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Mormonism Analyzation

Mormonism is the predominant religious tradition of the Latter-day Saint movement of Restorationist Christianity. This type of movement was founded by oseph Smith r. in the !"#$%s. &t originated during the 'Se(ond )reat Awa*ening+ in western ,ew -or*. Smith had founded golden plates for whi(h he (alled 'The .oo* of Mormon.+ /e also said that an angel had led him to its lo(ation. 0hen he translated the boo*1 he found out that there had been early indigenous Ameri(ans who had believed in esus1 even before he was born. Also1 in this boo* were the (ulture1 and beliefs of a Mormon. Some of their pra(ti(es are following the 0ord of 0isdom1 paying tithing1 living the law of (hastity1 refraining from wor* on Sunday%s when possible1 and more. The 0ord of 0isdom is a revelation of )od%s sayings that a Mormon must follow. A tithing is a ta2 that the people pay to the (hur(h. The law of (hastity is something that is taught in a Latter-day (hur(h to people of all ages1 espe(ially young adults. &t says that you must stay pure until marriage1 and when you do get married1 and then you must stay loyal to them. &t also says that you must refrain from masturbation1 and having se2ual thoughts as they are seen to be unholy. They also don%t li*e for their people to wor* on Sundays for it is the day that )od rest after he (reated the heavens1 and the earth. Mormons also have many beliefs1 some li*e other religions. 3ne that they have is that there should be no homose2ual marriages1 or affairs out of their own marriage. That is seen as one of the highest sins to (ommit. Mormons also believe in having (hildren. As a result of that belief1 most Mormon families will be larger than normal. Also1 they believe that you should not dese(rate your temple. That means no tattoos or pier(ings1 e2(ept for one pair of earrings for the women. The (hur(h emphasizes obedien(e to law1 integrity1 honesty1 (hastity outside of marriage1 and fidelity inside of marriage be(ause they believe that those were the laws taught by esus Christ. They also put emphasis on a united family that lives and progresses at the (ore of the Latter-day Saint do(trine. Abortion is a big thing in their (hur(hes. They do not believe in abortion be(ause of the Lord%s de(laration whi(h says '4.thou shalt not *ill4+ &f anyone has an abortion1 then they will be sub5e(t to (hur(h dis(ipline. .ut1 if they need to get an abortion1 then they have earnest prayer with the (hur(h leaders. &f they were raped1 in(est1 if the baby will not survive later on in life1 if the mother will not survive during the birth1 then the (hur(h would allow the abortion1 but still does not 5ustify it. 6ltimately1 it is between the mother1 and the Lord. That%s a lot (onsidering that there are over !7 million adherents of Mormonism. /ere1 in the 6.S.1 the state of 6tah has the largest Mormon population. There are !1#891#:# members. There is also #1 ;#: (ongregations lo(ated there. As an adherent of this faith1 you must follow all the rules. &f you brea* any of them you fa(e (hur(h dis(ipline. The purpose of (hur(h dis(ipline is to maintain the standards of the (hur(h to a wat(hing world1 to *eep sin from spreading throughout the (hur(h1 help the guilty person find their way to )od1 and to es(ape )od%s 5udgment upon habitually sinning saints. Chur(h dis(ipline has pro(edures to ensure that these standards are met if someone a(ts out. <irst1 they will arrange a private meeting with that person. &f the meeting fails1 then they meet with the offender1 and several witnesses. =uring the meeting you admonish1 and warn them not to do it again. As a final resort1 they will bring up the matter to the whole (hur(h. &f that still does not wor*1 then they will remove the offender%s (hur(h

membership1 and will also be avoided. The people of the (hur(h must be ready to give forgiveness and repentan(e when the offender does the same thing again.

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