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Lemon (bara nimbu) :
The use of fruits in general is beneficial in the treatment of Dyspepsia.
They flush out the undigested food residue and accumulated faeces, and
re-establish health to perfect order. The best of the fruits is lemon. Its
juice reaches the stomach and attacks the bacteria, inhibiting the
formation of acids. Lemon juice removes indigestion by dislodging this
acid and other harmful substances from the stomach, thereby
strengthening and promoting a healthy appetite.
Grapes (angoor) :
This fruit is light food which removes indigestion and irritation of the
stomach in a short time. It also relieves heat.
Pineapple (ananas):
Pineapple acts as a tonic and relieves much of the digestive disorders.
Half a glass of pineapple juice should be taken after a meal in treating this
Pomegranate (annar):
The juice of a pomegranate mixed with a tablespoon of honey is valuable
in indigestion accompanied by giddiness. The dose may be repeated a few
times if necessary. The seeds of this fruit acts as a stomach tonic when
mixed with a little rock salt and black pepper powder.
Carrot (gajar):
Chewing of this vegetable increases saliva and quickens digestion by
supplying the necessary enzymes, minerals and vitamins. The juice of this
vegetable is also beneficial.
Fenugreek (methi):
Fenugreek leaves are beneficial in dyspepsia. About fifty grams of leaves,
boiled and fried in butter, are valuable in allaying biliousness. The seeds
can also be used beneficially in the treatment of dyspepsia.
Mint (pudhina):
Mint juice, is a good appetiser. Its value is greatly enhanced by mixing
equal amount of honey and lemon juice each. This mixture forms a very
effective remedy for indigestion and gaseous distension of the stomach.
Butter milk:
A very simple remedy for indigestion is thin butter-milk mixed with a
quarter teaspoon of pepper powder. For better results an equal quantity of
cumin (jeera) powder may be added to the buttermilk.
Aniseed (saunf):
The use of aniseed is also beneficial in the treatment of indigestion. An
infusion can be prepared by mixing a teaspoon of aniseed in a cup of
boiling water and leaving it covered overnight. The clear fluid can then be
decanted and taken with honey.
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1. Ginger. This has been proven to help those that are suffering from acid
reflux to be able to relieve the symptoms. Anti-inflammatory and anti-
nauseas properties are combined with the ability that the food product has
to speed up the digestion process and also adding another layer of
mucous to the stomach to prevent the acid moving to the places in which
it shouldn't.
2. Chamomile. This is renowned for treating heartburn and acid reflux
and has calming properties on the pain associated with both of these
conditions. As well as promoting better digestion within the body it has
also been reported to have an effect on the amount of stomach acid that
is produced in a way that it has been reduced so therefore reducing the
risk of the acid moving out of the stomach and causing acid reflux.
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Safe Foods:
Fruits - Apple- fresh, dried or juice, banana
Vegetables - Broccoli, carrots, cabbage, peas, green beans, baked potato
Meat Produts - Skinless chicken breast, extra-lean ground beef, London
broil steak, egg whites and substitutes, no fat fish
!airies - Fat free cream cheese, goat cheese, low-fat soy cheese, fat-free
sour cream
Grains - Brown or white rice, multi-grain or white bread, cereal like bran
or oatmeal, corn bread, Graham crackers, pretzels, rice cakes
"e#erage - Mineral water
$alads%$&eets - Low-fat salad dressing, fat-free cookies, jelly beans, red
licorice, baked potato chips
Foods to Avoid:
Fruits - Tomato, lemon
'uies - Orange juice, Cranberry juice, Grapefruit juice, Lemonade
Vegetables - Raw onion, french fries, mashed potato
Meat Produts - Ground beef, chicken nuggets, Buffalo wings, marbled
!air( Produts - Regular cottage cheese, sour cream, ice cream, milk
)rai*s - Spaghetti with sauce, macaroni and cheese
"e#erages - Wine, liquor, decaffeinated or regular coffee/tea
$alads%$&eets - Creamy salad dressing, oil and vinegar salad dressing,
high-fat butter cookies, chocolate, doughnut corn chips, brownies
Acid Reflux Remedies
Here are the top 7 acid reflux natural remedies we could find, that work.
1. Increase the amount of water you drink daily. This is beneficial for
your overall health as well. However, increasing your water intake will
help to dilute the acids in the stomach, thus minimizing the acid reflux
symptoms. You should also try to drink a glass of water after you have
eaten, possibly two.
2. Almonds is another great way to eliminate the effects of acid reflux. In
the morning, chew on a few almonds and after each meal. It is important
that you chew them very well, the longer the better and you will soon
begin to see relief in your acid reflux symptoms.
3. Fennel tea or chamomile tea have a soothing effect on the individual
drinking it and it has been successfully connected to the relief of acid
reflux discomfort. It is important that you take your time drinking the tea,
only sipping it.
4. Could it be true, an apple a day keeps the doctor away? Maybe not,
but eating an apple after a meal can surely keep your acid reflux
symptoms at bay! Organically grown apples chewed slowly and well can
reduce the acid in the stomach, thus eliminating the acid reflux.
5. Ginger in almost any form can be great for reducing acid reflux. You
can have candied ginger, ginger tea or take ginger in a capsule form.
6. Apple cider vinegar is another of the top acid reflux home remedies.
It is important that you are drinking organic apple cider vinegar and that
you shake it well. There should be a pulp looking substance floating
within, this is actually what you need to consume. This substance has
enzymes that are ideal for keeping the symptoms of acid reflux a distant
memory for you. Add the apple cider vinegar to a half a glass of water and
drink it shortly before or after a meal.
7. Chewing gum, as you might already know is great for assisting in the
digestion of food. However, did you know that this also stimulates the
production of saliva? This in turn does the same thing as drinking water, it
will dilute the stomach acids and limit the acid reflux symptoms.
how you can get rid of your acid reflux naturally.
1. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has a lot of healing properties and one of the illnesses it can
cure is acid reflux. Drinking aloe vera juice can eradicate the heartburn
because it has anti-inflammatory component making it an effective
remedy for acid reflux.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
It may be strange that an acid can cure an acid problem, but its true.
Though acid reflux is due to the flow back of acid in the esophagus from
the stomach, apple cider vinegar can help deal with the situation for it has
a good acid content. Combine apple cider vinegar with water to drink.
Have this three times a day.
3. Water
Acid reflux is the result of too much acid in the stomach causing it to
course back in the esophagus. To balance the acid content of the body, it
is better to drink a lot of water daily. It can make the patient keep on
urinating. This can remove the excess amount of acid in the stomach.
4. Chamomile or Fennel Tea
These herbs have calming effects that can help the sufferer ease his or
her acid reflux. Anethole that is known to be good at holding back spasms
in the stomach is contained by fennel seed. It is suggested that this tea
should be sipped but not gulped for better results.
5. Cabbage
Some beverages are not good for acid reflux so sufferers of this illness
have to take in cabbage juice as an alternative. This can help manage the
excessive amount of acid in the stomach.
6. Ginger
Ginger can be taken in the form of tea, candy, or even fresh. Since other
teas and coffee are not good for acid reflux whether they are
decaffeinated or not, ginger tea is a good substitute for it. You can chew
candied ginger also or cut a portion of fresh ginger and chew up.
These natural acid reflux cures are all effective and can greatly help the
patient. Though there are cures available around, it is still best to be
careful on what you eat because the primary cause of acid reflux
originates from the food you eat. Prevention is always better than cure.
1. Ginger: Chew a bit of ginger or boil this and drink as tea.
2. Papaya: Eat a portion of papaya because it contains digestive enzymes
that hastens the digestive process, helpful in eliminating heartburn.
3. Potatoes: Place washed potatoes in a blender and drink after juicing.
Do not peel the skin and try to add some juice to vary the taste.
4. Water: Consume large amounts of water immediately after the first
sign of the symptoms.
5. Chamomile: Drinking chamomile tea to help ease esophageal
6. Licorice: This is also good in treating stomach and esophagus ulcers
aside from heartburn.
7. Aloe Vera: Drink aloe Vera juice since this is good in healing the
intestinal tract.
1. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) - One particular theory pertains to the
acid sensitivity of the LES or lower esophageal sphincter. As a person
grows older, his ability to produce stomach acid can be impaired. This will
result to alterations of body functions including the weakening of the
muscular valves of the LES.
Hence, LES becomes inefficient in preventing leakages of stomach
contents to the esophagus. ACV can increase the supplement of acid in
the stomach to hasten the digestion processes before regurgitated food
can leak out of the digestive system.
2. Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL) - Medical studies confirmed the
presence of flavonoids in the roots of licorice plant. In some cases, reflux
may result from an over secretion of stomach acids and the sufferer will
need medication to inhibit the over production of acids. Hence, as opposed
to the effects of acid cider vinegar (ACV), the flavonoids in licorice can
prevent the over secretion of acids.
3. Bladderwrack - Based on clinical studies, it contains magnesium
carbonate and alginic acid. Magnesium carbonate is medically used as an
antacid but the effectiveness of alginic acid in preventing stomach acid is
yet to be explored. In fact, a certain pharmaceutical company is already
marketing an antacid drug made from bladderwrack.
4. Barley grass - This natural cure has amino acids and chlorophyll,
effectively used as anti-inflammatory ingredients. Ideally, young barley
grass are boiled and consumed as tea in order to provide gastric relief.
5. Mastic gum - Clinicians noted that mastic, an evergreen shrub,
possesses hydrochloric acid that is highly effective in eliminating
helicobacter pylori, a bacterial strain that can cause a certain type of
reflux disorder.
6. Cabbage juice - It has glutamine content, popular as an all time
favorite among NativeAmericans and European rural folks to provide
natural cure for acid reflux.
7. Slippery elm - Due to its calming properties, it can effectively soothe
the mucous membranes the esophagus. It can be consumed in large
amounts without any known side effects. Lozenges made from slippery
elm are now available in some drugstores and other health-food stores.
Herbs with clinically proven natural cures for acid reflux as well as OTCs
and prescription drugs abound. However, prevention of reflux disorders
through avoidance of certain foods and substances that trigger the
disorder, is still of utmost importance. The frequency by which an
individual suffers acid reflux can lead to the eventual thinning of the
esophageal linings which can lead to a cancerous disorder.

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