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The questions below are e a!"les ta#en $ro! "ast HAP e a!s% Within ea&h &ate'or( there are questions that o)erla" in their &ontent area% Atte!"tin' these questions will "ro)i*e use$ul re)ision o$ ea&h s(ste!% Note: Answers are not provided. Answers should be discussed in tutorials or with other students. These questions are provided as a revision tool.
RESPIRATOR+ Describe the mechanical events occurring during inspiration and expiration. Your answer should include the pressure and volume changes that result in air movement in and out of the lung. Describe how carbon dioxide and oxygen are transported in the blood. Describe how an increase in the level of arterial carbon dioxide will affect respiratory rate. ist ! other factors that can change respiratory rate. "Answer should include location of respiratory control centre and how this is affected by changes in blood carbon dioxide levels#. $xplain the mechanics of inspiration.

NER,OUS %utline the reflex arc of the withdrawal reflex. &nclude in your answer the events occurring in this reflex pathway. 'ith the aid of a diagram( describe the sensory pathway that is associated with the right sensory and cortex. $xplain how an action potential "nerve impulse# is produced and propagated along an axon. )ompare and contrast the somatic and autonomic divisions of the motor "efferent# system. 'hen a person is excited( name the division of the autonomic nervous system that is more active and outline the influence this division will have on the heart( lungs( blood vessels and digestion. 'ith the aid of a diagram( describe the descending motor pathway that controls s*eletal muscles in the left hand.

EN-O.RINE $xplain how the pancreas and its associated hormones control blood glucose levels a# shortly after a meal AND b# + hours after a meal. ,riefly explain the hormonal response to elevated blood calcium levels. Describe the hormonal response to a decrease in blood glucose level. %utline the hormonal response to the loss of red blood cells.

-I/ESTION %utline the role of the small intestine in digestion. Describe the digestion and absorption of carbohydrate( protein and fat. "&nclude mechanical( chemical and absorption processes as these nutrients move through the digestive tract#. ,riefly outline the process of glucose brea*down in the production of AT-. .AR-IO,AS.ULAR .elate an $)/ to the underlying electrical events occurring in the heart during one heart beat. $xplain in detail the pressure changes and subsequent blood flow through the left side of the heart during one cardiac cycle. $xplain how narrowing of the arterioles and thinning the blood will influence blood pressure. Describe the electrical conduction system of the heart. %utline the hormonal response to low arterial blood oxygen levels. $xplain how an increase in venous return and heart rate will affect cardiac output and blood pressure.

URINAR+ 0 .AR-IO,AS.ULAR $xplain how profuse sweating will affect your blood pressure. Describe the homeostatic responses that will affect the *idneys to stabilise your blood pressure. )hris has been hurt in a car crash and lost a litre of blood. "a# $xplain how this blood loss will affect his blood pressure. "b# Describe how the two hormones( aldosterone and antiduiretic homone "AD0# will help to compensate for )hris1s blood loss. Ni**i does not drin* enough water. %utline the role the *idneys will play on a hot day to maintain her water balance. Describe the three *ey processes involved in urine formation within the nephron. $xplain the role of antidiuretic hormone "AD0# in controlling water balance. IMMUNE ,ased on your understanding of how active immunity is acquired( discuss how a vaccination can protect against certain diseases. %utline the process of inflammation. $xplain the difference between active and passive immunity. ,reastfeeding gives the baby some immune protection. &s this an example of active or passive immunity2 3ustify your answer. "&nclude the advantages and disadvantages of this form of immunity.#

MUS.LE Describe the sequence of events in the sliding filament mechanism of s*eletal muscle contraction and relaxation "start with the events after neuromuscular transmission( leading to contraction of the muscle fibre#. Describe the events of the cross bridge cycle in muscle contraction.

REPRO-U.TION Describe the events of the ovarian cycle. &dentify how the contraceptive pill affects the ovarian cycle. $xplain the hormonal control of the testes.

L+MPHATI. $xplain the process of lymph formation in the tissues capillary beds.

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