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SIYOH Topic: Piracy FACTS: >Julaide Siyoh and Omarkyam Kiram, together with Namli Indanan and Andaw Jamahali were accu ed o! "uali!ied #iracy with tri#le murder and !ru trated murder > On July $%, $&'&, Antonio de (u)man together with hi !riend who were al o tra*elling merchant like him +,anilo -iolen. /odol!o de Ca tro and Ana tacio de (u)man0 were on their way to 1ila I land, 1ro*ince o! 2a ilan, to ell good they recei*ed !rom Al3erto Aurea. > They le!t !or 1ila I land at 4:%% #.m. o! July $%, $&'& on a #um#3oat. They took their dinner and le#t that night in the hou e o! Omar5kayam Kiram at 1ila I land. 6ho al o hel#ed them !rom elling their good to di!!erent I land near 1ila . > 2e!ore the incident ha##ened, Antonio, the lone ur*i*or aw that Kiram wa talking with another two #er on that he can only recogni)e in their !ace omewhere near the hou e where they were elling the good > On July $7, $&'&, 6hen they were heading 3ack to 1ila I land !rom 2aluk52aluk I land through riding a #um#3oat where Siyoh #o itioned him el! at the !ront while Kiram o#erated the engine. > On the way to 1ila I land, Antonio de (u)man aw another #um#3oat #ainted red and green a3out 4%% meter away !rom their #um#3oat Shortly a!ter8 Kiram turned o!! the engine o! their #um#3oat. Therea!ter two hot were !ired !rom the other #um#3oat a it mo*ed toward them > There were two #er on on the other #um#3oat who were armed with armante . ,e (u)man recogni)ed them to 3e the ame #er on he aw Kiram con*er ing with in a hou e at 2aluk5 2aluk I land. > 6hen the 3oat came clo e to them, Kiram threw a ro#e to the other #um#3oat which towed de (u)man9 #um#3oat toward :ata;a I land. >On the way to :ata;a I land, Antonio de (u)man and hi com#anion were di*e ted o! their money and their good 3y Kiram. Therea!ter Kiram and hi com#anion ordered the grou# o! de (u)man to undre . Taking !ancy on the #ant o! Antonio de (u)man, Kiram #ut it on. > 6ith e*ery3ody undre ed, Kiram aid 9It wa good to kill all o! you9. A!ter that remark, Siyoh hacked ,anilo -iolen while Kiram hacked /odol!o de Ca tro. Antonio de (u)man ;um#ed into the water. A he wa wimming away !rom the #um#3oat, the two com#anion o! Kiram !ired at him, in;uring hi 3ack. 2ut he wa a3le to reach a mangro*e where he tayed till night!all. 6hen he le!t the mangro*e, he aw the dead 3odie o! Ana tacio de (u)man, ,anilo -iolen and /odol!o de Ca tro. -e wa #icked u# 3y a !i hing 3oat and 3rought to the 1hili##ine Army tation at :alu o where he recei*ed !ir t aid treatment. <ater he wa 3rought to the J.S. Alano :emorial -o #ital at I a3ela, 2a ilan #ro*ince. > On July $=, $&'&, while waiting !or the dead 3odie o! hi com#anion at the whar!, de (u)man aw Siyoh and Kiram. -e #ointed them out to the 1C and the two were arre ted 3e!ore they could run. 6hen arre ted, Kiram wa wearing the #ant he took !rom de (u)man and de (u)man had to a k 1at. 2aya3a at the 1ro*incial Jail to get 3ack hi #ant !rom Kiram ISS>?: 6oN the re #ondent5a##ellant are guilty 3eyond rea ona3le dou3t@ -?<,: They were aid to 3e guilty 3eyond rea ona3le dou3t o! "uali!ied #iracy with tri#le murder and !ru trated homicide /ATIONA<? $.Num3er o! #er on killed on the occa ion o! #iracy, not materialA 1iracy, a #ecial com#leB crime #uni ha3le 3y deathC3ut the num3er o! #er on killed on the occa ion o! #iracy i not

material. 1, =D4 con ider "uali!ied #iracy a a #ecial com#leB crime #uni ha3le 3y death.There!ore, the guilt o! re #ondent were #ro*en 3eyond rea ona3le dou3t. 4.There wa no other e*idence #re ented on why hould the lone ur*i*or tell lie and !a3ricate tory a to a##rehend the accu ed. D.A##ellant claim that they were not the a ailant 3ut al o the *ictim and that the two #er on they ha*e identi!ied +Namli Indanan and Andaw Jamahali0 i 3a ele a *iew in the #ro*en con #iracy among the accu ed. The Con #iracy wa e ta3li hed through the te timony o! the lone witne and ur*i*or5 ,e (u)man

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