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Perception on substance use addiction These are the lists of symptoms that may or can be suffered by patient or client

that have addiction toward psychotropic substance. Please circle yes or no regarding the perception of your own point of view toward substance use addiction if you believe that these symptoms are related toward substance use addiction. Patient with psychotropic These symptoms are related to substance addiction suffering patients perception toward these symptoms his/her addiction that he/ she has Pain Yes No Yes No Sore throat Yes No Yes No Nausea Yes No Yes No Shortness of breath Yes No Yes No Weight loss Yes No Yes No Fatigue Yes No Yes No Joint stiffness Yes No Yes No Eye pain Yes No Yes No Hea y breath Yes No Yes No Headache Yes No Yes No !bdominal symptom Yes No Yes No "nsomnia Yes No Yes No #i$$iness Yes No Yes No Wea%ness Yes No Yes No We interested in your personal perception about how your point of view toward their condition. Please give your opinion how much your agreement or disagreement toward these statements below by giving mark on the right place. PE&'EPT"(N T(W!&# S)*ST!N'E )SE !##"'T"(N Strong #isag Neutr !gree Strong ly ree al ly disagr agree ee "P+ These conditions only occur on short period "P, These conditions are more occur permanently instead of temporary "P- These conditions will occur on long period "P.* These condition will end soon IP5 I predicted that these patients will suffer these conditions until the end of their life "P/ These condition are very serious "P0 These condition have ma or conse!uences toward patients" life "P1 These condition is easy to live with "P2 These condition are will strongly change others perception toward patients

"P+3 These conditions bring great financial conse!uences "P++ these conditions give trouble toward patients" close person "P+, #any things can be done by patients to control their symptoms "P+- What patients do can determine their future conditions toward better or worst conditions "P+. The progress of these conditions are depended on patients effort "P+4 There is nothing can be done by patient that can change results of these conditions "P+/ Patients have power to change their conditions "P+0 Patients effort won"t change results of conditions "P+1 These conditions will improve eventually as time pass by "P+2 There are very few things can be done to improve these conditions "P,3 Treatment will effectively cure these conditions "P,+ $egative effect of these conditions can be prevented %avoided& by treatment "P,, Treatment can control these conditions "P,- There is nothing can be done to relieve the conditions "P,. These conditions are confusing me "P,4 These conditions are mysterious things to me "P,/ I don"t understand these conditions "P,0 These conditions are not make sense "P,1 I understand these conditions clearly "P,2 'ymptoms of these conditions are change day by day "P-3 These conditions" symptoms come and go like a cycle "P-+ These conditions are very unpredictable "P-, These patients have a cycle when conditions can get worse or better "P-- 'uffering these conditions is stressful to me "P-. 'uffering these conditions will make me upset

"P-4 'uffering these conditions will make me angry "P-/ 'uffering these conditions will make me an(ious "P-0 'uffering these conditions will make me nervous "P-1 'uffering these conditions will make me fear '!)S!5 (F S)*ST!N'E )SE !##"'T"(N We interested in what you think the causal of substance use addiction condition. )ecause people are so different there is no wrong answer to these !uestions. We really interested in your perception about factors that can cause substance use addiction and not what other people told you. )elow are the possibilities cause of substance use addicition. Please give your opinion about how agree or disagree of these statements below by give mark on the right place. P(SS"*"5"TY '!)SE (F S)*ST!N'E )SE !##"'T"(N Strongl #isagr Neutr !gree Strongl y ee al y agree disagre e '+ 'tress or an(iety ', *enetics '- +iral or microbial cause '. ,iet '4 )ad luck '/ Previous bad treatment '0 -nvironment pollution '1 Patient"s own behavior '2 #ental behavior e(ample . point of view toward life negatively '+3 Problems or tension related to family '++ Work too hard '+, -motional conditions like sadness/ loneliness/ an(iety and emptyness '+- 0ging process '+. 0lcohol substance use '+4 'moking '+/ 0ccident or trauma '+0 Personality '+1 1hange of body immunity $ow/ please write down three factors according its relation that very essential toward substance use addiction in these blank below. 2ou can take one of the statement above or maybe you have your own idea about causes of substance use addiction. 1auses that really related in my point of view 3. 4.


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