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by Darrell [(.Peppert and Roger E. CoopertT I. du Pent de Nemours & Co. Savannah River Laboratory Aiken, South Carolina 29808
F ~.

. .

Proposed for publication and presentation AIAA/ASM Fluid, Plasma, Thermophysics, and Heat Transfer Conference St. Louis, HO June 7-11, 1982

T Research Supervisor, Nuclear Engineering Division tt Research Engineer, Environmental Transport Division

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Numerical Solution of Natural Convection by D. W. Pepper and R. E. Cooper E. I. du Pent de Nemours & Co. Savannah River Laboratory 29808 Aiken, South Carolina

in Eccentric Annuli

ABSTWCT The governing equaticns for transient natural convection in

eccentric annular space a!re solved with two highorder numerical algorithms. Tk~e equation set is transformed

accurate into bipolar finite surfaces;


and split into two one-dimensional

elements are used in the direction the pseudospectral Transient ld<Ra<106, technique

normal to the cylinder

is used in the azimuthal direction. for

solutions of the entire flow field are obtained

0.70<Pr<102, with the inner cylinder near the top, Results are similar to for low Ra

bottom, and side of the c)uter cylinder. experimental numbers .

and numerical values previously


INTRODUCTION Natural many years. convection Numerous in concentric annuli has been studied for

articles can be found in the literature which and numerical results.1-4 Natural con-

describe both experimental vection

in eccentric annlllar space, although not analyzed as exten

sively, has begun to receive more attention over the last few

years .

Natural convect iol~heat transf?r in eccentric

annuli occurs

in many industrial situations.

Such problems commonly occur within

the electric and nuclear energy fields, as well as in solar energy and thermal storage systems. ground electric transmission For example, the cooling of undercables is significantly affected by Simi-

the position of the inner cable within

the outer housing.

larly, the cooling of nuclear fuel and target tube assemblies following irradiation must be carefully monitored in the event of Likewise,

assembly burnout due to inner tubular eccentricities. natural convection cooling of casks containing exceed thermal ~nidelines if positioning

nuclear waste can

becomes overly eccentric. annulus is and one Steady

In this study free convection numerically dimensional

flow within an eccentric

solved using bipolar coordinate

transformation algorithms.

finite element and pseudospectral

state results are compared with existing theoretical mental data. Forced convection Trombetta5

and experi-

in eccentric annuli was investigated by methods and a least squares techSimilar studies

using approximation

nique for various radius ratios and eccentricity. for laminar flow through an eccentric

annulus was made by Guckes.6 using

Both Newtonian and non-Newt:onian fluid flows were calculated bipolar coordinates and a finite difference technique.

An ana-

lytical study of free convection

in eccentric annuli was conducted space

by Yao,7 using perturbatior~ techniques with the eccentric



into a unit circle.


solutions were obtained

for slightly eccentric annuli with Ra<10 4 for constan~ cylinder wall temperatures . Bofh numerical and experimental and thermal conduction et ala studies of natural convection

in annular regions was undertaken by Ratzel, elements was

A finite element procedure using isoparametric Cylinder walls were held constant;


the inner cylinder and

temperature was also allowed to vary. isotherm distributions 3x102<Ra<9.7x104; in concentric

Steady state streamline regions were obtained for

eccentric annular distributions

were obtained


1.2x104<Ra<2.2x104 . Free convection flow in eccentric annuli was modeled by coordinate transfor-

Projahn, et al.g using body-fitted uiations10 and the strongly implicit


finite difference


Solutions were obtained in the half-plane eccentricities. Results

for varying vertical and vertical eccen-

for both horizontal

tricities were com- pared with data obtained by Kuehn and Goldstein. 11 Bipolar coordinate recently used to calculate transformations have also been distributions

flow and temperature

through an eccentric annular duct by Feldman, et al. ,12~13 following the work of Synder and Goldstein.14 Recently, Prusa and Yau15 numerically annular free convection between <16,900 simulated eccentric for Gashof numbers

two cylinders

and various vertical displacements

of the inner cylinder.

The governing equations

for steady laminar flow in polar coordi and transformed into a unit circle

nates were nondimensionalized


(the boundary of the inner cylinder becomes the unit circle). The transformed

a pole at the center of

equations were solved for onewith several

half of the circular domain using finite differences mesh spacings. Computation

times ranged from 50 seconds to several Results agreed

hours on a CDC 175 for 10-4 residual convergence. favorably with experimental using perturbation data and analytical

solutions obtained


at low Gr numbers. 7

Problem Analysis The problem to be analyzed consists of free convective developed Figure 1. in the cross section of an eccentric The geometry and configuration flow

annulus, as shown in

lends itself readily to and

bipolar coordinates,

e.g., Synder, 16 E1-Saden, 17 and Redberger froln rectangular

Charles.l[] Transformation ordinates x=($,n) is obtained c sinh n (:oshn-cos$

(x,y) to bipolar co-

from the relations (la)

=_ c sin 5 coshncos$


where c=ri sinh~i=ro sinhno and ~i and denote inner -and outer annulus surfaces defined no as ni = cosh-l

Y(1+A2) + (1-AZ) 2Ay 1 (1-AZ) + (1+A2) 2A


no = cosh-l



with y=ri/ro

and ~=e/(ro-ri).


The inner surface, as depicted in Figure 1, is assumed to be heated tclconstant temperature, Ti. The out?r surface is held a tempera-


at a lower temperatllre, To, thus establishing flow.

ture differential which leads to free convective

Tne governing equations are defined in bipolar coordinates (Appendix. A) as


= PrD~2w+

PrRa (B~+~)

A aT a UT



a UT __BavT Ban


- avT - D72T an


i2Y=-;w (5) where 72 =

az ~ a2 w is vorticity, T is temperature, Y is a 52 a~2

A = c/(sin$ sinh~), B = (1 - cosh~ cos$)/(sin$


sinhrl), a,ld D = (coshrl - cos$)2/(c sin$ sinh~), Pr is the prandtl number, and Ra is the Ray Leigh number. are defined as: u = -~ (1 - cosh~ cos~) ~+ sinhq sin$ ~ 1 (1 - coshq COSS) ~ 1 associated with Equations (3-5) are (8) (7) The velocities, u and v,

c [


v = ~ [

sinhq sin$ ~-

The boundary conditions

T(~i> $) = 1> T(~o> $) = 0> T(~j - ~) = T(~, T)

Y(~ij $) = Y(~oj 5) = 0> (~, - ) = ~(~j ) D A a2y W(ri, - Tr) = W(n, Tr) a~2,


w(Tli, s) =W(no,$)

= -



Numerical Solution Technique Application of bipolar coordinates results in :~.? ,l~?TT5ical as shown

plane beirlg transformed in Figure 2.

into a rectangular


A finite element recursion relationzo are used to solve Equations

and a pseudo-

spectral n~thod21>22 Equation

(3) and (4).

(5) is solved by cyclic reduction.23 ~ bound

The problem is strongly governed by the nonperiodic ary conditions, suited. for which the finite element technique

is well

The pseudospectral

method is ideal for periodic boundary by the conditions at $ = -n, n.

value pro~lems, as established

Cubic spline techniques and other compact operators are also viable alternatives to solving the equation set. (3) and (4) are solved in a fractional sequence,


allowing the equation set to be solved with basic one-dimensional algorithms . The resulting equation system is solved sequentially The advantages of using these methods lie in

in each coordinate direction. methods over more conventional their high order accuracy, of implementation. Application example, Equation

finite difference



speed, and ease

of the techniques

is straightforward.


(3) is first split into two equations




where W* denotes is performed

intermediate vorticity values.

A similar sequence uniform ele(llb)

for Equati,>n (4) .

For a one-dimensional

ment lengl:h, the basic recursi~n rzlation for the n direction is written as20 _l-2ui)

$i(i-l -






the velocity at node point i, $ is either vorticity tile time derivative, k is either

. or temperature, @ denotes Pril or D according temperature

to the equation being solved, and Q is the

gradient term (or zero). algorithm is used to solve the equation.

!1simple tridiagonal The time derivative Crank-Nicolson

terms are expressed as new and old values using Boundary relations at ~i and no over one

time averaging.

are expressed by assembling element,

the element expression

i.e. , the boundary and first interior node. 20 transport equation in the

Upon solution of the one dimensional

n direction, $ is solved in the $ direction by a one-dimensional pselldospectral technique. A (~,t) in onedimensional from the distribution ~(k,t) ~; The :ime dependent Fourier components spectral space are determined

of $ in physical space, i.e., (13) points spanning the $ coordinate

$ exp(ik~)

where N is the number of ~sh direction, defined as i is ~,

t is time, and ~ is the wave number


(14) where nj ass~nes integer values as W/2<nj<X12. Fourier cornponel.ts are obtained, directly by the relations (15a) the derivatives After the are evaluated

32+ := ~
~ $2 i



These transforms are evaluated using a Fast Fourier Transform algorithm.24 Equation nique. ?eriodicity of the boundary conditions, as i[~posed by techfor the

(10), is easily accommodated Equation (ha)

by the pseudospectral

is solved using the values obtained differencing.

spatial derivatives

and forward-in-time

Results Solutions to the transformed 102<Ra<10;. equation set were calculated for

Solutions were begun with w and T set to zero within domain for Ra<10. A 20x20 mesh was used with were made on an IBM to achieve 10-3

the computational

A$=.331, ~.n=.040, and At=.OO1.


3081; an average of 500 iterations were required Convergence fOr VOrticitY ((Wnew-Wo~d)/Weld).

Studies were

conducted with the inner cylinder oriented near the bottom, top, and side of the outer cylinder. To assess model accuracy, a nearly concentric simulated, and values of local equivalent vs. azimuthal (A=.001) case was

conductivity, 25926 Keg,

location (S=e) compared with values obtained by


Projahn, et al. ,9 and Kuehn a~d Goldstein 25 for Ra = 5 x 104, Pr=O.7, and y=2 .6. A perfectly concentric as A=O causes situation is not possible using to becor,e degener-

bipolar coordinates ate.

the equations

Figure 3a compares results from the present study with both and numerical data. 9,23 The model predicts Figure similar

experimental conductivity

values for the concentric case.

3b shows com Ra values

parisons for two eccentric cases, A=.652 and A=-.623. for ~=.652

(near the top of the outer cylinder) and A=.623 The appearance

(bottom) were 4.8 x 104 and 5 x 104, respectively. of a premature maximum in the outer cylinder

for Keg and X = 0.652 for Gr = 16,900.

at o = 40 was also observed by Prusa and Yao15

This effect is due to flow inhibition between the two cylinder surfaces; convection heat transfer decreases and conduction increases as 3 + OO. Model predictions for Keg vs. o agree fairly

well in the remaining configurations Figure 3C shows equivalent

with published data. 9>15925 values with the inner


cylinder offset laterally from the center of the outer cylinder for A=.65 and Ra=104. Results from the present model are not in close

agreement with results obtained by Projahn, et al. ,9 but appear to follow the same general trend and curve shape. Streamline and isotherm plots are shown in Figures 4 and 5 for Ra=102-106 with A=-.625 and A=.625, respectively. and temperature distributions are essentially The flow field Half-


plane results obtained by Projahn, et al.g are similar in appearance; differences in values are principally due to boundary


conditions and coordinate


e~ployed, ~esh size, and

the order of numerical accuracy between finite diff~rence and Galerkin mthods. An increase in Rayleigh number creates an pattern for all the inner cylinder the overall heat

increase in overall strength and circulation orientations of the inner cylinder.


towards the bottom of the outer cylinder increases

transfer and flow strength, and supports similar conclusions obtained in previous studies. 9,15,25 Solutions tended to be

independent of Prandtl number when ?r >10. Velocity vector plots are shown in Figures 6a through 6C for Ra = 104 and Ra = 105 with A = f0,325 and A = fO.625. without


tails denote very low velocities.

Two large recirculatin~ the two cylinders, as the

appear witnin

the annular space between


shown in Figures 4 and 5.

As the fluid approaches

cylinder walls, Jelocity gradients become large and the local heat transfer increases. The effect of increasing the eccentricity 6a and 6b for Ra = 104. is

shown by comparing Figures velocity -0.625.

An increase in from -0.325 to

(and cell strength) occurs as A increases As the flow approaches

the top of the inner cylinder, oriented. The

buoyancy <:auses the fluid to become more vertically boundary separates layer decelerates

at the top of the inner cylinder and

from the surface; the flow becomes entrained within the

thermal p~lume. Upon hitting the outer cylinder wall, the flow cools very rapidly and travels downward. dominates between cylinder; Conduction heat transfer

the two cylinders at the bottom of the inner becomes dominant as the flow travels around



the inner surfac~. sufficiently velocity;

In this configuration

the annular space is of

large enough to permit smooth deceleration

this leads to the development

of a strong vortex as the

flow returns to the heated Velocity vectors

inner cylinder. case also show

for the positive eccentric

large velocity gradients near the inner and outer cylinder walls. Conduction now becomes the dominant mechanism of heat transfer in As the fluid

the annular space at the top of the inner cylinder.

returns along the outer cylinder wall, the flow cools and approaches a region of relatively stagnant fluid where convection in Figure 5. The effect of

is wea~. This region is also evident

convection becomes more inhibited in the region between the inner and outer cylinders for A = 0.625; this is understandable upper region is now inadequate since the of

to permit rapid acceleration

fluid motion around the inner cylinder. The (effect of increasing Figures 6b and 6c. the Rayleigh number is shown in

In this instance, A = tO.625, fiile the As expected, the

Rayleigh number is increased from 104 to 105. velocities increase significantly

for both displacements,

and the The

velocity );radients become steeper near the cylinder walls. onset of i~small secondary vortex is just beginning

to appear for to the

A = -0.625 immediately above the two large cells adjacent inner cylinder.

For A = 0.625, the increase in Rayleigh number the two

increases the flow velocity and cell strength; however,

large cel;ls shift slightly upwards and the bottom stagnant region appears relatively unchanged.


It i.sapparent that the mesh spacing near the cylinder walls cannot accurately resolve the boundary layer development Although and local is

flow behavior for problems where Ra >105.

the =sh

somewhat coarse, the numerical methods do p~ovide a reasonable approximation to the bulk fluid motion and temperature pattern.

A plot of the overall Nusselt number, NU, vs. Rayleigh number is shown in Figure 7 for y=2.6 and A=.325 with Pr=O.7 and Pr=100. The average Nusselt number is based on the local values at Results are in close agreement with values The transformed is. (16) which is integrated to yield an overall Nusselt number at ri. The integral in Equation (16) is solved by Simpsons rule. A relation for

r=ri and r=ro.25

obtained by Kuehn and Golds tein.ll the inner Nusselt number (. -.


similar relation is obtained for the value at r=ro. heat transfer is essentially (<103). one of conduction

The mode of

at low Ra numbers

The Nusselt number for conduction

is obtained using the

equation8P 25 Nucd = cosh-l (r~+~~-e2)/2r r oi [ 1 overall Nusselt number is calculated by the relation Nu =



Nu~5 + NU15 1/15 Cv cd1


where Nut,, in the averaged overall Nusselt number for convection. Equa!:ion (18) is used to compromise conduction and convection in obtaining the effects of both number.

the overall Nusselt


The exponential value of 15 was chosen by Kue;l;l ~iliGolds tein25 t:] fit experimental data, and was similarly used i> t;lis stud~: to

compare with their results. The effect of pos~tion of the inner cylinder significantly influences the local Nusselt numbers. A decrease in the inner

Nusselt number occurs when the inner cylinder

is moved towards the the outzr Nusselt (<100) creates

upper region of the outer cylinder; accordingly number increases. An increase in Prandtl number

only a slight increase in the overall Yusselt


Conclusions me solution of natural convection flow in the eccentric

annular space betveen two isothermal cylinders has been obtained for 102<Ra<106 and .7<Pr<102. The transient equation set of from rectangular to

vorticity and temperature was transformed

bipolar coordinates and solved with two high order accurate onedimensional algorithms. A linear finite element recursion relation

was used [:0solve the transport equations normal to the cylinder surfaces; equations


technique was used to solve the periodic Both algorithms are simple

tangential to the surfaces. efficient.

to use and computationally Computational both mthods

damping and dispersion

errors associated with method). is well algo-

are low, (especially

in the pseudospectral

The abilities of both methods to resolve steep gradients documented in the literature. The use of one dimensional and computational

rithms keeps core requirements

time small; less


required for Ehe problems addressed t!lan 100 k byte stora;: .{i~s t-his s tudy. Stzady-sta:z


sol~tions -were achieved within approxi

mately 1.5 minutes Computational literature.

CPU for Ra >105 on an IBM 3081 computer. results support data previously published in the heat transfer }Ieat transf2r

In negative eccentric displacements,

rates are greater than in concentric


rates are lowest when the inner cylinder toward the outer cylinder. tions, local conductivities cal half-plane; streamlines axis.

is displaced upwards eccentric configura-

In horizontally

are nearly symmetric about each vertiand isotherms are displaced slightly

from the midplane

As the Prandtl number increases, heat transfer rates increase slightly; the recirculation center tends to shift slightly upwards ?ositions. A

for Pr>10 in concentric and negative displacement multicellular eccentricities within flow

begins to develop for vertical

when Ra=105; flows appear to be nearly symmetric At Ra=106, a multicellular occur, although flow regime is the flow is

the entire plane.

developed but no flow oscillations



Appendix A for free convection flow can be written as (1A)

The governing equations in rectangular coordinates

and non-dimensional




aT = 72T _

T2Y =

(2A) (3A)


*here w i;ivort icity, T is temperature, Pr is the Prandtl number, Xa is the Rayleigh number, Y is stream function, and u and the velocity components defined as (4A)
v are

(5A) Transformation of Equations (1A-3A) to bipolar coordinates are

performed by use of the chain rule and Equations

text .

(1) and (2) in the

First -derivative terms are transformed e Jacobian mtrix (J-l)


readily by employing

Uch that

= J-l


where J-l is defined as


-sinhn sin$ c

l-cosh~ COS$ -sinhq sin$

cosh~ COS$-l


Second derivative rule and Equation V2 = (

terms come from repeated application (7A). ~us, ~?. becomes

of the chain

cosh~-cos$ 2 72 c )



is held fixed at r=ri and r=ro.

Calculations gradients normal derivative ~ ar

involving the Nusselt number require temperature to the two cylinder surfaces, is transformed by the relation i.e. , ~ ar/ri,ro me


(9A) and ernploymeat of Equation aT _ cos$-coshn aT m z c ) ( A prclliminary transformation inner cylinder is horizontally tion. (6A); thus, Equation (9A) becomes (lOA) of the equation can be made if the (rotated) in the y direc can be


A simple axis rotation of the rectangular

coordinates i.e.,

made pric~r to transforming

to bipolar coordinates,


Acknowledgment The information contained in this article was developed during with the U.S.

the course of work under Contract DE-Ac09-76sROOO01 Department of Energy.


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= c/(sin$

sinhn) sinhn)

= (1-t:oshn cos$)/(sin5 .

i sinh Vi = r. sinhno sin$ sinh~)

= (coshn-cos$)2/(c = eccentricity,


= acceleration of gravity = heat transfer coefficient = Jacobian = PrD or D = wave number ;<eq = local equivalent conductivity L Nu Pr = cavity gap = Nu~sel~ number = Prandtl number, v/a

= temperature gradient components of vorticity


q r Ra i =0 t T

= heat flux, 2~hi (Ti--To) = radial direction = Ra:yleigh number, g6(Ti0-To-)L3/va = radius of inner cylinder = radius of outer cylinder = time = internal temperature of inner cylinder wall

Ti = temperature



To = temperature of outer cylinder wall u v


= velocity = velocity = vorticity

component in the x direction component in the y direction

x Y a a d Y A $ n 9 A v y 6

= ver~ical direction, = horizontal


coordinate coordinate



= angle of rotation of x,y axis = thermal diffusivity = thermal expansion coefficient = ri/ro = gria interval = bipolar coordinate, = bipolar coordinate, . azimuthal direction = e/(ro-ri) = kinematic viscosity = Streamfunction = time dependent variable normal to ~ normal to $ (=$)

V2 = ~2/;)2 + a2/ay2 F = a2/;]S2 + a2/a~2

170ndimensional Variables t = ciLfL2 T = (TO-To)/(To-Ti) u = uLla v = vL/a w = L2WIV x = XIL y = y/L Y f/La

Subscripts cd = cond~lction Cv = convection i o a = inner cylinder wall = outejt cylinder wall = rotated x,y axis


Eccentric Annular Cross-Section


Transformed Eccentric Annulus


Local Equivalent Conductivity a. b. c. Concentric Displacement

vs. Angular Position

(A = .001), Ra = 5X104, Pr=0.7

Vertical Eccentric Displacement Horizontal Eccentric Displacement, A(H)=.65, Ra = 104, Pr = 0.7


Streamlines and Isotherms for Ra = 102-106, ro/ri = 2.6, A = -.625


Streamlines and Isotherms

rolri = 2,6, A= .625

for Ra = 102-106,


Velocity vectors for Ra = 104-105


A = *0.325

and A = tO.625


Overall Nusselt


vs. Rayleigh

l:unibel for A = -.325





Annul:~r Cross-Section




Eccentric Annulus



I klte,

\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ .

25 0 Py=.: :,

\ \ k\

. e, 3 =. -.. *
1:0 I.O 1% 180

1 .,0


60 80 0 ,00

ConcentricDisplacement (1 = .001),Ra = 5x104,

.,625 -.623 -.623


0.,.7 v o 1

0 _ ----

b. VerticalEccentricDisplacement ~~ I

R,! Y

u ml x

() /

, /0

.-----. 0

\, \

& i,


HorizontalEccentricDisplacement, A(H)=.65, Ra = 10*, Pr = 0.7 Conductivity vs. Angular Position


Local Equivalent



... .. ,..


Fla = Id

lRa = Id

:. ,/:

........ ., ..

Ra = 104


Ra =


Ra = 106

,:\ ,.-.,





for Ra =

102_106 ,

rolri = 2.6, A = -.625


Ra =102


Ra = 104

,,.:. . 60> -\ o ,, ,,. , /:; . . o ,,, . Ei





Ra = ld

Ra =



Streamlines = 2.6, rolri

and Isotherms A = .625

for Ra = 102-106,

Ra = 104

.-~,,, -,. -.,< ,/ - ,--,,,


, . . .











f.....~ ,





!~$ .,
,,. . . ...,~

b!, ~, ./,

,, ,, ,,

,, ,, ,,

--, --/ , -.






,. ..




-, -., ,,,$~ --, f,,,. . . . ,~.-. .,, .

(MAX ~=

VEL = 52.6) -0.325 A


VEL = 39.9) ~= 0.325

Ra = 104

,,, , ,, \oy


. ----

... .,,

,. ,,, ~~,~
, ,,, ,,,

. . -. ,--,







, .,




,,, .

--. , .< .



!!,,, J ,,

., ,.. ,..


,,, ,



!!,.. ,,

,, --


-., -/,


--. ..-.
. . .


>-J, . ,.. ---





(MAX k=

VEL = 136.8) -0.625

r.. ,-. .,. ,, . . .$,> .~,,, .,.

. . . . . ,
,,, -.. , ---. . ,


Ra = 105

,?, ,,, ,.! ,\. \---


t,, ,,

,,. -,,.i~

.. , t

,-, .. Eo:
(MAX VEL = 35.1) ~= 0.625


. .


















. .

\\- (MAX






VEL = 247.8)

~= -0.625

for M


VEL = 229.1)

FI(;URE 6.

Velocity vectors and A = ?0.625

= 104-105

A = fO.325

PR 07 I


I I I I Ill



1, I,


Prmnt Results Pre=nt Results -




1 , ~2



i!+ 104



FIGURE 7. Overall Nusselt Number vs. Rayleigh Number for A = -.325

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