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! Deadly Accuracy
Invented by
right, taU


Dropping Bombs from Aeroplanes Attained by New Device

One of Uncle Sam's Army Aviators and Used at College Park with Highly Satisfactory ResultsMaking Maps and Photographs While Flying.
PLANE photography, nap
nj t" Itltan 1. AlMorfer. drawTier

nil bomb dropping are tlM Ia'tttata >f tin Mrdman. The Halinn Ant In Tripoli has 1.n using all illy th'- lust nannii. riu-1 hll COrp* Ot there, unl.-r th-' dir,.,ti'! ot Bl '.l'ailier '.neral .lames All-n. Park, Ml, near Washington. ni making- expertmenu along bai .ntly. aith n-markahle NO ntton of the government avl.

th development Of ret f-aturi* if the aeroplane, with flying n v.. w !" making Vncle Sam's n time of war a most effective I military stai'llshment. th present many aviation < xpert. hn- Ini sicil that it a*oukl he next to 1mtot an aeroplane t <io much dam-



f\4 w.-i-ks

baa been

<j. \-,.tr-ii

exclusively to

tliese three means to warrant Its use In that rlas of re mnolssance work. "We have demonstrated, hnw.vcr, that hoth the pilot and passenger should be experlen-ed aero men.preferably hoth

battlwhtp or an Invading army, he reports from Tripoli don't show don<\ but the xp.rlment.s Park hair d monstraied that a from an aeroplane will In
ire* "f flanker to

if it is

Accurately aimed.and

|g Imp riant

Park have Itera .inducted iimir ol Lieutenant .Scott, who waa



He Is the au.111 army officer. of form-ilas by which DOmba may I .i i;-"!:; rapidly moving a topi,.

should he expert reennnolssan** officer. In this way the pilot can he relieved when he heeomes fatigued, and the strain on the reconnolssance officer will be lessened hy Whether or not a change of occupation. it will he ultimately proved that the aero plane is efficient for map making. It I certain, both from results of the French ami .f'ermnn manneu\t-s and our own Investi gation, that the aeroplane will prove an Indlspensahlo adlunct to the cavalry screen In locating the position, front, depth and cnmp'isltlon of Innre bodies of the enemy. By largo bodies of the enemy I mean forces equal in strength to a divi
or more.

"The next step after gaining this infor mation will be the transmission of It hack to the commanding officer. For this purpos at* are preparing to conduct experi ments with ne wirelos, and we have al-

ready conducted successful experiment

a new sy-t-m of

uing preconcerted signal..

lampblack smudge. This lamp-

black device trill probably prove envient for dlstanree equal to the distance at which the machine |ts'!f can he seen.In

other words, up to between three and five It may, in fa-t, prove efficient at greater dUtanoee unler favorable clri-iimatan ea, "Wireless experiments made heretofore at various times and places have been su- eaarful enough to convince us that the problem is not particularly llfficult t ave pereonaUy woiked the wireless send ing apperatua over a distance of t4\o mllea, using a pressure of only six volts and one ampere. This was at the avia tion meet In San Francisco last January.



"To return ;o the question of reconnol*ewnce '.\.k. At 'ollege Park we h,t\o on rartoua occaalona and under different COndlUona Of atmosphere and altitude tak-tl phot". ITe heen unaaually Buectraeful. Our principal endeav or now |a to decide upon the mot satisfactory camera and shutter. The photo graph taken show clearly houses,

i1) Spyglass: (2) auadrant: (3j swinq frame; (4) trigger: (5) counter device; (7) weight; (6) adjusting bomb guides; (8) bombs.


terlce. so that ea-h su contains at |e.i.t one land mark common to it.-.-It ,.nl Ute 1mme.llatelv pr-cedlna Dictui*e. the\ can he comMned s -s to produce an accurate map of the territory photograrihed. This bag
and when taken In

railroads, ponds, woode, clear apocoo. Btreama and other Importen! landiaaiae.

ceedlng picture



that recently


been done


accuracy. Tin.

'ollere Park It was not as suc-e fui as it might have been becauoe ptoj means for operating the moving picti machn had not l. en worked out, but


expected the details of the sidietne w be arranged and moving pictm


ndlng th.- range

Mi'iVi'i out

waa the

great probl

by Lieutenant Bsott,

iba rormu a bo


would bare an modi rat ais 'i obj of '"it. o,i.g i..


at a

The first actual aeroplane ar s.-oiitt and aerial mapmaklng hi history w done on a fllKht from Laredo, Tex

made aloft with as much ease made upon the ground.

they f

"in my opinion photographie maps of hostile bodies of troops will be the best evidence of tl a strength, location, method f intrenching, front and line of omm'inicaUOB that -nild he ohialne! .\nl .Alien Supplemented by notes taken by the Observer at the Ums the combined report would show to the commander of our forces exactly th things he would most
want t>

IrrespecUve of



Friday, March I, itll, lasting The most detailed pictures of


in* mil

tiiis fiig




ilr, i the height o the aeroptone and 1 are known :<> tbc operator, tba boi can be released on the asad aoeond, w nal'- of boll'e-eye. In I oik ige Park a boi lit experltnenti of 1,><0 feet a Iropped from a h<sight twelve i el of th' cen Kxperts say that If a boi I tars wltl aimed at battleship ahooM strike pr twelve feel of the re.el it would do tw.h damage. In tin* experiments a thr avi later pooad ebell waa used, but el to UM aballa of a much larg

the loin1,


parabola through the

leaving the aeroplane,

declared to i.. almost perfect. H vines and arroyos fllleil with cactus a great stone bowlders were faithfully produced by tne camera, and these phot graphs. If brought by an air .cot to Bl commanding gen. ral. would have been the utmost value in abling him to for correct conduetoiM regarding the mov ment of troons and the points of offen or defence. Other picturea clearly ahnen lakes over which the air M outs flew, wi the sides of the hanks of the lakoa BU trees rounded by bowlders, cactua and Another sclieme to he tried out at 'i lene Park is that "f attaching wirele: telegraph appai.itus to each aeroplane.

made, and the




is the man who bi of dealgnti ngaged in the work r UM on [Tncle Sam's aeraplone ret aballa ileolgiie* ware harKed wi |aa I, wlii.-h it was rv|irt d create baVOC la any army, hut tl Um llajun i opferen e lias k'] [ami powers from making use < Furl bomba So, for this reason, the Ml .nis charged arftb potaooox whs dismissed, and bombs are BO1 i 0e Of an explosiv* eliaiacti-r. S'i eh, Inch- Sam's bomb exper Ik _ow experlmentlnc nt only wHb boml | plosive power, but he , tryln Which ill explode with tli




li. Idaerlch

successful it means Uu each aeroplane will t ntt.'i with an lastrument, In order that a aviator mas' be able to receive ami das nMsssges from the sky rslatlvs to the 1 cation of Hie enemy's camp, giving sect rate descriptions Of fortiti'. liions an keeping his own army well posted on a/ha if the trata

Kov < Klrtland. an expert has conducted a number of experiments in map making from an eropians anl has bSSfl I. >*ry tUOeotUtUt along this line. However, since none of the other has attempted this at I'ollege Park we are not yet prepared to state whether this success Is due to the expert "">. of Lieutenant Klrtland alone or whether It can be perfot ned hy less pro fi ieiif artists. "In homo dropping from an aero we havea virv apectaCUlar view of warfare. This, of cours-, comes under the head of the hostile us.- of the aero. Lieutenant H. H. Arnold an.l I .'eut.riant T. D. Milling have loth acted as pilots during the experi ments with Lieut'tiant Scott' device, and whatever ultimate success may attend Umso experimenta it should he largely credited to these two officers, as the skill of the pilot Is a no less Important factor than the .kill of the manipulator of tha



dot Ice.

ln ease of


"The odOnce of bomb dropping being nevr and entirely different from anything which hal preceded It, it necessarily followed thai UM angular tables on which Lieuten ant Scott depended for his aocuracy ohouM be more or lees unreliable. These angle! w-i<- figure.1 from known tables, an! alnc* there w.-te no tShlmo In OXlOtOnCO bearing directly on h. subject It Is only natural ihat the preliminary experiments In drop ping sh-lls should result In a comparatively large number of mlooes. However, to illu*-

CAPTAIN PAUL W. BECK. U. 8. A Temporarily in charge of the army avi

ation corps at

College Park.


earthquake upon eon from that Midien had to dig It out of the with th' ground and scattc proun! novar the wMaat poaalbla area. (ti the aaconil attempt the marksmanship
la from an aaropb.a j Used Is uni|U'-. Th* sh; eradlo suspended from th

its mirk, and

Imbedded itself


placed mi the ma win weigh about one hundre lnavy for pounds ea! This is a bit to Its >iiv ma. nine to lift In addition end possibly on, posaenger, but it is i>> lic.ed it can be lone without nui] trouble, and tiie tests will begin aooa

the enemy is doing. Th instruments to he

nachten. A grail daal




of Um oporator, TM t<iesif|ii' i.-vh- Inventad bv Llentenant !K-d by th pnssing of f V>ung WOJ DSed. Both "file rs PtO confi.

In Its al just ment to th pr mature explsioi UM machine, bu


Jn calculating th-

better than on the first trial, though was hroktm. Tin- ml.'-sile was a type of Uta usual six-pound nhap"l shell uaed la actual warfare by the United SiaP.s. II if of the Mnnt-e.lge variety and had a sm;.II arrow on Um cap end In order to eotmteract any doflectloB bl Um wind.

the bomb


of Hie larget

in this test. longer a UMory oi Th.- tisis were the be*rinntng ot a sr-iies position of rlaloaarlaa. it ha* now of d nionstratioiiH of th- aeroplane's |r.i'of h*f'ri I s'i ntlfir- basis. It If now tlcablllty in actual waifate. The weight until rease.l in he th will gradually dropor bomb "fdgbt" ,,,. point" has 1 bomb from moving aarofJana th.- maximum load that an be earrled The margin of 11ft on it- tiuaaihla to 1,,-,-n api' Of course, an average a-i<pian is roughly computed ii' h pun. h- M pounds, x haling tl"- pass.nger. UBi for the future to d R bn,nh of ** ..lop, hn thti w-in undoubtedly come from If this i "- correct, II is the tho ai portanontg ouw being pounds will oo dealgned nd used of lb an.iy experts that a high nnlnlon ' rln- will b* formula. -1 r ,-f ,,y. pom tii>- bomb Two hnndnd eartrldees. thIn lower to Um tachad ,nd placed la at f the aeroplane, in front, and perof 'hlngto in the three city aquarea p i--< n>,'.-r" seat to Mllllnf MM tu lern practl ktt entii attention. t> the algbtlng. a,,- s .,.,-* bomb ri'.A conrineed him of the .,<.-.,,ileaUucUon, being naatgnad Ig about

Sh'll, Which f1i'i rapidity Umraih th*

,!, nt :,





.1 rood uepjot "f aocuranjr from greater belghl than that attained


shell ould he



mechsnlsm is a devteo abou Is Inrhea high ;ni tsnanty-fnui Inch long, aecui-ed In the centre of ihe a*rro plan' list t one side of the engine II h made of aluminum and braes, and, t. gcthcr with its connections. Weight m twentj Uve pounda Prom It eontro extend to the balancing rudders irh small, the inei'hunisni lo pOWC ful Captain Paul W, Beck, one of UncU Sam's pionesi Hiera .ni teaaporertly it rgs of the aviation corps at Collegl Park. went Into the question of the pra' tlCSblllty and usefulness Of aeroplani

Th' Tarbox automatic stability dOvic for aeroplanes has been tried at the p^tk end, it is Bald, lias proved ;i great sue

tr.Its the OCCOrneS Of Hie .Iropplng device. It may be ii"t<'l that th.* fit st jagg* waa approximate!) sixty feet. By applying a

oii'l miss

the angular tables the *ecnbOUt thlrtv fe-t. Hv again applying corractloa, the third miss was till i-ss. being only Ifteea Coot
.i-icction to

"From th s.- data Lieutenant Scott H revising his enure angular sale. After this revision Is (mplete experiment will be renamed, and it la entirely peanlbla errors ol calculation sill be dimlaal -i





practl<*s on land, and ac-curacy of ,edepend almply apoa tha skill of the manipulator >f the dovles in coajwe

*U**e**tty analogous

thai serial largol prate* t. i

.nits win

with the skin of tha pilot.



..holography, map making and bomb drop ping. H- sal1 To begin with, there ar two general us> s to which an seroplon* ;in bo put from a mllliarv atandpoinl m- principal uae, of course, is in tin-gain 1th lag and transmission Of information .nd use |g for aggressive purposes. "Under the heed >f gaining and trana niiiting Information wo must dtermina tne powers ami limitations of the aero. phiiie icconnolssatiie. Right liere we are


lion with this bom!)

device two qu< stlona arise First and i>remost is the question of ntaraattoaal sane .ion. and ihe eeoond is the gueotkm of utility, 'i n Miioui'i thai annctlon be i it appeora thnl the Brei gtMotton can to


iiii-w.i.'d t>\

the statement


|a never chlM'a pi-> and ail nations from time iminen.oi .I bUVt v. s.-izcl the

lSroy ';,h. ea\iy engine qj explosiv r^'eMln nd eontalna thinkH thai oeoul ctenU* poiAirfui to penatrau Um deck ^.^..,.,.< ...t ;:;,;. Ship tOt ahrad De Milling, utMWlH '-'-'" Thomaa took former up blplana, * ^".'atiiuf of bomb *?* r;::;,;,:i:.,. . .^utenar.. ryiag devfc.(wo baa a.l..,nplish-da,, ,1 POUnd .J'./' while the roplane

war m an

.. .. a







of anvot,..







S-e| shell f,o,n


**" '''







l'--roauu. n U1J oalg tog

!. ,

''"'t i. I.


uca or fort in ln*'

.;;;j::;r:x. SSA

i,.,,_ the redil for baring iken Ike Bi -t i bolgM >f t letopPMOl of the method at making photo raovlnf MiopMiai phot Intereol 01 enul of i u": '4.1 -naiie in au4 rountry ttott Is raft Of air fiom each a conM drop graph aV-pound thouannd oot, an aeroplane In flight iitsder Mtual auch hi11 beginning, From m. this time the enemy ,,,,,,!, oi nitJ*0 glv.-erlne \ lbee m n 44, t.- the ii><.' P0_4 II sk'lh..- I..m bal niiitioiii, low, and encape unharmed, nhtle Um as the making i, n.ikiiig event, redit i* "". eeteo ago. death and loons reara aeveral deatraetloa nhelln would lanee du- th. in In thla de rtptloa ot Amei k m with tronrg tfani baa aerial mapoaklng |. ,,,.,, wake" mapnt king The plctui*ea tnBoora have even aerial mlHtan enemy m coun .Uidoe until to-dnj army \.rial mapmakinj. "f the hv In pero arere tahen on the Mexican i"i-i during pparalu taker moving picture yUi\,. HarnB try has nls. bOOO perfected In mi.klna Pict il,, ,.-, r, r civil Wai lit that country, and aunora u,t> haea plane and have POOOOOdO*! ,1,, ,,..,, yore l.i.-ut.-nant I'.njamln 1 flew. yeri The paodorn wkkh .ver Hijfotrnd ,',,,,"l *they nea, and many asea-lcnl pict ures of ("oulola and Jamee H liarbpourhi into '" ' f *r"i U*a ,flkPn whl1*' ,h" ""-"I'Ihih To a monihei urM hav" i"-" Th- Ural attempt evei stade b] an) u- m r pap Iba all ... the rate ngnal Ooipa and an 4marican travelling through voikm* lugcilicr, be( Uon m tue wuilj to take mining Picture .Ariler. a b0Uf' ,mlea dud TUft ma.aiine d*0r fort* to W
<. ...

dvati! means fi overcoming .' In the oscond tar**, it is not oh* us- the aero aggreuMvety to any n lo To g..t signed obstacle the first m agalaat battle it la obvious, hnmnrror, but la axtenl low, we must fly SOCUrStsl) formation under certain circuaastaacse the ag n ws By i"w we ai.- in ganger from be use of the escoploeo anay ba nee. low, therefore ws have to conduct our \ groaatvs r.r laetaaoa, against bodies >f the at aueh . h-ini.t us will render cessry perimenta .nd its pilot and passengsr si enomj In small beata when attempting t<* the aero f. from hootUa tiring as they make a laadtag on our aoll Another ex|. .i>i ; ..tupi.- w.iubi aits., if. inte in Um osant eg would i- f they wem on the vtiring Hue taken to or arlv ;ii IhS in Ml n-. a tOOt of ai.This height has ben pi,- i i II The height plan.s ahOUM rlv ov.-i . hOOtUa camp atul ,.,- iih.nil tlnee IhOUOaad feet auppt) trains of li based <>n the feel thai the pressai mill drug shrapnel among the and aitniery. in ex- the enemy's cevaln l.iv lit!' Is offOCUVO at h height of Hot lift y fe.t neither Of theaa cases will the gOtJoO hCOodlng thiitv two hunlr.l and mal ion WS pond s.ll> upon the actual damage done, "Now. for the gaining of info: upon Its moral and Intimi have to rely .n th. use u ioM gtnaaaa but primarily Ig othai i.nuns .re.t npoa the eneamj sketching and photograph) W" Iwva nt aoi th.- words, it ill bave a tendency tu dt-nur v.-i finaiiv determined whethei


be aurticiently aSoeUvs by using allie the opposing force*."

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