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Burma’s UNconstitution

Reading Than Shwe’s latest literary disaster, *The Constitution of 2008, you must ask yourself,
how far beyond stupid is that? Filled with double speak and thinly veiled power points where the
junta retains power it’s as worthless as the new money Than Shwe has begun printing. There is no
constitution since it simply gives ultimate power to the junta, pardons or gives amnesty to
murders, rapist and criminals against humanity. It’s a get out of jail free card for the most
reprehensibly criminally corrupt group of people in Burma’s history. It also whitewashes the
industries who’ve continued to violate the international sanctions that were imposed.

The fact he chose to push the ballot initiative at the peak of disaster, Cyclone Nargis, while using
extortion and threats of death should have been an eye opener for the world. Forced to reveal who
they were and how they voted, the citizens of Burma had few choices. The Constitutional
Referendum was gun barrel politics at its best. It was the launch pad for the bogus 2010 Election
and it bought worthless dialogue that gleaned no results other than buying Than Shwe the critical
time he needed. Like the greatest show on earth, Than Shwe set the stage for yet another
academy award winning performance.

Ah but not all is well in Camelot and like a train wreck in slow motion Than Shwe is losing his
magic as generals wait for his ultimate demise. Word is out that Papa Than is going to hand the
sceptre of power to his kid to the chagrin of his generals. Sadly once Than Shwe dies his reign and
spell is finished. With factions at serious odds with one another the issue of his son taking power
becomes a non issue with a single gun shot to the head. None of his generals will go for a punk kid
dictator, democracy or no democracy. It would not be surprising another constitution suddenly
sprang up the day after Than died. It would also become open season on his family and they
would be sitting ducks. The names of people who flaunted their association with Than Shwe adorn
many hit lists and that’s an understatement. The ones with the longest knives will win the day
when vendetta echoes through the ranks. Major divisions between the officer and soldier are
terminal at best. With desertions at an all time high it is clear loyalty has become a novelty.

It’s open season on NLD members, opposition and monk these days as the junta’s kangaroo courts
dole out prison terms equal to death sentences underneath the worlds noses. Rape and genocide
continue unabated throughout the ethnic regions. The mass exodus of refugees to centers along
the Bangladesh, Thai and Chinese borders should be an indicator. Camps are filling beyond
capacity in many regions and shortages of food and medication are rampant. But its business as
usual as the world panders to empty gestures, fruitless words and jumps through hoops while
Than Shwe quietly commits genocide. The new constitution does not address “Burmanization”.
That’s the systematic process by soldiers of raping ethnic woman under Than Shwe’s Moto, “Leave
Your Blood”. The constitution does not include ethnic groups. The 2010 Election is nothing more
than a stage act and the constitution is just a pointless script filled with rhetoric and
contradictions. Generals have the final say lock, stock and tomahawk.


Your Devil’s Advocate


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