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Teaching Perspectives Inventory Test results.

The following report describes the results gotten from the Teaching Perspectives Inventory test taken online in order to know our perspectives on the teaching area, the results were the followings: Transmission Total: (Tr) 32 B = 13; I = 9; A = 10 Apprenticeship Total: (Ap) 32 B = 11; I = 11; A = 10 Developmental Total: (Dv) 28 B = 9; I = 9; A = 10 Nurturing Total: (Nu) 28 B = 13; I = 8; A = 7 Social Reform Total: (SR) 22 B = 9; I = 7; A = 6

Beliefs total: (B) 55 Intentions total: (I) 44 Action total: (A) 43 According to the review of perspectives, the Transmission one, says: Effective teaching requires a substantial commitment to the content or subject matter. This one of the high score I got. As my result indicates, I am a person that pays attention to the subject matter; I focus on the content that will be taught to students, defining clear objectives during the class and along the course I agree with this result because I consider that good teacher should be as this perspective describes, enthusiastic about their content and convey that enthusiasm to their students. Content is one of the most important points when teaching, after a good planning, content should be well explained in order students understand and organize ideas.

As the same in the last perspective I got 32 points regarding to the Apprenticeship Perspective which means that I am a person that believes that experience makes good or the best teachers because an expertise teacher, does not need checking material much time to know what to in the classroom. The most expertise a person gets the best work he/she is going to do in the classroom. In the following point, Developmental perspective, was gotten a score of 28, this perspective is linked to the transmission one, the content that is going to be taught should be according to students needs and knowledge. We have to develop students thinking but according to their level. As future teachers we need to analyze what students already know, it is said that Effective teaching must be planned and conducted "from the learner's point of view."

In Nurturing Perspective I got a score of 28 too, I agree that teacher should work on develop students confidence when students get good results it should be because of their effort not because teacher s benevolence, in other words, students have to believe in what they want and know.

Finally, in the social Reform Perspective, Effective teaching seeks to change society in substantive ways. I agree that part of teachers work is to develop student critical thinking to take social action in the future and contribute with a countrys development.

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