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Jenna H.

Required Experience Related To Career Objective
University of Illinois, Special Education, G.P.A.: 4.0/4.0, 0!$ August 0! "#ay

%est %uddies, University of Illinois &all 0! "Present 'o"President Increased campus-wide disability awareness through national End the R-Word Week campaign Plan all club events, establish new initiatives, and help lead the est uddies organi!ation on a daily basis En"oy weekly interactions with one-to-one buddy Ray which has developed into a special li#elong #riendship $iaison between %&' members and the university to maintain active Registered (tudent )rgani!ation status 'arrie %usey Ele(entary Sc)ool, Savoy, Illinois &all 0! "Spring 0!* 4t) Grade Special Education 'lassroo( +olunteer ,-eac)er #s. Grace Stine.ring/ (olely led reading intervention group lessons #or students with learning disabilities *ollaborated with +s, -race (tinebring to #orm individual academic goals #or the students .dapted grade-level math lessons to teach similar concepts #or students with special needs ')a(paign"Ur.ana Special 0ecreation, ')a(paign, Illinois Spring 0!4"Present +olunteer .ssist students with a wide range o# disabilities at the .#ter (chool Program with their homework *reate games, cra#ts, and motor activities to help improve students/ social skills and independence 0rain weekly one-on-one with an athlete in preparation #or the (pecial )lympics track meets Epsilon 1elta Professional -eac)ing 2rgani3ation, University of Illinois &all 0! "Present #e(.er .ttended pro#essional guest speakers and participated in education related #undraising and philanthropy events uilt a resource base o# driven pro#essionals in education Student Education Association, University of Illinois &all 0! "Present #e(.er .ctive in weekly meetings and events incorporating teacher 1uality, political action, and community outreach 4arrior %uddies, 1eerfield 5ig) Sc)ool &all 006"Spring 0! President, 0!0" 0! 7 #e(.er, 006" 0! .s President, provided leadership and vision while increasing membership #rom 2& to 3'' students and buddies rought national End the R-Word Week campaign to 4eer#ield 5igh (chool Established %st .nnual 6alentine/s 4ay 4ance with over 3&' attendees #rom neighboring schools Interacted with all o# the buddies and served as one-on-one buddy to a student with disabilities Senior -eac)er E8S ,Education and 8ife S9ills/, 1eerfield 5ig) Sc)ool &all 0!!" Spring 0! Worked one-on-one with one o# the eight E$( students #or one hour each school day .ssisted the students with their educational and social skills 4eveloped academic lessons #ocusing on sight words, simple math, and daily li#e skills .ttended weekly meetings with +rs, (tacy Wood, 5ead E$( 0eacher, to learn about the (pecial Education #ield and became #amiliar with Individual Education Plans, crunching data, and other assessments

P)ysical Education 8eader E8S ,Education and 8ife S9ills/, 1eerfield 5ig) Sc)ool &all 0!!"Spring 0! .dapted all sports and P,E, activities #or my student .shley to #ully participate in her #reshman P,E, class uilt a relationship with .shley that allowed her to have con#idence and poise around her peers 'enter for Enric)ed 8iving, 0iver:oods, I8 &all 006"Spring 0! +olunteer (erved as the 4irector o# the *E$ production, 74oc, 4oc, -oose7 8ostered community #or the teen and adult members through community trips, social events, and classes 'a(p #ari(eta, Eagle 0iver, 4I Su((er 0!!, 0! 2vernig)t 'a(p 'ounselor 5ead counselor #or ten-year-old girls o# all abilities, teaching sel#-esteem, #riendship, and independence Special 2ly(pics, 1eerfield 5ig) Sc)ool &all 006"Spring 0! +olunteer Paired one-on-one with multiple athletes to guide them through the "udged events &riends)ip 'ircle, 1eerfield, I8 &all 006"Spring 00; +olunteer Interacted weekly with buddy 9ordan through non-verbal e:pressions while #orming a uni1ue bond o# #riendship

Special Skills
'onversational in A(erican Sign 8anguage7 'onversational in Spanis)7 'P0 and 8ifeguard 'ertified

Sig(a 1elta -au Sorority &all 0! "Present Active #e(.er Participated in philanthropic events, raising money #or Prevent *hild .buse .merica Student 'ouncil, 1eerfield 5ig) Sc)ool &all 006"Spring 0! E<ecutive %oard #e(.er Planned and headed )peration 5,),+,E, ;5elping )ther +eans Everything<, a non-pro#it service day Raised over =%'',''' #or annual charity drive with (tudent *ouncil and the community =+ and +arsity %ad(inton -ea(, 1eerfield 5ig) Sc)ool Spring 006"Spring 0! 'aptain 0! 7 1ou.les Sectional and State Participant 0! 7 Singles Sectional Participant 0!! $ed the 6arsity team to the Illinois (tate 0ournament while supporting each teammate and coach =+ -ennis -ea(, 1eerfield 5ig) Sc)ool &all 006"&all 0!! 'aptain 00;, 0!07 1ou.les 'onference ')a(pions 0!0 Elected to lead the team by e:ample as well as organi!e team dinners and activities ')orale, 1eerfield 5ig) Sc)ool &all 006"Spring 0! +ice President 0! 7 #e(.er 006" 0! *ommunicated with the director, accompanist, and members daily and per#ormed in si: concerts annually ')oraliers, 1eerfield 5ig) Sc)ool &all 00;"Spring 0!! #e(.er $earned, memori!ed, and per#ormed a capella music to nursing homes, schools, and restaurants

rought "oy and spirit throughout the community through our holiday per#ormances =a(es Sc)olar, 0! "Present ISA' -uition 4aiver 0ecipient,

Honors and Awards

')ancellor>s Sc)olar, 0! "Present =a(es ?e:ton #att)e:s Sc)olar, 0! "Present 0! "Present P)i Eta Sig(a ?ational 5onors Society, 0! "Present 0! ?ort)ern Special Education 1istrict A:ard, 0!! 1eerfield 5ig) Sc)ool 5onors Society, 0!! 'entral 8eague Sports(ans)ip A:ard, 0!! 8eaders)ip A:ard, 0!0 8egion of &riends)ip A:ard for &riends)ip 'ircle of Illinois, 00;

1eerfield 5ig) Sc)ool +aledictorian, Illinois State Sc)olar, 0!! Spanis) 5onors Society, 0!0" 0!! 'entral 8eague

Re erences
Susan 1ra(in"4eiss Grace Stine.ring 4ood Professor of A(erican Sign 8anguage Special Education -eac)er -eac)er ;0! Sout) Si<t) Street *04 Prairie 0ose 8ane ')a(paign, I8 $!6 0 Savoy, I8 $!6A4 , !A/ ***" *0 , !A/ *@!"*6!! sdra( stine.grBc)a(paignsc) Anastasia Special ,Stacy/ Education

!;@; ?. 4au9egan 0oad 1eerfield, I8 $00!@ , 4/ $* "** $ s:oodBdist!!*.org

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