysis considered the Iluid dynamics oI a laminar-boundary-layer
Ilow system. We shall now develop the energy equation Ior this system and then
proceed to an integral method oI solution.
Consider the elemental control volume shown in Eigure 5-6. To simpliIy the
analysis we assume
1. Incompressible steady Ilow
2. Constant viscosity, thermal conductivity, and speciIic heat
3. Negligible heat conduction in the direction oI Ilow ( direction), i.e.
Then, Ior the element shown, the energy balance may be written as;
Energy convected in left face energy convected in bottom face heat
conducted in bottom face net viscous work done on element energy
convected out right faceenergy convected out top face heat conducted out
top face
The convective and conduction energy quantities are indicated in Eigure 5-6, and
the energy term Ior the viscous work may be derived as Iollows. The viscous work
may be computed as a product oI the net viscous-shear Iorce and the distance this
Iorce moves in unit time. The viscous-shear Iorce is the product oI the shear-stress
and the area dx,
And the distance through which it moves per unit time in respect to the elemental
control volume dx dy is
So that the net viscous energy delivered to the element is
Writing the energy balance corresponding to the quantities shown in Eigure 5-6,
assuming unit depth in the direction, and neglecting second-order diIIerentials
Using the continuity relation
And dividing by c
This is the energy equation oI the laminar boundary layer. The leIt side represents
the net transport oI energy into the control volume, and the right side represents the
sum oI the net heat conducted out oI the control volume and the net viscous work
done on the element. The viscous-work term is oI importance only at high
velocities since its magnitude will be small compared with the other terms when
low-velocity Ilow is studied. This may be shown with an order-oI-magnitude
analysis oI the two terms on the right side oI Equation (5-22). Eor this order-oI-
magnitude analysis we might consider the velocity as having the order oI the Iree-
stream velocity u and the v dimension oI the order oI . Thus
Then the viscous dissipation is small in comparison with the conduction term. Let
us rearrange Equation (5-23) by introducing
Where, Pr is called the Prandtl number, which we shall discuss later. Equation (5-
23) becomes
This value indicating that the viscous dissipation is small Ior even this rather large
Ilow velocity oI 70 m/s. Thus, Ior low-velocity incompressible Ilow, we have
There is a striking similarity between Equation (5-25) and the momentum equation
Ior constant pressure
The solution to the two equations will have exactly the same Iorm when o v.
Thus we should expect that the relative magnitudes oI the thermal diIIusivity and
kinematic viscosity would have an important inIluence on convection heat transIer
since these magnitudes relate the velocity distribution to the temperature
distribution. This is exactly the case, and we shall see the role that these parameters
play in the subsequent discussion.
Consider the system shown in Eigure 5-7. The temperature oI the wall is T
, the
temperature oI the Iluid outside the thermal boundary layer is T

, and the thickness

oI the thermal boundary layer is designated as
. At the wall, the velocity is zero,
and the heat transIer into the Iluid takes place by conduction. Thus the local heat
Ilux per unit area, , is
So that we need only Iind the temperature gradient at the wall in order to evaluate
the heat-transIer coeIIicient. This means that we must obtain an expression Ior the
temperature distribution. To do this, an approach similar to that used in the
momentum analysis oI the boundary layer is Iollowed.
The conditions that the temperature distribution must satisIy are
Where 0 T T
. There now remains the problem oI Iinding an expression Ior
the thermal-boundary-layer thickness. This may be obtained by an integral analysis
oI the energy equation Ior the boundary layer.
Consider the control volume bounded by the planes 1, 2, A-A, and the wall as
shown in Eigure 5-8. It is assumed that the thermal boundary layer is thinner than
the hydrodynamic boundary layer, as shown. The wall temperature is T
, the Iree-
stream temperature is T

, and the heat given up to the Iluid over the length dx is

. We wish to make the energy balance
Energy convected in viscous work within element heat transfer at wall
energy convected out |5-31|
The energy convected in through plane 1 is
And the energy convected out through plane 2 is
To calculate the heat transIer at the wall, we need to derive an expression Ior the
thermal boundary layer thickness that may be used in conjunction with Equations
(5-29) and (5-30) to determine the heat-transIer coeIIicient. Eor now, we neglect
the viscous-dissipation term; this term is very small unless the velocity oI the Ilow
Iield becomes very large. The plate under consideration need not be heated over its
entire length. The situation that we shall analyze is shown in Eigure 5-9, where the
hydrodynamic boundary layer develops Irom the leading edge oI the plate, while
heating does not begin until xx
. Inserting the temperature distribution Equation
(5-30) and the velocity distribution Equation (5-19) into Equation (5-32) and
neglecting the viscous-dissipation term, gives
is the thermal boundary layer thickness
The integration result shows that
has been introduced. The ratio v/o is called the Prandtl number aIter Ludwig
Prandtl, the German scientist who introduced the concepts oI boundary-layer
When the plate is heated over the entire length, x
0, and
In the Ioregoing analysis the assumption was made that <1. This assumption is
satisIactory Ior Iluids having Prandtl numbers greater than about 0.7. Eortunately,
most gases and liquids Iall within this category. Liquid metals are a notable
exception, however, since they have Prandtl numbers oI the order oI 0.01.
In the Ioregoing analysis the assumption was made that <1. This assumption is
satisIactory Ior Iluids having Prandtl numbers greater than about 0.7. Eortunately,
most gases and liquids Iall within this category. Liquid metals are a notable
exception, however, since they have Prandtl numbers oI the order oI 0.01.
Returning now to the analysis, we have
Substituting Ior the hydrodynamic-boundary-layer thickness Irom Equation (5-21)
and using Equation (5-36) gives
The equation may be nondimensionalized by multiplying both sides by x/k,
producing the dimensionless group on the leIt side,
called the Nusselt number aIter Wilhelm Nusselt, who made signiIicant
contributions to the theory oI convection heat transIer. Einally,
Or, Ior the plate heated over its entire length, x
0 and
Equations (5-41), (5-43), and (5-44) express the local values oI the heat-transIer
coeIIicient in terms oI the distance Irom the leading edge oI the plate and the Iluid
properties. Eor the case where x
0 the average heat-transIer coeIIicient and
Nusselt number may be obtained by integrating over the length oI the plate:
Eor a plate where heating starts at x x
, it can be shown that the average heat
transIer coeIIicient can be expressed as
In this case, the total heat transIer Ior the plate would be
Assuming the heated section is at the constant temperature T
. Eor the plate heated
over the entire length,
The Ioregoing analysis was based on the assumption that the Iluid properties were
constant throughout the Ilow. When there is an appreciable variation between wall
and Iree-stream conditions, it is recommended that the properties be evaluated at
the so-called film temperature T
, deIined as the arithmetic mean between the wall
and Iree-stream temperature,
Eor the constant-heat-Ilux case it can be shown that the local Nusselt number is
given by
which may be expressed in terms oI the wall heat Ilux and temperature diIIerence
The average temperature diIIerence along the plate, Ior the constant-heat-Ilux
condition, may be obtained by perIorming the integration
We have already seen that the temperature and Ilow Iields are related. Now we
seek an expression whereby the Irictional resistance may be directly related to heat
The shear stress at the wall may be expressed in terms oI a Iriction coeIIicient C
Equation (5-52) is the deIining equation Ior the Iriction coeIIicient. The shear
stress may also be calculated Irom the relation
Using the velocity distribution given by Equation (5-19), we have
and making use oI the relation Ior the boundary-layer thickness gives
Combining Equations (5-52) and (5-53) leads to
The exact solution oI the boundary-layer equations yields
Equation (5-44) may be rewritten in the Iollowing Iorm:
The group on the leIt is called the Stanton number,
So that
Upon comparing Equations (5-54) and (5-55), we note that the right sides are alike
except Ior a diIIerence oI about 3 percent in the constant, which is the result oI the
approximate nature oI the integral boundary-layer analysis. We recognize this
approximation and write
Equation (5-56), called the Revnolds-Colburn analogv, expresses the relation
between Iluid Iriction and heat transIer Ior laminar Ilow on a Ilat plate. The heat-
transIer coeIIicient thus could be determined by making measurements oI the
Irictional drag on a plate under conditions in which no heat transIer is involved.
The Bulk Temperature
In tube Ilow the convection heat-transIer coeIIicient is usually deIined by
Where T
is the wall temperature and T
is the so-called bulk temperature or
energy-average Iluid temperature across the tube, which may be calculated Irom
The reason Ior using the bulk temperature in the deIinition oI heat-transIer
coeIIicients Ior tube Ilow may be explained as Iollows. In a tube Ilow there is no
easily discernible Iree stream condition as is present in the Ilow over a Ilat plate.
Even the centerline temperature T
is not easily expressed in terms oI the inlet Ilow
variables and the heat transIer. At any x position, the temperature that is indicative
oI the total energy oI the Ilow is an integrated mass-energy average temperature
over the entire Ilow area. The numerator oI Equation (5-102) represents the total
energy Ilow through the tube, and the denominator represents the product oI mass
Ilow and speciIic heat integrated over the Ilow area. The bulk temperature is thus
representative oI the total energy oI the Ilow at the particular location.
Eor design and engineering purposes, empirical correlations are usually oI greatest
practical utility. In this section we present some oI the more important and useIul
empirical relations and point out their limitations.
The Bulk Temperature
Eirst let us give some Iurther consideration to the bulk-temperature concept that is
important in all heat-transIer problems involving Ilow inside closed channels. In
Chapter 5 we noted that the bulk temperature represents energy average or 'mixing
cup conditions. Thus, Ior the tube Ilow depicted in Eigure 6-1 the total energy
added can be expressed in terms oI a bulk-temperature diIIerence by
Provided cp is reasonably constant over the length. In some diIIerential length dx
the heat added dq can be expressed either in terms oI a bulk-temperature diIIerence
or in terms oI the heat-transIer coeIIicient.
Where, T
and T
are the wall and bulk temperatures at the particular x location.
The total heat transIer can also be expressed as
Where, A is the total surIace area Ior heat transIer. Because both T
and T
vary along the length oI the tube, a suitable averaging process must be adopted Ior
use with Equation (6-3).
A traditional expression Ior calculation oI heat transIer in Iully developed turbulent
Ilow in smooth tubes is that recommended by Dittus and Boelter
The properties in this equation are evaluated at the average Iluid bulk temperature,
and the exponent n has the Iollowing values:
We wish to generalize the results oI these experiments by arriving at one empirical
equation that represents all the data. As described above, we may anticipate that
the heat-transIer data will be dependent on the Reynolds and Prandtl numbers. A
power Iunction Ior each oI these parameters is a simple type oI relation to use, so
we assume
Where, C, m, and n are constants to be determined Irom the experimental data.
To take into account the property variations, Sieder and Tate |2| recommend the
Iollowing relation:
All properties are evaluated at bulk-temperature conditions, except
, which is
evaluated at the wall temperature.
In the entrance region the Ilow is not developed, and Nusselt |3| recommended the
Iollowing equation:
Where, L is the length oI the tube and d is the tube diameter. The properties in
Equation (6-6) are evaluated at the mean bulk temperature.
II the channel through which the Iluid Ilows is not oI circular cross section, it is
recommended that the heat-transIer correlations be based on the hydraulic diameter
, deIined by
Where, A is the cross-sectional area oI the Ilow and P is the wetted perimeter. This
particular grouping oI terms is used because it yields the value oI the physical
diameter when applied to a circular cross section. The hydraulic diameter should
be used in calculating the Nusselt and Reynolds numbers.
Natural, or Iree, convection is observed as a result oI the motion oI the Iluid due to
density changes arising Irom the heating process .A hot radiator used Ior heating a
room is one example oI a practical device that transIers heat by Iree convection.
The movement oI the Iluid in Iree convection, whether it is a gas or a liquid, results
Irom the buoyancy Iorces imposed on the Iluid when its density in the proximity oI
the heat-transIer surIace is decreased as a result oI the heating process. The
buoyancy Iorces would not be present iI the Iluid were not acted upon by some
external Iorce Iield such as gravity, although gravity is not the only type oI Iorce
Iield that can produce the Iree-convection currents; a Iluid enclosed in a rotating
machine is acted upon by a centriIugal Iorce Iield, and thus could experience Iree-
convection currents iI one or more oI the surIaces in contact with the Iluid were
heated. The buoyancy Iorces that give rise to the Iree-convection currents are
called bodv forces.
Consider the vertical Ilat plate shown in Eigure 7-1. When the plate is heated, a
Iree convection boundary layer is Iormed, as shown. The velocity proIile in this
boundary layer is quite unlike the velocity proIile in a Iorced-convection boundary
layer. At the wall the velocity is zero because oI the no-slip condition; it increases
to some maximum value and then decreases to zero at the edge oI the boundary
layer since the 'Iree-stream conditions are at rest in the Iree-convection system.
The initial boundary-layer development is laminar; but at some distance Irom the
leading edge, depending on the Iluid properties and the temperature diIIerence
between wall and environment, turbulent eddies are Iormed, and transition to a
turbulent boundary layer begins. Earther up the plate the boundary layer may
become Iully turbulent.
To analyze the heat-transIer problem, we must Iirst obtain the diIIerential equation
oI motion Ior the boundary layer. Eor this purpose we choose the x coordinate
along the plate and the v coordinate perpendicular to the plate as in the analyses oI
Chapter 5. The only new Iorce that must be considered in the derivation is the
weight oI the element oI Iluid.
This is the equation oI motion Ior the Iree-convection boundary layer. Notice that
the solution Ior the velocity proIile demands knowledge oI the temperature
distribution. The energy equation Ior the Iree-convection system is the same as that
Ior a Iorced-convection system at low velocity:
As beIore, we equate the sum oI the external Iorces in the
x direction to the change in momentum Ilux through the
control volume dx dy. There results
Where, the term g represents the weight Iorce exerted
on the element. The pressure gradient in the x direction
results Irom the change in elevation up the plate. Thus
In other words, the change in pressure over a height dx is
equal to the weight per unit area oI the Iluid element.
Substituting Equation (7-2) into Equation (7-1) gives
The density diIIerence

- may be expressed in terms

oI the volume coeIIicient oI expansion , deIined by
So that
The volume coeIIicient oI expansion may be determined Irom tables oI
properties Ior the speciIic Iluid. Eor ideal gases it may be calculated Irom
Where, T is the absolute temperature oI the gas.
Over the years it has been Iound that average Iree-convection heat-transIer
coeIIicients can be represented in the Iollowing Iunctional Iorm Ior a variety oI
The Prandtl number Pr v/o has been introduced in the above expressions along
with a new dimensionless group called the GrashoI number Gr.
Where, the subscript f indicates that the properties in the dimensionless groups are
evaluated at the Iilm temperature
The product oI the GrashoI and Prandtl numbers is called the Rayleigh number:
The GrashoI number may be interpreted physically as a dimensionless group
representing the ratio oI the buoyancy Iorces to the viscous Iorces in the Iree-
convection Ilow system. It has a role similar to that played by the Reynolds
number in Iorced-convection systems and is the primary variable used as a
criterion Ior transition Irom laminar to turbulent boundary layer Ilow. Eor air in
Iree convection on a vertical Ilat plate, the critical GrashoI number is
approximately 410
. Values ranging between 10
and 10
may be observed Ior
diIIerent Iluids and environment 'turbulence levels.
Characteristic Dimensions
The characteristic dimension to be used in the Nusselt and GrashoI numbers
depends on the geometry oI the problem.
Eor a vertical plate it is the height oI the plate L.
Eor a horizontal cylinder it is the diameter d.
Eor a vertical cylinder it is the height oI the cylinder L.
Eor horizontal:
It is the side oI square plate (a).
It is the mean oI the two dimensions Ior a rectangular plate ((a+b) / 2)
It is the (0.9d) Ior a circular disk.
It is the (A/P) Ior unsymmetrical plan Iorms (where A is the area and P is
the perimeter oI the surIace).

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