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1. Underline the Subject in the following sentences :a. The red roses look really fresh and beautiful.
b. The woodcutters new axe fell into the river.
2. Underline the Predicate :a. This apple is very sweet.
b. He is a good boy.
c. I am nine years old.
3. Supply the SUBJECT :a. _______________ is the capital of India.
b. ______________ are shining in the sky.
c. ________________ delivers letters and parcels.
4. Supply the PREDICATE :a. The neem tree ________________________________________ .
b. The new house ________________________________________ .
c. Our school ___________________________________________ .
5. Fill in the blanks with COLLECTIVE NOUNS :a. The small child presented the chief guest with a __________ of flowers.
b. The little boy gleefully kicked at the ____________ of sand.
c. The ____________ of thieves attacked the travellers in the hills.
d. The Himalayas is a ______________ of awe inspiring mountains.
e. The tourists spotted a _____________ of wild elephants crossing the
f. H P S has the best _______________ of singers.
6. PUNCTUATE and rewrite:1. india celebrates independence day on 15th august
2. peter janet pam colin and barbara are members of the secret seven

what are you doing tomorrow

4. where are you going

5. hurray we got the first prize

7.Fill in the blanks with the PAST TENSE of the word given in brackets :a. The shopkeeper ______________ all his wares in one week. ( sell )
b. I _______________ a shiny pebble in the sand. ( find )
c. My mother __________ the apple into five slices. ( cut )
d. We ____________ to the exhibition this year. ( go )
8.Rewrite in SIMPLE PAST TENSE :a. The sun shines in the sky.
b. The captain chooses his team.
c. The old mans hands shake with weakness.
d. The school bell rings at 8:00 am.
9.Rewrite in PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE:a. The children swam joyfully.
b. The audience laughed at the clown.
c. My granny told us a story.
10.Rewrite in PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE :a. All of us write neatly.
b. The fielder throws the ball at the stumps.
c. The baby cries loudly.
11.Fill in the blanks with ARTICLES :a. Rohan found ________ one rupee coin.
b. I finished my home work within _______ hour.
c. We go on _______ excursion once in _____ year.
d. _______ American and _______ European visited _______ Indian in
_________ United States Of America.
e. We were surprised when _____ old hen laid _____ egg. _________ egg was strange. It
was ______ golden egg! ________ man who owned _____ hen was very happy.

f. We went to ________ Nehru Zoological Park. There we saw ____ giraffe, ______
elephant, ______ snake and _______ white tiger. _________ tiger was prowling about and
gave us ________ angry look.
12. Rewrite in INDIRECT SPEECH :a. Raj said, Rahim is a good boy.
b. Geeta said, My mother is baking a cake.
c. Neena said, I am doing my homework.
d. Anil said, Ram will play in the match tomorrow.
13. Fill in the blanks with PRONOUNS :a. I hurt _________________ with the knife.
b. The thieves hid ____________________ quickly.
c. __________ am sorry if _______ have hurt you.
d. Ram and Sham go to the playground. ________ are going to play cricket.
e. My mother and I went out. ________ enjoy going to the park.
f. This is my new book. ______ father gifted _________ to _____.
g. The teacher told ____ that ____ were going to the Salarjung museum.
14. Fill in the blanks with appropriate ADJECTIVES :a. The Sahara Desert is the ____________ desert in the world. ( big )
b. H P S is the ___________ school in Hyderabad. ( good )
c. My sister has ________ homework than me every day. ( much )
d. The movie is ___________________________than the book.( interesting )
e. The Taj Mahal is the _________ _______________ monument in India.
( famous )
f. My brother is as __________ as my father. ( tall )
15. Fill in the blanks with the correct word :a. I _______ ( is / am ) in class IV.
b. My friend and I ______ ( is / are ) going to the birthday party.

c. There ________ ( is / are ) many books in the library.

d. The girl holding the books _________ ( is / are ) my sister.
e. We _________ ( has / have ) exams in March.
f. How many legs ___________ ( has / have ) a spider ?
g. None of us ______ ( is / are ) hungry.
h. The teacher ________ ( does / do ) her work.
i. A pride of lions ___________ ( lives / live ) in this forest.
j. That bunch of grapes ________ ( looks / look ) yummy.
16. Rewrite as NEGATIVE SENTENCES :a. The driver drove very fast.
b. My father came home early.
c. The baby slept the whole night.
d. The little boy broke a cup.
e. We can see clearly in the dark.
17.Make sentences with the following words :a. scribble :

b. invented :

c.arranged :

d.important :

e.refused :

g.generous :

18. FILL IN WITH APPROPRIATE PREPOSITIONS:1. My father is ________ home.

2. The dog ran _____________ the road.
3. The train whistled _________________ the tunnel.
4. My teacher talked ________________ the universe.
5. I studied __________ an hour.
6. Rohan sits _____________ me in the class.
7. The compound wall was built __________________ the house.
8. The mouse is hiding _________________ the cupboard.
19.FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH THE GIVEN ADVERBS:( Always , once, upstairs, far, seldom, easily, neatly, how, wisely ,fast )
1. Rita writes _____________.
2. _____________________ speak the truth.
3. Do not go ______________________ .
4. She visited us ______________ .
5. The child went _______________________.
6. Barking dogs ___________________ bite.
7. ___________ did you manage ?
8. Time flies __________ .
9 Use your time ______________ .
20.USE CONJUNCTIOS AND REWRITE:1. She cannot drink this milk. It is too cold ________________________________________.
2. The baby began to cry. He had dropped his toy __________________________________.
3. Our team lost the match. Our team had practiced hard. ___________________________.

4. We could not play the match. It was raining hard.

5. Uday is short. Madhav is tall. ________________________________________________.
21.FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH CONJUNCTIONS:1. My mother waited for me ________________ I returned from school.
2. Hurry up __________ you will miss the bus.
3. Samuel is old ___________ he is strong.
4. She is a kind _______________ loving person.
5. Do you like cricket ___________ football ?
22.USE CORRECT DEGREE OF ADJECTIVE:1. This hall is the ________________ room in my house. ( big )
2. The teacher is ___________________ than the students. (wise)
3. Your book is ________ ___________________than mine. ( interesting )
4. Who is the ________________ child in this class?( old )
5. Iron is __________ ______________ than gold.( useful )
23.DO AS DIRECTED:1. I am doing my homework. ( Change into Simple Present Tense )____________
2. I do my homework. (Change into Past Continuous Tense ) _________________
3. The young man ran fast. ( Change into Simple Future Tense.) ______________
4. Rohan cooks very well. ( Change into Present Continuous Tense ) ___________
5. The little boy drank milk.( Change into Simple Present Tense ) ______________

24. Fill in the blanks with CONJUNCTIONS :a. I went to the doctor ________________ I was sick.
b. I cannot go to school _______________ my auto driver comes to pick me up.
c Eat healthy food _________ you will become weak.
d. My teacher told us to go out ________ play.
e. _____________ I woke up early I was late for school.
25. Rewrite these sentences using CONJUNCTIONS :a. Superman is tall. He is strong.
b. Mr Rao is rich. He is not happy.
c. I ran fast. I did not come first in the race.
d. The children of Class IV worked hard. They did very well in the exams.
26. Fill in the blanks with ADVERBS :a. The teacher spoke to me _______________ .
b. The bottle was _____________ full.
c. The police searched for the thief ____________________ .
d. The good boy wrote ________________ in his book.
e. The young girl danced ____________________ .
e. The children sang ____________________ in the concert.
27. Fill in the blanks with the ADVERB form of the given words :a. The children ran out of the class ___________________ . ( noisy )
b. The little boy went to school __________________ because it was his birthday. ( happy )
c. The small child cried ________________ because she lost her doll. ( sad )
d. My father spoke to me ________________ when I did not listen to him.

( angry )

e. My mother drove the car ________________________ because there were so many

children in the parking lot. ( careful )

29. Fill in the blanks with the ADVERBS OPPOSITE in meaning to the words given in
the brackets : a.The naughty boy spoke ________________ to the strangers . ( polite )
b. The rich woman treated her servants ____________________. ( cruel )
c. The Nalanda house student ran ____________ and won the race. ( slow )
d. He ________________ comes home after 8: OO pm. ( seldom )
30. Fill in the blanks with appropriate PREPOSITIONS : a. We went out ____________ a walk.
b. The sun rises ________ the east.
c. The clumsy monkey fell _______ the tree.
d. I like to write _________ a pen.
e. This pencil is made _______ silver.
f. I live _____ Begumpet _____ Hyderabad.
g. I was born _________ 25th June.

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