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A potential interest group member is more likely to know the value of interest groups if they 1. a.

have a higher socioeconomic level. b. live in an urban area. c. are at or below poverty level. d. work in mass production. The members, lobbyists, and money associated with a group combine to make up the group's 2. a. party machine. b. resources. c. ideology. d. incumbents. A recurring debate in American politics concerns the role of interest groups in a 3. a. foreign policy context. b. democratic society. c. Federalist system. d. Republican administration. PAC donations come disproportionately from ________ interests. 4. a. social b. health care c. educational d. business ________ occurs when people benefit from a group's work, but do not contribute. 5. a. The free-rider problem b. The arts inequality c. Unethical behavior d. Intellectual property theft 6. An important part of ________ is the belief that new interest groups form as a matter of course when the need arises. a. pluralism

b. unification c. Federalism d. majoritarianism The three types of lobbying tactics include all of the following EXCEPT 7. a. those that involve group members. b. those directed toward the public. c. those sponsored by corporations. d. those aimed at policymakers. ________ pool campaign contributions from group members and donate those funds to candidates for 8. political office. a. Interest groups b. Interest group entrepreneurs c. Individual donors d. Political action committees The mobilization of business increased greatly with the development of regulatory agencies in the 9. a. 1940s. b. 1970s. c. 1990s. d. 1920s. Interest groups are also called 10. a. corporations. b. public educators. c. lobbies. d. grassroots communities.

David Truman's ________ theory says that new interest groups form when a need arises, in a direct 11. cause-and-effect relationship. a. interest group entrepreneurship b. pluralism c. public interest d. disturbance In order to make the public aware of their position and provide the evidence to support it, an interest group will a. launch an information campaign. b. propose a bill. c. form a PAC. d. lobby Congress for money. Interest groups bring new issues into the political limelight through a process called 13. a. information transfer. b. caucusing. c. agenda building. d. legislative compromise. 14. As ________ foresaw, limiting interest group activity is difficult without limiting fundamental freedoms. a. James Madison b. Samuel Adams c. George Washington d. Thomas Jefferson The march to the California state capitol and the grape boycott, both instigated by Cesar Chavez, 15. demonstrate the importance of ________ when forming an interest group. a. leadership b. finances c. historical reference d. mass demonstration


An interest group leader or organizer is called 16. a. politically savvy. b. an interest group entrepreneur. c. an issue expert. d. an agitator. A group, such as Environmental Defense, which is a lobbying organization built around policy concerns 17. that are unrelated to the members' vocational interests is known as a a. nonprofit. b. civil rights group. c. PAC. d. citizen group. Which of the following is NOT a form of grassroots lobbying? 18. a. telephone calls b. protest march c. letter-writing campaign d. campaign contributions The lobbyist's primary job is to 19. a. trade on favors. b. report on Congressional rulings. c. make campaign contributions. d. pass on information to employers and policymakers.

20. ________ is the banding together of several interest groups for the purpose of lobbying. (ANSWER) Coalition Building
When a group tries to achieve its policy goals by claiming a violation of the law and filing a lawsuit, 21. they are using a tactic known as a. legal advocacy. b. gerrymandering. c. a split ticket. d. grassroots lobbying.

An organization that represents firms within a particular industry is called a 22. a. board of directors. b. committee of business interests. c. political union. d. trade association. 23. How did James Madison propose that we limit our interest groups (factions)? a. ban organized advocacy groups b. have interest groups strictly controlled by rules and regulations c. insulate access to Congress d. have interest groups oppose each other, and allow the government to mediate

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