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Galaxy Nephelon The Awakening Maria Zavou Anatolikos publications There are many levels of spiritual communication.

Each one according to his psychic evolution can have access to these levels. At this period the forces that have neared planet Earth are numerous. The Hellenic region is destined and prepared for something important. Let us all unite in spirit, so that our vision is that of a new planet, an Earth reborn and bright with inhabitants full of Knowledge and Love. Maria avou was born in !iraeus. "he studied painting and religious painting. "he has performed many e#hibitions in $reece and %.".A, where she lived for si# years to study. As researcher and visionary, she had many e#periences from the spiritual plane. The constant communication with spiritual teachers and Angelic energies, has bestowed her the charisma during these last years, through meditation to envision and depict in paintings people&s higher selves, so that they can receive help and reali'e their destination. "he at the same time offers her service to Man in the field of alternative energy healing in the cultural association (Mo)iti *)anda( in +,-, Thisseos "tr., Kallithea, Athens. +st edition. /000 /nd edition./001 All rights reserved. 2o part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, adapted, e#ploited or transmitted in any form or by any reproduction means of art or literature pieces, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, or any information storage or retrieval system, according to the law /+/+3+445 and the Treaty of 6erne7 !aris, validated by the law +003+489. :s also prohibited the reproduction of typesetting, page ma)ing, front cover and generally of the whole aesthetic appearance of the boo) by photocopying, electronic or other methods, according to the article 9+ of the law /+/+3+445 Anatoli)os !ublications Apostolopoulou ,1,+9/ 5+ Halandri Tel.. /+07,889+18 fa#./+07,889+1:";2 4,07-1/47/571

Maria Zavou

Galaxy Nephelon The Awakening * "E<*2= E=:T:*2

ANATOLIKO !"#LI $ING AT$%N &''( >ront cover. :. Theodora)a)ou Edition assistance7>ront cover ma?uette. L.$agosi Montage. M. Kapelari !rinting7;oo)binding. $. Argyropoulos E.!.E The present boo) was printed in <hamois paper +00 gr. Translation from the $ree) original te#t. =emetrios "tavropoulos !)%*A+% This boo) was written through personal e#periences as well as spiritual communication with the spiritual plane. >or fifteen years : unfold the memory sleave from the nucleus of my soul and : continue until today. : try for the self7improvement with the constant meditation and communication from the spiritual source. : e#perienced a lot, the bloc)ages and the attac)s, internal and e#ternal. >inally, all this empowered my soul and made me face life from a different point of consciousness. :f : finally get to convince, it is something sub@ective for every reader. : believe that everybody has memories in their internal nucleus. Many have made contact with their inner self. ;ut for those who will also read this boo), : believe that some )ind of internal memory will be stimulated so as to search within the archive of their souls. :Ave been through many traps, which aimed to arouse some )ind of egoism, but : got over them. : always wal) on this path very carefully, testing everything that happens. The issue of communication is a very rough road and re?uires a lot of attention. ;ecause of my ?uality as painter, : tried to depict symbolically these ideas in the imaging of this boo). All paintings are information. Even me for myself, : discover new data all the time. There is a world of entities around us which cannot be seen, but which nevertheless e#ists. "ome people have the charisma to communicate with this world. "ome feel it and some ?uestion it. There are many levels of spiritual communication. Each one according to his psychic evolution can have access to these levels. At this period the forces that have neared planet Earth are numerous. The Hellenic region is destined and prepared for something important. Let us all unite in spirit, so that our

vision is that of a new planet, an Earth reborn and bright with inhabitants full of Knowledge and Love. Maria avou T$% )A,IANT LO-% O* +$)I TI+ LO-% The day which started and unfolded the endless great road, acted catalytically against the evil forces. The day we met was only the beginning of those which were destined to happen. :n the decision of the road bac) home, you stood a fine traveller and warrior. Bour offer someday will be rewarded worthy. !eople deep in their hearts )now even though silent. Maybe because they learned this way. Maybe because this radiant light of <hristic Love frightens them, when they are used living there in the (hard shell( of the superficial personality. :n the silence of the internal path, anything which is e#ternal, almost always, is not comfortable, and you managed and fought with this painful opposition many times. "urely, when we meet some day inC:thaca, weAll many things to tell. "ophia :. =ou)a D"ophia :. =ou)a is a member of the groupE A O")+% O* IN*INIT% "N*A,ING LIG$T A bright *ctober day in +4-5 it all began. >or years : was searching for my roots, my way, the essence of who : am, of what :Am doing here, from where : came from. An ardent desire of my soul. Fepeated dreams appeared which loo)ed li)e messages. %nfamiliar awa)enings and at the same time familiar somewhere deep inside. =ifficult soul steps, when married with your years of youth. :gnorance and )nowledge together. =esire, e#pectance with a tone of disappointment. And suddenly one afternoon the seven indigo rays from the mountain moved me, answered me, opened spiritual ways that touched madness. <ommunication with other worlds, presences and teachings that fired up the yearning of my soul for the Truth. %+ON, +$A!T%) !FE!AFAT:*2 ME""A$E" .The /atter0s 1rea/2 Bour world is the dimension of dream. Truth is alterated through illusory fantasies. The coordinated energy bundles that hit on this dimension have this very purpose, to refine gross matter, in order that it gets onto another level of new perception. The forms of ideas are covered many times, creating opposite assimilations. The stability in the central core channel will urge you to perceive more clearly. The primordial causes of this straying are the enchainings. These imprison you for ages within dar) cycles of obscurantism. These traps are the motivating force that feeds the opposite current along with its worlds.

Thus, constantly the negative side is fed and conserved, having in its hands the power and the force that you yourselves grant it for free. The very same persons that saw a part of the real essence passed by the planet Earth. They were disputed and their sayings were counterfeited according to enchained ideas and covering layers. :n this world of illusions and of dream thoughts, you learn to practise on discerning real from false. This training is the one which is the principal lesson for the ascending way to other real worlds of e#istence. The dar) is found at a constant opposition with the light, having both their followers on each side. 2evertheless, few discern and see both sides, as through the transparency of a crystal. :f this crystal is bathed in light, it will remain clear, showing the real cause and not the misleading that is caused by muddling. ;ehind the material, the social, the emotional, behind the rules made by our ancestors, behind the false perception of what is right, there is the real. ;ut is found so much away from your e#periences as souls that if you perceive it abruptly and not gradually, it will create a certain derangement on you. :ts rules are out from those you have constructed based on your sense impressions, your fears and passions. All these dreams, seen on the opposite current, are the desire for new perceptions. ;ut, there is needed a great amount of force in your life not only to be perceived but also to be applied. The dispute will be the first thing to confront. ;ut, we have said it so many times. =on&t e#pect there some )ind of acceptance. "imply, there will have to sow some new seeds of )nowledge that in the ne#t generations will create a new caste of souls. Through the continuous developing vibrations this change is created. As you change levels, the vibration is augmented, resulting to certain changes notified in the spiritual field. Ghen your vibrations are low, because of materialistic factors, you get attac)ed and the balance is deranged. =o not get carried away by this and do not get charmed by other souls way of life. Bou have to emit the ideas coded in your core. These radiate as the string gets unwinded. The more you are empowered as souls, a certain part is unrolled. The human substance is so wea), that if this happened more ?uic)ly your material cover would be destructed by abrupt and great tension. Bour energy field has to get balanced gradually along with the energy field of the higher 'one. Bou have reached a difficult turn of misleading situations and your only guide is the light hidden within you and which is furthermore activated. This will show you false situations.

The inner voice you see) is in your core. ;ut in order to get there, you go through many levels with misleading voices which you may thin) are right. :t is not only matter and e#ternal influences. These you have already learned to discern them. The difficult thing is consisted of the deeper psychic situations, which stop each one of us when he tries to search more profoundly his indepths. Every path ended leads to another one. The path to the indepth has itself levels, as has a planet and a %niverse. The end of the field is The =ivine Essence itself. As in the end of your indepth levels lies the part of the =ivine Essence. ;e careful, because wrong perceptions can get you bac). The )nowledge, even the slightest one, is granted with labor and test. *nly in this way it gets understood. Gords and boo)s are @ust a stimulus for investigation. >rom that point and on there lies a <alvary for everyone. The stagnation in emotional surfaces and limitation will constantly fight you mercilessly. Bou have to )now all layers until the level of light and then you will )now peace. The inner investigation gets many emotional upsets. it gets through the layers of emotion when reality is ac)nowledged and when the addiction by the sentiments is seen, the raw truth is faced. This is what brings sadness and pain. !ain is the sentiments& reflection that lose their power because they could not ascend and evolve and thus they remain as addiction to the lower levels. This is the pain of death. To pass from the emotional part onto pure perception you will be hit by purely emotional conflicts. And the conditions are shaped accordingly for this painful passage. Bour efforts are intensified at this period of time so as you do not lose your promotional forces towards your indepth. *therwise you will stagnate, maybe for long. Ghen this urging force starts to act, many times a tiny door of the ne#t stage opens up and then the soul sees a part of its total perception there. This awa)ens the soul, gives power to it and intensifies its efforts. At a certain retrogression, the soul e#periences a void. And either returns bac), or ma)es a new dash forth.

The soul seeing its new perceptions, goes through certain phases of emotional reactions and pain, goes through the reality of truth. The reactions are the following. +. 2egation of reality acceptance /. 6oid. Temporary retrogression and new urge. 5. Fealisation of new perception. 1. Admission that spiritual dimension is real. 9. Action. The application of new ideas starts. ,. Fesult. >rom actual application the result is born which depends on the correct or incorrect perception. 8. <onsolidation for the soul of new spiritual levels which have merged through all these new e#periences. The road now is open for spiritual investigation of new ways of )nowledge where perception is infinite. :t gets to the door of pure spiritual )nowledge where it has to go over 8 more levels till the essence and consolidation. The help and our attendance in the spiritual plan e#ists. Gea)nesses will be hit mercilessly and this because that chronic layers of third7dimensional arrangement will have to shrin) and erase. Haste is a bad guide. Every fact will have to be e#amined without the emotional barriers and your needs. This moment the carrier of your origin has started its revolution and its constant pressure. The soul not wanting to adapt in reality, bleeds by creating e#tensions of illusion within and out of its domain. *pposite forces Dthe negative onesE are attracted by these illusions and hit you. The more intense your attachment is, the stronger the hits of psychic storms. Gill can )eep closed the door and all this can stay in the source of their origin or can be fought till they shrin). The plan&s perception broadens all the time. Ghen the whole of your inner space is covered, then it will find a pass and the right way till it radiates in new and higher levels. The pebble of memories and )nowledge will have to be covered by the layers that your psychic need emits. :f you forget, then there is no hope. As long as you remember, this will attract you and will empower you. 2othing is then lost, when you follow the traces you already )now. The promise when burning inside of you, will show you the way so that you will not be lost. The disappointment brings oblivion and its acceptance the losing of )nowledge. Easy things are the trap of illusion. Bour lives will have to be a holocaust, and what will remain is a little spar)le which will lead you as well as others in the right way.

:nfluences& sperms have been incubated within you and have produced forces, creating a hearth having as a result some negative situations. 2ow starts a new period of retrenchment. Bou have gathered information and have learned the way of confronting negative situations. Every situation no matter how ugly affects it might have, gives you the opportunity to strenghten yourselves when meeting traps. Bou have not yet reached the level to contact fully your psychic core. Thus, there going to be mista)es and influences. Ghen this contact is completed, you will perceive and be able to face in time every fact. The transfer of our vibration must go on. ;ecause the main part of everyone&s mission is this too. Traps are presented so that control and gradation can be performed. Learning gradually to hear your inner voice, you go through many deaths and lives till you get to recogni'e and stimulate the central awa)ening and information code. :n every death another veil of gross matter falls and after that you evolve more onto another step towards light. ;ut, in every new level you enter, you have to face the new traps which : wish you to perceive on time. "uch deaths you may have a lot of till you get the soul and spirit harmoni'ation. "o, don&t fall in disappointments.

Invocation Gith our >ather&s light And our Mother&s power Ge cover with an energy net of light The whole of the Earth "o anything opposite returns To its levels of origin. "o be it. Ghite images A cross of silver, bright And a thousand of nails That crucify every idea And ma)e salvation distant. ;ehind the veil is hidden The hope. And the meeting, Li)e a pigeon "hould come to sit *n these hands That wait for 6ictory.

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