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Nuclear Physics 60 (1964) 228--240; (~) North-Holland Publishing Co.

, Amsterdam
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AMIT GOSWAMI t Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Calcutta and Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio tt Received 28 May 1964
Abstract: Following a suggestion of Pal, a canonical quasiparticle transformation is derived by the linearization method of Anderson, Valatin and Pal for the case of nuclei in which neutron and proton simultaneously fill the oscillator shells. The proposed method treats the J = 0 part (i.e. the short-range part) of the neutron-proton interaction on the same footing as the J = 0 part of n-n and p-p interaction, The energy gap is shown to arise from the J = 0 part of n-n, p-p and n-p force. Since each angular momentum state can now be occupied both by neutron and proton, the quasiparticles introduced in this method are linear combinations of proton hole and particle and neutron hole and particle. Such a transformation does not conserve the z component T, of isobaric spin, but since this is given by (neutron number N--proton number Z), violation of this conservation law is on the same footing as that of violation of particle number conservation. For N = Z nuclei, the method does not apply as such. However, a quasiparticle transformation based on the strict isobaric-spin conservation in this case is proposed which can possibly account for the energy gap of these nuclei.

1. I n t r o d u c t i o n

Experimentally, the low-lying spectra o f even nuclei exhibit the f o l l o w i n g general features: (i) the g r o u n d state is always 0 +, (ii) there is an energy gap b et w een the g r o u n d state a n d the excited states; f o r a d e f o r m e d nucleus, such an energy g ap exists between the g r o u n d state a n d the first intrinsic excited state; (iii) the first excited state is 2 + (with very few exceptions) which is highly collective, v i b r a t i o n a l in n a t u r e f o r spherical nuclei a n d o f r o t a t i o n a l character in the case o f d e f o r m e d nuclei. In contrast to this, the e x p e r i m e n t a l energy spectra o f odd-mass a n d o d d nuclei show no energy gap. T h e spectra o f odd-mass nuclei resemble closely that o f a single particle added to an even core and the spectra o f o d d nuclei resemble that o f a n e u t r o n and p r o t o n a d d e d to an even core. It seems, therefore, that we should try to establish a suitable c o u p l i n g scheme only f o r the even-mass nuclei w h i ch explains the general features o f their spectra. T h e odd-mass a n d odd nuclei can t h e n p er h ap s be t r eat ed as one an d t wo (unlike) particles, respectively, a d d e d to the even core. t Present address: Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. ~t Work supported in part by the National Science Foundation, USA. 228



Methods are now available and well known for the treatment of the abovementioned features of the spectra of even nuclei. One assumes two separate basic modes of excitation, the quasiparticles and the phonons. The quasiparticle mode is generated by applying a canonical transformation to the nuclear Hamiltonian which allows for only J = 0 pairs in the ground state. Due to this pairing correlation, the ground state is depressed, thus giving an energy gap. This special feature of the J = 0 part of the two-nucleon potential enables one to replace it by a pairing force which has non-zero (constant) matrix elements only for J = 0. The residual nuclear potential is then treated as an interaction between the quasiparticles. The phonon modes are generated as a coherent mixture of the quasiparticle modes by the method of quasiparticle random phase approximation. This is presumably the effect of a long-range force. Since the 2 + phonon is a general feature of the even nuclear spectra, one often takes the quadrupole force as an effective quasiparticle interaction. The usefulness and validity of these ideas have been demonstrated by Kisslinger and Sorensen 1) for single closed shell nuclei t. However, in general, nuclei contain both neutrons and protons outside of closed shell. For this case, the theory outlined above does not apply as such. The problem is now to find suitable generalizations of the above theory. Furthermore, the n - p force can exist in both T = 0 and T = 1 states of which only the T = 1 part corresponds to n - n and p--p force. This means that it is equally likely to have n - p pairs in non-zero angular m o m e n t u m states. Suitable and obvious generalization of the above theory is still possible if we remember that (i) we shall consider a special coupling scheme only for the even nuclei, (ii) the ground state of all even nuclei is J = 0, showing that J = 0 n - p pairs play a special role, and (iii) the energy gap always exists, showing the special role of the J = 0 part of the two-nucleon potential even when neutrons and protons are both present. For further discussion it is desirable to divide the even nuclei in three types: (I) N, Z ~ 40 for which neutrons and protons fill up different j-shells and hence J = 0 n - p pairs do not occur, (II) Z ~ 40, but N # Z, for which neutrons and protons simultaneously fill up the shell and hence can interactin a J = 0 state and give rise to J = 0 n - p pairs, (III) N = Z nuclei for which the ground state is T = 0 and therefore J = 0 pairs cannot exist in the ground state assuming independent pairs. F r o m the above, it is apparent that in each of these cases we first treat that part of the two-nucleon Hamiltonian which acts as the mechanism for the experimentally observed gap. In fact, the above classification is entirely based on the difference in the mechanism of the energy gap. The phonon modes can be treated in the same way in all these cases. For type (I), the mechanism of the energy gap is obviously n - n and p--p pairing in a J = 0 state, which act quite independently. One can apply the quasipartiele transformation separately to neutrons and protons, thus obtaining neutron and proton t For earlier references, see ref. t).



quasiparticles. The quasiparticle interaction contains n-n, p - p and n - p parts. This is the approach of Kisslinger and Sorensen 2) (hereafter referred to as KS). They have made the most extensive calculations to demonstrate clearly the validity of these ideas. For nuclei of type (II) the mechanism of the energy gap is n-n, p - p and n - p pairing in the J = 0 state. That the effects of n-p J = 0 pairing are very important is already indicated by the calculations of KS who neglect n - p pairing and do not get good agreement with experimental data for nuclei in this region. In this paper we shall develop a method for the treatment of n-p (J = 0) pairing on the same footing as p-p and n-n pairing, following a suggestion * by Pal 3). The method is based on an obvious generalization of the Bogolyubov-Valatin 4) canonical transformation for identical nucleons. It should be recalled, however, that the simplicity of the Bogolyubov transformation is due to the fact that there are only two interacting modes, the particle and the hole, so that quasiparticles can be introduced as a linear combination of particle and hole. In the present case, however, each particle state can be occupied both by a neutron and a proton, and similarly for a hole state. Thus there are four kinds of interacting states, the proton hole and particle and the neutron hole and particle. A quasiparticle now must be expressed in terms of these four interacting states. The resultant theory thus becomes quite complicated. The expression for quasiparticle energy and hence for the energy gap also becomes complicated. Two kinds of quasiparticles emerge, differentiated by their energy. An interesting feature is that for nuclei of type (I), this approach passes smoothly to the KS approach. It should be pointed out, however, that the above quasiparticle transformation does not conserve the z component of isobaric spin T~. However, in writing any quasiparticle transformation, one violates particle number conservation. Since for a nucleus with neutron number N and proton number Z, the value of Tz is (N-Z), violation of Tz conservation is on the same footing as violation of particle number conservation. Fixing the chemical potential for neutrons and protons, one can fix Tz on the average. In the present paper we shall only develop the method. The numerical calculations based on this method will be presented in a future publication. For nuclei of type (III), i.e. N = Z nuclei, we face an entirely new situation in that the ground state has T = T~ = 0 and hence isobaric spin conservation plays an important role. Also J = 0 pairs cannot exist in the ground state since they have T = 1. Because the J = 0 part o f the two-nucleon interactions thus becomes inoperative, the long-range part predominates and deforms these nuclei. Due to this deformation, however, J # 0 (but T -- 0) pairs can be present in the ground state and can act as the mechanism o f the energy gap. A brief qualitative discussion will be given in sect. 4. The method is being developed quantitatively in collaboration with B. E. Chi and L. S. Kisslinger and will be published in a subsequent paper.
t This method has also been suggested by Lane 6).



The special feature of the present method is the recognition of the fundamental importance of the existence o f a J = 0 ground state and an energy gap in all even nuclei. These facts encourage us to treat the J = 0 part of the n-p interaction on a separate footing from the J = 1 (T -- 0) part of the n - p interaction, although the latter is equally important. It seems to us that this J = 1 (T = 0) part of the n-pforce becomes important firstly in the self-consistent renormalization of the singlenucleon energies and causing deformations and secondly, in the production of the phonon modes. Other methods s) which largely stress ~-particle type correlation do not treat the J = 0 part of the n-p interaction in the same way. A discussion of these methods has been given by Lane 6) and will not be repeated here. In sect. 2, the proposed method for taking J = 0 n-p pairing into account is developed. Sect. 3 contains a discussion of the method for pairing force theory. Sect. 4 presents some remarks on type (III) nuclei.
2. Formulation of the Method
2.1. I N T R O D U C T I O N

It has already been pointed out in sect. 1 that when neutrons and protons simultaneously fill a certain j-shell, a particle or hole state can be filled up both by a neutron and a proton, so that there are four interacting states and a quasiparticle must be introduced as a combination of these four interacting states. To find the form of the quasiparticle transformation and also the quasiparticle energy and the analogue of the so-called gap equation in this case, we use the method of linearization formulated by Anderson 7), Valatin s), and Pal 9). This method can be generalized to the neutronproton case in a relatively straightforward manner. The method is based on a well-known theorem of quantum mechanics that can be stated as follows: Let I~o) be the ground state of a Hamiltonian H and let ai(i = 1. . . . N) be a set of operators such that

[1t, a,] : ~ A,jaj;



let further x~ (i = 1, 2 . . . N) be the components of the eigenvector of the transposed matrix .4 belonging to the eigenvalue A~ which is real and positive. Then, if the operator Q, is given by Q~ = E x,ja~, (2)

Q~I ~o> is an excited state of energy A: with respect to the ground state. The ground state is correspondingly given by Q + I ~ o = 0, where Q~+ denotes the Hermitian conjugate of Q~. (3)


A. oosw~dw

In the present case we have a set of four interacting states of angular momentum j~, m~: neutron and proton particle and hole states. These can be represented by the single-nucleon creation and annihilation operators c+ , c+., (-)J'-m'C_~p and ( - ) J ' - m ' c _ ~ , , where ___~ stands for (j~, _+m~) and the subscripts n and p denote neutron and proton, respectively. We shall use the Condon-Shortley 10) phase convention. For simplifying the notation we introduce the isobaric spin formalism, thus introducing a further label # for the above operators, where # is the eigenvalue of Tz which equals + ( - ) for proton (neutron). We emphasize here that we are introducing this isobaric spin as a device for simplifying the notation; # however, should not be regarded as a good quantum number likej~, m~. However, for N = Z nuclei the exact T conservation seems to be more important, as will be discussed below. We then write the nuclear Hamiltonian H, for simplicity, also in the isobaric spin formalism:

Z = E ~,,~,c~+c~z+E

E (~lt, flvlV]~p, &r)c~c'~,c~ocrp.


Here the subscripts/~, v, p and a denote isobaric spin projection, and ~ , = ~ - 2 z , 2 being the usual chemical potential introduced as Lagrangian multiplier to adjust the average number of protons and neutrons to correspond to the nucleus under consideration. Let us now evaluate the commutator
+ + [H, c~,] = ~c+~,+ E ~, < ~ , /3vlVl~ t ~ t , ~,p),c~cp, c~,

(5) (6)


~vl Vl~'#', ~p)~ = <~,/~vl Vl~'~', ~ p ) - ( ~ , pvl Vl~p, ~'~').

By a corrolary of Wick's theorem 11), we can write

+ + + + + + + + + + c~,cp~cTp = (c~,c~)c~p+c~,(cp~c~p)-(c~,crp)cp~+N(c,,~,cp~c~p),

where the notation ( ) denotes the ground-state expectation value, and N denotes the normal product. The method of linearization consists in neglecting the normal product triple term. The main justification is the coherency of the linear terms for the J = 0 part o f the force. Another justification for this may be that the triple excitations are energetically much higher than the single excitation. Since we are developing a theory for the even nuclei alone which have J = 0 for the ground state, an immediate simplification is achieved from consideration of conservation of angular momentum:
+ + (8a)

<c+c.> = ~<c~c~>, + + = ,~,,_~(c~.c_~). + + <c~.,c~.)

(8b) (8c)



Substituting eq. (8) in eq. (5) and using a coupled representation for the two-nucleon interactions, we get

[H. c~..1 = ~ N(j~.lf ;ja.#)c~+~..+ ~ P(j~'#' ;j~'g)(-)J"-m"c-a'~.'.

1.4 I.~


where N(j..,.;A...) -= N~.~.(j..)

Es] Z . . . . . . + sj~ [L.][Jp] ~m, ((J~' # ' J~ v)JI VI(/~.# Jp v)g)a<cpv cp~).


N U ~ . ~ ' ; A . - , ' ) - N..-..(A.)

= Z [d~] <(j,.#~ia-#')S[Vl(j,.-u'.Jag')S), sia [j=.][-j~]


Z (c~,'ca-~,'>.


Pu.~..(j..) = ~ <(j..j..)J = O. T = llVl(j~jp)J = 0. T = 1>

1 Z *'[ + + x x/[j,.][j#] m, ~'(--)"J# -m.a c#,.c_~,.2. (10C)

P~,'-~,'(J,') = Z <(J,'J~,')J = O, T = llVl(jtjj~)J = O, T = 1>


E <(-)J"-""c;c+-,->,


~/[J,'][JtJ] m,
where [J] - 2 J + 1. It is obvious that N and P are to be regarded as 2 x 2 matrices in the isobaric-spin space. The first and second rows (and columns) of N and P are respectively labelled by #' = + and #' = -. It may be readily seen that N i s a Hermitian matrix while P is a symmetric and Hermitian matrix and hence real. We may take N also to be symmetric t and thus real. It should be stressed at this point that the pairing J = 0 part of n-n, p--p and n-p force is embodied in P. Self-consistent changes in the singleneutron energies have been embodied in N. It should be noted that the non-diagonal elements of N also correspond to a self-consistent change t in the single-nucleon energies. It should also be noted that N and P contain the ground-state expectation values which will be determined in terms of the quasiparticle transformation coefficients. If we determine the other three commutators of the set, we get the following energy matrix, writing a instead of a':

N(j:) P(j~,)~, P(j~.) -- N(j~.)/


* In fact, we c a n always m a k e a t r a n s f o r m a t i o n w h i c h diagonalizes N keeping P u n c h a n g e d , w h i c h a m o u n t s to a renormalization o f the single-particle energies for pairing type forces. After s u c h a transformation, N o b v i o u s l y becomes symmetric. T h i s was p o i n t e d o u t to m e by Dr. L. S. Kisslinger.




where N and P can be written as

N = (Nx(j,)
\N2(j,) \P2(J,)


(12a) (12b)

e3(J,)] "

e = (PI(J,) P2(J,)]

As noted in the theorem stated above, the diagnnalization of this matrix gives the quasiparticle energies and the corresponding transformation which diagonalizes this matrix gives the quasi-particle transformation. Before proceeding further, we show that the matrix t

(7 _;)
has eigenvalues occurring in pairs of opposite signs. If the eigenvector is (~), then

Nx + Py = Ex,
Obviously, we can also write


= Ey.




= -Ex

i.e. - E is the eigenvalue belonging to the eigenvector (-~), if E is the eigenvalue with eigenvector (~). 2.2. THE DIAGONALIZATION OF THE ENERGY MATRIX: THE EIGENVALUES We shall now determine the eigenvalues of the matrix (11). For this purpose let us consider the square of the matrix

= \PN-NP



This can be written as ( N 2 + p 2) I + i ( N P - P N ) cry, where I and cry stand for the 2 x 2 matrices (~ o) and (+o -~), respectively, and the symbol stands for the direct product of the matrices concerned. Obviously then the reduced form of t h e matrix (13) is given by

(N2 + p2 + i(oNP-PN) N 2 + p 2 _iO(NP_PN))

* W e shall henceforth omit the dependence of N and P on j~.



Since the two 2 x 2 matrices at the diagonal positions of this matrix are transposes of each other, they have the same eigenvalues, which are also the eigenvalues of the matrix (13). It should be noted that the eigenvalues of the matrix (11) are the positive square roots of the eigenvalues of the matrix
N u+e2 + i(NP-PN).


The negative square roots are unphysical and hence have to be rejected. It follows that the quasiparticle energies are given by the complicated expression E(ja,) = x / 2 { ( N2 l + 2 N 22 . . k P l2 + 2 P 2 .2. k N 3 + P 3 )2 . . b [ ( N l _2b p 2 1 _ N32_ p3)22 + 4(N1 N2 + N2 N3 + P1 P2 + P2 P3) 2 + 4(N1 P2 + N2 P 3 - P1 N2 - P2 N3)2]~'} (15) There are two types of quasiparficles, differentiated by their energy. Obviously, the energy gap corresponds to the excitation of the quasiparticle of lower energy. It is of interest to note that for N = Z nuclei, because of perfect symmetry between neutrons and protons, Nt = N3 and Pt = P3. Then the expression (15) for the quasiparticle energy simplifies to EU,)N=z = [(N1 ___ N2)z+

(el -[-Pz)Z]t--


Since from the symmetry of neutron and proton for the N = Z nuclei, it also follows that P1 m P2 the energy gap given by Px - P c tends to be small. The result could be obtained in a trivial way if we assume independent pairs and isobaric spin conservation when P , = P2 --- P3 = 0. This tends to indicate that the energy gap mechanism of N = Z nuclei may be entirely different.

The eigenvectors of the matrix (11) corresponding to the positive eigenvalues can now be determined in a straightforward way in terms of the eigenvalues E(j~) which are already determined. Thus, writing the eigenvector corresponding to a particular eigenvalue E 1 (say) in the form

/)111 /)12 /

1/12 1 ,~

we have the usual eigenvalue equation

N, N 2 N2 N3

el P2


P3 l/u,2/

~ //'/t I '~


= E, 1,/)"1


P2 P3

Again we have suppressed the dependence of the u and v values onj~. This equation, combined with the fact that the transformation is canonical, completely determines the eigenvector, since we have then
U21 ..{_U22 .jf"/)11"{"/)12 2 2 = 1.


236 Di, D2, D3, D , ,


The solutions of eqs. (17) and (18) can be written in terms of 3 x 3 determinants as u l l = KD1, (19a)
ul2 = K D 2 , vii = K D a , v:2 = K D 4 ,

(19b) (19c) (19d) (20)

with K = (D 2 + D 2 + D 2 +D2) -~,

D 1 = det [


--N 2 ] , --(Na+E,) (21a)



-N 2

D2 = det



Pt ,


D 3 -- det - N2

-(Na +El) P1 P2

, (21c)

--(N3 +El) P2 N2 N3--Et

D 4 = det P1

P3 P2 /





-- N2 /

The eigenvector belonging to eigenvalue E2 is given by exactly similar equations. In terms of the two eigenvectors, the complete quasiparticle transformation can be written as . a~+2 / = | u2t u22 '2, v22// c~+-, /



--v,2 u,, u , 2 l l (--)'#*'-""c-~,t #"

-v= u=,


We have written the eigenvector corresponding to the second eigenvalue E2 as

U22/ ~ f)211 /)22/

the corresponding quasiparticle operator being labelled by 2. The other two equations implied in (22) follow as the Hermitian conjugates of the first two equations. Eq. (22) can also be deduced in the usual way. For a matrix of the type (11), the following matrix equation can readily be proved:



where u and v are 2 x 2 matrices as P and N and E is a 2 x 2 diagonal matrix. Eq. (23) shows that the matrix

diagonalizes the matrix (11) and that its first two rows correspond to the two eigenvectors with positive eigenvalue. The other two rows of the matrix (24) correspond to negative eigenvalues and therefore the corresponding quasiparticle operators are destruction operators. Eq. (22) now follows since the basis also transforms by the matrix (24). The reason for the particular choice of the transformed basis is also now apparent. The fact that the transformation (24) is canonical guarantees that the anticommutation relations of the particle operators are also obeyed by the transformed quasiparticle operators. 2.4. THE FINAL COUPLED EQUATIONS AND THE SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM After the quasiparticle transformation is made, the ground state becomes quasiparticle vacuum and the ground state expectation values occurring in the matrix elements of N and P can readily be evaluated with the help of the inverse equation to (22). The results are

(c;~c~> = /311+/3217 2 2 (c;_~c~_~) = I)12 2 -1"-/)22 2

<C;.jt.Cp_,> = (C;_C~>= /311/312"~-U21/322 ,

(25a) (25b)

<(-)~'-"~;,~-+p,) = -(u./31~+u21o2d,
<( __)j,-ra,4_ C+_.#_) = __ (U12/312 "Jl-/'/22U22)'


<(-)~,-',c;~ ~ +_#_ , )

= - 0,12/3~1 + u22 ~,21).


Substituting for these quantities in eq. (10), we get the following set of coupled equations:

NI(J,,) = ~,~+ E ~

Jr, [j~J


x [/32 (jp)+/32 ~~(jp)]+ <(j~, jp _ )JlVl(J~, jp - )J>.

x l)h(Jp)+/3h(J~)],
N2(j~) = SJ' E ~ [J] <(jg:l jf1-)Jl



[~, (h)vl~(J~) + ~ ( J ~ ) ~ U p ) ] ,

N3(j=) = ~ - f + ~. I'J] I'(j=- , Jp)JIVI(j=- ,Jp)J),[/3~x(Jn) + v~l(jz)] + ((J~ --, JZ -)JI

VI(j,, -, Jt~- )J)a[V22(j/~) q-/322(JP)'],



A. G O S W A M I

Px(L) = - ~. < ( L j , ) J = 0, T = l l V l ( j p j p ) J = o, T = 1)

x r[~:]:.ru11(Jp)v11(jp)4-u21(Jp)v2t(j#)],
P2(J,) =


E <(J.J,)J

-- 0, T = l l V l ( j p j # ) J = o, T = 1>

x ~

Iv 1l(ja)ul 2(J#) + v2 l(jp)u22(j#)],

= o, T = l l V l ( j , j p ) s = o, T = 1>


P ~ ( j . ) = - T~ < ( J . J g J


[Ul2(J#)vl2(Jp) 4" U22(j#)v22(J#)].


Substituting further in these equations the expressions (19) and analogous expressions for the u and v we get a complicated set of coupled equations. The only unknowns 2. and 2p occurring in these equations can be determined in the usual way: 3Vp = Z = ~ [ j j [v2 l(j~) +/321(j~)],

(27) (28)

IVn = N = E [j~t-l[v~2(j~,) + v~2(j~)],

where ~Vvand -~n represent the average numbers of neutrons and protons, respectively. It may be noted that in practice, for solving the coupled equations (26)-(28), one considers only the neutrons and protons outside of closed shells.

3. PaJring Force Theory

Much simplification is achieved if we separate the self-consistent field problem and consider a pairing force hamiltonian. The matrix N then becomes diagonal, containing the renormalized self-consistent single-nucleon energies. Also, if V is given by the pairing force with the same strength for n-n, p-p, and n-p force, them

<(.j,,j,,)J = O, T = llVl(jpjp)J = 0, T = 1> = -G[[j~]L/#]] ~,


where the minus sign now takes into account the attractive nature of the potential. Let us now introduce the notation

zp = 6 E <C~C-+~(--)J'-m'>,

(30a) (30b) (30c)

A~ = G ~ " ~,c~ +_~tc_~ + -" "J'-'~'" L--) 2,


~n,, -- G ~ / , 'x~a-t+ ,'+ : ~" - ct - - i ' k


~J--,,,-\ -- ] /"



The matrices N(j~) and P(j,,) can then be written as




) =

- A. / '

where ~p(j,) = e~(j~)-2p, en(Ja) = e~(j~)-2,;

the er denote renormalized self-consistent single-particle energies. The expression for the quasiparticle energy equation (19) is now suitably modified. The coupled equations (26)-(28) then simplify to the set /Ip = - G ~ [j~][u11(j~)vl l(Ja) -4-u21(J~t)o2t(Ja) ], (33a) (33b) (33c) (3 3d) (33e)

A,~ = -G E [J~,][Ulz(J~)ot2(J~,)+u22(J~t)v22(J,,)],

A,p = -G E [j~][u12(j~)vll(j~)+u22(j~)v21(j~)],
J~ Z = E [J,] [ 2,(j~) + v,2,(J~)], J.

N = E [J~][v22(j~) + v222(j~)]

When one substitutes here for the u and v one gets a set of five non-linear coupled equations for the five unknown quantities A and 2, the solution of which gives the complete solution to the problem. We should also like to point out here that for A.p = 0, this theory now goes to the KS theory, in which the neutron and proton systems are left uncoupled by the quasiparticle transformation. It is interesting to note that the present theory also gives the anticipated result for the N = Z nuclei that there cannot be any energy gap due to J = 0 pairing for the ground state in these nuclei (see subsect. 2.2).

4. Nuclei with N = Z

The N = Z nuclei fall into a special category in nuclear structure, and the present method does not apply since J = 0 pairing is not important for the low-lying states. Thus the long-range quadrupole force should predominate, so that one would expect deformation and rotational states 12). Due to the deformation, however, J # 0 (T = 0) pairs can be present in the ground state. The necessary canonical transformation can be derived 1a) by the use of the linearization method which we have used in this paper. Since the pairing is T = 0, the canonical transformation conserves Tz. Thus an energy gap can be produced, while this has been difficult to attain by other methods 14).



The m e t h o d can take mixing o f m a j o r shells i n t o a c c o u n t i n a straightforward way, a n d thus should be able, for example, to treat the dipole force which is very i m p o r t a n t for the consideration of giant dipole states. I a m deeply i n d e b t e d to Professor M. K. Pal for suggesting the p r o b l e m and for n u m e r o u s help d u r i n g the course of the work. I want to t h a n k Professor L. S. Kisslinger for m a n y helpful discussions a n d generous suggestions. T h a n k s are also due to Drs. M. A. N a g a r a j a n a n d B. E. Chi for helpful comments.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) L. S. Kisslinger and R. A. Sorensen, Mat. Fys. Medd. Dan. Vid. Selsk. 32, No. 9 (1960) L. S. Kisslinger and R. A. Sorensen, Revs. Mod. Phys. 35 (1963) 853 M. K. Pal, Proc. Low Energy Conf. Bombay 0963) N. Bogolyubov, Nuovo Cim. 7 (1958) 799; J: G. Valatine, Nuovo Cim. 7 (1958) 843 B. Bremont and J. G. Valatine, Nuclear Physics 41 (1963) 640; B. H. Flowers and M. Vujicic, Nuclear Physics 49 (1963) 586 A. M. Lane, Nuclear theory (W. A. Benjamin, New York, 1963) p. 67 P. W. Anderson, Phys. Rev. 112 (1958) 190 J. G. Valatine, Phys. Rev. 122 (1961) 1012 M. K. Pal, unpublished, see however ref. e) E. U. Condon and G. C. H. Shortley, Theory of atomic spectra (Macmillin Co., New York, 1935) S. S. Schweber, H. Bethe and A. F . Dehoffman, Mesons and fields, vol. 1 (Row-Peterson, Evanston, 1955) p. 203 J. P. Elliott, Proc. Roy. Soc. A245 (1958) 128, 562 B. E. Chi, A. Goswami and L. S. Kisslinger, to be published S. Meshkov, private communication; M. K. Banerjee, C. A. Levinson and S. Meshkov, Phys. Rev. 130 (1963) 1064

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