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A PROJECT REPORT Submitted by ARNAB MIDYA in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of






Certified that this project report VERTICAL AXIS WIND TURBINE SAVONIUS T!"E# is the $o%afide &or' of ARNAB (ID!A ha)i%* +,E-I(E++, &ho carried o.t the project &or' .%der /0 s.per)isio% i% partia1 f.1fi11/e%t for the a&ard of Bache1or of Tech%o1o*0 i% (echa%ica1 E%*i%eeri%* affi1iated fro/ Rajastha% Tech%ica1 U%i)ersit02 3ota4




I%ter%a1 E8a/i%er 999999999999999999999 E8ter%a1 E8a/i%er 999999999999999999999


Rural coastal communities in developing countries along the equator lack electricity, due to the expenses involved with connecting them to the power grid. An affordable local solution, such as on site micro power generation, would benefit the local communities and fulfil their basic lighting and ventilation needs. !quatorial coastal areas have constant sea and land bree"e patterns as well as consistently high incident solar radiation. #herefore, these regions would be ideal to implement a wind power generation unit. #his pro$ect involves the development of a vertical axis wind turbine %&avonius' type integrated with a gear box with dynamo to generate direct current %()' power that will be used to charge a battery. #his system will provide the basic electricity requirements for the house * medium scale office. #he entire system would be a () based due to the fact that the power is not being transmitted over long distances. +ith regard to the wind turbine type, a number of designs were looked at and a type wind turbine was chosen through literature research. #he end product of this pro$ect was the fabrication of a ,-+ type vertical axis wind turbine. #he initial investment of approximately Rs. .--- for the system may be excessive for the target population/ these costs are expected to go down if the design is mass produced. 0oth power sources are 1free2 making this system is a viable long term solution for electrification. #he implementation of a pro$ect such as this will make the use of ha"ardous items such as kerosene lamps and car batteries redundant.


Apart from my effort, the success of this pro$ect depended on the encouragement and guidelines of many others. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the people who have helped tremendously in the successful completion of this pro$ect. 3irst and foremost I would like to thank 4rof. Rakesh Narawat who was my guide. 5e guided me with his intense knowledge and helped me throughout the pro$ect. #hen I would like to thank lab technician 6r. Adu Ram 4atel who was always there for me whenever I needed him. 7ast but not the least I would like to thank my all team members, !lectrical 7ab. #echnician, &udhakar sir, 8ishan sir, &aif sir, &arwan sir without whose cooperation and sincere efforts this pro$ect would not had been successful.

Arnab 6idya


S$%N&% 9 , . < B > C A E 999 9,

C'()*+$, A0A#RA)# A)8N:+7!(;!6!N# IN#R:(=)#I:N 4RIN)I47! :3 +IN( !N!R;? ):N@!R&I:N IN&#A77!( +IN( 4:+!R )A4A)I#? )7A&&I3I)A#I:N :3 +IN( #=R0IN! 4R:D!)# :0D!)# ANA7?&I& 0I77 :3 6A#!RIA7 4!R3:R6AN)! ANA7?&I& ):N)7=&I:N * R!):6!N(A#I:N R!3!R!N)!&

P(-+ N&% -. -< -> -A 9. 9A ,C .<9 <, <. <<


#his pro$ect was motivated by the predicament of rural coastal communities in India that has no access to the power grid. India happens to be a developing nation with vast stretches of coastline. 6any of the communities along the coast have very poor living standards and one of their main concerns is the lack of electricity for lighting and other uses. )urrently, they use kerosene lamps as a source of lighting and car batteries to power basic electronics. #hese sources are the cause of both fire and health ha"ards. #he children from these coastal communities study during the night using kerosene lamps for lighting/ mishaps and fires are common place. )oastal areas in India have two sources of energy that are yet to be harnessed/ the high incident solar radiation, and the convection wind flows due to the proximity to the ocean. #his pro$ect involves the development a system that will harness one of these two free sources that is wind energy and supply power to light and ventilate these small houses. (ue to sea bree"e and land bree"e patterns %see figure 9', medium to high winds are present throughout the day and night near the coastal regions. #he wind patterns exist due to the fact that land heats up and cools down faster than the ocean. (uring the day the land is warmer, thus the air near the surface of the land rises, to account for this low pressure area air from the sea blows towards the land. At night the ocean is warmer and the land is cooler, resulting in wind flow in the opposite direction. #his phenomenon is shown in figure ,. #he energy present in these wind patterns can be harnessed using a wind turbine.

Fi*.re : : Sea breeze and land breeze2

A study done by National Renewable !nergy 7aboratory %NR!7' report titled 1+ind !nergy Resource Atlas of India mentionsF 1#he wind mapping results for India show many areas that are estimated to have good to excellent wind resources. #hese areas are concentrated largely in two ma$or regions. #he first is the north western coastal region. #he second region is the central highlands in the interior of the country.2 it further states that 1:ther regions with notable areas of good wind resource include the exposed terrain in the southern part of the North )entral 4rovince and coastal areas in south eastern part of the &outhern 4rovince.



#he primary component of a wind turbine is the energy converter which transforms the kinetic energy contained in the moving air, into mechanical energy. #he extraction of mechanical energy from a stream of moving air with the help of a disk shaped, rotating wind energy converter follows its own basic rules. Theoretical Power in Wind: +ind turbines are driven by the kinetic energy of the wind and it is very important to understand the limitations of the available resource G especially for small domestic turbines which have short blades and a small Hswept areaI. #he formula for the kinetic energy of a body is given byF Ekin=.m.v, in which m is the mass of the moving body and v is its speed. #o apply this formula to wind, it is possible to substitute the amount of air flowing per second through an area of 9 m, for the mass value. #he result is energy per second, or power, given in watts J+K. 3or a the total mass passing per second through the rotor we can use the equation m = L.v.A. where the wind has velocity v. the air density is L the wind turbine has a swept area of A mM. &ubstitution of the second formula into the first one leads to the formula for the power the turbine is theoretically exposed to and could harness if it were 9--N efficientF Pwind = . L.v.A If the density of air is 9., kgOmP the available power per mM rotor area is given byF 0.6v +att #his is represented graphically below.

#his means that at a wind speed of < mOs, for a theoretical 9--N efficient wind turbine operating in theoretical 9--N smooth wind, the total power per square metre available in the wind would be .A+ 4ower per square metre Q -.> x >< Q .A +. =nfortunately, it is not possible to harness all of the available power as the wind escapes around the turbine and also will never slow to "ero velocity. #he maximum power able to be harnessed is given by 0et" law. Betz's Law: 0et"Rs law was first formulated by the ;erman 4hysicist Albert 0et" in 9E9E. 5is book, H+ind !nergieI, was published in 9E,>. #he law states that it is only theoretically possible to convert a maximum of BE..N of the kinetic energy in the wind to mechanical energy using a wind turbine, and that this maximum power output occurs when the downstream wind has 9O. the speed of the upstream wind. 4roof of 0et"Is law is widely published on the internet and in academic papers.

#herefore, at < mOs, the theoretical maximum power that a turbine can extract from the wind is BE..N of .A+ per square metre of swept blade area, or ,,.A+ for a 9mS, turbine. #he swept area is related to the blade radius by the formulaF A = r^2. It is very important to consider this data when evaluating the potential dimensions of an urban wind turbine. #he table below shows the theoretical maximum power extractable from with the wind passing through a given area.
Wi%d Speed /;s# (a8i/./ e8tracta$1e i%sta%ta%eo.s po&er per s<.are /etre W# (a8i/./ e8tracta$1e e%er*0 per da0 per s<.are /etre 'Wh# (a8i/./ e8tracta$1e per da0 at $1ade dia/eter of =4,/ 'Wh#

. < B >

E.>9 ,,.A <<.B C>.E

-.,. -.BB 9.-C 9.A<

,.<A B.AA 99.<A 9E.A.

A ..Cm blade diameter is quite large for a domestic turbine and is representative of the +estwind .k+ or the &kystream 9.Ak+. #he &wift turbine from the =8 has a blade diameter of ,.9m and the Air T has a diameter of 9.9Bm. Power Cur es: A turbineIs performance will be determined by the wind regime and by its power curve. A typical power curve for a wind turbine plots wind speed on the x axis against power output on the y axis. It will generally consist of a cubic curved section intersecting the x axis at cut in speed, and flattening out or dropping at rated wind speed. #he power curve below is for a 4roven +#,B-- 5ori"ontal axis machine. It is rated at ,.Bk+ at 9,mOs and has a cut in of ,.B mOs.


A *.)/0(1 )&2+$ 03$4+

#urbine manufacturers will typically provide a power curve with their other specification data. 7ike the example above, they tend to be a low resolution curve showing approximate values and generally manufacturers do not provide anything of a higher accuracy. #he data contained within a power curve is often not verified by an independent party and as such should be treated with caution. !ven when wind turbines are tested, it is difficult to do so in an environment that is representative of a typical urban arrangement. 3or example, a wind tunnel test will give an accurate power curve for ideal conditions, such as smooth and steady wind flow. 5owever, turbines will behave significantly differently in the real world. 6anufacturer power curves do not continue to increase in a cubic fashion like the power in the wind does. Instead they tend to reach their rated power and then either flatten or taper off again. 0elow rated winds speed however they do exhibit similarities to the cubic curve of the theoretical power in the wind.

W'/),+$ !"" & #"" P&2+$ C3$4+

At present, a significant gap exists between the potential power in the wind and power curves of existing small wind turbines. +hilst developing wind turbine technology further may increase efficiency and reduce this gap, it can never be higher than that given in the tables above, and consequently is limited by turbine si"e and the available wind regime in urban areas. 3or urban locations, the potential for power generation will be limited by turbine si"e, which will in turn be limited by potential council regulations and O or planning guidelines.







Wind Power Capacity of !ndia:



"orizontal #$is Wind Turbine %"#WT&:


#oday the 5A+# is the most cost effective means of capturing wind energy. #hey are positioned on land or at sea in a proven windy area. 6ost hori"ontal axis turbines are built with two or three blades. 5A+#s have the main rotor shaft and electrical generator at the top of a tower, and must be pointed into the wind. &mall turbines are pointed by a simple wind vane, while large turbines generally use a wind sensor coupled with a servo motor. It most have a gearbox, which turns the low rotation of the blades into a quicker rotation that is more suitable to drive a generator, this can be seen in figure. #here are a number of si"es and power ratings of different 5A+#s. #he largest turbine that was created to generate electricity has blades that are the length of a 5igh &chool football field. #he wind turbine stands an ama"ing twenty floors high and the rotors are up to twenty five feet in diameter. A wind turbine of this si"e is able to supply the electrical needs of a small business or home. A single small turbine can be used to generate electricity for a water pump, home or telecommunication devices. A small turbine is capable of producing fifty kilowatts of power. A wind farm is used to generate electricity in bulk. &everal wind turbines, grouped together, form a wind farm. #he electrical power that is generated from the turbines is distributed to customers from a utility grid. #he utility grid works much in the same way as a conventional power plant.


I6*+$6(1 *3$7/6+ 8/(-$(9


'ertical #$is Wind Turbine %'#WT&: @ertical axis wind turbines are different from traditional wind turbines in that their main axis is perpendicular to the ground. #heir configuration makes them ideal for both rural and urban settings and offers the owner an opportunity to offset the rising cost of electricity and to preserve the environment. 0esides, they do not need the complicated head mechanisms of conventional hori"ontal axis turbines. @A+#s in addition to being simpler and cheaper to build have the following advantagesF

@A+#s are not affected by the direction of the wind which is useful in areas where the wind changes direction frequently or quickly. @A+#s are better able to harvest turbulent air flow found around buildings and other obstacles. #his situation is more common in areas where people live. @A+#s are ideal for both rural and urban applications including roof top installations. #he generator or other devices can be installed at the ground level, making it simpler to install or maintain. @A+#s do not kill birds and wild life, it is because the slow moving and highly visible. @A+#s can be significantly less expensive to build. #hey produce less noise compare with hori"ontal ones. @A+#s are more esthetically pleasing.


#he first aerodynamic vertical axis wind turbine was invented by ;eorges (arrieus in 3rance and first patented in 9E,C. #he common (arrieus rotor has two or three blades/ they have shaped like an egg beater. In the past the (arrieus rotor has been tested in different dimensions. In fact, one of the largest turbines ever built was the E>m high ><m diameter and it is located in Uuebec, )anada. Another version of the (arrieus +ind #urbines is the, also called 5 rotor. #he main difference from the egg beater shape is the straight aerodynamic profiles. :ther @A+# configurations include the &avonius, which is popular because of the simplicity of manufacture, and the straight bladed @A+#s. All these turbines can be observed in the following figure.

D($$/+3, W/68 *3$7/6+





Sa onius wind turbine: &avonius wind turbines are a type of vertical axis wind turbine %@A+#', used for converting the force of the wind into torque on a rotating shaft. #he turbine consists of a number of aerofoils usually but not always vertically mounted on a rotating shaft or framework, either ground stationed or tethered in airborne systems. #hey were invented by the 3innish engineer &igurd D. &avonius in 9E,,. Dohann !rnst !lias 0essler %born 9>A-' was the first to attempt to build a hori"ontal windmill of the &avonius type in the town of 3urstenburg in ;ermany in 9C<B. 5e fell to his death whilst construction was under way. It was never completed but the building still exists. &avonius turbines are one of the simplest turbines. Aerodynamically, they are drag type devices, consisting of two or three scoops. 7ooking down on the rotor from above, a two scoop machine would look like an V&V shape in cross section. 0ecause of the curvature, the scoops experience less drag when moving against the wind than when moving with the wind. #he differential drag causes the &avonius turbine to spin. 0ecause they are drag type devices, &avonius turbines extract much less of the windRs power than other similarly si"ed lift type turbines. 6uch of the swept area of a &avonius rotor may be near the ground, if it has a small mount without an extended post, making the overall energy extraction less effective due to the lower wind speeds found at lower heights.




#he main ob$ective of this pro$ect is to design and build an &avonius type vertical axis wind turbine that has the capability to self start. #he full scale @A+# will provide a means for testing various operating and design parameters that affect the turbine performance so that @A+# technology can be furthered and the energy conversion efficiency of these devices can be substantially improved.

(esign (escription:

#he final design will have four main componentsF a vertical axis wind turbine, bearing, gear box, generator. #he design schematic is represented in the above figure. #he actual design of the system will be discussed in the following sections. In the proposed design, the main component generating power is the wind turbineOgenerator. It may be connected to a charge controller which would be connected to the battery pack. #he vertical axis wind turbine is connected to a gear * pinion of ,F9 transmission ratio. #his was si"ed depending on the expected power and torque of the @A+#. #he @A+# will drive an Ametek .A@() motor that would generate a certain voltage and current. If the said voltage is below 9.@ or excessively

higher from that number, the voltage will be converted up or down to 9...@ using a 7inear 7#6<>-Bev buckOboost converter. #he charge controller will protect the battery from surges and make sure it does not get overcharged. #he battery used for testing purposes was a 9,@ Acid 0attery. #he solar panel has a higher power rating of about B-+ compared to the proposed wind turbine. 0ut, it will only be operational for > C hours, when thereIs sunlight present on the system. +hereas the wind turbine, though with a lower expected power rating of about ,-+, is approximated to operate for about ,- hours a day. A vertical axis wind turbine %@A+#' was proposed as the turbine type due to its simplicity, self starting nature, and high rotational speeds. #he fact that a vertical axis wind turbine doesnIt depend on the direction of the wind was also highly influential in this choice. #he type of @A+# to be used was chosen by running wind tunnel tests and doing background literature search. #he characteristics and performance of a wind turbine under different wind speeds was explored. #his was achieved by making small models of blades and testing them out in the wind tunnel. At the same time the effects of gears, power, and torque measurements was calculated. A test apparatus able to mount different blade designs was built for these experiments. :nce the turbine design was chosen, the electrical components for the system was si"ed and purchased. 9,Ah 6aintenance 3ree Rechargeable &ealed 7ead


#he above figure gives an overall idea of what the final design of the wind turbine rotor looks like. #he @A+# in this design is an important component/ this is due to the fact that the turbine will be generating electricity for a longer period of time. #he frame was built using iron plates * bars, while the shaft was a Bft tall * ,Bmm diameter of Aluminium >->9 . #he rotor was fabricated out >->9 aluminium strips. #he blades are made up of thin aluminium sheets. A gear drive system is used with , 9 gear ratio of AN&I <- standard. A shielded steel ball radial bearing was used to hold the shaft in place on the top of diameter ,-mm, while a steel ball thrust bearing was used at the bottom ,-mm. #he bearings were mounted on to the frame by bearing mounts fabricated at the machine shop.


Size the Load of the o!"e 0efore the power sources are si"ed the electricity load for a house was calculated. #he main goal in this pro$ect was to satisfy the lighting and ventilation load of a rural coastal household in India. (ifferent types of lighting such as )37 and 7!( were considered. A small () fan will be used for ventilation. It was assumed that the house will be lit for six hours a day, on average/ with three lighting fixtures providing the entire lighting requirement for the house. #he wind turbine was assumed to generate ,-+ of power for ,- hours, per day. #he resultant power supply and demand is tabulated in the following table.
P&2+$ (W) 7!( 3an > 9:3(6*/*. , 9 U,(-+ E6+$-. H&3,+,

('&3$,) (W%H&3$,) > 9C, 9-9C, 9>A 9-,>A

#otal power required with 7!( bulbs per day )37 3an 9< 9, 9 > 9-

#otal power required with )37 bulbs per day +ind #urbine ,9 ,,


#otal power supplied by system per day

P&2+$ 8+9(68 (68 ,3))1. 0(1031(*/&6,

+ith 7!( lighting the system could power the lighting requirement for about . houses while with )37 lighting it could power , houses. #hese results call for the design of a wind turbine that is capable of making at least ,-+ of power.

#e"i$n of the %ind &!nne' &e"t A((arat!") #he wind turbine was the main design component during this pro$ect. #he rest of the system although important, does not require as much design consideration. #herefore, initial tests of vertical axis wind turbine types were paramount. (ifferent blade designs were to be considered and the spacing between the blades and its effect on performance needed to be tested. #hus, a blade testing apparatus that can be mounted on to the wind tunnel at lab was designed and built. Initial design schematics of the apparatus can be found in the following figure.

O)era11 asse/$10 desi*% i% So1id&or's

#he design contained two hori"ontal flange bearings and two vertical flange bearings %as seen in the above figure', a vertical rod attached to plates held the blades in place. #here were slots in the plates for ad$ustable blade spacing. #he vertical and hori"ontal rods were ,Bmm diameter aluminium and there was a set of one to one

bevel gears translating the vertical rotation of the rod into the hori"ontal rotation in the other rod. #he blades were made out of aluminium sheet. #hereIs a pulley at the end of the hori"ontal rod that was used to raise and lower a weight to determine torque and power generated by the rotating blades.

Savoni!" *'ade #e"i$n and &e"tin$ #he latter half of fall term was spent testing the blade design in the wind tunnel. 3rom these tests the following data was gathered for different types of @A+#IsF R46s, torque, and power at different wind speeds.

+otationa' "(eed of the mini,Savoni!" -A%& without bevel gears mounted was taken using a tachometer and was calculated with the hori"ontal rod and gear assembly detached from it.

+ind &peed z m." +e


0lade &peed z +P/

< B > C A E 999

,.A9 ..B, <.,, B.-, B.A. >.>. C.<. A...

.,<E< <->9C <ACBE BA-,E >C,EE C>B>E ABA.E E>,,E

9.,> 9.AE ,.< ,.AB ...C B.C

CB.> 99..< 9<< 9C9 ,-,., .<,

R&*(*/&6(1 71(8+ ,)++8 4,% 2/68 ,)++8

At about 995" %A...mOs' the turbine was spinning quite violently thus the testing was stopped due to safety reasons. #he turbine did not spin by itself at speeds below >5" or <.,, mOs. #he rotational speed showed linear increase from speeds <mOs and AmOs.


Power of the t!r0ine at different "(eed" was measured by lifting different weights attached to a string at the end of the pulley on the hori"ontal rod. #he time taken for the weight to rise a predefined distance was measured/ using equation 9 the power was calculated and tabulated in the following table.
+eight (istance #ime

4ower =


W/68 ,)++8 P&2+$ (9;,) C.<. A... E.,. 9-.9. 99.-. (W) -.-, -.-, -.-A -.9, -.,C

P&2+$ -+6+$(*+8 (* 8/<<+$+6* 2/68 ,)++8,


P&2+$ 4,% 2/68 ,)++8

#here was a very obvious transient response when the weight was raised with some of these weights/ it was noticeable that the weight was accelerating as it rose. #herefore, the power calculations were not as accurate as it was expected to be.

&or1!e of the wind t!r0ine at different "(eed" was calculated by hanging a weight off the pulley while running the wind tunnel at different speeds. 3or each speed setting, at a certain weight, the torque generated by the wind turbine perfectly balances the torque in the pulley. !quation , was used to calculate this torque and the numbers are tabulated in the following table.
#orque = +eight balancing Radius pulley



W/68 ,)++8 mOs C.<. A... E.,. 9-.9. 99.-.



grams N.m E9-B 9.9>9E-.-,<C -.-,AA -.-.BC -.-<.E -.-B,,

T&$=3+ (* 8/<<+$+6* 2/68 ,)++8,

Tor<.e )s4 Wi%d S peed

0.06 Tor<.e N4/# 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 Wi%d S peed /; s#

T&$=3+ (* 8/<<+$+6* 2/68 ,)++8,

&he effe2t" of a one to one $ear "3"tem on 0'ade "(eed" were measured as followsF 5aving a gear set in the experimental apparatus will have a certain efficiency loss associated with it. #his was calculated by testing the system

with and without the gears and measuring the wind speeds at which the blades start rotating and maintains rotation. #hese two numbers are also important for other aspects of the final design since the wind turbine in operation is expected to be self starting. #he data gathered from these measurements are tabulated in the following table.

N& G+($, 5" mOs #o rotating 6aintain rotation start >. , B. B

W/*' G+($, 5" mOs >.< A B.B E

G+($ >

<.B, A.A


<.-9 C.A

-.C9 "%?"

:verall efficiency of gears

G+($ +<</0/+60., ,*($* ,)++8, (68 ,)++8 $+=3/$+8 *& 9(/6*(/6 $&*(*/&6

#hrough the blade testing and assembly of the model @A+# design a few lessons were learned that was applied to the work done during the rest of the pro$ect. #he initial blades made for the pro$ect fractured around the point where it was attached to the vertical rod, thus it was determined that all connection points had to be reinforced to be stronger and capable of resisting higher stresses. #he bevel gears reduced the efficiency of the system down to C-N. #he results for R46, torque, and power tests

were used to predict values for the real si"ed turbine. #his was done by using non dimensional transfer functions such as the Reynolds number. A locking mechanism or a slowing mechanism may be required to account for very high wind speeds so the blades do not get damaged.

#4 /otor &e"tin$ 3our () motors were tested to check for their performance characteristics. #his was done using a pre existing motor test bed. #he shaft of a motor with known characteristics was connected with a coupling to the motor shaft of the tested motor/ such that both shafts spun at the same speed. A tachometer with a voltage output was attached on to the test motor shaft, and it recorded the rotational speed of both the motors. #he ideal wind turbine motor would reach high voltage levels at low R46Is at the same time the torque should also be relatively lower. #he Ametek .A@() motor showed the best characteristics and the results of this motor test is shown below in the following table.


T(0' (V) 9.-9.C. ,..E ..9B ..>> <.C, B.,A >.99 >.A< ?%"A C.<9 A.9B E.-, E.>A 9-.,> 9,.B9..,B 9<..B

S)++8(RPM ) <A.-A A..9C 99<.E9B9.<< 9CB.E> ,,>.E, ,B..AB ,E..CB .,A.AB BBC%A6 .B>.,B .E9.A. <...>B <>B..A <E..,C >--.E> >.C.-, >AE.E-

T&$=3+(&@/6) E..E.A9-.9< 9-.>B 99.9B 9,.-9,.B9 9..-9 9...B #B%6D 9..A> 9<..C 9B.-< 9B.BB 9>.-> 9C.<9 9A.-A 9A.E.

S'(<* P&2+$(W) -.--.>-.A> 9.9E 9.<B ,.-9 ,..B ,.A. ..,B B%AB ..>B <.9C <.A. B..B B.A> C.C< A.B, E.>>

G+6 V&1*(-+ O3* (V) 9.>,.E<.-B..>..A.9E.99-.B99.,#!%"" 9,.C9..E9B..9>.>9C.<,9.,,,.<,..E-

A9+*+E BCVDC 9&*&$ *+,* 8(*(


#he (ynamo will produce 9A@ when spinning at ..E R46Is and has a relatively low torque of 9..>E o" in. #hus, this motor was used for future testing.

&r. No -9 -, -. -< -B )omponent &olid shaft 5ollow bar 7arge 0lades &mall 0lades 0all 0earing Number -. -, -< -< -9 6aterial Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium &teel &pecification >-E.>W,Bmm <BC.,W,>mm EW9A2 >W9,2 ,-mm internal dia. -> #hrust 0earing -C (ynamo %#oshiba )orp' -A -E 999 9, 9. 9< ;ear 4inion 0olt +asher &trap 0ar &heet -9 -9 ., ., 99 -, -9 &teel &teel &teel &teel Iron Iron &teel CBWCBmm * ,-mm thick. B- mm dia. .- mm dia. Y2 -9 X -9 &teel ,-mm internal dia. () 9Av 0orrowed from RA) 7ab. 9-B 9EA 3rom 7ab. 3rom 7ab. 3rom 7ab. 3rom 7ab. 9BA, )ost %Rs.' B-B E<-,.B A-

:nce the mechanical aspects of the system were completed the entire device was tested on top of the facilities building at college. #his site was chosen due to the fact that it was elevated above ground level and to the relatively higher wind speeds found

on location. #he experimental setup was such that three multi meters were used to measure the voltage generated by the wind turbine, the voltage out after it was regulated through the buckOboost converter, and the current flowing through the system when hooked up to a battery. (ue to time constraints, a digital anemometer or a data acquisition device couldnIt be utili"ed for this experiment. #hus, the following results are restricted to the time period that the turbine was tested/ and the readings were taken through observation turbine assembled on top of the building. #he voltage generated by the () motor averaged at about B C@ at low medium winds and it reached up to 9<@ independently under high wind conditions. #he latter voltage is enough to charge a battery, but B C @ is not. #hus, when the generator voltage is in this region the dc converter acts as a boost converter. It boosts the voltage to 9... @olts. After the charge controller this voltage dropped back down to about 9,.B@. #he current delivered to the battery reached up to ,.EA. #herefore, by multiplying current by voltage, the power generated in the system is about .C+. #hese results give a general idea of the power rating of the turbine. #o get more reliable data the turbine needs to be tested over long periods of time, logging both wind speed, voltage generated and current produced. #he pro$ect aim was to make a ,-+ wind turbine thus so far the test results show that this goal has been accomplished %power generated Z .- <-+'. #here were some issues that arose during testing. #he battery discharged at low rates %-.-BA' when the wind turbine was not spinning. #here was difficulty tracking changes in performance depending on the charge level of the battery. #here was difficulty in testing the performance of different blade angles due to lack of a constant wind source.
A lab facility with a constant wind source can be utili"ed to do these tests and figure out the ideal blade angle.


#he aim of the pro$ect was to generate about .- to <- watts from the entire device. #he functional wind turbine was tested to produce up to <-+ of power. #herefore,

this design pro$ect succeeded in achieving its set goal. #he wind turbine works very well in low wind conditions/ it is self starting at about <mph winds and can maintain its rotation at low speeds. #he sealed radial bearing worked well, but the thrust bearing may encounter some issues with rust over time since it is not fully sealed. #he gear * pinion arrangement used a gear ratio of two to one. #his ratio was chosen by comparing the torque in the system with performance. A more complex gear train system will be considered as an improvement over the simple arrangement. #he final frame of the wind turbine had one ma$or issue/ it did not cover the generator from rain and other elements. #his can be easily remedied by adding an enclosure for the generator and the circuitry. Ideally, an anemometer as well as a tachometer should be integrated to the system. #he former measuring the wind speed while the latter measures the turbine rotational speed.

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