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Preliminary KIMEP-wide Thesis Guidelines Approved in Principle by Academic Council on October !

"#$ %to be revised &or the &inal version by March "#'() To be in &orce &or the "#'-#* Academic +ear This preliminary dra&t copy is only to &amiliari,e &aculty and students with the -eneral principles to be developed in the new -uidelines that will come into &orce in the academic year "#'-#*) Students who are graduating in the 201314 academic year should use the existing guidelines.




1. Preamble This document lays out the guidelines and standards for all Masters Theses. Students undertaking the thesis, the supervisor and other members of the thesis Committee are required to follo the guidelines and standards laid out in this document. 2. Purpo e o! "#e Ma "er T#e e The primary purpose of the thesis ork is to enhance and apply the body of kno ledge acquired by a student in the Masters programs. The secondary purpose is to share this kno ledge ith interested parties in the society. These purposes are accomplished through an in!depth investigation of a particular business issue and dissemination of the findings. $. Ge%eral T#e & Re'u&reme%" i. The thesis must be an original and independent ork. ii. The thesis, like any other Masters programs course, must reflect ork equivalent to " credit hours. # student is e$pected to devote 1"% hours &appro$imately' of ork in terms of attending thesis sessions, consulting ith the supervisor and members of the Thesis Committee, reading relevant literature, developing research methodology, collecting and analy(ing data and riting the thesis, defending it in public, and submitting it for the )*M+, Masters Theses Series. iii. Students are enouraged to undertake research using one or more of the follo ing approaches, depending on the research!related intended learning outcomes specified in the Masters degree specifications. a. Appl&e( Re ear)#. This is research undertaken to solve practical problems. b. *o%)ep"ual Re ear)#. &-iterature .evie '. This is research that

classifies, compares and contrasts, synthesi(es, and evaluates a body of kno ledge. c. +ual&"a"&,e Re ear)#. This is research undertaken to gain insights concerning attitudes, beliefs, motivations and behaviours of individuals to e$plore a social, linguistic, human problems anbd issues and include the use of methods such as focus groups, in!depth intervie s, observational research and case studies' d. +ua%"&"a"&,e Re er)#. This research concerned ith the analysis of secondary data sets or measurement and analysis of societal, organi(ational, or human phenomena using intervie ing methods as ell as self!completion survey methods. e. A)"&o% Re ear)#. This a methodology that combines action and research to e$amine specific questions, issues or phenomena through observation and reflection, and deliberate intervention to improve practice' f. E,alua"&o% Re ear)#. This research conducted to measure the impact and0or performance of an activity, a program of activities, a concept, or a phenomonon. iv. The thesis must conform to the prescribed process, content and format. v. *n terms of content of the thesis, a student must1 a. State a specific problem and0or hypothesis b. *nclude a revie of relevant literature c. #pply contemporary and appropriate methodology d. 2ndertake a thorough analysis of the findings e. Summari(e ma3or findings and dra appropriate conclusions0implications vi. The thesis ork must uphold the highest degree of academic integrity -. Ge%eral T#e & S"a%(ar( # Masters Theses must reflect that the student has1 demonstrated a appreciation of the academic and professional literature pertinent to his0her research4 demonstrated a kno ledge of, and ability to apply, the research methods pertinent to his0her research4 used information sources, and analytical tools pertinent to effective research and analysis pertinent to his0her research4 and evidenced the acquisition of transferable and personal skills such as reasoning, report riting, independent learning, communication, critical thinking, personal management, and presentation skills.

-.1 T#e & E,alua"&o% Gu&(el&%e

The evaluation and grading of the thesis shall reflect the actual quality of the thesis &not 3ust the students efforts and supervisors ishes' and should conform to the international standards for this Maters!level research. 5n conclusion of the thesis defense, the Masters Thesis 6efense Committee have the follo ing options1 a. accept the thesis as it is and grade it4 or grade it ith the condition of


further editing and minor changes and corrections &done by the student ith the help of the supervisor'4 or1 not to grade it &if the thesis needs ma3or ork 7 amendments and a ne defense'4 b. agree hether the students thesis defense as satisfactory or unsatisfactory, based on the lo est grade for a thesis deemed as satisfactory must be a numerical equivalent to 8!4 and c. agree on a letter grade for the thesis, representing the average of the grades given by the members of the committee. The student must be notified immediately as to the outcome of the defense. #ll meetings of the Masters Thesis 6efense Committee shall be recorded in minutes. These include highlights of the students presentation, main questions asked and summari(ed opinion of the Committee9s members. :hen an opinion of one member of the Committee does not agree ith an opinion of other members of the Committee, such member has the right to indicate his opinion in the minutes and sign it personally. *f there is a consensus, the signatures of the Chair and the co!supervisors are sufficient. *f the numerical grades ! on a ;!1;; scale ! given to the thesis by the members of the Masters Thesis 6efense Committee vary by more than 1; marks, the Masters ,rograms Coordinator ill try to resolve the discrepancy. *f their efforts are not successful, the Masters ,rograms Coordinator ill recommend the case to the #d3udication Committee. The Masters programs Coordinator in consultation ith the 6ean shall arrange for ad3udication of the thesis and assignment of a grade through agreed points of reference and mechanism. The Masters Thesis 6efense Committee ill for ard the thesis of every student ho receives a satisfactory grade and ho successfully completes the defense of the thesis to the 6eans 5ffice, hich, along ith a recommendation for the College Council to accept the thesis as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree. *f a students thesis receives an unsatisfactory grade, he or she ill normally be given one semester to complete revisions stipulated by the Masters Thesis 6efense Committee and resubmit the thesis to that Committee. *f a students thesis receives a satisfactory grade but his or her defense is regarded as unsatisfactory, the student ill be given a second opportunity to defend the thesis. This defense must also be publicly announced in the same manner as the original defense. # third chance ill not be offered. The 6ean has the right to ask the Masters Thesis 6efense Committee for a revie of the grade, if a problem in the grade a arded is suspected. The 6ean may also set up an independent committee for the purpose. The 6ean and ill take part in such a revie .

-.2 T#e Gra(&%. S)ale

# arded for an e$ceptional thesis4 publishable in peer!revie ed 3ournals.

# arded for e$cellent, publishable thesis, some aspects of hich are lo er in <

comparison to te$ts that qualified for #=.

# arded to a very good thesis, hich received some minor criticism during the defense.

# arded to a thesis that is, overall, very good, ith a ell!developed argument, proper documentation and format, but ith some rather minor conceptual or methodological problems.

# arded for a very satisfactory thesis ith an adequately!developed argument, proper documentation and format, but ith a some rather significant conceptual or methodological problems that do not constitute fatal fla s.

# arded for a satisfactory thesis that at the minimum acceptable level is adequately argued, documented, and defended, and contains no fatal problems.

2. T#e & Re po% &b&l&"&e 2.1 Re po% &b&l&"&e o! "#e Super,& or

The Supervisor and the student are primarily responsible to ensure that the thesis is completed in conformity ith the prescribed guidelines and standard. This is a 3oint responsibility. *n this regard, the supervisor must provide all necessary mentoring and support to the student. #lso, the supervisor is to ensure that all administrative aspects of the thesis process are carried out in a timely manner. Specifically the supervisor1 a. Meets0communicates ith the student on a regular basis, revie s the ork in progress, and assists in keeping the student on track to ards timely completion of the thesis. b. +nsures that the proposed research is appropriate for Masters programs and area of ma3or c. #ssists the student in formulating the thesis statement &research question'4 scheduling the ork plan4 selecting the relevant literature4 developing appropriate methodology4 analy(ing the findings and dra ing appropriate conclusions0implications d. Coordinates and supervises individual stages of the thesis production1 ,roposal 6evelopment, :riting of the Thesis4 6efense of the Thesis4 Submission to the )*M+, Masters Theses Series. e. Monitors strictly that the agreed ork schedule is follo ed. f. Checks regularly the quality and quantity of the ork done by the student. g. >uides the student hen disagreements occur over the merits of different research approaches, ideologies, assumed implications of the argument, etc. h. +nsures that neither deliberate or unintentional instances of plagiarism in students ork occur. i. 5versees that an acceptable completed thesis is submitted t o eeks before the defense.

3. #rranges, in coordination Masters programs administrators, public defense of the thesis on time k. #ssigns, in consultation ith the members of the Thesis Committee, an appropriate grade for the course. l. Confirms that t o bound copies of the final version &if necessary, ith revisions after the public defense' of the thesis is submitted to the Masters programs 5ffice m. +nsures that the soft!version of the paper is submitted on time for the )*M+, Masters Theses Series. n. +nsures that all necessary documents are prepared and submitted in a timely manner. 2.1 Re po% &b&l&"&e o! "#e Member The members have the secondary responsibility of ensuring that the Thesis is completed in conformity ith the prescribed guidelines and standard. *n essence, this role is advisory in nature. The members are encouraged to provide all needed guidance and support to the student. #t the minimum, the members must be involved in approving the proposal4 providing verbal0 ritten feedback to the student prior to the preparation of the final draft of the thesis and verbal0 ritten feedback during the public defense. #lso, members of the committee ill provide inputs on the quality of thesis ork to the supervisor ho must assign an appropriate grade for the course. 2.2 Re po% &b&l&"&e o! S"u(e%" #s mentioned before, the Student and the supervisor are primarily responsible to ensure that the thesis is completed in conformity ith the prescribed guidelines and standard. #gain, this is a 3oint responsibility. *n this regard, the student must produce a ell!researched thesis ith necessary mentoring and support from the supervisor and other members of the committee. #lso, the student is to ensure that all administrative aspects of the thesis process are carried out in a timely manner. Specifically the student1 *. .egisters for the Masters Theses courses **. #ttends all mandatory Thesis sessions ***. Meets0communicates ith the supervisor on a regular basis, updates and shares ith the supervisor the ork!in!progress and receives feedback remaining on track to ards timely completion of the thesis. *?. +nsures ith the supervisor that the proposed research is appropriate for Masters programs and area of ma3or. ?. >ets assistance from the supervisor in formulating the thesis statement &research question'4 scheduling the ork plan4 selecting the relevant literature4 developing appropriate methodology4 analy(ing the findings and dra ing appropriate conclusions0implications. ?*. .eceives supervision from the supervisor and members of the Thesis Committee on individual stages of the thesis production1 ,roposal 6evelopment, :riting of the Thesis4 6efense of the Thesis4 Submission to the )*M+, Masters Theses Series. ?**. @ollo s the agreed ork schedule. ?***. >ets feedback regularly from the supervisor and members of the

*B. B. B*. B**. B***. B*?.

Committee on the quality and quantity of the ork done. .esolves amicably any disagreement that occur ith the supervisor and0or members during the thesis process. #voids any deliberate instance of plagiarism in thesis.. +nsures that an acceptable completed thesis is submitted t o eeks before the defense Submits three bound copies of the final version &if necessary, ith revisions after the public defense' of the thesis to the Masters programs administrator. ,rovides the electronic!version of the paper to the Masters programs administrator the )*M+, Masters Theses Series. Submits all necessary documents are prepared and submitted in a timely manner

2.$ D& pu"e Re olu"&o% #ll parties are encouraged to avoid any dispute0conflict. *f any arises, relevant parties are encouraged to resolve it amicably on their o n. Co ever, in cases here the dispute is not resolved, the issue must be brought to the attention of the Masters ,rogram Coodinator, ho ill try to resolve the issue in an ob3ective manner. *n case the Masters ,rogram Coodinator is unable to resolve it or in case that that person is a party in the conflict, the matter ill be handled by the 6ean. 2. T#e T#e & Propo al The student must submit a proposal &appro$imate length1 1; pages4 ",;;; ords' along ith a completed Thesis Submission @orm at the completion of Thesis 1. 3.1 *o%"e%" *n the proposal, the student, ith the help of his0her supervisor, ill identify the main research topic0question to be addressed. The proposal also must contain a preliminary revie of relevant literature0background information, preliminary methodology to be applied, a brief rite!up on the significance of the issue and the timeline of the thesis ork. 3.2 Ou"l&%e *. **. ***. *?. ?. ?*. ?**. Title ,age ,roblem Statement and 5b3ectives ,reliminary -iterature .evie 08ackground *nformation ,reliminary Methodology Significance of the *ssue Timeline of the Thesis :ork .eferences

4. Re'u&reme%" 5 S"a%(ar( !or "#e Forma" o! "#e Ma "er T#e &

Students must comply ith the standards, structure, and format for MasterDs theses, 6eviation from this rule ill result in re3ection of the MasterDs thesis. *n E

particular, all final copies of the thesis must feature the follo ing1

4.1 Ge%eral or.a%&6a"&o% o! "#e "#e &

*. **. ***. *?. ?. ?*. ?**. ?***. *B. B. B*. Title ,age Signature ,age #ckno ledgement 0 6edication &if any' Fuotation as introduction to the thesis &if any' Table of Contents &follo ed by -ist of Tables -ist of @igures, etc., if any' #bstract ,reface 0 *ntroduction Te$t of the thesis divided into topics &chapters' preceded by a short but comprehensive subtitle Conclusion&s' and recommendations #ppendices, if any 8ibliographic references &including the *nternet references, if any'.

The length of the thesis shall be bet een 1",;;; and no more than /;,;;; ords &about <% to A; pages', e$cluding appendices &but including foot0endnotes and bibliography'. The thesis must be ritten in +nglish. +ach thesis shall contain, in an easily identifiable paragraph, a clear statement of the main question or problem e$amined in the thesis, it is, hat the student ants to accomplish by research specified in his or her thesis. )*M+, strives to stay a completely plagiarism free institution. +nhanced measures shall be taken to ensure this in all students Masters theses. The student must comply ith a recogni(ed standard international system of citations and referencing, hich must be consistently applied throughout the hole thesis. Theses using mi$ed, improper, or unclear systems of quotations and references ill be re3ected. Students hose mother tongue is different from +nglish are strongly advised to have a specialist in +nglish check their theses before printing and make sure that they sho no ma3or errors in language used. *t is the responsibility of the student to ensure, before producing final copies of a thesis for submission, that all the spelling, grammar, punctuation and choice of language are of a high standard and the bibliography is complete and correct.

4.2 T#e & Forma" Spe)&!&)a"&o%

T&"le Pa.e
Guidelines. Such a page shall clearly indicate the name of the student &author' and title of the research pro3ect. *t shall be follo ed by the statement G# thesis submitted to the department ofHHHHHat the College ofHHHH in partial fulfillment of the requirements ofHHHHHHHHH &name the degree e.g. Master of HHHHHG and by the name of the institution G)a(akhstan *nstitute Management, +conomics, and Strategic .esearch &)*M+,'G and the date &year'. The name of the institution I

may appear on the top of the page.

#ckno ledgments are not necessary but may be given for professional assistance and in cases here the author is grateful for any special or non!routine aid. The thesis is a published, professional document, and ackno ledgements, if included, should be e$pressed simply and reflect a professional tone and nature. *f you include an ackno ledgments page, it must be double spaced, and should not e$ceed one page.

Ab "ra)"
Masters thesis abstract shall contain the information regarding1 the structure of the thesis relevance of the research he research ob3ective the sub3ect of research research methods used findings obtained, their novelty, and scientific or other applicability a list of key ords &1%!/; ords'. Table o! *o%"e%" This lists all chapter and first!level headings ith page munbers.

# single font must be used throughout the thesis4 the only e$ceptions being in tables, graphs, and appendices. Ceadings may be bolded and no more than / points larger than the rest of the te$t. Style and si(e of type should be consistent throughout the thesis, preferably Times Je .oman 1/ for the main te$t. +$ceptions may be made for material such as tables reproduced from else here, oversi(ed tables or figures, and for material in the appendices, but all material must be legible and conform to margin requirements.

The first line of each paragraph should be indented. The first line of a paragraph may not appear at the bottom of the page &an GorphanK', nor may the last line of a paragraph appear at the top of the page &a G ido K'. There must be at least t o lines of a paragraph at the bottom of the page, or at the top of the page.

Se)"&o% %umber&%.
The sections of the thesis shall be numbered throughout the thesis. The sequence numbers shall appear indented, in the form of #rabic figures not follo ed by dots. Subsections shall be numbered ithin each section. @or e$ample1 3 A Survey of Theories L

3.1 Game theory 3.1.1 3.1.2 [Numbering of Thesiss third se tions first subse tion ! 3.1.3 3.2 "ther Theories# et .

The thesis must be double!spaced. Single spacing may be used only in the Table of Contents, footnotes and endnotes, charts, graphs, tables, quotations, captions, glossary, appendices, and bibliography. Fuotations over three lines long should be in block quote, double or single!spaced, and indented on the left. 6o not use quotation marks in the block quote e$cept hen indicating quotations ithin the block quote.

,lease note that the standards of the Ministry of +ducation and Science of )a(akhstan are as follo s1 a right margin ! 1 cm4 left margin ! "cm4 top and bottom margins ! /cm. #ll margins must be maintained consistently throughout the main body of the thesis. The margins of the te$t might be either right!aligned or 3ustified4 the latter option is preferable.

Fo%"9 Spa)&%.9 Mar.&%9 a%( Para.rap#

# single font ! 12 pt. Times New Roman font ! must be used throughout the thesis4 the only e$ceptions being in tables, graphs, and appendices. +$ceptions may be made for material such as tables reproduced from else here, oversi(ed tables or figures, and for material in the appendices, but all material must be legible and conform to margin requirements. The thesis must be (ouble0 pa)e(. Single spacing may be used only in the Table of Contents, footnotes and endnotes, charts, graphs, tables, quotations, captions, glossary, appendices, and bibliography. Fuotations over three lines long should be in block quote, double or single!spaced, and indented on the left. 6o not use quotation marks in the block quote e$cept hen indicating quotations ithin the block quote. Margin should be 1K &inch' on all sides. The first line of each paragraph should not be indented. The first line of a paragraph may not appear at the bottom of the page &an GorphanK', nor may the last line of a paragraph appear at the top of the page &a G ido K'. There must be at least t o lines of a paragraph at the bottom of the page, or at the top of the page.

Paper +ual&":
#<4 hite bond, suitable for quality laser printing


Pa.e a%( Pa.e Number&%.

8eginning ith the first page of the #ckno ledgements &or ,reface, if included', all preliminary pages preceding the actual te$t must be numbered in lo ercase .oman numerals4 e.g., iii, iv, v, etc. These numerals must be centered under the te$t ith at least one /.% cm of space bet een the number and the bottom of the page. *f no optional pages are used, the page numbers must begin on the #bstract. The copyright page, signature page, title page, or dedication should not be numbered but should be included in the prete$t page count. The first page of the te$t proper begins at #rabic numeral 1. #ll pages ithin the te$t must contain an #rabic page number, bottom!centered, at least / cm from the bottom edge of the page. The first page of every ma3or section &chapters, appendices, bibliography, etc.' must begin on a ne page. The student must assume full responsibility for seeing that all pages are included, that all are in the proper order and that the abstract is included in each copy.

#,#s heading style consists of five possible formatting arrangements, each according to the levels of subordination. The headings are numbered -evel 1, -evel /, and so forth to -evel %. 8ut the levels are not necessarily used consecutively. @ollo the #,# manual carefully in selecting the levels of heading that fit your particular use. 1. -evel 11 Centered, 8oldface, 2ppercase and -o ercase Ceadings /. -evel /1 -eft!aligned, 8oldface, 2ppercase and -o ercase Ceading ". -evel "1 *ndented, boldface, lo ercase heading ith period. <. -evel <1 $ndented% boldfa e% itali i&ed% lo'er ase heading 'ith (eriod. %. -evel %1 $ndented% itali i&ed% lo'er ase heading 'ith (eriod.

Super )r&p" 9 a%( Sub )r&p"

Superscripts 0 subscripts may be one si(e smaller than the te$t. I%0"e;" *&"a"&o% :hen using #,# format, follo the author!date method of in!te$t citation. This means that the authorDs last name and the year of publication for the source should appear in the te$t, +.g., &Mones, 1LLI', and a complete reference should appear in the reference list at the end of the paper. *f you are referring to an idea from another ork but NOT directly quoting the material, or making reference to an entire book, article or other ork, you only have to make reference to the author and year of publication in your in!te$t reference. S&%.le au"#or< @ormat should be #uthorDs last name follo ed directly by a comma, then the year of publication. :hen one makes the reference to the author&s' directly as a part of the narrative, then only the year &and page number if


needed' authors.

ould remain enclosed

ithin parentheses. The same holds for multiple

T8o au"#or < #uthors should be presented in order that they appear in the published article. *f they are cited ithin closed parentheses, use the ampersand &7' bet een them. *f not enclosed in parentheses then use e$panded NandN. T#ree "o !&,e au"#or < :ith three to five authors, the first reference to an article includes all authors. Subsequent citations in the same document may refer to the article by the principal author only plus Net al.N Co ever, all authors must be present in the references section. S&; au"#or or more< The correct format is &@irst #uthor et al., Oear'. *n the reference section, all si$ authorsD names should be included. Mul"&ple publ&)a"&o% 9 ame au"#or< *f an author has multiple publications that you ish to cite, you use a comma to separate the years of publication in chronological order &oldest to most recent'. *f the publications occur in the same year, the )ubli ation *anual recommends using suffi$es a, b, c, etc. &note that corresponding letters should be used in the reference list, and these references should be ordered alphabetically by title'. Mul"&ple publ&)a"&o% 9 (&!!ere%" au"#or < @ollo the rules for one author above, and use a semicolon to separate articles. Citation should first be in alphabetical order of the author, then chronological. D&re)" 'uo"e < The same rules as above apply here, the format being &#uthor, Oear, ,age Jumber'. S#or" +uo"a"&o% < *f you are directly quoting from a ork, you ill need to include the author, year of publication, and the page number for the reference &preceded by Np.N'. *ntroduce the quotation ith a signal phrase that includes the authorDs last name follo ed by the date of publication in parentheses. *f the author is not named in a signal phrase, place the authorDs last name, the year of publication, and the page number in parentheses after the quotation. Lo%. +uo"a"&o% < ,lace direct quotations longer than <; ords in a free!standing block of type ritten lines, and omit quotation marks. Start the quotation on a ne line, indented five spaces from the left margin. Type the entire quotation on the ne margin, and indent the first line of any subsequent paragraph ithin the quotation five spaces from the ne margin. Maintain double!spacing throughout. The parenthetical citation should come after the closing punctuation mark. Summary or Paraphrase: *f you are paraphrasing an idea from another ork, you only have to make reference to the author and year of publication in your in!te$t reference, but #,# guidelines encourage you to also provide the page number &although it is not required.'

Foo"%o"e a%( E%(%o"e


@ootnotes and endnotes should be single!spaced ith an e$tra space bet een notes. @ootnotes for each chapter are usually numbered consecutively. The student should follo the preferences of the selected style manual or of his or her ma3or 6epartment hen deciding the location of footnotes or endnotes1 at the bottom of the page, grouped at the end of each chapter, or grouped at the end of the thesis.

Fore&.% =No%0E%.l& #> U e

*n 3ustified cases, quotations in languages other than +nglish may be included in the thesis4 ho ever, these cannot be longer than one or t o lines. There should be no more than three such quotations in the hole thesis. Translation into +nglish must be provided either immediately in square brackets after the quotation or in the respective footnotes or endnotes. Surnames and names of persons should be in the source language but transliterated using the -atin alphabet. James of organi(ations and other proper names may be in the source language only if the +nglish term is not available or is not generally used. *n such cases, the most appro$imate translation into +nglish must be provided in brackets and used in further occurrence. :hen you mention a foreign language source in the te$t, rite it in +nglish &unless the foreign version is generally better kno n'4 ho ever, in your bibliography and footnotes you should rite your source in the original language first, hich must be follo ed by the translation into +nglish in brackets.

Table a%( Illu "ra"&o%

#ll tables, figures, illustrations, and other types of e$amples included and referenced in the te$t of the thesis must be numbered for identification, ith no duplication of these numbers. @igures may be numbered in one of t o ays1 a' consecutively throughout the document &Table 1, Table /, Table ", etc.', or b' double!numbered so that illustrations numbers reflect their locations in the document &@igure L." is the third figure in Chapter L, or @igure #/ is the second figure in #ppendi$ #.' Captions and legends must be placed on the same page ith the figure, graph, table or illustration they describe. *n order to fit both figure and caption on the same page, captions may be single!spaced, margins may be slightly decreased and figures may be reduced in si(e to fit. *f there is no other ay to manage the amount of material to be sho n on one page, the caption and figures should be side!by!side in continuous vie . @igures, captions, and page numbers must be easily readable hen the electronic document is vie ed at 1;; percent. *t is recommended that dra ings, charts, diagrams, schemes, and illustrations included in the thesis comply ith the requirements of standards of the 2nified System of 6esign 6ocumentation &2S66', as required by the Ministry of +ducation and Science of )a(akhstan. @or more details on formatting tables, please see the Compulsory State Standards &>5ST', par. /.1;%, of the Ministry of +ducation of the .)P.


Grap# Should not have tick marks for the measures. Should have titles for the $ and y a$is Should not have outline around the graph Should not have minor lines on the chart The legend should either not e$ist if the graph is simple or should be inside the chart Jeed to be on a figure captions page, ith an e$planation of the data represented 6o not have page numbers, and should have penciled in, on the back the top and the figure caption that corresponds to it. Table 6o have page numbers 6o not have vertical lines Number . Jumber all tables ith arabic numerals sequentially. 6o not use suffi$ letters &e.g. Table "a, "b, "c'4 instead, combine the related tables. *f the manuscript includes and appendi$ ith tables, identify them ith capital letters and #rabic numerals &e.g. Table #1, Table 8/'.

Computer!generated figures and graphs must meet the same standards as the rest of the thesis. 6o not use pencil, ballpoint or felt tip in the final copy. -abels on photographs, charts, and other figures must be permanent. Captions, legends, and all other identifying information should be, as much as possible, of the same quality of type as the te$t. *f graphics, tables, or figures are hori(ontal, the top of the printed page should be placed on the left side of the paper ith the page number in the upper right hand corner.

The format of the bibliography must be consistent ith the style manual used to format the hole te$t. Jon!+nglish sources must be provided ith translation into +nglish in the square brackets.

Re!ere%)e *&"a"&o%
)*M+, 2niversity style requirement for Masters theses in business, social sciences, applied linguistic is that defined by the Amer&)a% P :)#olo.&)al A o)&a"&o% =APA> &See Publ&)a"&o% Ma%ual o! "#e Amer&)a% P :)#olo.&)al A o)&a"&o%. <th ed. #merican ,sychological #ssoc.,1LL<. Students in the Master of *nternational -a . *n #,# style, the sources in a paper are listed alphabetically on a separate page headed Re!ere%)e . *t follo s the final page of the te$t and is numbered. +ntries appear in alphabetical order according to the last name of the author4 t o or more orks by the same author appear in chronological order by date of publication


date. :hen there are t o or more books or articles by the same author, repeat the name of the author in each entry. Pr&%" our)e 1oo7 b: o%e au"#or -ast name first, follo ed by author initials. Sheril, .. 6. &1L%A'. The terrifying future+ ,ontem(lating olor television. San 6iego1 Calstead. 1oo7 b: "8o au"#or or more -ist by their last names and initials. 2se the ampersand instead of Nand.N Smith, M., 7 ,eter, F. &1LL/'. -airball+ An intensive (ee. behind the surfa e of an enigma. Camilton, 5J1 McMaster 2niversity ,ress. T#ree "o S&; Au"#or -ist by last names and initials4 commas separate author names, hile the last author name is preceded again by ampersand. U%7%o8% Au"#or *erriam/0ebster1s ollegiate di tionary &1;th ed.'.&1LL"'. Springfield, M#1 Merriam!:ebster. T8o or More ?or7 b: "#e Same Au"#or &% "#e Same @ear *f you are using more than one reference by the same author &or the same group of authors listed in the same order' published in the same year, organi(e them in the reference list alphabetically by the title of the article or chapter. Ar"&)le &% Aour%al a%( Per&o(&)al #,# style dictates that authors are named last name follo ed by initials4 publication year goes bet een parentheses, follo ed by a period. The title of the article is in sentence!case, meaning only the first ord and proper nouns in the title are capitali(ed. The periodical title is run in title case, and is follo ed by the volume number hich, ith the title, is also italici(ed or underlined. :rong, M. &/;;%, #ugust 1E'. NJever >onna >ive Oou 2pN says Mayor. Toronto Sol, p. <. Go,er%me%" (o)ume%" .evenue Canada. &/;;1'. Advan ed gouging+ *anual for em(loyees &M, A%Q"<E011/<'. 5tta a1 Minister of *mmigration and .evenue. Ele)"ro%&) our)e @or electronic references, ebsites, and online articles, #,# Style asserts some basic rules, including to1 direct readers specifically to the source material using 2.-s hich ork4 include the access date4 and include all other relevant #,# style details for the source *nternet article based on a print source &:ith e$act formatting of original' 1%

Marlo e, ,., Spade, S., 7 Chan, C. &/;;1'. 6etective ork and the benefits of colour versus black and hite R+lectronic versionS. 2ournal of )ointless 3esear h, 11, 1/"Q1/<. *nternet article based on a print source &@ormatting differs from original' Marlo e, ,., Spade, S., 7 Chan, C. &/;;1'. 6etective ork and the benefits of colour versus black and hite. 2ournal of )ointless 3esear h, 11, 1/"Q1/<. .etrieved 5ctober /%, /;;E, from http100 .pointless3ournal.com0colourHvsHblackHandH hite.html

#rticle in an *nternet!only 3ournal 8lofeld, +. S. &1LL<, March 1'. +$pressing oneself through ,ersian cats and modern architecture. 4elines 5 4elons, <, #rticle ;;<Ag. .etrieved 5ctober ", 1LLL, from http1003ournals.f=f.org0spectre0vblofeld!;;<Ag.html #rticle in an *nternet!only ne sletter ,aradise, S., Moriarty, 6., Mar$, C., -ee, 5. 8., Cassel, +., 8radford, M., et al. &1L%E, Muly'. ,ortrayals of fictional characters in reality!based popular riting1 ,ro3ect update. "ff the 6eaten )ath, E &"'. .etrieved 5ctober ", 1LLL, from http100 .ne s0otr0complaints.html Stand!alone *nternet document, no author identified, no date 0hat $ did today. &n.d.'. .etrieved #ugust /1, /;;/, from http100 .cc.mystory.life0blog0didtoday.html R@ictional entry.S 6ocument available on university program or department ebsite &note that #,# spells ebsite :eb site' .ogers, 8. &/;EI'. 4aster/than/light travel+ 0hat 'e1ve learned in the first t'enty years. .etrieved #ugust /<, /;EL, from *ars 7niversity% $nstitute for *artian Studies :eb site, http100 .eg.spacecentraltoday.mars0university0dept.html R@ictional entry.S +lectronic copy of a 3ournal article, three to five authors, retrieved from database Costan(a, >., Seinfeld, M., 8enes, +., )ramer, C., 7 ,eterman, M. &1LL"'. MinutiT and insignificant observations from the nineteen! nineties. 2ournal about Nothing% 82% <E%QA<L. .etrieved 5ctober "1, 1LLL, from NoT-$NG2ournals database. R@ictional entry.S +!mail or other personal communication &cite in te$t only' &#. Monterey, personal communication, September /I, /;;1' 8ook on C6 Ji$, >. &/;;/'. 9irael% :aughter of the ,layr RC6S. Je Oork1 .andom Couse0-istening -ibrary. 8ook on tape Ji$, >. &/;;/'. 9irael% :aughter of the ,layr RCassette .ecording Jo. 1LLL!1LLL!1LLLS. Je Oork1 .andom Couse0-istening -ibrary.


Movie >ilby, #. &,roducer', 7 Schlesinger, M. &6irector'. &1LL%'. ,old omfort farm RMotion pictureS. 2niversal City, C#1 MC# 2niversal Come ?ideo.

Materials of different categories, unusual or supplementary materials, such as questionnaires or copies of photographs, lengthy original data, summary tabulations, should be placed in separate appendices. :hen there is more than one appendi$, each should be given a number or a letter &#,,+J6*B 1, #,,+J6*B /, etc.4 #,,+J6*B #, #,,+J6*B 8, etc.' #ll material in the appendices must fit in the margin requirements.

*n the final copy, the student should %o" make hand ritten corrections or use correction fluid.

Repr&%" a%( U e o! *op:r&.#"e( Ma"er&al

*t is the students responsibility to obtain and keep for his or her records ritten permission to use copyrighted material in their thesis. The copyrighted material may include photographs of orks of art. 5ne can get permission by sending a letter of request to the copyright holder. Such a letter ill normally be returned ith an approval stamp or signature. Some copyright holders require a specific form of ackno ledgment. The student should consult his or her supervisor on the copyright procedures.

The final version should be printed on a laser printer. Students should look carefully at a copy before paying for the services and ask for pages to be recopied if necessary. Common problems are smudges, copy lines and specks, missing pages, margin shifts, slanting of the printed image on the page, and poor paper quality Q all this could make the copy unacceptable. The follo ing standards should be observed1 black print ith a sharp, dark image color maps, charts, etc. are acceptable double!sided print is acceptable if approved by the supervisor and does not interfere ith readability of the te$t. Co ever, the title page must not be double!sided. &@or the double!sided print, place page numbers in the left!hand corner for the back side of the page.'

B. T#e & De!e%)e The student must set up public defense of the thesis by filling out the ,ublic 6efense .equest @orm &attachment ?' by the due date.


i. The student, in consultation ith the supervisor and in coordination ith the #ssociate 6ean of Masters programs, sets a date for the oral defense of the thesis before the Masters Theses Committee and to the public. The date should be before the final e$amination period for the semester. The supervisor ill for ard a copy of the thesis to each member of the Masters Thesis Committee no less than t o eeks before the scheduled date of the defense. # copy of the thesis ill also be made available in the Masters programs office. ii. The ,resentation of the thesis should be for about 1% Q /; minutes and F7# should be limited to appro$imately another /; Q /% minutes. The student must introduce him0her and Thesis Committee members, present the research ob3ective &problem statement', a brief literature revie , methodology, analysis and findings, summary, conclusions, implications recommendations, significance of the research and limitations. iii. The Masters programs Coordinator shall announce publicly &to include the )*M+, eb site' the dates for the oral defense of all completed theses by students in the program that are being defended in the current semester. The public announcement shall include1 the name of the student, degree program, title of the thesis, and the date, time and place of the oral defense. iv. The defense of the thesis shall be open to all public. #t the defense, members of the Masters Thesis Committee ill question the student first. Subsequently other persons attending the defense may take part in the discussion. ,ersons attending the thesis defense may consult the copy of the thesis available in the ,rogram 5ffice. v. The Supervisor and internal member of the Thesis Committee must attend the thesis defense. The e$ternal &to 8C8' member of the Thesis Committee may, at his0her discretion, participate in the oral defense of the thesis, either by being physically present or via a remote link &e.g., audio or video conferencing'. *f the e$ternal revie er does not participate in the oral defense, his0her comments on the thesis must be made available to other members of the Maters Thesis Committee before the oral defense. vi. 5n conclusion of the thesis defense, the Masters Theses Committee shall agree on a grade for the thesis. *n case of dispute ith grade, the procedure laid out under G6ispute .esolutionK &section ?.e' ill be follo ed. vii. The Supervisor of the Thesis Committee ill for ard the thesis & ith revision, if necessary' of the student ho receives a satisfactory grade &#= to C!, this grade of C counts under the ma$imum of / Cs in the Masters programs' to the Masters programs office. ;. The Final Version of Your Thesis <2 bound o(ies and e/version for the =$*>) *asters Theses Series?


The student must submit the final version of the thesis &an e!version and / bound copies', ith all necessary corrections and revisions suggested at &and after' the ,ublic 6efense, along ith a filled!out Thesis Submission @orm &attachment ?*' by the due date.


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