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Instructional Supervision Form 3A/CB PAST Form 3A Teacher Observation Guide or Instructional Competence !

!atin" #e"end$ % &'O( 'ot observed) *+&BB( Belo, Basic) -+ &B( Basic)3 &P(Pro icient) .+ &/P( /i"hl0 Pro icient Circle the number that describes best 0our observation o the Teacher1 Start here211 Per ormance Behavior Observation !atin" 'O BB B P A1 3iversit0 o #earners 1. Set objectives that are within the experiences and capabilities of learners. % * 3 2. Utilized varied designs, techniques and activities suited to the different kinds of % * 3 learners. . Show fairness in dealing with the learners. % * 3 !. "aces lessons appropriate to the needs and difficulties of learners. % * 3 #. "rovides appropriate intervention activities for learners at risks. % * 3 $otal Score %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% &verage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 'escription %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (arrative )bservation* Per ormance Behavior B1 Observation !atin" 'O BB B P

/P . . . . .


Content and Peda"o"0 B 1* Teacher Behavior in Actual Teachin" 1. $eaches accurate and updated content using appropriate approaches and % * strategies. 2. &ligns lesson objectives, teaching +ethods, learning activities, and instructional % * +aterials. . ,ncourages learners to use higher order of thinking skills in asking questions. % * !. ,ngages and sustain learners interest in the subject +atter b- +aking content % * +eaningful and relevant. #. ,stablishes routines and procedures to +axi+ize use of ti+e and instructional % * +aterials. .. /ntegrates language, literac-, skills and values in teaching. % * 0. "resents lesson logicall- in a develop+ent +anner. % * 1. Utilizes technolog- resources in planning, designing, and deliver- of the lesson. % * 2. 3reates situations that encourage learners to use higher order thinking skills. % * $otal Score %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% &verage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 'escription %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (arrative )bservation* Per ormance Behavior

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

. . . . . . . . .

Observation !atin" 'O BB B P


B1 Content and Peda"o"0 B 1- #earners Behavior in the Classroom 1. &nswers in own words at a desired cognitive level. % * 2. "articipates activel- in the learning tasks with so+e levels of independence. % * . &sk questions relevant to the lesson. % * !. Sustain interest in the lesson4activit-. % * #. 5ollows routines and procedure to +axi+ize instructional ti+e. % * .. Shows appropriate behavior of individualis+, cooperation, co+petition in % * classroo+ interactions. 0. /+bibes and values learning fro+ the teacher and fro+ class+ates. % * 1. 'e+onstrates in varied wa-s, learning achieved in the activities. % * $otal Score %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% &verage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 'escription %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (arrative )bservation* Per ormance Behavior C1 Plannin") Assessin") !eportin" #earners Outcomes "rovides ti+el-, appropriate reinforce+ent4feedback to learner6s behavior. Uses appropriate for+ative, su++ative test congruent to the lesson. Uses non 7traditional authentic assess+ent techniques when needed. 8eeps accurate records of learner6s perfor+ance level. 9ives assign+ent as reinforce+ent or enrich+ent of the lesson. "rovides opportunit- for learner6s to de+onstrate their learning.

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

. . . . . . . .

Observation !atin" 'O BB B P % % % % % % * * * * * * 3 3 3 3 3 3

/P . . . . . .

1. 2. . !. #. ..

$otal score%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% &verage%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 'escription %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

(arrative )bservation*

3o++ents of the $eacher*

&gree+ents of the $eacher and )bserver

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% $eacher6s (a+e : Signature )bserver6s (a+e : Signature ;Signatures indicate that observations have been clarified by both parties.

Instructional Supervision Form 3B/CB PAST Form 3B Teacher Observation Guide or /ome) School) and Communit0 Involvement
!atin" #e"end$ % &'O( 'ot observed) *+& BB( Belo, Basic) -+ &B( Basic)3 &P(Pro icient) .+ &/P( /i"hl0 Pro icient

Circle the number that describes best 0our observation o the Teacher1 Start here211 Per ormance Behavior Observation !atin" 'O BB B P /P 31 #earnin" 4nvironment % * 3 . 1. <aintains a safe and orderl- classroo+. % * 3 . 2. ,ngages learners in differentiated activities for higher learning. % * 3 . . =andled behavior proble+s quickl- and with due respect to

% * 3 . $otal Score %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% &verage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 'escription %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (arrative )bservation* Per ormance Behavior 'O 31 School) /ome) and Communit0 #in5a"es % % % % % % * * * * * * 3 3 3 3 3 3 . . . . . . Observation !atin" BB B P /P

children6s rights. !. 3reated situation that develop a positive attitude a+ong learners towards their subject and the teacher. #. "rovides gender sensitive opportunities for learning.

1. /nvolved the ho+e4co++unit- in sharing accountabilit- for learner6s achieve+ent. 2. Used varied and available co++unit- resources >hu+an, +aterials? to support learning. . Used co++unit- as a laborator- for learning. !. Shared to the co++unit- infor+ation on school events and achieve+ents #. ,ncourages learners to appl- classroo+ learning at ho+e and in co++unit-. .. /nfor+ed learners , parents, and other stakeholders regarding school policies and procedures
(arrative )bservation*

$otal Score %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% &verage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 'escription %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

3o++ents of the $eacher*

&gree+ents of the $eacher and )bserver

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% $eacher6s (a+e : Signature )bserver6s (a+e : Signature ;Signatures indicate that observations have been clarified by both parties.

Instructional Supervision Form 3C/CB PAST Form 3C Teacher Observation Guide or Personal) Social Gro,th and Pro essional 3evelopment
!atin" #e"end$ % &'O( 'ot observed) *+&BB( Belo, Basic) -+ &B( Basic)3 &P(Pro icient) .+ &/P( /i"hl0 Pro icient

Circle the number that describes best 0our observation o the Teacher1 Start here211 Per ormance Behavior Observation !atin" 'O BB B P /P 41 Social !e"ard or #earnin" % * 3 . 1. &bides b- and i+ple+ents school policies and procedures. % * 3 . 2. )bserves punctualit- in acco+plishing tasks and require+ents. % * 3 . . )bserves punctualit- in class attendance and in other

occasions. !. <aintains appropriate appearance and decoru+ at all ti+es. #. 'e+onstrates appropriate behavior in dealing with students, superiors and stakeholders.
(arrative )bservation* Per ormance Behavior

% %

* *

3 3

. .

$otal Score %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% &verage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 'escription %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

'O F1 Personal) Social Gro,th and Pro essional 3evelopment % % % % % % % %

Observation !atin" BB B P /P * * * * * * * * 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 . . . . . . . .

% * 3 . % * 3 . $otal Score %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% &verage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 'escription %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (arrative )bservation*

1. <aintained stature and behavior that uphold the dignit- of learning. 2. <anifested personal qualities like enthusias+, flexibilit-, caring attitude, and others. . 'e+onstrated personal educational philosoph- of teaching in classroo+. !. Updated oneself with the recent develop+ents in education. #. /+proved +- teaching perfor+ance based on feedback fro+ the +entors, students, peers, superiors, and others. .. &ccepts accountabilit- for learning outco+es. 0. @eflected on the qualit- of teaching visA a 7 vis learning outco+es. 1. Used self 7 assess+ent >$S(&? to enhance strengths and correct +- weaknesses. 2. "articipated activel- in professional organizations. 1B. &bides b- the 3ode of ,thics for "rofessional $eachers.

3o++ents of the $eacher* &gree+ents of the $eacher and )bserver %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% $eacher6s (a+e : Signature )bserver6s (a+e Signature ;Signatures indicate that observations have been clarified by both parties.

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