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Right Home Design for You

A modern house plan that meets your requirements is the right design for you. There are many innovative home design plans in the market to choose from. Furthermore, there are various architecture styles that an architect can customize for your home building needs. Lets look at some of the criterias for a beautiful home design. Beautiful House Designs 10 Most Sought Criteria o! can the !ord "beautiful be defined# There is no universal definition of this !ord. Although, it is evident that beauty is created !hen certain things come together at a certain point and at a certain time. $o, !hen !e are talking about modern home designs it is obvious that there are many things that transform an ordinary home into a beautiful house. There are millions of norms% ho!ever !e !ill only be looking at the most sought after criteria.

The wow !eeling &our first reaction after seeing a magnificent building is "!o!. The moment you see a !onderful house design, you !ont be able to resist yourself from appreciating it. A home structure that generates immediate praise surely comes in the list of beautiful designs. "el with the surroundings 'odern house plans have a connection !ith their surroundings. 'any people talk about the structures that "stand out. o!ever, it should be elucidated that even such plans have a common thread !ith the surrounding. (eautiful residency plans merge !ith the background and its their special features that make them brilliant.

#nerg$ #ffi%ien%$ )nergy economization is required to complete the house hold requirements% you not only save money but also save the planet from harmful greenhouses gases. A modern &ungalow house plan al!ays preserves the nature and surroundings. $mart use of !indo!s utilizes natural light and reduces the burden on artificial lightening. $olar energy can be used as an alternative for traditional energy sources. *oing green al!ays add to the beauty of the house. Beautiful !loor 'lans +ts the amalgamation of e,terior - interior design plans that make a home modern and beautiful. Floor plans play a vital role in defining the quality of the structure. The room structure and interior planning of a pleasant house !ill al!ays be refreshing and pleasant. (estheti% use of spa%e The space and size does not matter, !hat matters is ho! the area is used. A contemporary house design !ill use the available plot in the best possible !ay. .onsequently, the aesthetic feel of the house is maintained. The beauty of the house structure is enhanced by proper utilization of space. !ollowing )astu Shastra .onstructing your home according to the vastu shastra can actually make it more beautiful. /astu $hastra respects nature, so follo!ing vastu shastra enables you to connect !ith the nature. The rules regarding architecture and positioning of things can bring more energy and peace in the house. (ttention to small things +t is a !ell0kno!n fact that beauty lies in small things. House design plans that do not respect detailing tend to face problems in the long run. Little features such as elevation of the house can create a big impact on the overall quality of the structure.

*se of Colors .olors have tremendous impact on our lives. Fine0looking %ontemporar$ &uildings use colors effectively. .olors certainly are important criteria in increasing the beauty of the house. /arious color combinations and grades can be used to create a fla!less structure. Maintaining Comfort +e,el The last but not the least criteria from an architecture design point of vie! is the comfort level. +t is a universal truth that great home structures are al!ays comfortable and soothing.

)entilation 1roper ventilation keeps a place healthy. The air inside the house should be circulating so that freshness is intact. Adoption of proper ventilating methods leads to better air e,change. .ongested air creates a feeling of suffocation. Therefore, ventilation should be given prime importance. $ource2 http233!!!.456articleonline.com3articles37589943beautiful0houses0designs04:0most0 sought0criteria

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