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Economic Geology Vol. 69, 1974, pp.


Julcani MiningDistrict,Peru:A Studyof Metal Ratios



Polymetallic sulfide mineralization is present in the Julcani mining district, Peru, as fracture fillings in Tertiary volcanics. Metal contents from ore inventories are used to determinemetal ratios throughoutthe district. The changesin metal ratios are large and systematic,and contours can generally be drawn separating areas of different values. The concaveshapeof many contourson vertical vein projectionsis believed to indicate the direction of flow of mineralizing solutions. In the southeast.ernpart of the district, Herminia-Lucrecia, ratios change systematicallyaway from an area of more highly fractured and altered intrusive rock, and the ratio changes indicate solution movementwith a large lateral component. Metal changesin three other mineralized areas of the district indicate general domal zoning. In general,Pb/Cu increases monotonically away from the central zone, as might be expectedfrom general zoning considerations. It is suggested that this ratio be used mor. e generally as an index for the quantitative descriptionof zoning in ore deposits. The rate of change of particular ratios along various paths can differ, reflecting differences in depositional factors. Ag/Pb and Ag/Cu have maxima (Herminia), minima (Ag/Cu in Mimosa), or decreasemonotonically (.Carmencita). This quantitative characterizationof zoning has been applied successfully to mineral exploration in
several districts.


materialleft behindby the mineralizing solutions.

Metal ratio variations result from mineralogic

changes and from variations in relativeamounts of phases present. Thesechanges may be in response to local lithologiccontrolsor due to the overall physicochemical variations experienced by the solutionstravelingthroughthe rock. Problems in interpretationof metal ratio changes arise due to the proachand often revealsthe generalnature of the periods,although zoning pattern. In detail, however, such an ap- overlapof differentdepositional
thesecomplications can at times be resolved. The quantitativecharacterization of zoning prothanof chemical change. That is, high metalvalues videdby metal ratio studies is essential for current reflectareaswhereveinsare unusually wide or the investigations that attemptto evaluate the physical ground more stronglyfractured,and consequently, and .chemical regimes in zonedore deposits. In the
proach is more indicative of ore shoot distribution

THe. zoningof basemetal ore deposits has long beenrecognized and was originallyarrived at by observation of lateralor verticalchanges of metal or mineralogic content in a system of veins. Plotting of actualmetalvalues on vein projections or districtcross sections introduces a quantitative ap-

wherea largeamount of sulfide wasdeposited. Ore shootdistribution commonly correlates with struct- presentstudy,Pb/Cu, Ag/Pb, and Ag/Cu values throughout the Julcanimining disural features such as vein width or inflections as are determined trict, Peru, usingmetalcontent data available' from seen 'by frequentconcordance of metal content maps ore inventories. Spacial variations of these ratios with isopach or structure contour projections. are contoured and it is suggested that the shape of Metal contentvariationsalone cannotgive a clear many of the contours indicates the direction of moveideaof zoning because theyresultfrom bothphysicoment of the mineralizing solutions. This inference chemical and structuralcontrolsof ore deposition. is supported by general geological, zoning and Observations of mineralogic changes are commonly paragenetic considerations. The monotonically usedto describe zoning, but theseare alsoessentially changing character of P,b/Cumakesit a convenient qualitative. index of zoningwith which other parameters can
In contrast to the zoning descriptions by either be compared. metal contentor mineralogicdistribution,the use of metalratioscanresultin a quantitative characterPrevioms Work ization of zoning. Major elementmetal ratios are In a pioneering study,Broderick(1929) found essentially independent of structural features and indicatethe changes in chemicalcharacterof the a correlation between the arsenic to total metal ratio








' I'"uA N CAYO





I o


Hlgkwoy '
:::: .... ::': Roilroodl

FIG. 1. Location map. Julcani district, Peru.

and depthof mineralization in the copperdistrict of the upper peninsulaof Michigan, and his use of this ratio provided an understandingof the relations between various depositsof the district. An understanding of the zoningand inferredmovement of mineralizing solutionswas suggested by Brown



(1935) through the use of Zn/Pb, Fe/Pb, and Fe/Zn metal ratios in the Austinvilledistrict,Virginia. The directionof flow of mineralizingsolutions was the objectof a studyby Gross (1956) on the Blyklippenmine, Greenland, usingmetal ratios, decrepitation temperatures, asymmetric growth banding of crystals, and structural parameters. Zoning in the Central City district, Colorado,was established by Sims and Barton (1962) usinggeneralized metal ratios concurrentlywith changesin mineralogy,sphaleritecompositions, and fluid-inclusion fillingtemperatures. Kochand Link (1%7) appliedmathematical and computertechniques to studymetalandmetalratio distribution in the veins
of the Fresnillo mine, Zacatecas,Mexico. Changes in the finenessof gold [Au/(Au + Ag)] in gold

The presentstudyis part of an extended project directedtowardsa more complete understanding of the genesisof polymetallicCordilleran ore deposits, and, in particular,the Julcanimining district, Peru. This studyhasbeenin progress since1965, and during this time numerous visits to the district have

have been made by both authors. The general geology and structuralsettingare beingreportedon separately (Petersenand Arenas,in prep.). Details of the mineralogyand paragenesis of the ores will be presented in a future publication. A geothermometerusing the compositions of tennantite-tetrahedritecoexisting with enargite-famatinite has been appliedto the Julcaniores (Feiss, 1970). Investigationsof fluid inclusions, phasecompositions, and isotopic compositions are currentlyin progress.This paperdiscusses only thoseresultsobtained from the detailedstudy of metal ratios.
Geologic Setting Becausethe general geology, structure, mineralogy, and paragenesiswill be discussedin detail elsewhere, only a brief summaryis calledfor at this point. The Julcani district is locatedin the province of Angaraes, Department of Huanacavelica,in

miningdistricts havebeensubstantiated in studies

too numerousto mention, and have generally been

related to zoning of the deposits. Finally, additional studies of Peruvianore deposits incorporating metal ratios have been made by the authors, and south-central Peru, about 300 kilometers southeast theseresultshave in general substantiated the con- of Lima (Fig. 1). The district is locatedastride the intersection of a faulted north-south anticline o clusions presented here.


i ,,


Tv Tc

Quaternary Tertiary volcanics

Tertiary continental
Cretaceous Triassic Permian Jurassic


5 Km$. I




.'JU LCANi".









FIG. 2. Regionalgeologyof a portion of the provinceof Angaraes,including the Julcani district, Peru, from Petersen (1969).

Paleozoicand Mesozoicsediments with a promiMineralizationis in fractures within Tertiary nent transverse fault (Fig. 2). flows, tuffs, and stocks,generallyof dacitic and







Fro. 3. Vertical longitudinalprojection of Ag/Pb, vein 2, Herminia mine, Julcani district, Peru. Contoursseparateareas of differing ratio values.

andesitic composition. In general, the hostrock of averagesof the previousdata for those blocksof mineral value to be desigthe veinsreportedon here doesnot change signifi- groundbearingsufficient 5 to 50 individual cantly. The ore contains sulfides of copper,silver, natedas ore. The latter compri_se
and lead, with significantamountsof arsenic,anti- samplesand are tabulated in periodic ore invenmony, bismuth, and zinc. Galena, tennantite-tetra- tories. In Julcani,a typical block of ore would comhedrite,enargite, and othersulfosalts are the princi- prise 20 x 15 meters in vertical projection. Both pal ore minerals, with somesphalerite, chalcopyrite, data types have been used for metal ratio studies,

bismuthinite, and arsenopyrite alsopresent. Pyrite i.e., type 1 by Koch and Link (1967) and type 2 in is an abundantand ever presentassociate, and the present work.
gangueminerals are principally quartz, barite, and
The use of type 2 data may be challenged on two

siderite. In Herminia, the stage of polymetallic grounds: (1) that it only includesthe richer masulfosalt mineralization is preceeded by a stageof terial abovea certain cutoff grade and (2) that it pyrite-wolframite-enargite-barite. In both Herminia averagesout the detailed variationsthat might be andMimosa,a "lastgasp"stage consists o sphalerite seenby using individual channelsamples. In order
and siderite; becausezinc ratios are not considered to assess the first, a comparisonwas made several for theseareas,no problemarisesdue to the over- times between the metal ratios in the original chan-

lapping of these parageneticzones. Wall-rock al- nel samplessurroundinga block of ore with the teration products comprise sericite and kaolinite. metal ratios for the block from the ore inventory. Several depositsare found within the district, and This revealed no evident ratio differences between the reader is referred to Figure 13 for the locations ore and poorer vein material. As far as averaging
of the various mines mentioned.
Metal Ratio Calculations out the detailed variations of individual channel

samples is concerned, it is found that the ore blocks are sufficiently smallso that they do not obscure the Chemicaldata gatheredby mining companies for significantvariationsin ore characteralong a vein ore inventorypurposes generallyconsists o:(1) a and throughoutthe district. Type 2 data ignores very large number of channelor grab samples that only very local variationswhich are not of interest are analyzed for several elements and (2) weighted or significance at the scale under consideration.



Furthermore, in practice type 2 data is readily availableand can be plotted conveniently without
recourse to computers.

Silver, lead, and coppervaluesare reportedin the Annual Ore Reserve Inventory for most of the




b/Cu ) I00

'OX, oo

580 Pb/Cu .2'


I IOO ill '1

3o__.o '
/ 6o


Ag/Cu ) I00
/ /


Ag/Cu ( I00







100 m

30 IllIll

Fro. 5. Vertical longitudinal projection of vein 2, Herminia mine, Julcani district, Peru, showing contours

of metal ratio values; Pb/Cu (A), Ag/Pb (B), Ag/Cu (C). Vein 2 strikes N25W; dips 50SW. Arrows indicate inferred direction of solution movement.

veins in the Julcani district. These chemicalanalyses were made over a period of 15 years, using
standard wet chemicalmethods. From the averages

of metal contents prior to dilution to mining width, Ag/Pb, Ag/Cu, and Pb/Cu are calculated,using silver in ounces per dry short ton and copperand lead in weight percent. Gold, where present, is Ag/Cu alsocalculated in ounces per dry shortton..At the very low and high endsof a ratio range valuesmay becomeerratic as the limit of detectability in the analysisof one of the elements making up the ratio Fro. 4. Vertical longitudinal projectioa of Docenita is reached. The ratio values are plotted on overvein, Herminia mine, Julcani district, Peru, showing con- lays to vertical longitudinal vein projectionsin the tours of metal ratio values; Pb/Cu (A), Ag/Pb (B), blocks. In large single Ag/Cu (C): Docenita strikes N55W; dips 60W. Arrows positionof their respective indicate inferred direction of solution movement. veins the ratios commonlygive evidenceof con-

420 -- '

!0 I00






Fig. 6. ContoursoPb/Cu, 360 level, Herminia mine, .lulcani district, Peru. Arrows
indicate inferred direction of solution movement.

sistentchanges and contourscan be drawn separating areas of generallydifferent values. In areas of complexfracturingand large numberof veins,as in the I-Ierminia mine, it is necessary to transfer also the data from the vertical projectionsto horizontal plans,thus obtaining a three-dimensional representation of the zoning pattern. An exampleof the procedure used in this study

averaging metal content for the blocks of ore, a strong and consistent changein the chemicalcharacter of the mineralizationis revealed by this procedure. In the following work, only the contours
and their metal ratio values are shown.

The results from individual mines in the Julcani

district are discussed next.

is given in Figure 3, which showsAg/Pb plotted on a ve?ticallongitudinalprojectionfor vein 2 in

The metal ratio variations

in the I-Ierminia


}-Ierminia. Each numbercorresponds to a block of ore. Consistentchangesin Ag/Pb values are seen mines othe district. Herminia is in the southeasta large numberof to occur, ranging fromgreaterthan500 in the north- ern part of Julcaniand contains west to less than 1.0 in the southeast. This repre- mineralized fractures in an area 600 meters northand known over a sentsratio changes from only one stageo mineral- south by 700 meters east-west ization. The contouredareas are labeledaccording vertical interval of 450 meters. The earliest stage to their limiting values. In spite o the many pos- of mineralization is limited to the northwest and The sible sources of error, from sampling to analysisto consistsof pyrite-wolframite-enargite-barite.

are presentedin greater detail than for the other



Ag /b
$60 level .0 C

, 1

<50 :,



/ <10

Fro. 7. Contoursof Ag/Pb, 360 level, Herminia mine, Julcani district, Peru. Arrows
indicate inferred direction of solution movement.

main stage consists of tennantite-tetrahedrite, bournonite,galena,bismuthinite, and other sulfosalts and is present in the southeast two-thirds of the area. A minor late stage of sphalerite-siderite is found in the southeast. The first two stages overlapin space to a limited extent, Pb/Cu, Ag/Pb, and Ag/Cu
values for Docenita vein and vein 2 are shown on

been transposed to horizontal level plans, and the

contours for each of the three ratios are shown in

Figures 6, 7, and 8 for the 360 meter mine level as an example. As this level is approximately halfway betweenthe uppermostand lowermostlevels, Figures 6, 7, and 8 indicate the metal ratio variations for a typical horizontal section of the mineralized

vertical longitudinalprojections in Figures 4A, B, C and 5A, B, C respectively. Docenita vein is in the northwesternportion of the mine, strikes N55W, and dips 60SW, whereasvein 2 is in the southeasternportion of the mine, strikesN25W and dips 50SW. Although these two veins do not directly intersect, they are connected by sudsidiary structures and together they can be considered to representa generalized northwest-southeast vertical section of Herminia, so that their layout reflectsthis general relation. Metal ratios throughout Herminia have

Three general characteristicsof such diagrams merit further discussion' (1) the range of ratio values, (2) the nature of the changes in values,and (3) the shapes of the contours. Pb/Cu values in Docenita changefrom less than 0.1 in the northwestand at depth to 0.2 <_Pb/Cu <_1.0 towardsthe southeast (Figs. 4a, 6). A contour for Pb/Cu- 1.0 lies between Docenita and vein 2. Vein 2 (Fig. 5A) has 1.0 _<Pb/Cu <_10 in the northwest,increasing to Pb/Cu > 100 to the




FIG. 8. Contours of Ag/.Cu, 360 level, Herminia mine, Julcani district, Peru. Arrows
indicate inferred direction of solution movement.

nected or closed because they correspond to different mineralogiesand to different Pb/Cu values. Ag/Cu increases in Docenitafrom Ag/Cu < 2.0 in the northwestat depth to Ag/Cu > 100. to the southeast(Fig. 4C). In vein 2 only one contour can be drawn, with Ag/Cu > 100 to the northwest and Ag/Cu < 100 to the southeast (Fig. 5C). On genetic stage. Ag/P.b increasesin Docenita from Ag/Pb < 10 the horizontal section (Fig. 8) this ratio shows a reachin the northwest at depth to Ag/Pb > 100 in the gentle increasefrom northwestto ,southeast, southeast(Fig. 4B). In vein 2 this ratio decreases ing a maximumgreater than 500 in the centralpart more rapidly further to from northwest to southeastfrom Ag/Pb > 100 to of Herminia, ahd decreasing Ag/Pb < 1.0 (Fig. 5B). On the horizontal section the southeast. Again, the contoursof equal value (Fig. 7) these ratios show a gentle increasefrom on either side of the maximum are not equivalent. The Ag/Pb and Ag/Cu distributions indicate a northwest to southeast,reaching maximum values greaterthan 100 in a centralbandin Herminia, with band of maximum values in the central part of valuessubsequently decreasing rapidly to less than Herminia, whereas Pb/Cu increasesmonotonically 2.0 further to the southeast. Contours of equal throughoutthis area. The northwestand southeast value on either side of this maximum are not consides of the maximum are neither symmetricalnor
soutt/east. These sameratio changes are seenon the horizontalplan (Fig. 6) as concentric bandscharacterized by monotonically increasing Pb/Cu values to the southeast. The earlier enargite-bearing stage ends at approximately P.b/Cu- 1.0; so, for values greater than this we are looking at only one para-



equivalent as they have differingmineralogies and copper in the center to lead toward the margin. chemical character. The maximum area has exTo the northwestof Docenita,surface mappingsugtremely rich silver mineralization,indicating the geststhe presence of a small intrusiveprobablythe dumpingof silver in a limited area by the mineral- remnantof an erodedvolcanicneck (Petersen and izing solutions. Knowledgeof the spacialextension Arenas, in prep.). A smaller areaof mineraliza' of this region is of obviousinterest in mineral ex- tion to the north of the intrusive, Lucrecia, to be ploration. Earlier mining efforts in Herminia were discussedbelow, indicates, from similar evidence, directedchiefly toward this region, and when the that solutionsthere moved with a northerly comband of rich ore appeared to narrow in depth,the ponent. Projecting thesetwo presumedflow direcmine was considered to be approaching depletion, tions backwardpoints directly to the intrusive and and operations ceased for a period. If the present its associated area of fracturing as a likely conduit studieshad been limited to the Ag/Pb and Ag/Cu for the hydrothermal solutions. We thus conratios, the movementof mineralizingsolutions might clude that the shapes of the ratio contoursdo aphave beeninterpretedto have spreadfrom the area parently reflect the direction of movement of the of maximum silver ratios outward. Such an intermineralizingsolutions, with the convexitypointing
pretation was made in earlier studies. The shapesof the ratio contoursin vertical section (Figs. 4 and 5) are roughly those of a wave front moving from northwest to southeastwith a large lateral component. That is, the curves are generally convex toward the southeastwith their axes closeto horizontal. In those portionsof the mine where development work has not reachedthe necessary depth,only the top portions of thesecurves are seen,and these shapes might be interpretedas part of a domal zoning pattern. In horizontal section the concave ratio contours (convex to the southeast)sweep out an arc from N120E to due south. This is suggested by the curved bands of
different ratio values as seen on the horizontal sec-

toward the marginal zones.

An observation made repeatedlyupon detailed analysis indicates a morerapid change in ratio values when solutions move into a minor channelwayfrom a major one, as is indicatedin the upper left portions of Figures 4B and 4C.
Lucrecia The Lucrecia mine lies 600 to 800 meters north-

northwestof Herminia (Fig. 13). The major part

of 'the mineralization is in the Carmencita vein

striking north-south, dipping 50E, and consists of tennantite-tetrahedrite, galena,and barite, with minor amountsof an earlier barite-enargitestage. Values
of the metal ratios are summarized in Figures 14, 15, and 16. The contours have a domal shapewith
the axis of the dome tilted 30 north from the verti-

tions in Figures 6, 7, and 8; however,it can best be seenbythe superimposition of thesecontours for many levels. The shapes of the ratio contours appearto indicate the directionof movementof mineralizing solutions, the concavedirection pointing toward their
'source'. This statement is based on theoretical considerations and on field observations. In the first

cal and the convex directionsof the contourspoint

upward and to the north. The monotonically increasing Pb/Cu values, the shapes of the metal
ratio contours, the mineralogical changes, and the

presenceof a fractured zone and associated intrusive to the south, all suggestthat mineralizing

place, it is noted that the contoursare more sepa- solutions rose and flowed north in the Carmencita rated and further from the presumed 'source' in vein. zones of greater permeability. For a given vein, T entadora such as Docenita or vein 2, the fracture generally

narrows both upward and downward. In plan

The Tentadoraarea occupies a centralposition in

view and for Herminia as a whole, the contours'ad- the district. The dominant structure is the Rosario vance'further where there is a greater concentration vein which is two kilometers long, strikes northand is nearly vertical. Only the of fractures or where wide veins predominate. In west-southeast,

principle,one would expectthat the more permeable central 400 meters has been well mineralized, and of crustified pyrite-sphalerite-galena; areasallow a greater solutionflow and consequently the oresconsist of requirea longerdistance of travel to reachthe same coppervaluesare very low. To the southwest temperatureor degreeof modification through wall- Rosarioare a numberof parallel veins with wolfrarock alterationthan wouldbe necessary for a smaller mite, pyrite, and quartz. The Rosario vein has beenminedout for 25 years,so that the mostcomflow volume along a narrower path. of lead,zinc, copper, silver,and Additional evidence suggeststhat mineralizing pletedata consists
solutions moved from northwest to southeast in

goldvalues madeon 104channel samples distributed

the vein. The crustifiednature of the Herminia. MonotonicallyincreasingPb/Cu values throughout eliminates certainratiosas signifireflect the widely recognized zoning sequence from mineralsequence




Fro. 9. Vertical longitudinal projection of Estela vein, Estela mine, Julcani district, Peru, showing contours of several metalratio changes. Estelavein strikesN70W; dips


......... :-..... __. X'-, ,.,,'.

.......... z\_.:_'..X,-, r,.x



'% oq

Pb/Cu MIMOSA I I00 m


Fro.10. Projection ontohorizontal planof Pb/Cu throughout Mimosa mine,Julcani district, Peru.
See text for description of veins. Arrows indicate inferred direction of solution movement.



Porvenir Vein



4-I0 .

--- Choq


..... .........
\ +o



FIG. 11. Projection onto horizontal plan oAg/Pb throughoutMimosa mine, Julcani district, Peru. See text for description of veins. Arrows indicate infer. red direction o solutionmovement.

cant,suchas Pb/Zn. Other ratios,suchas Ag/Pb, show regular changes in value, and their contours
Rosario vein.


havea convexupwardshape. Vertical ascendencyportion of the Julcani district. Mineralization is of the mineralizingsolutionsis inferred in the currently known over an area of 600 meters eastwest by 600 meters north-southand a vertical extent greater than 250 meters. The three major veins form in plan a roughly triangular pattern. The Estelamineis in the west-central part of the San Demetrio vein forms the easternlimit, striking districtand is characterized by a singlemajor vein N40W and dipping75SW. Porvenirvein strikes which strikesN70W and dips 45SW. Mineral- E-W and dips 80S. Mimosavein strikesN60W, of the other izationconsists of a major stageof tennantite-tetra- dips 60NE, and lies to the southwest hedrite,chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, and bismuthinite, two major veins. If these fractures are extended with minor apatite. Early pyrite-wolframite and until they intersect with each other, an inverted later galena-sphalerite stagesare found in limited triangular pyramid would be formed, with its apex areas. The ores containappreciable gold but virtu- on the 640 level, some 150 meters below the lowest ally no lead, providing for Ag/Cu, Ag/Au, and presentmine workings. Several smaller veins lie Cu/Au ratios obtainable from the ore reserves. A within this invertedpyramid,but mineralization is compilation of the contours of theseratios is given not thought to be confinedto its limits. In general, in Figure 9. These contoursdefine a dome in the the mineralizationbelongsto one major stage,congalena, and biscenter of the vein exposed by mining, with a rela- sisting of tennantite-tetrahedrite, tively copper- and gold-rich core and a silver-rich muthinite. halo. It is inferred that the mineralizing solutions Silver, lead, and copper analysesare available from ore inventories throughout the mine, and rose upward and outward in the vein.



mine is located in the northwestern





/ +20

.... , ......

, .


+ 20

t -20


' '\ +20






I00 m I

Fro. 12. Projection onto horizontal plan of Ag/Cu throughoutMimosa mine, Julcani district, Peru. See text for descriptionof veins. Arrows indicate inferred directionof solutionmovement.

verticallongitudinal projections of Ag/P.b,Ag/Cu, by mining. For example,extensiveexplorationin and P.b/Cu for all the veins were plotted. This Porvenir vein could be recommended from this information is summarized in Figures10 through 12 studybecause the maximumvalue of Pb/Cu for this and Figures' 14-16. Figures10-12 are projections vein was just greater than 1.0, in contrast to a of ratio contours throughout Mimosaonto a com- maximumvalue of over 1,000 in Mimosa, suggesting of mineralizationin the positehorizontal plan showing the veins on three that the completesequence different levels, the 490, 430, and Choquisuela Porvenir fracturehad not yet beendiscovered. Subconfirmedthis suggestion. This (Choq). Thesediagrams indicate consistent changes sequentdevelopment of metalratiosfrom the areaof the pyramidal apex type of reasoningcan be applied in other districts at depth upward and outward in the shapeof a oncethe typical behaviorof a ratio is known.
simpledome. The changes are moregradualin the
flatter Mimosa vein.

Pb/Cu values increasemonotonically from less than 1.0 in the centralportionat depthto greater
than 1.0 in Porvenir, greater than 10 in San Deme-

Summary of the Inferred Plow Directions of Mineralizing Solutions

Several centers of mineralizationare present in the Julcani district, and the inferred directionsof trio,andgreater than1,000in Mimosa. The general movement of mineralizing solutions for eachof them copperto lead zoning sequence together with the are summarized in Figure 13. In the southeastern shapesof the ratio contours substantiates the idea part of the district solutionsapparently rose from that mineralizingsolutions movedupward and out- the generalarea of fracturing associated with an inward from the pyramidal apex at depth. The trusive and spreadoutward, at times with a large maximumvalue of the Pb/Cu zoning index found lateral component, providing mineralizationto veins in eachvein may be usedas a measureof the rela- in Herminia and Lucrecia. In Tentadora and Estela tive position in the zoningsequence reached to date solutionsapparently rose vertically within major




I km

Fx6. 13 Summary of inferred solutionmovement in the Julcani district, Peru. Arrows indicate solution movement with lateral component;diamond shapesindicate orly vertical ascendancy.

fracturesresultingin simpledomalpatternsof metal ratios; these are indicatedby diamond shapesin Figure 13. Domal zoning with solutionsmoving upward and outward is indicated for the fractures
in Mimosa. The time relations between the various

indicator of the position withinthe zoningsequence

of a particular ore block or vein stretch, and it is proposed that this ratio be usedas a zoningindex.

Under specialconditions this parametermay be directly related to the differentiation of a hydrocenters is of interestbut, because there is no overlap thermalsolution alongits path. The rate of change in space,evidence regardingcross-cutting relations of this parameteralong several inferred solution is not available. paths is indicatedin Figure 14 where log P.b/Cu is plotted against distancealong the path. Zero pointson the distance scaleare determined by the General ConsiderationsRegarding Metal first appearance of blocks of ore along the solution Ratio Changes
This studyreveals a monotonic increase of Pb/Cu valuesalong the apparentpath of mineralizingsolutions throughoutthe Julcani district, except in Tentadora. This changein Pb/Cu is in agreement with generalized zoningobservations for polymetallic depositswith normal zoning sequences. This characteristic behaviorof Pb/Cu makes it a good
path as exposedby presentdevelopment, and hence are quite arbitary. In Herminia, d(log Pb/Cu)/ d(dist) = 0.25/100 meters(one order of magnitude changein 400 meters) for the first 300 meters,and average 0.5/100 meters for the remainder of the zoning sequence. Values of 0.5/100 meters for the first 150 meters, and 1.0/100 meters for the remainder are seen for Mimosa. Carmencita has a



log Pb/Cu

0 /200 3000 600 700 800




distance along

_2.o_A deposits within the Jul. cani district, Peru.

solution paths,
area of high silver valuesnotedearlier. Both ratios

Fig.14. LogPb/Cu versus distance along solution path, forthree different

changeof approximately 1.4/100 metersfor its passthrougha maximum in Herminia, reflectingthe

short path.

It thus appears that subsidiary solution paths decreasein Carmencita. In Mimosa, Ag/Pb decreases monotonically whereasAg/Cu has a maximum superimposed upon its otherwiseconstantly increasing value. The vertical or lateral displacement of thesecurvesrelative to eachother may prodexmayreflect differences in the relative intensity vide an indication of differences in bulk chemistry of depositional factors. of the solutionsor of depositional regimes. The The changes in Ag/Pb and Ag/Cu in Herminia, geologic similarity between Herminia and CarCarmencita, and Mimosaare shownin Figures15 mencita suggeststhe interpretationthat the Carand 16. Theseratiosdefinea broadbandof values, mencitacurvesin Figures 15 and 16 correspond to but if a particularpath within a mine is considered, the latter half of the Herminia curves, with just a more results. Ag/Pb and Ag/Cu ,such a lateral displacement. It then follows that

exhibitgreater ratesof change of ratiovalues versus distance thanmajorpaths. If these deposits have similar mineralogies andparagenetic sequences, then such variations in ratesof change of the zoning in-
















log Pb/Cu
FIG. 15. Ag/Pb versuslog Pb/Cu, for three different deposits within the Julcani district, Peru.

log Fvo/Cu
FIG. 16. Ag/Cu versuslog Pb/Cu, for three different deposits within the Julcanidistrict, Peru.

.4 STUDY OF MET.4L R.4TIOS the first half of the Herminia sequencemight be found at depth and to the southin Carmencita. As a final statement,it is emphasizedthat the


Peru, and agreedto complete access to all available

information on the area. To the numerous officials,

geologists,engineers, and other individuals the

'techniques and ideasdeveloped and usedin this authors would like to express their gratitude and
study couldhave a more generalapplication,and the appreciation. Our thanks go particularly to Alauthors would like to encourage their use in other berto Benavides, Jorge Benavides, EduardoRubio, ore deposits. Which ratios are studieddepends in Mario Arenas, and Franco Peracchio. each particular case upon the metal content data P. C. G. available, and thus may vary from one part of a DEPARTMENT OF EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCES mineralizedarea to another. The Pb/Cu ratio is a CITY COLLEGE OF THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF limited zoning index in that it cannotbe appliedto NEW YORK areas that are impoverished in one of these metals. NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10031 In addition, careful paragenetic studies must be U.P. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES made before decifering metal ratio results.


This work leads to the following conclusions:

CAMBRIDGE, M^SSACHUSEVrS 02138 .tune 25, October 26, 1973


1. Major element metal ratios can be used ef- Broderick, T. M., 1929, Zoning in the Michigan copper fectivelyto describe quantitativelya zoned ore dedepositsand its significance: EcoN. GEOL.,v. 24, p. 149162. positand suggest the directionof movementof minBrown, W. H., 1935, Quantitative study of ore zoning, eralizing solutions. Austinville Mine, Wythe Co., Virginia: EcoN. GEOL., 2. In certaindeposits the monotonically increasing V. 30, p. 425--433. G. P., 1970, Arsenic and antimony partitioning bebehavior of Pb/Cu values servesas a suitablezon- Feiss, tween the tennantite-tetrahedrite and enargite-famatinite ing index. The rate of changeof the zoning index series: Ph.D. thesis, Harvar.d Univ., 187 p.

variesaiongdifferent pathsand from deposit to

Gross, W. H., 1956, The direction of flow of mineralizing

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Compafiia de Minas Buenaventuraprovided the opportunity for the study of the Julcani district,

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