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WHY KEDARNATH HAPPENED A scientific analysis of the reasons for the disaster that struck Uttarakhand, particularly the

te ple to!n" #y R" RA$A%HANDRAN

THE primary trigger for the Uttarakhand disaster following the very heavy rain during June 16-18 was the extremely unusual ehaviour of the monsoon this year over north !ndia" The in#essant$ heavy rainfall over three days$ perhaps a##ompanied y a few #loud urst-type events %whi#h #annot e #onfirmed&$ resulted in flash floods and asso#iated landslides" The devastation all round in their wake has een huge ut the largest impa#t has een at the temple town of 'edarnath$ whi#h was in the midst of the annual pilgrimage season$ with tens of thousands of people thronging the town and the downstream region along the (andakini river %)i#ture 1&" *ainfall measurements for June 16 and 1+ at the ,ehradun station$ of --. millimetres and /+. mm respe#tively$ indi#ate the severity of the rain during these days in the region" Haridwar re#eived 1.+ mm and -18 mm of rainfall on the two days" Uttarkashi re#eived 1-- mm and -.+ mm" 0hile (ukteshwar %altitude over -$... metres& re#eived -/+ mm and 18/ mm respe#tively on June 1+ and 18$ 1ainital on the same days re#eived 1+6 mm and 1+. mm" Though rainfall over a -2-hour period in different parts of Uttarakhand has greatly ex#eeded these figures in the past %on many o##asions a ove 23.-3.. mm and on#e even 4.. mm at *a5pur near ,ehradun&$ prolonged heavy rainfall for nearly three days over a large area is perhaps unpre#edented$ and the #umulative effe#t$ #ompounded y geophysi#al$ meteorologi#al and environmental fa#tors$ may e the reason for the enormity of the disaster" (ore pertinently$ these num ers do not give the a#tual 6uantitative pi#ture of the very heavy rainfall in the higher rea#hes of the Himalayas %a ove /$... m& in Uttarakhand$ where 'edarnath$ 7angotri and 8adrinath are lo#ated and where the impa#t has een most severe" This is e#ause the rain gauge stations of the !ndia (eteorologi#al ,epartment %!(,& are all lo#ated largely in the lower Himalayan rea#hes % elow -$... m& and there are no stations in the higher rea#hes %a ove /... m&" This is pro a ly e#ause snowfall data is regarded as more important than detailed rainfall data in these regions" 9s a result$ there is no proper estimate of the rainfall in the affe#ted regions" Une&pected ad'ance 0hat was pe#uliar a out the monsoon this year: ;n June 12$ the monsoon front was lo#ated over eastern !ndia" !n fa#t it was a trifle sluggish #ompared with the normal progress of the front %(ap 1a&" 8ut within a day %(ap 1 &$ the front advan#ed right a#ross Uttar )radesh and the western regions to #over the entire #ountry y June 13$ exa#tly a month ahead of its normal date of July 13" 0hile the !(, had fore#ast a rapid advan#e with the announ#ement that the monsoon would strike ,elhi efore the normal s#heduled date of June /.$ its advan#e right a#ross to the west 5ust within a day was entirely unexpe#ted" This has never happened in the past$ a##ording to (" *a5eevan$ 9dviser in the (inistry of Earth <#ien#es %(oE<&" 9 system of westerly winds from the 9ra ian <ea had also een a#tive during the same period and had #overed )akistan" !t was a strong westerly system$ and *a5eevan noted that it was similar to the system that stayed an#hored over )akistan in July -.1. and #aused widespread flooding in <indh$ )un5a and 8alu#histan" ;f #ourse$ y July -.1. the south-west monsoon had #overed entire !ndia$ ut this time around the system had formed in June itself" !t was the intera#tion etween the well-formed low-pressure system of the south-west monsoon from east to west and the upper air westerly trough running from north-west *a5asthan to the east that resulted in the heavy rainfall over Uttarakhand" !n fa#t$ the westerly system dragged the monsoon trough$ whi#h was an#hored over *a5asthan and #entral !ndia until then$ towards the north a#ross Haryana" 9 monsoon trough fa#ilitates the movement of rainfall#ausing low-pressure systems along its path" !ts rapid movement northwards ena led the low-pressure system that was in the eastern part of the #ountry to 6ui#kly traverse and lo#ate itself over north-west !ndia" 9##ording to *a5eevan$ while the phenomenon of the monsoon trough eing dragged northwards y the advan#ing strong westerly trough is known to o##ur$ the exa#t dynami#s of intera#tion etween the two systems is not well studied" Thus$ as the press release of June -. of the !(, noted$ =1orth-west !ndia e#ame the >one of an unusual #onfluen#e of the two ran#hes of the monsoon?the 9ra ian <ea ran#h and the 8ay of 8engal ran#h" The geology and orography of @the Himalayan regionsA of Uttarakhand and Hima#hal )radesh resulted in the unpre#edented impa#t in these two <tates"B 0hile the !(, had issued warnings of widespread severe rainfall in the region soon after the o servation of the advan#ing monsoon systems$ the s#ale of impa#t #ould not e anti#ipated"

(eophysical dyna


The pe#uliarity of the monsoon apart$ the other interesting 6uestion is what geophysi#al dynami#s #hannelled the ma5or part of devastation along the 'edarnath valley and downstream of 'edarnath on the (andakini" The region around 'edarnath is known to geologists to e prone to landslides" This is also #lear from an early 188- 7eologi#al <urvey of !ndia photograph of 'edarnath %)i#ture -&$ whi#h shows that the temple site is lo#ated not far away from the snouts of two mountain gla#iers" ,avid )etley$ an expert on landslides at the ,epartment of 7eography at ,urham University$ United 'ingdom$ has analysed the #alamitous event at 'edarnath on the asis of images from the remote-sensing satellites of the !ndian <pa#e *esear#h ;rganisation %!<*;& and the U"<" Candsat" He points out that the amount of de ris and ru le elow the gla#ier on the left side of the 188- pi#ture suggests that transportation of sediment and de ris from the upper rea#hes was a#tive even then$ and adds that the steep slope that is visi le would have aided rapid transportation" !t should e orne in mind that the geology is still roughly the same %)i#ture /&"

!t is evident from the post-event images of 'edarnath town around the temple that the massive destru#tion was the result of large-s#ale de ris #arried y the huge volume of water from the upper rea#hes a ove the town" ;ne of the #ompounding fa#tors was that the gla#ial regions a ove 'edarnath had re#eived fresh and ex#ess snowfall when heavy rainfall hit the region %)i#tures 2a D &$ a##ording to s#ientists of the 1ational *emote <ensing Eentre %1*<E& of !<*;" *ainwater$ with higher temperature$ falling on the snow must have led to heavy snow melt and this runoff would have added to the rainwater runoff$ resulting in a huge water flow that #arried with it a huge de ris flow$ whi#h stru#k the town with enormous fero#ity" The snow #over has$ in fa#t$ in#reased in general su se6uent to the extreme rainfall and flooding events %the satellite image on (ay -8FJune 1 shows less snow #over&" 9##ording to the 1*<E s#ientists$ the detailed dynami#s of water flow due to snow melt #aused y rain$ parti#ularly when snowfall is in ex#ess$ and the hydrology of it are not well understood" The 1*<E re#ently released ex#ellent high-resolution pre-flood and post-flood images of the 'edarnath region %)i#tures 3a D 3 & taken y !<*;Gs remote-sensing satellites Eartosat--9 and *esour#esat--" The 1*<E$ on the asis of remote-sensing images from *esour#esat--$ has #arried out an inventory of the landslides that o##urred etween 'edarnath and <onprayag$ a distan#e of approximately -. km on the (andakini" 9##ording to the preliminary report$ the study identified a total of 14- landslides in this Himalayan stret#h %)i#ture 6&" (any landslides were triggered in the gla#ial regions in the mountains a ove 'edarnath" The large-s#ale de ris flows from a ove were the result of these massive landslides

Dou)le !ha

9#tually$ for 'edarnath it was a dou le whammy" The massive damage #aused to 'edarnath town #an e seen #learly in the post-flood image" Just as there was an unusual #onfluen#e of two monsoon streams up in the atmosphere$ in the mountainous terrain around 'edarnath$ too$ there was a #oin#idental reinfor#ing of two massive de ris flows from a ove$ one from the northwestern side of the 'edarnath temple and the other from the north-eastern side" )etley has analysed these images to arrive at a plausi le s#enario as to what #aused the massive onslaught on the town$ virtually flattening it" This flow #as#aded further and #aused heavy damage downstream as well" The 1*<E s#ientists$ too$ in their analysis$ have #ome roughly to the same general #on#lusion" 9##ording to )etley$ the two different ut reinfor#ing events that #aused the disaster were landslide-indu#ed de ris that #ame from the gla#iated area in the north-east and a gla#ial-related flow that originated from the north-west gla#ier" Hrom the images$ one #an distin#tly identify the two flows" )etley$ from his analysis of the images$ %httpIFF logs"agu"orgFlandslide logF-.1/F.6F-+Fnewhigh-resolution-images-of-kedarnath-the-#ause -of-the-de ris-flow-disaster-is-now -#learF&$ has inferred the followingI 1" The flow from the north-east #ame down the margin of the gla#ier and spread out to strike the town" -" The north-west flow des#ended from the other gla#ier to hit the town" /" 0hile a large part of the flow from the north-west passed the town on its west side$ a part also stru#k it dire#tly" ;n the asis of the pattern of overlay of sediments and their nature$ )etley #on#ludes that the flow from the north-west o##urred after the one from the north-east" 9##ording to him$ the de ris flow from the north-east was triggered y a large$ +3 m wide$ landslide #aused y heavy rainfall high on the mountains$ whi#h then #ame down the steep slope a out 3.. m$ gathering the de ris in its path" The flow was initially #hannelled into a narrow gully formed y the gla#ier and on exiting it the flow spread out in the floodplains efore striking the town over a large area" The steepness of the slope would have given the de ris enormous velo#ity when it stru#k the town" The total length traversed y this de ris flow is estimated to e a out 1$-.. m" The event from the north-west was$ however$ 6uite different$ points out )etley" The spot marked 1 in )i#ture + is a moraine$ whi#h had #reated a lo#k for a asin to form$ allowing the water to uild up in it as a pool or a lake" This is what the lo#al people #all the Ehora ari Tal$ to whi#h$ in fa#t$ pilgrims trek a few kilometres along the west side of the valley to have a dip" The Ehora ari gla#ier has een retreating #onstantly in modern times$ and a##ording to ,")" ,o hal of the 0adia !nstitute of Himalayan 7eology$ it has retreated a out /.. m sin#e 146."
=The effe#t of the retreat is to leave a moraine that #an allow lakes to form$ whi#h #an then #ollapse$B pointed out )etley in an e-mail message to Frontline" =!n 'edarnath$ this is exa#tly what happened" ! am not sure when the lake

asin formed?it may not have een in modern times? ut this is a dangerous situation" ;f e6ual #on#ern is the trend towards more intense rainfall$ espe#ially if this o##urs early in the year %that is$ during snowmelt&$B )etley added" Wall of !ater Eyewitness a##ounts say a huge wall of water swept the 'edarnath town in a flash" The spot marked - shows that the moraine had een rea#hed y the rapidly uilding up water e#ause of heavy rainfall and the water overtopping the moraine wall" The rea#h led to the sudden release of the impounded water and resulted in a massive wall of water sweeping a#ross the 'edarnath valley and the town and #ausing a huge flash flood" 9##ording to the 1*<E s#ientists$ this lake would have had a depth of a out 13 m$ and the event was not exa#tly a gla#ial lake out urst flood %7C;H&$ whi#h o##urs when a dam or moraine wall is rea#hed e#ause of the sheer pressure exerted y the stagnant gla#ial water and i#e that it en#loses" This was a #ase of lake flooding e#ause of ex#essive rainfall and #onse6uent overtopping of the moraine wall$ whi#h eventually rea#hed" The flow was so huge and for#eful that it overtopped the moraine on the other side of the gla#ier as well$ at the spot marked /$ resulting in three flowsI one moving south-east to 5oin the earlier de ris flow from the north-east and enhan#ing it efore turning southwards and striking the town" The third flow is a new #hannel that opened up$ perhaps exploiting an existing old #hannel$ e#ause of the rea#h at spot /" Heading down the slope towards the town at great velo#ity$ it gathered sediment and de ris en route and resulted in a mu#h-widened flow #loser to 'edarnath" However$ the ulk of the de ris flow$ as )i#ture + shows$ moved southwards towards the town down the main #hannel on the south-western side$ whi#h is the normal #hannel for gla#ial water flow" The spot marked 2 shows heavy erosion due to the flow in the area$ suggesting that the flow must have #arried a huge volume of water" 9##ording to )etley$ this flow must have #arried the many huge oulders and ro#ks seen in the post-flood image of the temple town" Eloser to the town$ the flow spread efore striking" 9s a result$ the de ris and water flow moved to the east side of the town as well$ engulfing the town from oth sides" 9##ording to this pi#ture supplied y )etley$ whi#h others too are in general agreement with$ 'edarnath was first pounded y an earlier de ris flow from the north-east$ then a later pounding y the flow from the north-west" )etley suggests that the latter flow must have een more effi#ient e#ause of the pre#eding events and also e#ause it stru#k the town from oth the west and the east simultaneously" The image also shows a dark pat#h 5ust a ove 'edarnath on the north-eastern side %to the right of the spot marked 3& suggesting the formation of a new depression$ whi#h #ould have turned into a small-si>ed lake e#ause of the heavy rainfall" !t is also possi le that water uilt up in this new depression$ whi#h would have een su stantial$ overtopped it and hit the town from the eastern side$ enhan#ing the effe#t of the runoff and de ris flow from the north-eastern side$ an aspe#t that )etley has not #onsidered" ,ownstream of 'edarnath$ the flow remained #ontained within the #hannel" 9s a result$ there was massive erosion of the anks of the (andakini %)i#tures 8 a D &" Hurther$ smaller villages downstream were also severely damaged$ and some of them$ su#h as *am ara$ were totally destroyed %)i#tures 4 a D &" The damage #aused to the 'edarnath region and downstream villages y the natural destru#tion resulting from unusual meteorologi#al and geophysi#al pro#esses was undou tedly greatly enhan#ed e#ause of the general environmental degradation #aused y the massive and unregulated influx of pilgrims year after year$ the hapha>ard development fuelled y tourist traffi#$ and the unplanned and poor #onstru#tion of uildings and roads" 7iven the vulnera ility of the region$ the town itself has #ome up in a very dangerous lo#ation$ points out )etley" Therefore$ how mu#h of the destru#tion in this event was a#tually man-made is a moot 6uestion" 8esides the #hallenges of disaster management on su#h a massive s#ale$ the Uttarakhand floods have also thrown up a lot of s#ientifi# #hallenges in the detailed understanding of monsoon dynami#s as well as in the geophysi#al pro#esses of landslides and large-s#ale de ris flow and the heavy damage they #an infli#t on life$ property and the e#ology of a region"

Exclusive: NASA satellite images show new stream in Kedarnath after disaster

New satellite images of Kedarnath clearly indicate the devastation which has taken place there. The images, taken by US based NASA's andsat ! satellite on "# $%ne "&'#, when compared with old National (emote Sensing )entre *N(S)+ images provided by the Uttarakhand Space Application )entre, show the scope of damage in the ,andakani valley. Cloudburst to calamity

The 'edarnath valley is seismi#ally and e#ologi#ally very sensitive and fragile" ;n 16th night and 1+th June morning two ma5or #loud ursts hit the valley #ausing mass damage to property and human lives" )re and post

event satellite image shows the mass damage to property and other infrastru#ture"

The comparison images also highlight that in the past one stream %sed to flow in the backgro%nd of Kedarnath shrine, which %sed to form two after coming down. New image shows the birth of a new third stream. The channel of the stream too has become broad after the disaster. Uttarakhand Speaker says '&,&&& dead, Shinde says -&&

The report re5e#ts the theory of gla#ier reaking and also the role of 8asuka lake in the destru#tion" The do#ument #laims that the Ehaura ari and Eompanion gla#iers are inta#t ut one middle moraine de ris was

washed away y heavy flow of water in the stream"

,aking another striking observation the report states, ./ighty percent of the '0 km pedestrian ro%te from 1a%rik%nd to Kedarnath was damaged in the disaster..

)re and post satellite data proves that the 7andhi <arovar %also #alled Ehaura ari lake& is seasonal in nature" The water level of the lake in#reased at a dangerous level due to #ontinuous rain$ triggering the stream and lakes to overflow y saturating the moraines" The report states$ J9nte#edent rainfall saturated the area and suddenly ex#eeds the limit on 16th and 1+th June whi#h is one of the reasons for the a#tivation of landslide and flash flood in the region that has #aused huge

damage to lives and property in the (andakani valley"J Ban free flow of tourists to avoid disaster? 2ost event satellite image shows (ambara, where ma3im%m cas%alties took place, disappearing from the map. 4mage shows clear signs of heavy landslide taking place there. (ambara was located 5 kms from 1a%rik%nd, and the pilgrims visiting Kedarnath %sed to takea pit stop there.

(aking an o servation a out the high velo#ity of de ris whi#h #reated widespread damage$ the report marks the high gradient slope from 'edarnath to *ama ara and 7aurikund whi#h has led to #olossal damage to

infrastru#ture$ lives and property in the downstream"

The new satellite image of 7aurikund also exhi itKs the fury of the swollen (andakani"

Read more at: htt :!!"#d"atoda$%"#toda$%"#!&tor$!e'()*&"+e,#a&a,&ate))"te,"ma-e&,&ho.,#e.,&tream,"#,/edar#ath,a0ter, d"&a&ter!1!281019%htm)

22 JUNE 2013

1ew high resolution images of 'edarnath L the #ause of the de ris flow disaster is now #lear
Posted by dr-dave

The I#d"a# Nat"o#a) Remote Se#&"#- 3e#tre ha& re)ea&ed a #e. &et o0 "ma-e& o0 the 4edar#ath area, (o))e(ted *&"#the RISAT,1 "#&tr*me#t% The&e are +er$ h"-h 5*a)"t$ "ma-e& that a))o. a ro er a#a)$&"& o0 the e+e#t& that (a*&ed the d"&a&ter% The&e (a# 6e +"e.ed "# the"r e'(e))e#t 7IS &$&tem, 8h*+a#% I# a o&t t.o da$& a-o I &*--e&ted that the d"&a&ter m"-ht ha+e 6ee# (a*&ed 6$ t.o d"00ere#t e+e#t&, 0"r&t a )a#d&)"de "#d*(ed de6r"& 0rom that (ame 0rom the area o0 the -)a("er to the #orthea&t9 &e(o#d a -)a("a),re)ated 0)o. that (ame 0rom the -)a("er to the #orthea&t% I# th"& o&t I am -o"#- to ta/e a )oo/ at ea(h o0 the&e% Ho.e+er, I:)) &tart ."th a# "ma-e o0 the to.# "t&e)0% Note that a)) o0 the "ma-e& &ho.# here are ta/e# 0rom the 8h*+a# &$&tem% Th"& "& the to.#, &ho."#- the 0)o.& that ha+e (ome 0rom the #orth:

%% The +er$ h"-h )e+e) o0 dama-e to the to.# "& ()ear)$ e+"de#t% A)&o ()ear "& the t.o 0)o.&: 1. To the #orth,ea&t, a 0)o. that ha& (ome do.# the mar-"# o0 the -)a("er ;the )ar-e dar/ -re$ ma&& at the to o0 the "ma-e< a#d the# & read o*t to h"t the to.#% 2. To the #orth,.e&t, a 0)o. that ha& (ome 0rom the other -)a("er to &tr"/e the to.#% Note that m*(h o0 th"& 0)o. ha& a&&ed to the .e&t o0 the to.#, 6*t "t "& a)&o ()ear that a ort"o# &tr*(/ "t d"re(t)$% =$ "#ter retat"o# "& the that the 0)o. 0rom the #orth.e&t o((*rred a0ter the o#e 0rom the #orth,ea&t, 6a&ed o# the >*'ta o&"t"o# o0 the &ed"me#t&% I:)) #o. ta/e a )oo/ at the &o*r(e o0 the 0)o. to the #orthea&t% U &tream the area )oo/& )"/e th"&:


?hat "& ()ear 0rom th"& h"-h re&o)*t"o# "ma-e "& that the de6r"& 0)o. here .a& "#"t"ated 6$ a )a#d&)"de h"-h o# the h"))&"de, .h"(h the# ra# do.# the &)o e e#tra"#"#- de6r"& e# ro*te% At the &)o e toe "t .a& (ha##e)"@ed 6$ the -)a("er "#to a #arro. -*))$% It "& ()ear that the 0)o. eroded o*t a )ar-e amo*#t o0 mater"a) "& th"& area% U o# e'"t"#- the (ha##e) "t & read o*t a(ro&& the 0)ood )a"# 6e0ore &tr"/"#- the to.#% Ro*-h arameter& 0rom 7oo-)e Earth &*--e&t a he"-ht d"00ere#(e 0rom the (ro.# o0 the )a#d&)"de to the (ha##e) 6e)o. o0 a6o*t 500 metre&, a#d a )e#-th o0 a6o*t 1200 metre&% The &(ar ."dth "& a6o*t 25 m, I th"#/, &o th"& "& a )ar-e )a#d&)"de% The area do.#&)o e o0 the 0a")*re .a& a)read$ a @o#e o0 a(t"+e ero&"o#, &o the )"/e)"hood o0 e#tra"#me#t .a& +er$ h"-h% The &e(o#d e+e#t, .h"(h (ame 0rom the -)a("a) area to the #orth.e&t, "& +er$ d"00ere#t% Th"& .a& the area o0 -reate&t *#(erta"#t$, 6*t the "ma-e& te)) *& e'a(t)$ .hat ha e#ed% Th"& "& the &o*r(e area o0 the de6r"& 0)o.:

%% The /e$ area here "& the &o*r(e @o#e, &o I:+e e#)ar-ed a#d a##otated th"& 6e)o.:

%% Th"& "& m$ "#ter retat"o# o0 .hat ha e#ed "# th"& (a&e A the 6*))et #*m6er& re0er to the #*m6er& o# the "ma-e a6o+e: 1. I# th"& area 0re&h, m*dd$ &ed"me#t (a# 6e &ee#% Th"& &*--e&t to me that the mora"#e had (reated a 6)o(/ed 6a&"# "# th"& area, a))o."#- .ater to 6*")d * "# a oo)% 2. E+e#t*a))$ th"& oo) o+erto ed the mora"#e 6arr"er A the &"te o0 the 6rea(h (a# 6e &ee# at 2% B#(e o+erto "#- o0 the 6arr"er o((*rred, "t (ata&tro h"(a))$ 6rea(hed% Th"& -e#erated a +er$ ra "d re)ea&e o0 the "m o*#ded .ater% 3. The 0)o. .a& &o )ar-e that "t o+er,to ed the mora"#e o# the other &"de o0 the -)a("a) area, &*(h that three 0)o.& .ere 0ormed% B#e .e#t &o*th.e&t to >o"# the +a))e$ 0rom the ear)"er de6r"& 0)o. 6e0ore &."#-"#- to the &o*th to &tr"/e the to.#% Th"& e' )o"ted a# e'"&t"#- (ha##e)% The &e(o#d .a& a m*(h &ma))er 0)o. that reo((* "ed a# a)aeo,(ha##e)% The +o)*me o0 .ater a#d &ed"me#t that e#tered th"& (ha##e) .a& &ma)), 6*t #ote that "t a ear& to ha+e e#tra"#ed de6r"& e# ro*te ;the (ha##e) ."de#& do.#&)o e<%

4. =o&t o0 the de6r"& 0)o. tra+e)ed &o*th do.# the ma"# (ha##e)% The 0)o. m*&t ha+e 6ee# h*-e a& there "&
+er$ &*6&ta#t"a) ero&"o# "# the area o0 C% Th"& "& the &o*r(e o0 ma#$ o0 the 6o*)der& #o. &ee# "# the to.#% The 0)o. tra+e)ed &o*th.ard&, e+e#t*a))$ &tart"#- to & read a#d de o&"t &ed"me#t& 6e0ore &tr"/"#- the to.#% 5. Th*&, "t "& ()ear that 4edar#ath .a& &tr*(/ 6$ a# ear)"er 0rom 0rom the #orthea&t, the# a )ater 0)o. 0rom the #orth.e&t% The )atter .a& h"-h)$ e00"("e#t, "# art 6e(a*&e o0 the ear)"er e+e#t& a#d "# art 6e(a*&e the 0)o. &tr*(/ the to.# 0rom t.o d"re(t"o#& &"m*)ta#eo*&)$% It "& a)&o .orth #ot"#- .hat ha e#ed 6e)o. 4edar#ath% Do.#&tream o0 the to.#, the 0)o. .a& (o#ta"#ed ."th"# the (ha##e)% A& a re&*)t there .a& ma&&"+e ero&"o# o0 the r"+er6a#/&, a& &ee# "# the "ma-e 6e)o.:

%% 3om are th"& ."th the "ma-e ;a)&o 0rom 8h*+a#< 0rom 6e0ore the d"&a&ter:

%% A)tho*-h the 0o(*& ha& 6ee# o# 4edar#ath, do.#&tream &ome o0 the &ma))er +"))a-e& ha+e 6ee# *tter)$ de&tro$ed 6$ th"& e+e#t% Th"& "& the +"))a-e o0 Ram6ara 6e0ore the de6r"& 0)o.:

%% A#d th"& "& ho. "t )oo/ed a0ter.ard&:

%% There "& #oth"#- )e0t o0 the +"))a-e%

Po&ted "#: )a#d&)"de re ort2 3omme#t&!Tra(/6a(/& D


Ne. h"-h re&o)*t"o# "ma-e& o0 4edar#ath A the (a*&e o0 the de6r"& 0)o. d"&a&ter "& #o. ()ear

- Eomments

7a") &a"d o# 22 J*#e 2013 I# add"t"o# to the e'traord"#ar$ ra"#&, I &a. &e+era) (omme#t& at d"00ere#t $o*t*6e +"deo& 0rom eo )e .ho )"+e "# the area &tat"#- the"r 6e)"e0 that de0ore&tat"o# (o#tr"6*ted to the )a#d&)"de&% Do $o* dete(t a#$ e+"de#(e o0 that "# the hoto&E Do $o* th"#/ "t had a ro)eE Fo- "# to Re )$

Ar*# &a"d o# 1 J*)$ 2013 A (o* )e o0 5*e&t"o#&% 1% I# ;1< a6o+e, (o*)d the mora"#e 6e 6o*#d"#- a )a/eE 3o*)d "t 6e a# e'"&t"#- )a/e that 0"))ed to the 6r"m 6e(a*&e o0 a ()o*d6*r&t d"re(t)$ a6o+e "tE There "#deed "& a )a/e "# the area, (a))ed 7a#dh" Saro+ar ! 3hora6ar"ta), a#d "t& o&"t"o# ;a& &ee# "# 7oo-)e Earth< &eem& ro*-h)$ to (orre& o#d to the mora"#e% 2% I tre//ed to the tem )e >*&t a (o* )e .ee/& 6e0ore the d"&a&ter% The dama-e do.#&tream, e& e("a))$ to the +"))a-e o0 Ram6ara, "& *#der&tood% The +"))a-e "& a)mo&t )e+e) ."th the r"+er at th"& o"#t% 8*t I am ama@ed 6$ the dama-e to the mo*#ta"# &)o e 0*rther do.# the tre//"#- ro*te ; "(t*re 5 0rom to or C 0rom 6e)o.<% 3a# a r"+er 0)ood"#- 100 to 200 0eet ) do.# "# the +a))e$ (a*&e &*(h a ."de &.athe o0 mo*#ta"#&"de )a#dma&& to &)" E Br d"d th"& ha e# "#de e#de#t)$ o0 the 0)ood, ma$6e 6e(a*&e o0 the hea+$ ra"# "# the areaE

Kept Hanging From Kedarnath Temple ell For ! Hours "n #ater$

Dehradun, Jun 24 (PTI): For 36-year-old Tehri resident Vijender in!h "e!i, han!in! #ro$ the %edarnath te$&le 'ell (hile standin! o)er #loatin! *or&ses in ne*+-dee& (ater #or nine strai!ht hours, &ro)ed a li#e sa)iour, "e!i-s 'rother-in-la( .an!a in!h /handari, a Delhi-'ased tra)el o&erator, said seein! hi$ return ali)e (as nothin! short o# a $ira*le, 01e stood han!in! #ro$ the te$&le 'ell #ro$ 2 a$ to 4 &$, the day a#ter the disaster stru*+, 1e stood on *or&ses to 'alan*e hi$sel#, 1is *lothes had 'een torn to &ie*es 'y the (ater-s #ury 'ut he so$eho( (ithstood the #or*e ho&in! to *o$e out ali)e,3 /handari said, /handari-s hotel lo*ated ri!ht 'eside the %edarnath Te$&le !ot (ashed a(ay in the torrent in #ront o# "e!i-s eyes, e)en as he ju$&ed out o# the 'uildin!, 04y 'rother-in-la( ("e!i) ju$&ed o## #ro$ the roo# o# our three-storeyed hotel into the (ater, 'e#ore #indin! shelter in the te$&le, 1e sa( hundreds o# *or&ses #loatin! inside,3 /handari said, 31e has 'i! ul*ers on his hands #ro$ holdin! on to the 'ell #or a'out nine hours, (hi*h (as e5*ru*iatin!, 6s his *lothes (ere torn to &ie*es, he too+ *lothes #ro$ the 'odies around hi$ to shield hi$sel#, The thou!ht o# it still sends shi)ers do(n his s&ine, 6#ter the le)el (ent do(n, he *li$'ed out o# the (aters and lay in the jun!le #or t(o days 'e#ore the ar$y heli*o&ters res*ued hi$,3 /handari said

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