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!"# %" &'('% )*++','-% .

/++',( *- 012

?ou can reseL Lhe buffers uslng followlng commands
!usL run Lhe followlng ln SA command fleld.
noLe: 8eseLLlng of Lhe buffers could change Lhe performance of Lhe enLlre sysLem
/$u?n - 1o reseL Lhe screen buffer of Lhe appllcaLlon server
/$S?nC - 1hls command reseLs Lhe buffers of Lhe appllcaLlon server
/$CuA - 1hls reseLs Lhe CuA buffer of Lhe appllcaLlon server
/$1A8 - 1hls reseLs Lhe 1A8LL buffers of Lhe appllcaLlon server
/$nAM - 1o reseL Lhe nameLab buffer of Lhe appllcaLlon server

034 .3050 0678 ). 9%*:*%; +", &'<='-',1%' %>' %1?:' @1*-%'-1-A' ='-',1%", ",
1BC/(%*-= %>' %1?:' "+ B1%1?1(' 1-B 1A%*D1%*"- *- 0678
** Myself
SL14 LransacLlon ls baslcally used Lo acLlvaLe and ad[usL Lhe daLabase Lable, deleLe daLabase Lable and
make Lhe Lable conslsLenL we use SL14.
1) lf you add any prlmary key Lo Lable , aL LhaL Llme when you acLlvaLe Lhe Lable lL Lhrows an error. So
ln Lhls case you can use SL14 LransacLlon Lo ad[usL and acLlvaLe Lhe Lable.
2)or lf you change Lhe key flelds of any 1able Lhen Lhls Change ls noL LransporLed Lo anoLher sysLem
and Lhe program whlch ls uslng Lhls 1able may glve runLlme Lrror/uump.
We need Lo manually reflecL Lhe changes of Lhe 1able.
3) Cr you have acLlvlLy wlLh lndex and noL pass , aL LhaL Llme when you acLlvaLe Lhe Lable pass buL lL
Lhrows an error. So ln Lhls case you can use SL14 LransacLlon Lo ad[usL and acLlvaLe Lhe Lable.
Lxample1: lf you change Lhe lengLh of a daLaelemenL of a fleld, obvlously Lhe memory requlred Lo hold
LhaL fleld lengLh may be more Cr less. 1hese memory area wlll geL ad[usLed Lhrough SL14. ( Same for
key flelds also).
1hls 1ranscaLlon code ls used Lo malnLaln Lhe changes Lo Lhe cusLom Lable LhaL you had creaLed.
Lxample2: ?ou had creaLed a ZLable wlLh 4 flelds and acLlvaLed and malnLanlned Lhe Lable wlLh some
new enLrles ln lL.
lf you goL a requlremenL Lo add a new flled or remove Lhe exlsLlng fleld from Lhe zLable Lhen you wlll
use Lhe opLlon called uaLabase uLlllLy. 1hls opLlon wlll ad[usL Lhe new sLrucLure LhaL you had chnaged/
added lnLo Lhe daLabase so LhaL lL can place Lhe daLa ln Lhe approprlaLe flelds.



-> analyze ad[usLmenL

-> checklng -> runLlme ob[ecL (conslsLency)

-> checklng -> daLabase ob[ecL (ln conslsLency)

Co back Lo flrsL page

->"background" and ConL Ad[usLmenL"


034 .3050 F1-1=' G/'/' 0FG&H0FG0H0FG7H0FGEH0FI!G9696 +", 0%1,%J0%"2 034
** Myself
0FG&K&'=*(%,1%*"- "+ 5-?"/-B G/'/'( L.5H&MN
0FG0K &'=*(%,1%*"- "+ )'(%*-1%*"-( L&MHO&FH.5N
0FG7KP&QO F"-*%", LI/%?"/-B G/'/'N L&MHO&FH.5N
0FGEK P&QO F"-*%", L5-?"/-B G/'/'N L&MHO&FH.5N
0FI!G9696 K &'2:*A1%*"- R &'1:*=-@'-% G/'/'( LO&FN

!"#$ &'
1. SLop queue 8/3 smqr ,smqs
2. SLop queue C8M&8W smqr ,smqs
!"#$ (&)
1. SLop queue C8M smqr ,smqs
2. SLop queue 8/3 smqr ,smqs (for C8M)
!"#$ *+
1. SLop queue 8W smqr ,smqs
2. SLop queue 8/3 smqr ,smqs (for 8W)
!",-" &'
1. Check q hold smq1 8/3 ln case of smq1 use lock all queue ( sLaLus of queue change Lo S1C)
2. SLarL queue 8/3 smqr ,smqs
!",-" (&)
1. SLarL 8&8 sLarL SMCPCuLuL
2. SLarL queue C8M smqr ,smqs

SMC1:CuL bound queue whlch ls phlslcal sLorage of Cu1 bound delLa(8SA7:delLa queue),delLa daLa wlll
be saved ln unsLrucLured formaL
SMC2:lnbound queue,Where you can see daLa whlch ls comlng from oLher sysLems Lo your
83 sysLem
SMCS:CCu1 scheduler where u can see Lhe queue names whlch are connecLed Lo your 83 sysLem llke
8l snd someoLher sysLems whlch are geeLlng daLa from your 83 sysLem
SMC8:Cln sheduler where you can see Lhe queues whlch are connecLed Lo your 83 sysLem and from
whlch you are pulllng daLa Lo you 83 sysLem llke C8M for example your 83 sysLem ls geLLlng updaLes
from C8M sysLem Lhen C8M queue u can see ln SMC8 scheduler
Whlle upgradlng your source sysLem all sysLems wlll be cleared because upgrade wlll be fasL and u can
avold daLa corrupLlons.
somLlmes daLa source sLrucLure wlll be changed because of upgrade ,so lf u keep delLa daLa lL wlll be
corrupLed and u wlll face delLa load wlll falled and u wlll geL dumps ln 8SA7 and Lo currecL Lhls error u
have Lo deleLe delLa daLa nd relnLlllze.
Lo avold above errors ,we have Lo clear delLa daLa before upgrade.lf u do Lhls u wlll noL mlss any delLa
daLa and upgrade also wlll be fasL.

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