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Lorentz Force Applications Alan Caldern 1.

Abstract The code to represent the magnetic field:

function [Bx,By,Bz]=fieldB(x,y,z,t) %Cartesian components of electric field c=2.99792458E+08;%m/s q=-1.60217649E-19;%C m=9.10938215E-31;%kg Bx=0; By=0; Bz=0.05;

The Lorentz force has many applications, this paper shows its applications in classical physics, relativistic physics, and one special case analyzed with Variable Speed of Light. 2. The Lorentz Force application in classical physics The following equations show the behavior of an electrical charge which is moving in presence of electric field and magnetic field. dP/dt = q(E + VB) .(2.1) dP/dt = q(E + (VyBz -VzBy)i + (BxVz - VxBz)j + (VxBy - VyBx)k) .(2.2) As it is knowledge: P = mV .(2.3) Initial conditions: X = 0i, Y = [(mV)(qB)]j, Z = 0k, E = Ek, B = Bk, Px = mVi, Py = 0j, Pz = 0k; Replacing in (2.2): dP/dt = q(Ek + VyBzi - VxBzj) .(2.4) In every axes: dP/dt = qVyBzi .(2.5) solving: Px = qVyB(t - t) ..(2.5.1) Vx = (qVyB(t - t))m ..(2.5.2) X = (qVyB(t^2 - tt))(2m) ..(2.5.3) dP/dt = -qVxBzj .(2.6) solving: Py = -qVxB(t - t) ..(2.6.1) Vy = (-qVxB(t - t))m ..(2.6.2) Y = (-qVxB(t^2 - tt))(2m) ..(2.6.3) dP/dt = qEk .(2.7) solving: Pz = qE(t - t) ..(2.7.1) Vy = (qE(t - t))m ..(2.7.2) Y = (qE(t^2 - tt))(2m) ..(2.7.3) The code to analyze equation (4) solution is shown [1]:

The code to represent the Electrical field:

function [Ex,Ey,Ez]=fieldE(x,y,z,t) %Cartesian components of electric field c=2.99792458E+08;%m/s q=-1.60217649E-19;%C m=9.10938215E-31;%kg Ex=0; Ey=0; Ez=3.00E+06;

The code to express the differential equation is given by the code:

function df=odeclassicEB(t,f,q,m) %Particle coordinates c=2.99792458E+08;%m/s q=-1.60217649E-19;%C m=9.10938215E-31;%kg x=f(1); y=f(2); z=f(3); %Particle momentum Px=f(4); Py=f(5); Pz=f(6); %Particle energy P=sqrt(Px.^2+Py.^2+Pz.^2); %E=sqrt(P^2*c^2+m^2*c^4); %Particle velocity Vx=Px*(m^-1); Vy=Py*(m^-1); Vz=Pz*(m^-1); %Electric and magnetic fields [Ex,Ey,Ez]=fieldE(x,y,z,t);

[Bx,By,Bz]=fieldB(x,y,z,t); %ode dPxdt=q*(Ex + Vy*Bz - Vz*By); dPydt=q*(Ey + Vz*Bx - Vx*Bz); dPzdt=q*(Ez + Vx*By - Vy*Bx); df=[Vx;Vy;Vz;dPxdt;dPydt;dPzdt]; end

x 10 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2

The code to resolve the differential equation:

%t=[0:0.00000001:0.000001]; t=[0:0.000001:0.0001]; %c=2.99792458E+08;%m/s c=100; q=-1.60217649E-19;%C m=9.10938215E-31;%kg

-2.5 -3 5 5

0 0 x 10 Y -5 -5 X

x 10

Figure 1: Trajectory run by the electrical charge. The linear momentum of the electrical charge in every axis is shown in the figure 2:

Vi=2*c/3; %gammin=1/(1-Vi^2/c^2)^1/2; gammin=1; Pxi=gammin*m*Vi; Pyi=0; Pzi=0; Xi=0; Yi=Pxi/(q*0.05); Zi=0;


x 10 0




[t,f] = ode45('odeclassicEB',t,[Xi Yi Zi Pxi Pyi Pzi]); x=f(:,1); y=f(:,2); z=f(:,3); figure(1); plot3(x,y,z); xlabel('X'),ylabel('Y'),zlabel('Z'),gr id,... Px=f(:,4); Py=f(:,5); Pz=f(:,6); figure(2); plot3(Px,Py,Pz); xlabel('Px'),ylabel('Py'),zlabel('Pz') ,grid,... P=sqrt(Px.^2+Py.^2+Pz.^2); figure(3); plot(t,P); xlabel('t'),ylabel('P'),grid,...


-5 4 2

4 0 0 -2 Py -4 -4 -2 Px x 10 2

x 10

Figure 2: Linear momentum of the electrical charge in every axis. The figure 3 shows the Linear momentum result of the electrical charge:

The figure 1 shows the trajectory run by the electrical charge:


x 10

4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 t 0.8 1 x 10 1.2

The code to code to solve the last differential equation code is given by:
%t=[0:0.001:1]; t=[0:0.00000001:0.0001]; c=2.99792458E+08;%m/s q=-1.60217649E-19;%C m=9.10938215E-31;%kg

Figure 3: Linear momentum (kgms) result versus time (s). If is it analyzed the last process with relativity. The codes to express the electrical and magnetic fields are given by the codes fieldE and fieldB, shown in last paragraphs. The code to express the differential equation:
function df=odeEB(t,f,q,m) %Particle coordinates c=2.99792458E+08;%m/s q=-1.60217649E-19;%C m=9.10938215E-31;%kg x=f(1); y=f(2); z=f(3); %Particle momentum Px=f(4); Py=f(5); Pz=f(6); %Particle energy P=sqrt(Px.^2+Py.^2+Pz.^2); E=sqrt(P^2*c^2+m^2*c^4); %Particle velocity Vx=Px*c^2/E; Vy=Py*c^2/E; Vz=Pz*c^2/E; %Electric and magnetic fields [Ex,Ey,Ez]=fieldE(x,y,z,t); [Bx,By,Bz]=fieldB(x,y,z,t); %ode dPxdt=q*(Ex + Vy*Bz - Vz*By); dPydt=q*(Ey + Vz*Bx - Vx*Bz); dPzdt=q*(Ez + Vx*By - Vy*Bx); df=[Vx;Vy;Vz;dPxdt;dPydt;dPzdt]; end

Vi=2*c/3; gammin=1/(1-Vi^2/c^2)^1/2; Pxi=gammin*m*Vi; Pyi=0; Pzi=0; Xi=0; Yi=Pxi/(q*0.05); Zi=0;

[t,f] = ode45('odeEB',t,[Xi Yi Zi Pxi Pyi Pzi]); x=f(:,1); y=f(:,2); z=f(:,3); figure(1); plot3(x,y,z); xlabel('X'),ylabel('Y'),zlabel('Z'),gr id,... Px=f(:,4); Py=f(:,5); Pz=f(:,6); figure(2); plot3(Px,Py,Pz); xlabel('Px'),ylabel('Py'),zlabel('Pz') ,grid,... P=sqrt(Px.^2+Py.^2+Pz.^2); figure(3); plot(t,P); xlabel('t'),ylabel('P'),grid,... E=sqrt(P.^2*c^2+m^2*c^4); figure(4); plot(t,E); xlabel('t'),ylabel('E'),grid,...

The figure 4 shows the trajectory made by the electrical charge, analyzed by relativity.


x 10

4.5 4 3.5

x 10 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 0.04 0.02 0 0 -0.02 Y -0.04 -0.04 -0.02 X 0.02 0.04

3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 t 0.8 1 x 10 1.2


Figure 6: Linear momentum result analyzed by relativity. The figure 7 shows the energy of the electrical charge analyzed by relativity. This expression cant by achieved by classical analysis.

Figure 4: Trajectory analyzed by relativity.


The figure 5 shows the linear momentum for every axis analyzed by relativity in the electrical charge:
x 10

x 10 1.6













-5 2 1

0 0
2 0 0 -1 Py -2 -2 -1 Px x 10 1



0.6 t


1 x 10


x 10

Figure 5: Linear momentum analyzed by Relativity.

The figure 6 shows the linear momentum result:

Figure 7: Energy of the electrical charge analyzed by relativity. But what happen if the speed of light is not a constant? I propose one mathematical modeling by the speed of light, which is only summarize the classical constant C with one armonic function with amplitude and frequency controllable by the simulator The code shows the differential equation:
function df=odeCalchavEB(t,f,q,m) %Particle coordinates c=2.99792458E+08 + 1000000.*sin(t);%m/s %c=2.99792458E+08;%m/s q=-1.60217649E-19;%C

m=9.10938215E-31;%kg x=f(1); y=f(2); z=f(3); %Particle momentum Px=f(4); Py=f(5); Pz=f(6); %Particle energy P=sqrt(Px.^2+Py.^2+Pz.^2); E=sqrt((P.^2)'.*c.^2+m^2*c.^4); %Particle velocity Vx=(Px.*(c.^2))./E; Vy=(Py.*(c.^2))./E; Vz=(Pz.*(c.^2))./E; %Electric and magnetic fields [Ex,Ey,Ez]=fieldE(x,y,z,t); [Bx,By,Bz]=fieldB(x,y,z,t); %ode dPxdt=q*(Ex + Vy*Bz - Vz*By); dPydt=q*(Ey + Vz*Bx - Vx*Bz); dPzdt=q*(Ez + Vx*By - Vy*Bx); df=[Vx;Vy;Vz;dPxdt;dPydt;dPzdt]; end

Pz=f(:,6); figure(2); plot3(Px,Py,Pz); xlabel('Px'),ylabel('Py'),zlabel('Pz') ,grid,... P=sqrt(Px.^2+Py.^2+Pz.^2); figure(3); plot(t,P); xlabel('t'),ylabel('P'),grid,... E=sqrt((P.^2)'.*c.^2+m^2*c.^4); %%%Error!!! "Confabulation????" figure(4); plot(t,E); xlabel('t'),ylabel('E'),grid,...







The figure 8 shows the trajectory by every axis analyzed with C variable in the electrical charge.

x 10 0 -0.5 -1

The code to solve the last equation is:

t=[0:0.1:3600]; %t=[0:0.00000001:0.0001]; c=2.99792458E+08 + 1000000000.*sin(t);%m/s %c=2.99792458E+08;%m/s %c=100; q=-1.60217649E-19;%C m=9.10938215E-31;%kg Vi=2*c(1)/3; gammin=1/(1-(Vi^2)/(c(1)^2))^1/2; %gammin=1; Pxi=gammin*m*Vi; Pyi=0; Pzi=0; Xi=0; Yi=Pxi/(q*0.05); zi=0; [t,f] = ode45('odeCalchavEB',t,[Xi Yi zi Pxi Pyi Pzi]); x=f(:,1); y=f(:,2); z=f(:,3); figure(1); plot3(x,y,z); xlabel('X'),ylabel('Y'),zlabel('Z'),gr id,... Px=f(:,4); Py=f(:,5);

-1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 0.04 0.02 0 0 -0.02 Y -0.04 -0.04 -0.02 X 0.02 0.04

The figure 8 shows the trajectory by every axis analyzed with C variable in the electrical charge.


x 10 1.6

x 10







1 2 0 0 -1 Py -2 -2 -1 Px x 10 1



-5 2




x 10

0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 t 0.8 1 x 10 1.2


Figure 8: Linear Momentum with C variable. Figure 10: Energy analyzed with C variable. The figure 9 shows the Linear Momentum result analyzed with C variable for the electrical charge:

In the range of time:


x 10

4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2

The figure 11 shows the trajectory analyzed with C variable during 1 hour.


x 10


0.5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 t 0.8 1 x 10 1.2

-4 -6 -8 -10 -12 0.04 0.02 0.04 0 0 -0.02 Y -0.04 -0.04 -0.02 X 0.02

Figure 9: Linear momentum result analyzed with C variable. The figure 10 shows the energy analyzed with C variable.

Figure 11: Trajectory with c variable during 1 hour.


The figure 12 shows the Linear momentum analyzed with C variable during 1 hour.




0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 t 2500 3000 3500 4000

x 10 0





-2 2 1

Figure 14: Energy analyzed with C variable

2 0 0 -1 Py -2 -2 -1 Px x 10 1

x 10

The figure 15 shows the expansion of the figure 14.

0.516 0.514 0.512 0.51

Figure 12: Linear Momentum with C variable during 1 hour. The figure 13 shows the linear momentum result analyzed with C variable during 1 hour.

0.508 0.506 0.504

x 10 1.8

0.502 0.5


0.498 0.496 3460 3480 3500 3520 t 3540 3560




Figure 15: Energy analyzed during 1 hour with C variable. Was obtained one variable expression for the energy of the particle 3. Conclutions Was designed and solved mathematica models to describe the trajectory of one electrical charge inside magnetic and electrical fields. The analysis was made by classical and relativistic cases, also was proposed one model to describe what could be the behavior of the electrical charge if travel at speed proportional to speed of light but variable as armonic function. 4. Sugestions

0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 t 2500 3000 3500 4000

Figure 13: Linear momentum resul analyzed during 1 hour. The figure 14 shows the energy analyzed with C variable during 1 hour.

It is necessary warrant the results achieved with experimental results.

5. 6. [1]

Anexs References Erick Anterrieu; How to make attractive the teaching of relativistic electrodynamics



[3] Fine Structure Constant and Variable speed of Light Guoyou Huang. Bibliography: RICHARD FEYNMAN; Lectures on Physics.


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