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Women on the Frontlines 2014 Patricia King: Your greatest weakness can become your greatest strength.

. Set your face set like a flint. Isaiah 50:7 Keep a teachable spirit when blind spots are being called out. Rom 8:18--our present sufferings are not worthy... The reward of suffering is glory. If you don't quit, you win. Choose to get inside the heart of Jesus toward your persecutor. Speakers who shared about their greatest love test--underscored the absolute necessity of forgiveness. Getting the heart of Jesus for those who hurt you. Go low, take the lesson --> you will get a greater weight of glory. It's the hard places that define you. "Everything that we experience in life has an invitation behind it to love and to belief." -Patricia King Don't grow weary in well doing. Whatever you focus on, you empower in your life. This is a season for eye gates to be opened. Faytene: Jesus is a one Woman man and He moves at the sound of His church. You have ravished my heart. Song of Solomon passage. Trials/persecution --> Take it as a compliment. Thank you, devil, for confirming the call of God upon my life. Consider it spiritual weight lifting. Just be faithful in the next thing. Prayer impacts government --> shared testimony re time with Canadian Prime Minister. Jim Goll: Bob Jones prophesied three moves: 1) New wine; 2) Fire; 3) Mighty rushing wind Lev: fire burning continually and never go out > movement of holiness. We're called to be redemptive interpreters. Hope ambassadors are coming forth. Hope is happy anticipation. Latter glory greater than former. 2014: restore Apostolic teaching: repent Jesus retained until restoration of all things 7 things being restored (these will lead to the greatest awakening we've ever seen): 1. Israel to her land. 2. Fire burning continually on altar. 3. Rest of a supernatural culture. 4. Rest of compassion. Learn to stop for the one. 5. Synergy of generations. 6. Kingdom mandate. 7. Harvest and true discipleship.

Clarice Fluitt: You've got to have some resistance to have some muscle. Don't waste your sorrow. Time and space, get out of my face. What causes you to stand is agreeing with God. The will of God is creative. God's Word activates His creative will. If you want answered prayer, agree with God's Word/will. Who will open up and let God out? The things of God become yours by reason of use. Under stand = stand under. Don't try to put mascara on the worm. He's not rearranging furniture, He's changing the glory within. The joints bring flexibility. Nobody touches God like you do. I'm requiring something of you. It's not going to be your way, it's going to be Yahweh. You've been created to administrate the Kingdom. Stacey Campbell: Love puffs up but love edifies. God was not meant to be known in the head, but we are meant to experience the reality of the resurrection in our everyday lives. God wants to live inside your daily life. Where are we in our faith? Awesome testimony of her son's healing from spinal cord injury. Patricia King: Love under fire. I pledge allegiance to the Lamb. Time is coming where we will have to take a stand for the Lord that might be unpopular or even unlawful. It could cost our lives. Do you love Me? Do you love Me more than these? Best way to prepare --> Be living martyrs. Lovealution. Smearing of love oil. Heidi Baker: If you don't stop, you might as well stop. Ho (stop) before you go. He would like our time. Why are you in such a hurry? We can't produce the oil. You can't produce the oil. How do we get oil? Time, time, time, time, time, time, time, time, time.

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