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Alexander Dy, Ms. Cunliffe, Advanced English C William Shakespeare in 'As Y u !

ike "#' is cri#ical f #he c ur# and i#s eleva#i n f aris# cra#ic p $er up n s cie#y and rela#i nships. %r m #he ini#ial pun n 'villain' revealing #he disc nnec#i n &e#$een 'liver and 'rland # ( salind's &anishmen# in Duke %rederick's impera#ive # ne) '...dispa#ch y y u fr m ur c ur#.' # #he vi len# me#aph r descri&ing #he ex#en# f #he disin#egra#i n &e#$een 'liver and 'rland ) '...#his h use is &u# a &u#chery', #he play is ini#ially reple#e in i#s images f dis rder. Shakespeare's purp se is # highligh# # his audience #he rup#ured hierarchical sys#em f #he c ur# $here&y i# c n#ravenes Eli*a&e#han s cial c des, #hus nega#ing #he pp r#uni#y f r '&el nging' # &e f s#ered. Shakespeare #akes his audience fr m #he alli#era#ive and #rivialising 'pain#ed p mp' # images $hich are m re res nan# $i#h #he genuine idea f '&el nging'. +he me#aph rs he ch ses reflec# a pragma#ism $herein #he f res# is a res# ra#ive and ins#ruc#ive place f '&el nging' and individual unders#anding f #he 'self') '%inds # ngues in #rees, & ks in #he running &r ks, , Serm ns in s# nes...' Duke Seni r's inclusive language f his speech) '- $, my c .ma#es and &r #hers in exile' and his regal impera#ive # ne) 'Si# d $n and feed, and $elc me # ur #a&le.' marks #he mu#ual c nnec#i n ra#her #han aliena#i n &e#$een his men, leading us # #he vie$ #ha# i# is #he f res# #ha# f s#ers egali#arian values $hich ena&les rela#i nships # fl urish as $ell as a sense f '&el nging' #hr ugh i#. Al#h ugh Shakespeare alluded earlier # #he 'vidian 'g lden $ rld', #he idyllic na#ure f #he na#ural $ rld is presen#ed ear#hy and $ild $hich mirr rs #he realness f all pas# ral experiences, '&el nging' inclusively, ra#her #han an Arcadian ne. %r m #he harsh pers nifica#i n f Duke Seni r's descrip#i n f #he f res#) '...churlish chiding f #he $in#er's $ind...' # #he s#age direc#i n f Amiens' 's ng' n #he '$in#er $ind', Shakespeare f regr unds #he imp r#ance f a genuine c nnec#i n &e#$een man and his very real na#ural $ rld, #hus facili#a#ing pers nal gr $#h and unders#anding #hr ugh #his sense f &el nging. Shakespeare c n#r versially dem ns#ra#es h $ #he idea f l ve, #hr ugh i#s em&ellished language, dis#ances #he charac#ers fr m achieving any genuine sense f c nnec#i n and '&el nging', #ypically expl red up n 'rland . "an / hns n in '0aria#i ns n a +heme f ! ve' argues #ha# i# is #he 'seduc#ive em&ellishmen#s f p e#ical c nven#i ns...$hich #ake a$ay fr m #he immedia#e reali#y f #he experience' and in #he s#age direc#i ns as ( salind is 'reading fr m a paper', #here is a clear f reshad $ing f #he 'seduc#ive em&ellishmen#s' sugges#ed s#ruc#urally in #he rhyming c uple#s) '!e# n face &e kep# in mind , 1u# #he fair f ( salind.' "n resp nse, + uchs# ne's &a$dy hum ur) 'Win#ered garmen#s mus# &e lined , S mus# slender ( salind2' highligh#s #hr ugh i#s pa##erning #he #ri#eness f #he language $hich aliena#es ra#her #han unifies #he r man#ic c nnec#i n &e#$een 'rland and ( salind. As #he play m ves # i#s cl se, Shakespeare cele&ra#es #he uni n and harm ny f l ve #hr ugh #he idea f marriage $hich argua&ly &y implica#i n, is #he #rue essence # a sense f '&el nging'. %r m #he 3ux#ap si#i n f 'heaven' and 'ear#h' in 4ymen's &lessing) '+hen is #here mir#h in heaven , When ear#hly #hings made even' # #he ver&) 'A# ne # ge#her', Shakespeare f regr unds #he in#erc nnec#i ns f #he celes#ial and su&lunary $ rlds and #he $ay in $hich, #hr ugh i#s 'even' na#ure, pr m #es harm ny and a #ranscenden# sense f '&el nging' f r #he l vers in #heir 'a#. neness' s#a#e. When #he c uples and assem&led gues#s cele&ra#e $i#h #he '/un 's cr $n' s ng in #heir 'rus#ic revelry', #he sacred ad3ec#ive) '' &lessed & nd f & ard and &ed.' empha#ically reflec#s a pragma#ism $herein #he sacramen# f marriage leads # a na#ural familial c nnec#i n $hich ena&les #he c uples # experience '&el nging' m re c nnec#edly #hr ugh #he '& nd f & ard and &ed'.

Alexander Dy, Ms. Cunliffe, Advanced English C

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