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1.1 Purpose This SRS specifies software requisite for release 1.0 of the Grading System. This document is intended to be used by the members of the project team to substantiate and effectuate the proper functioning of the system. Consumers will scrutini e this document in order to assimilate the goals of the Grading System furthermore to conclude the business potential of this product. !ll requirements specified here are high priority and are committed for release 1.0 unless otherwise noted.

1.2 Project Scope and Product Features The Grading System is a based grading system that will allows !dministrator to sa"e grade information. The system also allows Student to "iew grade information. The Grading System focuses on feature that allows Teachers to enter the grades of Students.

1.# References

2. Name of Institution
A. Canossa Academy Lipa !ddress$ San Carlos% &ipa city Tel no$ (0)#*+,-.1#/0 'a1$ (0)#*+,-.1210 'lowchart

Students can "iew their grades from the school system. 3roblem encountered$ 4o problem was encountered. The system was only implemented

last year.

B. STI !ddress$ #- C.5. Recto !"e.% &ipa city Tel no$ (0)#*+,-./)0+ (0)#*+0/.,0+, 'lowchart

Students can enroll subjects and also "iew their grades with the subjects they are ta6ing.

3roblem encountered$

7hen students are accessing the website% it crashes or the system tends to hang thus the user may not use it effecti"ely.


e La Sa!!e Lipa !ddress$ 10-/ 8.3. &aurel 4ational 9ighway )/1+ &ipa City Tel no$ (:-# )#*021.#-+, (:-# )#*+,-.,,,, local /#2 ; /,0 'a1$ (:-# )#*+,-.#11+ 'lowchart

9igh school students can only "iew their grades unli6e college students who can "iew their grade and also enroll subjects in the current semester. 3roblem encountered$

7hen many users are accessing the site% the system loads slower.

". #$era!! escription

".1 Product Perspecti$e

The Grading System is a process of applying standardi ed measurements of "arying le"els of achie"ement in a course. The diagram shown in 'igure 1 illustrates the internal entities and system interface. The diagram also shows the straightforward process of accessing the system. The grading standard which is shown in 'igure / is only accessible only by the administration. This diagram shows how the administration input grades of e"ery student in e"ery le"el.


%ser C!asses and C&aracteristics The administration can access the system anytime. The administrations are those who are responsible in ma6ing the system accessible by anyone or for themsel"es only. They are those authori ed


personnel to input the educational standards of the desired institution.

'aculty 5embers

The faculty members are responsible in putting and editing the grades for e"ery student.


The students are those who can "iew enroll subjects% "iew their basic information and "iew grades.


#peratin' (n$ironment <= > 1 The Grading system shall operate with &ocal !rea 4etwor6 e1clusi"ely for school?s computer laboratories only.

<= > /

The Grading System shall permit the user access

from the administrator.


esi'n and Imp!ementation Comp!aints

".* ".+

%ser ocumentation Assumptions and ependencies

!S > 1

The Grading System can be access by the administration.

@3 > 1

Students can re"iew their information depending on the gi"en schedule.

@3 > /

'aculty members can edit the grades depending on the gi"en time that the system will be open and access by the admin.

). System Features
).1 Lo'in a. escription and Priority !llow a user to login to the system using a user name to authenticate and authori e a user according to their specific user type.

,. Stimu!us-Response Se.uences

Aser encounters front page of the application% types in their username and password and clic6s on the login button. Bf no error occurs up% point user is redirected to the main page where they ha"e access to all features their user account allows c. Functiona! Re.uirements R=C.1$ Asername Type$ !lphanumeric R=C./$ 3assword Type$ !lphanumeric

d. Administration Institution Standards !llows the adminDauthori ed personnel to input the educational standards of the institution /ie0in' Time 1ana'er !llows the user to indicate the specified date and time to constrain students to "iew their grades. 2rade (ditor !llows the user to change the grades of the students.

e. Teac&ers Facu!ty Profi!e

To showDdisplay the necessary information of the user (teacher* Student 2radin' 1ana'er To allow user to input the final course grade of the student which cannot be tampered without the authority of the admin.

f. Students Student Profi!e @isplays the basic information of the user (student* Student 2rade /ie0er @isplays the final grade of the user for the semester that indicates whether the user passed or failed hisDher subjects ta6en.

).2.1 Print Form ).2.1.1 escription and Priority

!llows user to print a hard copy format of grades in the current semester ).2.1.2 Stimu!us-Response Se.uences

<nce the user has login to their account and "iews the grades% press the print button and the form will be printed out in hard copy format ).2.1." Functiona! Re.uirements

R=C.1$ user must log into the system R=C./$ print a hardcopy format of grades in current semester )." Re'ister %ser ).".1.1 escription and Priority

!llow an administrator to add a user to the system with a specific user role allowing the user to use the system but only the features they are authori ed to use. ).".1.2 Stimu!us-Response Se.uences

The administrator once logged into the system% selects feature to register a user. ).".1." Functiona! Re.uirements

R=C.1$ administrator must be logged into the system R=C./$ Asername R=C.#$ 4ame R=C.)$ Surname R=C.,$ 3assword Type$ !lphanumeric Type$ !lphanumeric Type$ !lphanumeric Type$ !lphanumeric

R=C.-$ Contact 4umber R=C.-$ Student 4umber R=C.-$ Role

Type$ Bnteger Type$ Bnteger Type$ !lphanumeric

*. %S( CAS(S
%se Case 13 Input Course 2rade 3rimary !ctor$ Teacher

1ain Pat&3 1. The Aser will log on to hisDher account. /. System will display the information of the user. #. Teacher will select the input grade. ). System will display the currently handled course. ,. Teacher will clic6 the desired course. -. The System will display the name of students currently enrolled. +. Teacher will input the grades of students. 2. !fter the teacher inputted grades% the system will as6 if the teacher wants to input another set of grades.

0. Bf so% repeat steps ) to 0. <therwise% the teacher will log out from hisDher account.

A!ternate Pat&s3 Ea. !t any time an error occur during inputting grades. 1. System informs the teacher about the error and this use case ends. Eb. Grade is not accepted. 1. System as6s the teacher to re.enter the grade.

Ec. System can?t sa"e inputted data. 1. System informs teachers that the grade is in"alid.

%se Case 23 /ie0in' of 2rades 3rimary !ctor$ Students

1ain Pat&3 1. &ogin !ccount. /. System lets "iewing of grades of current and pre"ious semester.

A!ternate Pat&3

Ea. Grades cannot be access. 1. Student has accountabilities.

Eb. Aser cannot &og Bn. 1. !s6 admin to retrie"e password if forgotten. /. 4ot scheduled to login. %se Case "3 Printin' of 2rades 3rimary !ctor$ Students

1ain Pat&3 1. System lets user to print grades.

A!ternate Pat&3 1. Bf the student can?t print hisDher grades% the registrar will do. /. 3rinting of grades is within school campus only.

%se Case )3 Administration 3rimary !ctor$ !dmin

1ain Pat&3

1. &ogin to the system. /. Bf login failed is redirected to the login and let admin try again. #. !dmin "iew list of user. ). !dmin can add user?s information such as user B@% user type and username. ,. !dmin can delete user record from system. 6. External Interface Requirements 6.1 User Interfaces


The Grading System displays shall conform to our UI Standard.


The Grading System shall display in each !ie" an option to na!igate to the user documentation.


Hardware Interfaces




The Grading System shall function on any client computer that has $indo"s %& 'ista ( or ) * G#+ or faster processor or at least * G, of R-..


Software Interfaces
Requirement SI-0 Description .yS/0 Data1ase 2ngine.


The Grading System shall transmit the Grades that are 1eing sa!ed to the .yS/0 Data1ase 2ngine after chec3ing to ensure they are !alid. Internet ,ro"sers The Grading System shall function on any 4ompati1le Internet ,ro"ser.

SI-1 SI-1.1

7. Ot er !on"#unctional Requirements
7.1 $erformance Requirements

&2-15 The system "ill accommodate users "ith !alid accounts inside the data1ase "here they can use the system "ithin a limited period of time and e!ery session "ill ha!e no time duration. &2-*5 User Interfaces inside the system "ill ta3e a response no longer than t"o seconds after users ha!e logged inside the data1ase since it is an offline data1ase. &2-65 The system "ill display messages to users not more than * seconds e!ery time the users su1mit or ta3e necessary information to the system. 7.2 Safet% Requirements S2-15 The system is an offline data1ase "hich protects it from un"anted !iruses as "ell as online hac3ers coming from the internet that can harm the !ital resources inside it. 7.3 Securit% Requirements S2-15 The system has its o"n logging scheme to secure the information of users that is 1eing administered 1y an authori+ed personnel. S2-*5 The system also has its o"n 7idle-state log off8 program if the user is in the idle state for at least ten minutes in time. S2-65 The system shall permit only the authori+ed personnel "ho are on the list of authori+ed .anagers to create or edit grades. S2-95 The data1ase manager "ill set an account to each user to 1e a1le to log int the system 1y pro!iding a default username and pass"ord that can 1e replaced once the user has entered into their accounts. 7.& Software 'ualit% (ttri)utes -!aila1ility-15 The Grading System is accessi1le to users ha!ing an account encrypted inside the data1ase "ith limited amount of time to secure important data. Ro1ustness-15 If the Grading System has faced some technical error prior to grades that are 1eing su1mitted or cancelled the system "ill automatically reco!er incomplete files.

:pera1ility-15 The system pro!ides restrictions to users 1y adding security features ;i.e. ha!ing a time frame< for the system 1e protected from hac3ers.

*. User Interface

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