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Third Part

to 8



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How the Birdmen Op erate the Mechan

ism that Makes Possible Long


Through the
n of

talking of tha present and future the aeroplane the other day Glenn H Curtlss thon preparing to start on his now famous flight down the Hudson River ventured the opinion that the suc cess of powerflight lay entirely In the perfection of the controlling gear He meant particularly the gear that controls the direction and the stability of the flyer Whoever desires to understand the aeroplane and its method of flight may as well tako that significant remarkto heart before he starts In When men started to try to fly they did not know what they were about They thought that it would be sufficient to pro- vide the power to drive their machines THE CURTISS BIPLANE and the kitellke surfaces to raise them g It did not occur to them that a kite even power of Its mo 1o group likewise weight and 1o the Us proportion speed the in machine of has surface The less It with a long tall and no weight to carry tor thnn the others its tllmenMlonH are ICHH than the other two but it carries nn eightcylinder 50lior ci ower plunges and tumbles In all sorts of dizzy motor It carries extra large Mtnbillzlng fins placed entirely separate between the upper Hid lower wing tipS ways So when men Invented an engine ore worked Hemlautomntlenlly by the lateral swinging of the back of the drivers sent In thin and In n some- These sufficiently light and powerful and fixed model CiirtJsu has won various records At Jlhelmn on August 28 moil he covered thirty kilometers different what to it tho slanting planes to take it aloft in twentythree minutes thirty seconds the fastest time He holds the record for leaving the ground In the quickthey were very much puzzled at first to est time nud the shortcut distance He mnde the trip from Albany to Now York with one atop lost Sunday This invariably find that their machines machine makes about fifty miles an Lour a few rising to down earth after crashed yards says the New York Sun crOESpidco of the framework of the rudder They had started out with a rudder hack to the steering wheel It Is fastenedsomething like a ships rudder to turn at the hub of the wheel The wheel their aeroplanes to right or left That works backward and forward as well as They next added a was not enough turning So the same hand that is steer second rudder to turn upward and down ing the aeroplane to right or left by a ward with That was not enough either turn of the wheel can at the same time So then came along the Wright brothers be raising the aeroplane by drawing the with their one allimportant contributionwheel back toward the driver as one picks up a stumbling horse or else to the construction of the aeroplane forced earthward by a forward thrust They produced a device that would keep Moro vital still than the altitude rudder the flyer on an even keel as we say and eertalnly more of a departure from of a ship that is something that would all other known methods of equilibriumsave It from overturning sideways are tho atablliiing rudders or fins B B Finally then the flying men have made The working of these Is shown In Fig 3 among them All the aeroplane of today To understand tho use of these the Their product is a machine that will go most continuously employed pieces of rapidly and straight through the air steering sear on an aeroplane it is neces- and will keep steady and level in fairly sary to remember that an aeroplane is onset breezes The machine Is not auto- poised as delicately on its airy even keel ac a tightrope walker on his wire The matic That Improvement Is yet to come stabilizing fins serve the same purpose as As yet every swerve lurch and dip of does the fan of the Japanoses tightrope the aeroplane has to be counteracted by a performer The save the flyer from tip conscious and skillful use of one of the ping over to one side or tho other controls With the accompanying diagrams and Fig I will show how this s done may any explanation given one here the Once more it IB an application of the principle of catching the wind on the understand how the aeroplane is made to go Various makes of aeroplane differ underside of a horizontal plane td get an in minor points of course upward pressure and on the upper side Almost all however have these points in common Fig 3 to get a downward pressure upanddown or altitude rudder In rows ft front elevation of the stabilizing pianos and an much of tho rest of the front lateral rudder behind and stabiliz- ing rudders at the extreme wing tips of aoropiane as Is necessary to the compre the aeroplane henson of their action The purpose The aeroplane of Glenn H Curtiss In of the arrangement here shown Is to tilt which ho made his AlbanyNew York the one plane upward and the opposite flight is the one from which the accom- one downward at the same time panying diagrams are drawn The Cur The control of the pianos B B lies In tics machine is held to have proved Itself the wires c c c c The axis of each by the recent flight the most advanced piano lies in the dotted line A The type of aeroplane yet devised In America wires oe fastened behind the axes of possibly in the world It has possibly a the planes tilt them by an upward or little less stability and endurance than downward pull The wires e c run down the Farman biplane used by Paulhan J PLAN OF CURTISS AEROPLANE from each plane to a pulley at the corner ROUND FIG but it excels the Farman biplane in speed of the lower sustaining plane P From In design the two models closely resem the pulley they run straight to the top of ble each other the back of the drivers seat S There aeroplane In shown they is The Curtis are faetened ground plan In figure 1 The aeroplane This soafback swings from side to side flies in the direction Indicated by the ar- like the backs of some old chairs The rows A is the altitude rudder perched difference is that the old chairs were not out at the end of a bamboo framework designed to sway while tills back Is in front of the driver B B are the two When it sways to tho right it pulls the stabilizing rudders out at the ends of the wire that draws down the rear of the planes C is the rudder for lateral steer stabilizing plane out at the left wing tip Ing perched out behind as A is beforeWhen the seat sways to tho left It draws P P Is the upper sustaining plane four down the stabilizing plane at the right sustaining lies feet under which the lower wing tip plane parallel and of the same shape and The wiring c c runs also up from the size In front of the planes Is the steer tops of the stabilizing planes through Ing wheel W Just back of W Is the pulleys overhead and so connects the aeroplanists seat S Back of S and be stabilizing planes from above When tween the big planes Is placed the en- therefore one stabilizing plane has its gine Back of the engine and behind the after edge pulled down by the tilting of big planes Is the propeller X the seat back the same pull communi- type of aeroplane now most de In tho cated by the wire overhead to the other veloped tho propeller X placed behind stabilizing plane pulls its rear end up the engine E and the driver at S forces FIG 2ELEVATION OF ALTITUDE RUDDER A Whichever way the one stabilizing plane the machine forward In a horizontal Is turned the other one Is turned op- The planes P P catch the air direction positely on their under surfaces slightly Inclined anything like the complica- manner When tho framework Is tilted The manner in which this action rights The boat presents and concaved for that purpose aeroplane will be readily understood steering of that beset the aeroplane so that the fronts of the planes point up the pressure lifts the machine in the air or tions The process is as follows As soon as in which ward besides through alone aero the the for the submarine boat the air sustains It there at a desired level the course of flight the aeroplane sags to plane IB advancing catches on their under the left the driver leans over to the right The engine that supplies the power Is a flyer navigates In three dimensions pressure A gaeolene explosion motor closely similar side The of the air on the in his seat It is the motion that he The function of the forward rudder to that used In automobiles Only slight is to turn the course of the aeroplane up under sides of the planes lifts them up would naturally make to find his own differences are necessitated by the adapt- or down Right here the tremendous and so lifts the nose of the whole aero equilibrium In leaning to the right he ing of the engine to the aeroplane The difference between the aeroplane and plane up making It take an upward di- pushes the coat back over with him radiator and cylinders are built and almost all methods of locomotion known rection This pulls the wire that draws down the grouped so as to save as much weight as to us becomes apparent To realize the When on the other hand the plane p left stabilizing after part Thus the possible The controls for the magneto difference it is only necessary to try to P are tilted downward the air as It Is fin turns on Its fins axis or In such a way as and gasoline supply are placed forward conceive an automobile that one could cleft presses on their top surfaces and to present a slanting under surface to the of the engine at the drivers seat S by a turn of the wrist start to soaring forces them to point earthward And so wind The wind delivers an upward for he Is under the disadvantage of sit- upward from the ground Nothing else they give the downward direction to the pressure on this surface and this up ting in front of the motor The engine so free and complete In the whole realm course of the aeroplane when the flyer ward pressure tends to right the sagging cranks up directly by a turn of the pro of motion as known to human experi desires to fly lower At the same left end of the aeroplane peller and the shaft drives the propeller ence exists as In the aeroplane of today It will easily be seen that without the the pull that started front the seat directly without the Interxentlon of cogs rude and Imperfect compared to Its pros altitude rudder A the aeroplane would time back Is sent on from the left fin over the or sprockets With these exceptions the pects as It still presumably Is And the be helpless It could not be depended overhead and down to the upper flying engine is in all respects like the freedom and complete command of space upon to rise from the ground for flight- surface of wire the right fin which Is drawn automobile engine and does not require that distinguish the aeroplane all lie in Is started by giving the rudder the little up The right fin la thus made to present any explanation of Its own upward tilt The aeroplanist could not Its upper surface to the wind and tbe rudder A the altitude rudder It Is now to be seen how the propellerFigure 2 Is a drawing of the essential safely descend earthward nor If he wind then depresses the right end of the X driven by the engine E sends for details of this wonderful rudder The found himself In unfavorable air could aeroplane at the same time that the left ward the machine which Is sustained by rudder Is shown from a point of observa he pass from one air current up or down is being raised In a moment the aero to another the gliding on the air of the plane P t tlon forward of It and to Its left Above all he could not plane Is righted The drlveV thereupon and the similar plane under It There re The rudder consists of two horizontal alight and In tho last moment before straightens up In seat bringing the mains to be seen the more delicate and planes p p They are connected with a alighting the nose of the aeroplane Is seatback again tohis the upright position difficult part of flying namely the work framework similar In shape to the skele- thrown sharply up to let the great and so drawing the stabilizing fins back of keeping the flyer straight and level ton of an oblong box This framework planes catch the air and stop the momen again to their original place The move- Each of the rudders A B B and C does has the planes p p for Its top and bottom tumHow ment Is a natural one for the driver so Its own particular share of this work It sides The framework hinges at the two la the altitude rudder controlled much so as to be semiautomatic Is a threefold work and far more compli- ends on the axis represented by the by the aeroplanlsts The view in Fig 2 It often happens that an aeroplane la cated than tho control of automobile dotted line a It Is by turning on this shows this in the apparatus c c c This caught an air current as knotty asship or bicycle All these travel on a hinge that the planes are made to act as Is a peculiar but perfectly simple device a rough In pine board A puff of wind will guided are only surface horizontal and the rudder Is pushed forward or pulled blow one side up or the other side down rudders t to right and to left Only the submarine This action is produced In the following back by a long run The rod runs from a It is then that the aeronauts back and shoulders are put to quick use to right The rule Is simple alwayshis machine to bend toward the upward side Often In making a curve also the aviator is obliged to lean a little inward 1C the curve be sharp to counteract the cen- trifugal force The aeroplane naturally tilts on the Inward side when taking a sharp curve because of the slackeningof the speed oh the side which has the shorter curve rhe third of the Important controls of tho aeroplane In the air is shown In Fig 4 It Is the Bldetoslde steering gear the most complicated because it Is tho least Important It needs a second motion of the bands which are already busy with the altitude control But the sldetoBlde steering motion does not Interfere with the pushing and pulling by which tho upward and downward course of flight is directed FIG 3FRONT VIEW OF STABILIZING PLANES B B Figur 4 shows a view of the atfletotldt

The machine Is 000 feet In the air This bridge is 212 feet high The aviator after the conclusion of his wonderful flight from Albany to New York declared that be waa fully 400 feet above the bridge when he passed It rudder C It is cleft and through this cleft passes a horizontal plane This Is Just a fixed plane placed to sustain the weight of the after end of the aeroplane The rudder C save for tills cleavage into an upper and a lower part is very similar to a ships rudder It is noteworthy that this Is the only vertical plane on the The rudder C whole Curtiss machine swings on a vertical axis a The posi tions into which It may swing are shown by the dotted lines The control of tills rudder Is by little wires c c which pass through pulleys at the corners of the horizontal plane and come forward to the drivers s at They pass up to the steering wheel W circle this and unite In other words the wheel of the aeroplane Is very much like a ships wheel not onjj In purpose but
in designIt is with this wheel of course that the driver turns to right and left doubles on his course and makes the most com- plicated evolutions Yet in view of the fact that going anywhere In particular is vastly less important than avoiding being dashed to the ground the sideto side steering gear is far loss an essentialto the aerpplane than are the upand down and stabilizing planes Nor Is it in any sense an Invention In aerpplaning since It Is closely copied after the steerIng gear long In use on the water There are other things that the aviator has to attend to besides his direction and stability control of course But they do not require his over taking more than one hand from the steering wheel There Is the throttle which feeds the fuel to his engine It is a short slender lever at A brief motion cuts off his right hand his fuel and shuts down his engine or lessens his speed or increases It The electric control is In a little twistbutton fastened on the front of his sent between his knees In starting Curtiss after testing his engine first takes his place in the driv- ers seat turns on the throttle and grasps the steering wheel Then while two or



with a movement of the right hand De- pressing the head of Ws flyers he glides down at a gentle angle by his own mo- At the moment before be mentum would come into forcible collision with the earth he pulls up the head of tho flyer quite sharply The nose points sharply up the great sustaining planes act as brakes against the air The strength Is taken out of the drop The machine comes down gently on its two rear wheels and the front ground wheel right under the steering wheel comes down also If the machine rolls alone

three men hold the machine from darting forward on Its wheels a mechanic starts the engine with a quick turn of the pro- peller With the propeller going briskly Curtlss gives n signal and the aeroplane is released by the men holding it It starts forward rapidly on Its wheels When the right speed is reached Curtis pulls the sterlng gear back a little toward rises from the The aeroplane him The ground friction overcomeground It gains speed rapidly and rises faster till It reaches tho desired level In descending Curtiss picks out with his eye the favorable spot When within some 200 yards of it and at some twenty yards elevation he shuts off his

Continued on Pa gcv 2 Column 5











JUNE 5 1910





Twelve Churches in Washington with One Pugh and One Pallas with Fortynine Kings Ten Kaisers and a Bunch of Queens
Census facts and figures regarding Washington are carefully guarded down In Director Durands shop but the new telephone directory reveals a few facts about Washingtons population that may escape some of the most conscientious phone directory he who reads carefully may see that Washing ton has Twelve Churches with only one Pugh In addition there is one Chappel and one Abbey where the spiritual needs of the people may be watched by a dozen Bishops ten Monks eleven Abbots and nine Parsons One Parish includes them all enumeratorsIn the new

Wrights Are Spending Time

Making Experiments
EFFECT OF WIND UPON GRAFT Load Speed and Equipment of Ma- chine Under Observation at the Montgomery Cnmp Map Ont Seven

tymile Route for Distance En- t durance TripLong Voyage Soon

Montgomery Ala June 4 The things learned in the experiments made at the local camp of the Wright brothers which will soon have to be disbanded are al ready beginning to crop out in the wider scope of national aviation it appears In 7 7 T conversations with men Interested in the science in New York and elsewhere Orvllle Wright who spent several weeka In Montgomery has discussed movements In this aeroplane Wilbur Wright made the first Hudson River flight of twentyone mlle from Governors Island to Grants Tomb nnd return on October that had not before been talked of pub- lOOt The canoe fastened on underneath the aviator was to float the machine with If It fell on the water The front rudder Is worked by a lever in one licly even 1C they had been worked out of the aviators bands A lever also works the flexible wins tips which keep the biplane on an even keel There arc two propellers one of which mayIn the laboratories of the two Day be seen at the left worked by a chain near In this type of machine the Wrights made their startling flights of IOOS the first extended flights in the tonlans history of aviation Wilbur Wright on December 31 1008 flew seventyseven miles and won the Michelin distance prize for the year The Wright ma Load and speed have been under ob chine makes forty to lortrfhe miles nn hour servation largely with the effect of the wind upon the machines both as to hold- and the story in a general way as re done with one of them by SantosDumont FLIGHTIng them back when the wind IB dead called follows himselfJust before the Wrights left the stu It la not denied by manufacturers that ahead or hurrying them along when IN SIMPLE FORM squarely astern One day here Orvllle dents under Orvilles Instruction spied there la a large profit in aeroplanes sold Ala the seventymile out down route a Wright spent some time at an altitude prices which have been stated at Continued from Page One River suitable for a longdistance The the excuse is given with good reason of 2000 feet studying the effect of a thirty bama is that much costly experimenting endurance trip in this atmosphere It and de Crazy Over mile blow on the efforts of the ship to understood that when the Wrights get velopment work hae been done without too far on the ground Curtiss applies a breast it as well as Influences upon the back to Dayton and have resumed work direct returns and now the makers of brake to the front wheel with his right New motor ant the other parts of the mechan there Brookins and Crane who were to flying machines say they must reap their foot The same contrivance that works ism How high did you get 1 he was make the long voyage down there will harvest this brake has an emergency attachmentFrom the point of view of tho public asked I never thought to notice was be sent on an endurance run to cover to short circuit the electric current if the reply I was watching the effects a distance something like teat of Paul this commercial aspect of the aeroplane SUCCESSFUL needed when In air ONLY business is Important chiefly as an indi EXPERTS of that altitude and that wind on the hans from London to Manchester Other important moments occur in the cation of the wide and deep interest motor and the machinery as a whole course of flight Sometimes a motor which is taken in flying machines Al Bind lea Air Navigation stops CORNERING AFRO MARKET in midair In such a case the though there Is a strong demand for ex pick out a landing place aviator must While here Mr Wright kept a close Aviator hibitions of such devices nnd experts can Cutting Off the Power watch on the air navigation of the world Output of Machines Fails to ICeep obtain high prices for their services too Plunges Down front Great Height Immediately and glide down to it He may be 1000 feet or more In the air or he Up with Demand and gave close study to all the reports greater part of tho numerous orders for Seizing Control of Machine Just may have but a few yards to descend of the long trip made by Paulhan whom Even those Americans who have been aeroplanes received by manufacturers greater drop is the safer In some he had driven out of this country on the most impressed by tho feats of the aero must come from persons who intend to Striking Ground Feels The Before ways for there are more good landing allegation of infringement on patents It plane experts con- personal use pleasure them or for Dip Wrights as such the places to pick out The aviator having Like in Elevator seemed then that he was undertaking to venience set his eye on the desired landing spot find out what could be done to speed and Paulhan Curtiss Bleriot and Latham phase of the situation which Another proceeds to glide to it by the careful in carrying capacity Long and slow can hardly bo prepared to learn from the is of wide interest is the fact that the use of his altitude rudder He must movements were made from time to time London Economist a solid organ of the business of making aeroplanes Is evi Paris June 4 The latest craze for air keep this rudder pointed downward Just the aviator taking the machine high and financial world that the market for some dently extensive enough and solid enoughdesignations- enough so that the machine will slant bringing It down low as If to find what popular flying machines Is practically I to Justify the use of ample facilities and men and aorobellesthese downward at a fair speed It amountswas possible in lifting capacity quickly for aviators have really caught on here relatively capital cost means a low That by speculators who are confident to making gravity supply the place of applied plane Is At other times he would give cornered vol the or as dive aerial the production ultimately of and must it power He coasts down on a gentle slant her full speed ahead as It to know what that they will be able to make a hand bring down the prices obtained from buy- French call it but such judgment and If he slants too much he is in danger of was in store for a needed spurt at any some margin over the manufacturers ers of flying machines nerve do the feat require that only Paul being dashed down at a terrific rate If time prices by selling to eager buyers says a Thero is a fair chance it is evident han and one or two other famous air too little he may lose his headway and However only the weight of two men writer in the Cleveland Leader that good aeroplanes will be on the mar men have as yet attempted it so lose stability and steerage way and was carried here and there was nothing For example the Bleriot monoplanes ket before long at figures not higher than meet an even worse disaster by over height Mounting great a to aviator the specially new In that At the same time The largest flying machine to cross the range In automobiles turning So It takes an exceedingly nice engine the machine was carrying two new at- such as the first ignition his of the cuts oft thus and best of them will hardly cost as use of the altitude rudder to make a tachments one the rudder at the roar the English Channel is sold by the much as several types of touring cars robbing himself of all motive power landing with the engine cut otto and the other an arrangement of the makers at about 2400 but the middlemen Beyond question the aeroplane is going points his elevating plane earthward and Delicate and interesting as the con- steering planes in the front These and- have bought up three months output to be the light and airy foundation for a comes diving down at a speed approach- trivances of the most manageable aero a number of minor equipment features ahead of deliveries in the confident ex business which will Involve a great deal ing 100 miles an planes of the day may seem it must be hour were not Installed 1n the New York ex- pectation of realizing a large profit For of money and probably will make many To the spectators it appears as if ho remembered that there is yet much to be hibit and it was necessary to give every Immediate delivery of a Blerlot machine big fortunes Some of the aviators as were dropping sheer to destruction but accomplished before they will become detail of movement the closest scrutiny 53750 has been paid well as the manufacturers and dealers just before he roaches the ground ho satisfactory means of Their before dclding on its permanency It was Some other aeroplanes which are in will get rich for they are paid extraordi rights his machine dexterously and man- stability is not yet great travel In a violent found out there too that the danger of high favor cost much more The price nary prices ages alight safely whole The to art they mercilessly wind are up tossed or alighting quickly has been almost elimi of the big and powerful Farnum biplane Paulhan it Is calculated has lately ono who has done the trick says is to set despite the stabilizing pianos And nated If the planes remain in tact the machine in which Paulhan made his earned on the average not far from keep control of the machine by descend in the best weather and threefold difficul- coming down has lost its terrors remarkable flight from London to Man- 24000 a month and a European paper ing swiftly ties of steering demand a constant at- chester is 5600 and the Wright biplane- which Is rated a high authority says that Never Lost His Nerve tention much more trying than that em- Would Mean Death England Wright more quoted Orville is J6000 in will receive at large than The ployed in speeding an auto at forty miles The necessity of watching every de- 40000 for one week of exhibition flights monoplane called the AntoinetteAfter you have cut oft the engine were tail of development is illustrated by a French in which Latham made his spectacular at Budapest during the International you to go straight on through the air the an hour story told by Orvllle Wright of their flight aviation meeting this year Less famous aeroplane would gradually slow down at Rhelms costs 55000 earlier experiments Did you lose your ELECTRICITY FROM WIND aeroplane which has demonstrators of flying machines have until it began to drop backward This The cheapest nerve as a result of the accident at gained any vogue or prestige is the little been paid 6000 a week for their work would mean certain death of course Fort Myer asked a man as they sat Demoiselle devised by SantosDumont There are castles to be found In the What you have to do is to summon up New Use for the Oldfashioned at dinner one night Not at all said Many of that type have been at air at least and money has wings in sufficient nerve to throw the lover for Windmill Mr Wright And he told then of being about 120 but they seem to sold be too coming to some daring masters of the ward and turn the machine as if you much nearer to death on at least two small to meet the wants of the average new The machinery of a modern windmill flying as well as In going were falling to the ground of art other occasions He dislikes to be quoted aviator notwithstanding the good work from uncounted millions ae far advanced over the crude You find yourself as the aeroplane is of men dips over looking straight down at the machinery of the windmill of 50 yearj aerodrome below you Then the earth ago as is the works of a line watch over seems to rise up as if it were going to the works of a dollar alarm clerk One hit you You feel as if you wore de- typo of wind turbine for Instance con scending in the fastest elevator ever sists of a wheel about sixteen feet in built The critical moment comes when you diameter mounted upon a steel tower have to alter the angle of the elevator fifty feet in height The entire wind wheel Is of galvan check your speed and at the same time preserve sufficient momentum to glide ized steel and all Its moving parts run safely to tho ground on ball bearings Its transmission gear works in an oil bath and according to Popular Mechanics the best methods THE AGE OF ANNIE known to engineering have been adopt Answer to u Famous Problem Given ed in order to eliminate friction and by Means of VJIiinmsuurs Bridge enable the wheel to make the best of While collecting statistics of New York light winds The result Is that even I public school children for the new cen a wind sus a teacher had unusual difficulty in having a velocity of no higher than six getting the age of a certain Annie Birth miles an hour the turbine generates certificates being unavailable and the electricity Such an electric generator mothers knowledge of the matter hazy and switchboard and a Sicell storage the teachers persistence finally brought battery make up the electrical apparatus The wheel is always in running position from tho childs father this solution dear Madam if TM nat to bow how oW Is ready to make use of every putt that Annie tell ra by return hw lest the Williams comes and it steadily makes and stores burg bridge is Open by doing So yea will oblige current except in times df absolutely Mr Cbhn still weather ps you will also find Out how old i Ani



Only One Pallas

There Is one Pallas in the Capital where fortynine Kings ten Kaisers and a bunch of Queens may Rule Sixteen Pages and a couple of Jesters work with The Herald In the Pallas Millers Carpen Shoemakers Slaters ters Masons Drivers Bakers Barbers Dyers Farmers Butchers Chandlers Gardners Goldsmiths and Taylors In all more than SOO nam s find only five Bosses at two Works Though there are thirtytwo Bakers there Is only one Cooking and two Bakewell And speaking of Grubb Washington la there Three Feasts include five Beans ten Bacons two Hams a lot of Kale one Hamburger and too much Rice A dainty Morsell for Dessert may be selected from one Oringe one Apple three Mellonsor two Lemons Sh and also Shush There are eleven Barrs where may be found three Bock beers and one Booze Five Hicks show one Spree and one Mull Three are Hap py many Mellow and four have taken a BraceP S There Is one Court and only one Judge A Score of Fishes Though there is only one Rod a score of Fishers may seek the Finney tribe in the different Waters of Rivers one Pond There may ono Pool or one Seabrook be found Fish as follows one Bass one Codd four Pikes one Turtle three Crabbs one Roach two Salmons and possibly a couple of Sealers and maybe-

AERO DIVE IS LATEST French Airmen Trick


the city Two Ruggs three Couches and a Dresser form part of the furnishings Eighteen Butlers and thirtytwo Cooks look after the needs of the householdIt looks as if a train has struck some- one for there are two Fingers one Foot two Arms one Lipp and one Head are thrown at random In the book Two Moons one Sonne and one Starr furnish the Light for nine Days and nine Knights The Sonne appears Early Daily Number of Knockers A few others found In the lists are one Dubb one Hammer and six Knox but any number of Knockers a lot of Cole and some Wood Burns Grate eh three Biggs and five Xittles nine LOngs and everybody short before payday one Copp for two Crooks two Gambles in a Chance with eleven Skinners three Dements and one Nuttie nine Easterdays and one Paschal one Damman one Pern by Gee Six Betts with five Welches one Back well and a lot of shines two Good no betters and two Best two Batchelorsone a woman two Garrets with one Rafter one Bury and twentytwo Graves one Gass and positively only one Gas company two Blamers and one Fuss one Fraction a doctor three Quicks and two Waites two Swains and three Love less eight Pecksone Bushel Also there are only one Zyrynlnk on
Yznaga ono Bacijulupi and one



Man Awheel Chasid by Baby Elephant

Cycling in Rhodesia occasionally has the charm of adventure if there Is much charm in the excitement of the chase when the chased is the human rider

a lobster II Washingtons own little rainbow may be found In twentytwo Greens fortyone two Lavenders two different Grays Blues five Blacks thirtysis Whites one Verrailllon and a whole page full of appear In the No yellows Browns

A cyclist who was riding from Broken Hill to Ndala on the edge of bush clear- ing almost ran Into the hindquarters of a baby elephant half a score hands high Very likely I never got oft my bicycleso quickly before and I suppose both oC us looked rather bamboozled he writes in The Rhodesian Herald My new acquaintance gave me a long doubtful look and screaming ran toward home or rather an old tusker and three cows browsing on the opposite end of the glade he said in telling of his adven



When It comes to Birds and beasts the District can show a few things with the following list Six Peacocks twelve one Dove six Cockrells six Cranes Drakes eight Finches four Parrotts one Gosling two Fowles one Hawk one Martin three Partridges and three Passing on to the zoological Robins garden one may find one Bear nineteen Lions three Bulls four Lams two Colts one Collie five Beavers eleven Harts one Doe and one Hogg Raiment may be found In the com panys wonderful book Three Shurtz five Coates one Collar one Scarf six Dickeys one Cuff and one Ulster are offered to the public But only four are Fitz This ought to be enough to keep one Warm in a place where a dozen Winters five Frosts four Hales and five Snows make their home Cash There Twice Cash appears in the book twice 1n the farm of six Shillings and five Sheckels This may account for the twelve that ap pear as Rich And speaking of Money there is one Dun and three Dunigans for any number of Bills Out door life may be found in the following bunch of scenery Two Meads fifteen Hills six Vales eleven Rocks eight Field three Heaths five Forrests twelve Marshes and one Moor Several Brooks in one Goodacre offer a Good pasture for Washingtons one Holstein Fifteen Roses and three Budds on a dozen Bushes are scattered In various Gardens Plants Redferns Ivey Laurel and Palms sprung from four Seeds add to the beauty of the scene Four Tennants with two Ladds and one other Kidd find scores of Holmes In

wonderment I stood rooted to the wind was blowing toward me and the bull a magnificent monster swung his trunk to and fro through the air to smell me out It appears that the elephants cannot see very far besides the sun was right against them j As soon ss the now whimpering youngster arrived by his protectors they fumbled with their trunks all over him to find out what was wrong uttering the


spot The


curious rumbling

noise through

their long nostrils By this time I thought it was time to return In swinging my cycle around some dry twigs broke Under me with sharp cracks The puzzled bull stood for a moment motionless with his huge ears extended like some topgallantsail then as he heard the chink of the metal through my mounting the hike the huge animal lurched forward with a grunt that rumbled as distant thunder down his

big trunkI waited no longer but pedaled for dear life and wonder even now how I dodged the many obstacles on the path Behind me came a crashing of treesI did not look back but put on as It were more steam until after a retreat of some four miles hearing nothing more I nearly came a cropper over an

Still a trifle flurried I dismounted but except the sighing of the forest and the buzzing of tsetse flies there wasno sound A few miles behind my carriers came bellowing along their peculiar swinging gait As I believed the yarn of those elephants might frighten them further mum was the word However I halted them on pretense of desiring a rest and after an hours de lay we all started once more My cycle enabled me to scout cautiously in ad vance but as I expected the elephants had gone to some more sequestered sylvan retreat and nothing more was seen of them

ancient tree stump

The upper photograph shows Glenn H Curtlas aa he left Pougbfceepsle on Taut lap of hs great Mleht from Albany to New York The lower picture shows the aviator skimming along theground before the taking tile air at ti at his long flight from Albany The sky line of the city of Albany can be seen In the distance


n a machine of this type Paulhaa made his Sight from London to Manchester


a dtitaaco ef 181 miler the loageflt distance flown thus far either in 1010 or In the history of human flight Thin aeroplane is larger and hoarier than the Curtis type sad has more irarface ties the Wright type It is designed lot endurance nt tho COt of speed Tho machine Is kept pn nn oven tool by rtabllliUff ftna that form the rear edger of tho wing tips of the upper plane Tho fins are aeparate mart not Imply a flexible portion of tho plane aa On tho Wright saaokiae la this type a of e Farmnn flow 137 mile on N cUa ember 8 1800 at Hoursttlox Frames The speed of this type of machine I thirtyfive t forty miles am keys


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