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Anger as Cameron tries to superglue Britain to Israel

Prime Minister is asking to be targeted by BDS by Stuart Littlewood - 14 March 2014 (London) The other day I signed a !et "ell# petition $or %alestinian youngsters Adam and &ohar 'ho 'ere (iciously maimed and crippled )y the British !o(ernment#s $riends# in Israel *

Israeli police dogs mauled Palestinian teens shot at checkpoint The t'o cousins+ 1, and 20 years old+ 'ere returning home $rom $oot)all training 'hen

they 'ere attac-ed )y Israeli soldiers 'ho shot them in the legs then set their dogs on them* They 'ere ta-en to an Israeli military camp and again )adly )eaten+ and &ohar#s -nees 'ere )ro-en* Both are unli-ely to play $oot)all again* I 'as so incensed that I 'rote to my M% 'ith the details saying. /0tter contempt $or the thugs 'ho did this+ the unspea-a)le regime that allo's it and the $a'ning idiots li-e Cameron and 1ague 'ho pledge undying support $or it in our name* "ould you care to sign the petition+ 1enry23 1enry the M% replied. /I 'ill certainly raise this 'ith our Ministers to $ind out 'hat 'e ha(e done and 'hat representations 'e ha(e made* 1o'e(er+ I do ta-e issue 'ith your totally un$air and o(er the top attac- on the %rime Minister and 4oreign 5ecretary*3 0n$air2 6(er the top2 1enry can#t ha(e )een paying attention to the distur)ing things his !o(ernment leaders are saying* An enemy of Israel is an enemy of mine. A threat to Israel is a threat to us all Inter(ie'ed in 2007 8a(id Cameron 'as as-ed 'hy Conser(ati(es should )e $riends o$ Israel* 1e replied+ /Because Conser(ati(es )elie(e in supporting democracy+ de$ending $reedom and standing up against terrorism* Israel is in the $ront line in the international struggle against terrorist (iolence and 'e should sho' solidarity 'ith all in(ol(ed in that $ight* Conser(ati(es also recognise Israel#s uni9ue position as a lone democracy in a region that currently )oasts no others*3 5ho'ing solidarity 'ith the %alestinians in their $ight against Israeli terror doesn#t seem to )e on Cameron#s agenda* Israel+ o$ course+ 'as $ounded on terror and is no democracy* It#s an ethnocracy+ and a deeply ugly one* The %alestinians ho'e(er did ha(e a democracy )ut Britain+ Israel and the 05 stamped on it* According to the Jewish Chronicle cameron:reassures:)ritish:;e's:o(er:iran:nuclear: deal + Cameron recently told &e'ish leaders. I am 'ith you and 'ith the Israeli people+ genuinely* As $ar as I#m concerned+ an enemy o$ Israel is an enemy o$ mine* A threat to Israel is a threat to us all<* I can promise you this. Britain 'ill stand 'ith Israel+ Britain 'ill support Israel+ Britain 'ill -eep the pressure up on Iran* "e do not 'ant you to ha(e a nuclear:armed near: neigh)our+ a nuclear threat $acing your country< "e share that $eeling and sho' you our solidarity*3 "hat stupidity* Israel is hostile to'ards 5yria and anyone else 'ho resists =ionist am)itions to dominate the Middle >ast* Those countries are not Britain#s enemies )y any stretch o$ a sane imagination+ )ut they are Cameron#s enemies apparently and he#d li-e to ta-e us to 'ar against them $or the )ene$it o$ his =io:pals* 1e recently 'anted clearance to )om) 5yria )ut merci$ully 'as stopped )y %arliament* 1e and

1ague ne(ertheless in$licted (icious sanctions on the Iranians+ intending to impo(erish them and ruin their economy+ $or no particular reason e?cept Israel and America 'anted it* "here is Cameron#s mandate $or such o);ectiona)le policies2 8id he consult the British people )e$ore ma-ing his pledge o$ ser(itude to the criminals in Tel A(i(2 Iran has no nuclear 'eapons and poses no threat to the 0@* "hat#s more+ our Iranian $riends (i$ 'e#re allo'ed to ha(e $riends in Iran under Cameron#s rule) $ace the threat o$ a nuclear:armed+ unhinged Israeli regime on their doorstep* 0A 5ecurity Council resolution 4B,+ in 1CB1+ called on Israel /urgently to place its nuclear $acilities under IA>A sa$eguards3* Israel has ignored it $or DD years* 1asn#t it occurred to Cameron that Israel#s huge arsenal o$ 'eapons o$ mass destruction E nuclear+ chemical and )iological E and it#s re$usal to end the illegal occupation o$ %alestine are 'hat#s really desta)ilising the region2 4urthermore+ as the BBC reported )ac- in 200C+ the IA>A called on Israel to ;oin the Aon:%roli$eration Treaty+ open its nuclear $acilities to inspection and place them under comprehensi(e IA>A sa$eguards* Israel re$uses to ;oin the A%T or allo' inspections* It is rec-oned to ha(e up to 400 'arheads )ut re$uses to con$irm or deny this*3

It is the only state in the region that is not a party to the Aon:%roli$eration Treaty (Iran is)* It has signed )ut not rati$ied the Comprehensi(e Auclear:Test:Ban Treaty* As regards )iological and chemical 'eapons+ Israel has not signed the Biological and

To?in "eapons Con(ention* It has signed )ut not rati$ied the Chemical "eapons Con(ention* International law is universal and all nations are accountable to it. h really! "illiam 1ague is no )etter* In 200,+ 'hile shado' $oreign secretary+ he said. "e 'ill al'ays ha(e strong economic and political ties 'ith Israel* "e 'ill al'ays )e a $riend o$ Israel*3 In 200B he declared. /The un)ro-en thread o$ Conser(ati(e %arty support $or Israel that has run $or nearly a century $rom the Bal$our 8eclaration to the present day 'ill continue* Although it 'ill no dou)t o$ten )e tested in the years ahead+ it 'ill remain constant+ un)ro-en+ and undiminished )y the passage o$ time*3 The century:long thread o$ support he tal-s a)out has )een 'ith =ionist e?tremists and militants* Israel didn#t e?ist )e$ore 1C4B and many challenge its legitimacy today* Aot long ago 1ague preached to the 'orld+ in a speech at The 1ague o$ all places+ a)out the need $or international ;ustice and his determination to hold criminal leaders to account* /There is no dou)t 'here Britain stands. 'e are 'ith those 'ho say that international la' is uni(ersal and that all nations are accounta)le to it<* "e are a country that )elie(es in and upholds the Fesponsi)ility to %rotect< "e pledge to recommit to the importance o$ $ighting impunity $or gra(e international crimes 'here(er they occur<*3 Aone o$ these $ine 'ords apply to Israel+ o$ course+ 'hose GG years# impunity $or countless 'ar crimes+ )reaches o$ international la' and open de$iance o$ 0A principles and resolutions is allo'ed to continue* "hen 1ague+ 'ho 'as recruited into the Conser(ati(e 4riends o$ Israel at the 'orryingly tender age o$ 17+ came to his present ;o) his =ionist sympathies ooHed $rom e(ery pore* 1e played a -ey part in turning Britain into a sa$e ha(en $or Israel#s 'ar criminals+ especially THipi Li(ni+ the regime#s $ormer $oreign minister* Iou#ll remem)er ho' she masterminded the terror operation that )rought unspea-a)le death and destruction to !aHa#s ci(ilians 7 years ago* 5he has sho'n no remorse $or the )lood o$ 1+400 dead !aHans (including D20 children and 10C 'omen) and thousands horri)ly maimed* 5illy "illie* "ho#d ha(e )elie(ed a British go(ernment minister 'ould tamper 'ith the la's o$ ;urisdiction and undermine our ;ustice system so that the li-es o$ Li(ni could sa$ely go shopping in London2 Mean'hile+ 8a(id Cameron#s head:o(er:heels in$atuation 'ith Israel is so intense that he declared himsel$ a =ionist * The Jewish Chronicle in 200G o)ligingly reported on the )ac-ers )an-rolling Cameron#s )id $or po'er and pro(ided a $ascinating insight into ho' the pro:Israel lo))y in$iltrates go(ernment and destroys the principles o$ integrity and accounta)ility so (ital to British pu)lic li$e*

"hen Cameron )ecame Conser(ati(e leader he proclaimed. The )elie$ I ha(e in Israel is indestructi)le E and you need to -no' that i$ I )ecome %rime Minister+ Israel has a $riend 'ho 'ill ne(er turn his )ac- on Israel*3 As many people ha(e angrily pointed out+ 'hat#s at sta-e here are the 5e(en %rinciples o$ %u)lic Li$e+ the most important in this conte?t )eing Integrity 'hich lays do'n that /holders o$ pu)lic o$$ice should not place themsel(es under any $inancial or other o)ligation to outside indi(iduals or organiHations that might see- to in$luence them in the per$ormance o$ their o$$icial duties*3 That#s plain enough $or e(en an >tonian school)oy to understand* 4ailure to grasp and o)ser(e this $undamental %rinciple should lead to automatic dis9uali$ication $rom pu)lic o$$ice* Delegitimising Israel is wrong" abhorrent As it happens+ Cameron has ;ust (isited Israel* Addressing the @nesset he demonstrated his highly de(eloped suc-ing:up s-ills* /I am proud to )e pursuing the strongest and deepest possi)le relationship )et'een our t'o countries+3 he told them* Cameron tal-ed a)out the Bal$our 8eclaration and /the moment 'hen the 5tate o$ Israel 'ent $rom a dream to a plan Britain has played a proud and (ital role in helping to secure Israel as a homeland $or the &e'ish people* 3 I suspect that most thin-ing Brits are deeply ashamed o$ the part played )y Britain and cringe 'ith em)arrassment* Then he made this astounding statement. To those 'ho< 'ant to )oycott Israel I ha(e a clear message* Britain opposes )oycotts* "hether it#s trade unions campaigning $or the e?clusion o$ Israelis or uni(ersities trying to sti$le academic e?change Israel#s place as a homeland $or the &e'ish people 'ill ne(er rest on hollo' resolutions passed )y amateur politicians* It is $ounded in the spirit and strength o$ your people* It is $ounded in international la'* It is $ounded in the resol(e o$ all o$ your allies to protect an international system that 'as $orged in our dar-est days+ to put right historic 'rongs<3 "hat a disgrace$ul distortion* 1e 'ent on. /8elegitimising the 5tate o$ Israel is 'rong* It#s a)horrent* And together 'e 'ill de$eat it*3 5omeone should ha(e told him that the only people de:legitimising Israel are the Israelis themsel(es )y their de$iance o$ la' and their contempt $or decency and the rights o$ others* 5etting o$$ $or Ben !urion airport ($ormerly Lydda airport stolen $rom the %alestinians in a terror raid in 1C4B 'hen Israeli troops massacred 42G men+ 'omen+ and children and dro(e out the rest ) Cameron announced. /I#(e got a planeload o$ inno(ati(e British companies coming 'ith me and 'e#ll )e lin-ing them up 'ith Israeli )usinesses

so they can $orge ne' partnerships that 'ill gi(e them a competiti(e edge in the glo)al race*3 As they touch do'n 'ill they remem)er that this is+ actually+ %alestine2 #$ an o%en door to Israels war criminals Cameron+ continuing his speech to the @nesset+ too- diplomatic sycophancy to ne'+ diHHier heights* /Let me say to you (ery clearly. 'ith me+ you ha(e a British %rime Minister 'hose )elie$ in Israel is un)rea-a)le and 'hose commitment to Israel#s security 'ill al'ays )e roc- solid* I 'ill al'ays stand up $or the right o$ Israel to de$end its citiHens* A right enshrined in international la'+ in natural ;ustice and $undamental morality<*3 1e 'as an?ious to esta)lish his &e'ish connection /$rom the le?icon o$ my great+ great grand$ather >mile Le(ita+ a &e'ish man 'ho came $rom !ermany to Britain 170 years ago to the story o$ my $ore$ather >li;ah Le(ita 'ho 'rote 'hat is thought to ha(e )een the $irst e(er Iiddish no(el*3 And he 'asn#t going to let 1ague ta-e all the credit $or sheltering Israel#s (ile 'ar criminals* /"hen I 'as in 6pposition I spo-e out 'hen E )ecause o$ the la' on uni(ersal ;urisdiction E senior Israelis could not sa$ely come to my country+ 'ithout $ear o$ ideologically moti(ated court cases and legal stunts* "hen I )ecame %rime Minister I legislated to change it* My country is open to you* And you are 'elcome to (isit anytime*3 1e dismisses as /legal stunts3 our solemn o)ligation under the !ene(a Con(entions to )ring to )oo- those suspected o$ 'ar crimes* 5o much $or his duties under international la' to /$ight impunity $or gra(e international crimes 'here(er they occur3* The rapid gro'th o$ the Boycott+ 8i(estment and 5anctions mo(ement is a direct result o$ "estern politicians li-e Cameron and 1ague $lun-ing their duty to uphold international la'+ re;ect Israel#s e?ceptionalism and punish its crimes* B85 'ill no dou)t apply the sol(ent to unglue Cameron#s unholy alliance* It 'ill increasingly hurt the e(il regime and those 'ho support it* And it 'ill )e their $uneral* Posted by Thavam

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