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Emilio Martin Gutierrez, Juan B. Perez Valcarcel
Doetors of Architeeture. Professors of Department of Technology of Construetion of A Coruna University

SUMMARY The purpose of this article is to deseribe a possible way of configw-ing domes formed by quadrangular base bundle modules. As for the foldable systems the corresponding joints should permit certain control/ed movements which in their turn would cause the processes of folding and unfolding of the framework The base module is basical/y composed of four bars connected with each other near their central point by means of an auxiliary element and pins. Apart from the above mentioned, it can incorporate auxiliary element sfor stiffening andfastening a possible textile covering.
Keywords: Foldable Structures, Domes, Trusses.

1. INTRODUCTION. BACKGROUND The quadrangular bundle module presents a series of properties that make it especially complex. Actually the only foldable structures, made up after the aforementioned module, owe to the Spanish architect Emilio P6rez Pifiero. in 1964 he created a mobile exhibition payilion having four types of precincts with a maximum volumetric size of 1.40x 1.00xl.80 m. when folded and 12.60x9.50xl.00 m. when completely unfolded. Among the conditioning factors of the project were: The mobility of the exhibition; the necessity of its adaptation to the physical characteristics of different places; ease of assembling, disassembling and transporting; and little time for projecting and realization (five months in total). The majority of the elements constituting the module are of aluminium sheets of 0.50xO.90m., so that the repercussion of the weight of the structure and the roofis about 12.50 should be taken into account than once the base system is unfolded it is necessary to introduce additional bars to provide the stability of the complex. The second proposal (not realized) comes up in 1971 after a collaboration with Salvador DaU for the preparation of the Theatre Museum of Figueras. It treats a non structural mechanism which would unfold according to a vertical plan until covering the mouth in the form of 18 m. high and 10 m. wide mid-point arch. The system should incorporate 36 rigid panels covering totally one of its faces with joints up to the top to serve as a base for a layout of DaH.

The two projects respond to completely plane configurations, a condition that provides in advance the geometrical compatibility of the system both at the final and different intermediate stages of the process of unfolding. In the case of the domes this problem tums out to be very complex as it is shown in the following paragraphs.


Figure1 Having analyzed different altematives, the procedure presented by F6lix Escrig from Seville University was chosen to be adapted for the 133

resolution of quadrangular bundle module domes. In this case apiane grid of a square module, situated at the level of the site, is projected over a spherical area taking as a focus the point that minimizes the possible dimensional errors of adjustment corresponding to different joints of the factors of unfoldability and the derivatives of the spherical configuration (Fig. 2):


In resolution with the different parameters that initially define the projection process, the ones that are directly connected with the creative process have been chosen, I.e. those that would be interesting from the merely formal point of view:

The spherical surface contains all the crossing of the truss beams (C). The mentioned positions should be deduced by subdivisions of angular segments comprehended between the projected points close to each other and the center of the sphere complying with the conditions of foldability. The nodes of the projected reticle are of type (D), including the superior pole. As a result the superior (A) and inferior (B) nodes of the structural system will be localized on the radii which, when passing through the center, cross the positions (D). In order to obtain a feasible folding, the equality of consecutive angular segments should be fulfilled: Xbi=Xbj; (ij) being the magnitudes that are produced on both sides of the same position (D). The semiopening of the cross (di) must be always superior to the corresponding angular segment (Xbi); in the contrary case the structure is bent, hence the folding is no longer feasible.

. . .

Side of the site or of the base reticle that is supposed to be covered by the folding structure. Discretization frequency or the number of the fractions of the previous parameter. Dome thickness in unfolded position. This magnitude defines the final distance between the two framework nodes that are maintained over the vertical, drawn through the center of the sphere. The interior or upper pole height of the sphere over the plane that contains the initial reticle.

The determination of coordinates is realized by the intersection of the sphere with the straight lines between the center and the nodes of the reticle. The resultant positions are stored in a matrix form and transferred to a PC-aided design environment by means of interchange files.

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Figure 3

When the projection is over, the determination of the angular segments, comprehended from the center of the sphere, is approached from an equation system that acquires both the conditioning 134

The resulting system appears to be incompatible to a degree that increases not proportionally to the discretization frequency. Nevertheless, it is detected, that all the redundancies producing the


mentioned incompatibility are related to the diagonals parallel to the bisector plane. As a consequence, it is possible to avoid such expressions without endangering the foldability of the grid (Fig. 3). This matter only relates to the major or minor adequacy of the resulting structure to the spherical form which, judging by the final results, tums out to be visually completely irrelevant.

tuting elements, numeration pattem and covering possibilities. Each framework module is conformed by a truss of four bars configuring a quadrangular base ,prism. The mentioned scheme can be optionally completed by cables on the superior and inferior faces and with a central piece properly stiffened to the truss extremes that could serve as a sustenance of the covering textile (Fig. 5).

Reconstructing the equation system with such criteria, an indeterminate set is obtained where an additional expression is precised in any case. The optimal supplementary condition requires the orthogonality of X-shaped crossed conforming the first truss, needed for developing a quadrant which is also symmetrical in regard to the bisector plane. Taking this into account, a compatible and determinateset is obtained that can be resolved applying the direct method of Gauss, properly reinterpreted by meansof a pivot technique,as the quantity of nuH terms that presents the matrix coefficients is high.

Figure5 Starting from the previous configuration the determination of the final coordinate is laid out which, in its turn, is structured in three different routines: Configuration of the first module, formation of subsequent trusses and processing of the last module of each layer. in the first case the localization of the principal cross nodes is realized by means of intersectionof circumferencesand simple relations of proportionality. On the contrary, the transversal cross requires additional conditions compatible with the initial hypothesis and with the configuration of the dome: Conservation of the cross aperture, belonging to the same plane that contains the center of the sphere, and perpendicularity with respect of the principal cross. As a continuation a double path is established, displacing us along the different layers of the framework, from the, second to the last one, and over the modules that form them, from the first to the last but one. Each one is built beginning from the neighbouring module situated on its left, resolving the position of the central joint by the 135

Figure4 The corresponding longitudes of the bars are determined from the previous angles applying the sine theorem to the triangles formed by the center of the sphere, the interior articulation and the extrerne joints (Fig. 4). in our work the corresponding semiopening of the cross has been deduced in its turn on the basis of the dome thickness defined at its highest point and when totally unfolded. j
Before proceeding to the dome generation from the previous longitudes, a detailed deseription is needed for the elemental module attending its form, consti-


VOL. 43 (2002) r~.

n. 140

intersection of three spheres (Fig. 6). The last truss of each layer requires a special treatment as its principal cross must be necessarily situated in the bisector plane to adequately satisfy the requirements of symmetry. 5

That is, choosing adequately the values of the magnitudes that constitute the problem, it is possible to delirnit the maximum maladjustments in such a way that they will not surpass the proper dimensional tolerances inherent to the assembling of the nodes.

-34 - 33 - 32 - 38 28



- - - - - - -1-- - - - - - - - - - - -

1--- - - - - - -



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31 - - - - - - - -

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1 8 7


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4- - - 3- - - 2- - - 1- - - -

--------1--- -

----- - - - -




- - -

- - -


Figure 8

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J ii ri

Figure 7

In the last two routines more than necessary conditions are deduced, which obliges to quantify the possible errors of geometrical adjustments. For minirnizing the mentioned divergences, the process is resumed in two nested loops that cover respectively the possible areas for the interior height of the dome and for positioning the denominatedfocus of projeetion. Combining these parameters with different dome thicknesses and various discretization frequencies, we come to the concIusion that the method of projection is viable and leads to a compatible system when totally unfolded (Fig. 7). 136

As for the interior heigbt the validity range of certain amplitude is deduced. Only noticeably plane configurations and coverings close to a semispherical shape are discarded (Fig. 8). Figure 9 shows the extreme situations that define the mentioned area. On the other hand the optimal position of the projection focus is placed around the inferior pole of the sphere, sligbtly below it, when there is no any mathematical dependence of any of the involved
parameters (Fig. 10). The domethickness doesnot significantly affect the final levels of the error, nor influences the determination of the optimal focus except for the grid s cIose to the plan e configuration.




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IHEJ'f\lIE_RNATiONA.iA,ssociA'riN FOR 'si-rE[LAr\fD~sPAl'IALsrR6TuRES'~ iAss'

. _0:_' ' _o _,,, -- ':., . 0'--."..., '.-' "__ o.. " ' --~ ' " _ .

When the previous operations are finished, starts the procedure of cornpletingthe quarter of the dorne by rneans of consideratiohs of symrnetry and configuring the complete frarnework by rneans of rotation routines. In any case, the links defined in .the design process are autornatically assigned from the developed informatics application and the different hypothesis of possible loads are structured for analyzing the behaviour of the frarnework in the situation of service. 3. GENERATION OF INTERMEDIATE POSITIONS IN THE PROCESS OF UNFOLDING The definition of the structural system must also consider the different phases of the aperture process, with the purpose of showing its compatibility and analyzing the particularities in its behaviour along the path. For this reason the previous generation routines are used but varying consequently the position of two initial points of the system (1, 2). The final distance between.these points coincides with the thickness of the dome, while in the compact package position it reaches the sum of exterior and interior longitudes of the first angular segment (Ll, L3).

Figure 9


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--- - - --- - --- ---- - - - - - - - - -1--- - - - - - - - - --- ------ ---- - - - - - - .1-. --- ---1-. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ffi
- -

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---- -

- - - -1---- - ---- --- - - -1--1---- - -

- - - - _w j!:


- - - i&. -- o


~ ~

- - - -1---- - -

- -- -- -


-- ----

1---- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -1---- - -



---- ---- -

- -- -

- -- - 8 o 7

.. ..


Figure 10


A major frequency of discretization usually increments the values of maladjustments, as much as theyare accumulated according to the number of layers. Nevertheless, in usual situations the problems of compatibility surpassing acceptable ranges are not detected.
". . ..

Figure 11 137

. ..',


VOL.43 (2002f n. 140 .

A' _,,,~-,-","_".n_"__",,,,._,._,

The first conelusion of the investigation is that the straight lines 34 and 56, which connect the superior and inferior extremes of the transversal cross in the first module, do not cross in the origin of coordinates A, but do it in the position A' situated below the previous one (Fig. II). The distance between the two points increases with the process of folding in such a way that the jumps between consecutive focuses A' are produced with similar magnitudes (Fig. 12). The percentage error in each phase describes a diagram elearly descending to the optimal position, near which it is practically a horizontal plateau of variable width.

tolerances of the assembling (Fig. 13). These results point out a possible hypothesis according to which the system is not totally compatible throughout the series precising certain energetic inflow during the central phases. The fact that the errors produced in the second layer are significant, continues to point out one first module, the real coordinates of which are not yet evaluated. If the hypothesis formulated before is correct, it can be also deduced that the mentioned module will be, in some way, forced during the mentioned phases; a question which has not yet been contemplated in the known process of generation.


bar edge

i i

bar mod ules




Figure 12

The maximum errors are produced in the modules of the last layer. However, aiready in the second layer the error levels are not negligible and later they accumuIate and grow with the assembling of the subsequent modules. This situations discards a possible alternative which would consist in maintaining certain nodes disconnected from each other during the unfolding of the grid.

Figure 14

1 1 19 -0,81 i 0,434

a a a MODUlEa(m~ CROSSa OF a THE RRST 2a a is - -- -- -.Ift -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ---

-- - -- .i._ i -- -- _.i. i --

-- .i.-- -- -.. -- t- -i i


-- -.. -i


-- --

-- _J.-i

_J. i

t- -- -- _J. i -- t- nt'

ol._ i --+

Figure 13

On the other hand the level of the resulting error describes a curved path with an intermediate maximum which can not be assumed with the usual 138

For analyzing this possibility, a quarter of the dome is assembled where all the connections between the modules of contiguous bands are untied except for the ones that correspond to the nodes placed on the bisector plane. It means that the sequences of modules are created in the L-form (row and column of equal order) which are connected only with the previous and following series by means of the nodes on the 45 degree symmetry plane. All the eliminated links are substituted by new ficticious bars with the purpose of achieving the convergence of its extreme nodes to the same position as of the deformed one (Fig. 14).it means that the systemis subjected, through a process of cakulus, to characteristic efforts necessary for obtaining the adequate connections with minimal energetic inflow.





Parallelly and considering the complex unfolding of the whole dome, it is not possible for the edges X and Y to be separated from the corresponding planes XZ and YZ, a phenomenon which was observed before. To resolve it, the insertion of ficticious bars, which link each point of the edgeX (Y) with its orthogonal projection over the plane XZ (YZ), is similarly used. The mentioned projections have to be compelled in their transversal displacement, to assurethat the edge points will be finally situated in the adequate plane.

situations (Fig. 15). On the other hand, as it is shown on the diagram the requirements noticeably descend with the increase of the dome thickness.

i t

At the end of the ca1culus process the correct configuration of the framework is obtained and the evaIuation of both the eriergy of defonnation, associated with each effort, and the energy relative to the totality of the grid, is made possible.
1000 900 800

Figure 16

The energy introduced into the system is used for reaching a feasible position at each moment, acting over its. bars basically through the mechanisms of flexure. The associated defonnations implicate minimal stress response in the pieces always being below the limit of elasticity of materiaL.As a result, the described proposal proves that the processes of

foldingandunfoldingarefeasiblewith a reasonable
concurrence of energy and shows that during its developmentthe system presents a correct behaviour in a state always far from plastic environment (Fig. 16). This does not mean any limitation in the practice. Even if the structure was totally compatible, an energetic inflow would be necessary to overcome the friction. o 1
3 4 5 6 7 8


4. GEOMETRICAL COMPATmILITY IN THE CENTRAL NODE OF THE TRUSS The described modu1esare defined in the first place by the fact that their four principal bars are joined with each other by means of their intennediate node. This connection is resolved through the interposition of a cylindrical piece. This mechanism makes the mentioned bars move laterally with respect to their theoretical intersection. The eccentricity can be of a local character, when curved or broken path bars are used, or consist in a homogeneous translation ofthe whole straight tube. The second possibility, shown on the diagram, leads to the extreme nodes, having the same scale as of 139

Taking into consideration the results, it is deduced that the structure is not strictly compatible throughout its aperture. However, the latter can develop if an external inflow of energy, having variable magnitude according to the phase that the system goes through, is produced. The mentioned

parameter presents a variation curve with an

intennediate maximum value, elearly acceptable

with adjustment to usual realization procedures, and a path, descending in accordance with the
movement towards any of the two extreme


Figure19 [9] Eserig, F.; Valeareel, J. P.; Sanehez, J. "Deployable structures squared in plan design and construction". International Symposium on Spatial Structures: Heritage, Present and Future. Vol. 1, pp. 483-493. Milan, 1995. [10] Valeareel, J. P. "Cupulas .desplegables de grandes luces con modulos de aspas". i Encuentro Internacional de estructuras ligeras para grandes luces. Fundacion Emilio Perez Pifiero.pp. 109-136. 1992. [11] Valeareel, J. P.; Eserig, F. "La obra arquitectonica de Emilio Perez Pifiero". Boletin Academico de la Escuela T. S. de Arquitectura de A Comfia.N 17, pp. 35-45. 1993. [12] Valeareel, J. P.; Eserig, F.; Martin, E. "Expandable domes with incorporated rooting elements". Four International Conference on Space Structures. Vol. 1, pp. 804-812. Surrey, 1993. [13] Valeareel,J. P.; Eserig, F.; Martin, E. "Expandable space structures with self-folding textile cover". International Conference on Rapidly Assembled Structures. Vol. 8, pp. 283295. Southampton, 1991. [14] Valeareel, J. P.; Eserig, F.; Estevez, J.; Martin, E. "Large span expandable domes". International Congress on Innovative Large Span Structures. Vol. 2, pp. 617-627. Toronto, 1992.

i !

.. ,. '.;" ..t', io".,..' " '\,'.. .'. ._" .,' I,") . . ;



the interior joint, that in its tum causes eccentricities in the mentioned connections.

lt is necessary to take into account that a grate value De of diameter, pushing aside aesthetical questions, implicates major eccentricities in the behaviour of the forces of the element. For reducing the mentioned dimension to acceptable limits the described angle is to be increased, which means to alter the thickness of the dome or the discretization frequency. The application program designed in accordance with this work permitted to configure domes as it is described in the example of Fig. 19, that would cover the precinct of 35x35 m. with the possibility of incorporating interior and exterior covering textIles.

Figure 17

The diamet~r of the interior joint piece turns out to be fundamental for the possible evolution of the module insofar as a minor aperture corresponds to a minor dimension: With the rotation of the bars a contact may be produced between them before the position oftotal unfolding is reached (Fig. J 7). The parameters that define the problem can be related through the following expression:
tan 13

=sin a .

Dc Db

= cos .

( sm a

+ sin a

. .

De Diameter of the joint piece. Db Diameter of the bars. a Angle formed by the bar with its horizontal projection over the inferior face of the module (Fig. 18).

[I] Eserig, F. "Estructuras espaciales de barras desplegables". Informes de la Construcci6n. Vol. 36, nO365, pp. 35-46. Madrid, 1984. [2] Eserig, F. "Expandable space frame structures". Third International Conference on Space Structures. pp. 845-850. Surrey, 1984. [3] Eserig, F. "Expandable space structures". International Journal of Space Structures. Vol. I, nO2, pp. 79-91. 1985. [4] Eserig, F.; Valeareel, J. P. "Curved expandable space grids". International Conference on the Design and Construction on Nonconventional Structures. Vol. 2, pp. 157-166. Edinburgh, 1987. [5] Eserig, F.; Valeareel, J. P. "Geometry of expandable space structures". International Journal of Space Structures. Vol 8. nO 1-2, pp. 71-84. 1993. [6] Eserig, F.; Valeareel, J. P. "To cover a swimming pool with an expandable structure". International Conference on Rapidly Assembled Structures. Vol. 8, pp. 273-282. Southampton, 1991. [7] Eserig, F.; Valeareel, J. P.; G, o. "Design of expandable spherical grids". Ten years of progress in shell and spatial structures. CEDEX-IASS. Vol. 4. Madrid, 1989. [8] Eserig, F.; Valeareel, J. P.; Sanehez, J. "Deployable cover on a swimming pool in Seville". Journal of the InternatIonal Association for Shell and Spatial Structures. Vol. 37, nO120,pp. 39-70. 1996.

Figure 18 140

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