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RA 6969 - DAO 92-29DENR

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Fundamentals of Toxic and Hazardous Waste

A. Definition A hazardous substance is a substance discarded from homes, commercial, industrial establishments, institutions and healthcare facilities. Can be solid, liquid or gas that may affect human health and environment when not managed or handled properly. Can cause injury, disease, economic loss, or environmental damage. Can be fatal to humans at low doses, form: physical chemical or biological. A systematic administration of activities that provide for identification, listing, collection, segregation, storage, transport, recovery, reuse, processing, reprocessing, treatment, disposal of hazardous waste. Toxic waste is a chemical waste material capable of causing death or injury to life. he term is often used interchangeably with !hazardous waste". #aste containing dangerous pathogens, such as used syringes, is sometimes considered to be to$ic waste. %%% Toxic means it is confirmed, it will hurt you in some way. Hazardous means it may be able to hurt you, depending on the circumstances. B. Toxic and Hazardous Waste Properties Toxicity - contain substances that are poisonous Persistence stay long and travel long distances &e.g. organochlorines, 'C(s, )C(s, dio$ins, furans* Reactivity + able to e$plode &e.g. pero$ide, hypochlorite, formaldehyde* Degradability in nature may resist photolytic, chemical, and biological degradation & e.g. heavy metals* Potential for accumulation in tissue soluble in fatty tissue of living organisms and bio magnify as they move up the food chain &e.g. pesticides* Ignitability capable of burning &e.g. waste oil, used solvents, paint* Corrosivity able to corrode steel &e.g. acids from metal cleaning, o$idizing agents such as ozone, hydrogen pero$ide. Carcinogenicity cause cancer &e.g. lead, mercury, arsenic, dio$in, anti+cancer drugs* Mutagenicity cause mutations in chromosomes & e.g.pesticides, aflato$in* Teratogenicity cause birth defects & e.g.mercury, lead, cadmium, 'C(s*

Infectious cause disease &e.g. healthcare waste*

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C. Sources househo%d &e.g. batteries, paints, bulbs, solvents, used motor oil* industries &e.g. petroleum refineries, factories, smelters, mining, paper pulp, glass ceramics, coal mining, iron and steel* agricu%ture &e.g. pesticides, fertilizers* hea%th care &aci%ities &e.g. hospitals, health centers, clinics, laboratories, mortuaries, blood ban,s, research institutions, medical and nursing schools, dialysis centers,etc.*
D. Impact of THW

)# is special in that it has a higher potential for injury and infection than any other types of waste. herefore, they are to be handled with sound and safe methods. -nadequate handling of )# may have serious public health consequences and adverse impacts on the environment. )# management is, therefore, an important and necessary component of environmental health protection. E. Health effects of THW )# when improperly handled can lead to irreversible damage to the: .,in /ungs )eart and circulatory system &high blood pressure, blood disease* /iver and gastrointestinal system 0idneys (rain and nervous system 1eproductive system sterility, impotence 2ational 1esearch Council &3443* metaanalysis reports that e$posure to )# in dumpsite resulted to low birth weight, headache, fatigue, neurobehavioral disorders among subjects. . !outes of Exposure a* b* c* -nhalation 5igestion 5irect contact s,in, eyes

o$icity 6 5ose $ 5uration of 7$posure

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Common Toxic and Hazardous Su"stances from Industr#$ Potential Health Effects$ Areas in the Philippines "ein% monitored

Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs* + Are also ,nown as the !dirty dozen" chemicals + persist and bioaccumulate in fatty tissues, and biomagnify in the food chain 8 ' #esticides: aldrin, chlordane, 55 , dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, mire$ and to$aphene 8 2 (ndustria% chemica%s: he$acholorobenzene &)C(* and polychlorinated biphenyls &'C(s* 8 2 )nintended b*-+roducts: dio$ins and furans

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R,#)-!(. A.T /O0 6969 Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste (TSHNW) Act
Hazardous 1ubstances .ubstances which present either: .hort+term acute hazards /ong+term environmental hazards Hazardous Wastes + .ubstances that are without any safe commercial, industrial, agricultural or economic usage and are shipped, transported or brought from the country of origin for dumping into or in transit through any part of the territory of the 'hilippines + (y+products, side products, process residues, spent reaction media, contaminated plant or equipment or substances from manufacturing operations, and as consumer discards of manufactures products or disposal Dec%aration o& #o%ic* 1egulate, restrict or prohibit the importation, manufacture, processing, sale, distribution, use and disposal of chemical substances and mi$tures that present unreasonable ris, and9or injury to health or the environment: 'rohibit the entry, even in transit of hazardous and nuclear wastes and their disposal into the 'hilippine territorial limits for whatever purpose 'rovide advancement and facilitate research and studies on to$ic chemicals. 1co+e -mportation, manufacture, processing, handling, storage, transportation, sale, distribution, use and disposal of all unregulated chemical substances and mi$tures in the 'hilippines, including the entry, even in transit, as well as the ,eeping or storage and disposal of hazardous and nuclear wastes into the country for whatever purpose Ob2ecti3es o ,eep an inventory of chemicals that are presently being imported, manufactures, or used: o monitor and regulate the importation, manufacture, processing, handling,, storage,transportation, sale, distribution, use and disposal of chemical substances and mi$tures that present unreasonable ris, or injury to health or to the environment: o inform and educate the populace regarding the hazards and ris,, and: o prevent the entry, even in transit, as well as the ,eeping or storage and

disposal of hazardous and nuclear wastes into the country for whatever purpose. RA 6969 - DAO 92-29DENR AO ! "eries of #$$%
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(m+%ementation 5721 -mplementing Agency -nter+Agency echnical Advisory Council 'rovide assistance to the 5721 in the implementation of 1A ;4;4 #rohibited Acts 0nowingly use a chemical substance or mi$ture which is imported, manufactures, processed or distributed in violation of the Act or -11 or orders <ailure or refusal to submit reports, notices or other information, access to records as required by the Act, or permit inspection or establishment where chemicals are manufactures, processed, stored or otherwise held <ailure or refusal to comply with the pre+manufacture and pre=importation requirements: and Cause, aid or facilitate, directly or indirectly, in the storage, importation or bringing into 'hilippine territory, including its maritime economic zones, even in transit, either by means of land, air or sea transportation or otherwise ,eeping in storage any amount of hazardous and nuclear wastes in any part of the 'hilippines Administrati3e 5ines .ecretary of 7nvironment and 2atural 1esources is authorized to impose a fine of not %ess than Ten thousand +esos 6#$7 7770778 , but not more than 5i&t* thousand +esos 6#97 7770778 upon any person or entity found guilty thereof. he administrative fines imposed and collected by the 5epartment of 7nvironment and 2atural 1esources shall accrue to a special fund to be administered by the 5epartment e$clusively for projects and research activities relative to to$ic substances and mi$tures. #re-Manu&acture and #re-(m+ortation Re:uirements (efore any new chemical substance or mi$ture can be manufactured, processed or imported for the first time as determined by the 5epartment of 7nvironment and 2atural 1esources, the manufacturer, processor or importer shall submit the following information: the name of the chemical substance or mi$ture: its chemical identity and molecular structure: proposed categories of use:

an estimate of the amount to be manufactured, processed or imported: processing and disposal thereof: any test data related to health and environmental effects which the manufacturer, processor or importer has. RA 6969 - DAO 92-29DENR AO ! "eries of #$$%
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Under RA 6969 IRR (DAO 29) 5721 'olicy on )azardous #aste: 'rohibit the entry even in transit of hazardous wastes and their disposal into the 'hilippine territorial limits for whatever purpose 7ncourage proper management of hazardous wastes generated within the country by promoting, in order of preference: 3. >inimization of generation ?. 1ecycling and re+use @. reatment to render it harmless A. /andfill or inert hazardous waste residues )azardous wastes shall be managed in such a manner as not to cause or potentially cause a* 'ollution b* .tate of danger to public health, welfare and safety c* )arm to animals, birds, wildlife, fish or other aquatic life d* )arm to plants and vegetation e* /imitation in the beneficial use of a segment of the environment #aste generator shall be responsible for the proper management and disposal of the hazardous waste #aste generator shall bear the costs for the proper storage, treatment and disposal of their hazardous wastes D,5(/(T(O/ O5 T,RM1 he 'rocedural >anual adopts the following definition of terms in addition to those provided in .ection ; of 5AB 4?+?4 and 5AB 4A+?C as follows: .hemica% .ontro% Order prohibits, limits, and regulates the use, manufacture, import, e$port, transport, processing, storage, possession and wholesale of priority chemicals .orrosi3e0 Corrosive wastes include those that are acidic or basic and those that are capable of corroding metal &such as containers, tan,s, barrels, and drums*. De+artment means the 5epartment of 7nvironment and 2atural 1esources. ,M- means 7nvironmental >anagement (ureau of the 5epartment of

7nvironment and 2atural 1esources. ,nca+su%ation means physical immobilization of hazardous substances in a waste by enveloping the waste in a non+porous, impermeable material. (gnitab%e0 -gnitable wastes can create fire under certain conditions. 7$amples include liquids, such as solvents that readily catch fire and friction+sensitive substances. RA 6969 - DAO 92-29DENR AO ! "eries of #$$%
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(mmobi%ization means to render hazardous substances in a waste not li,ely to move by vaporization into the air, or by leaching into surface water bodies or groundwater. -t includes stabilization, solidification, and encapsulation. (m+ortation means the entry of a product or substance into the 'hilippines &through the seaports or airports of entry* after having been properly cleared through or still remaining under customs control, the product or substance of which is intended for direct consumption, merchandising, warehousing, for further processing. (n&ectious waste is a type of biomedical or health care waste suspected to contain pathogens &bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi* in sufficient concentration or quantity to cause disease in susceptible hosts. (nert waste means any waste that, when placed in a landfill is reasonably e$pected not to undergo any physical, chemical, and9or biological changes to such an e$tent as to cause pollution or hazard to public health and safety. /ew T1D 5aci%ities <acilities that are constructed9installed after the approval of this 5721 Administrative Brder. #ermit means a legal authorization to engage in or conduct any or all of the following activities for: )azardous wastes D storage, treatment, transport, e$port, processing, reprocessing, recycling and disposal )azardous materials D importation or e$portation #o%%ution means any alteration of the physical, chemical, biological properties of any water, air and9or land resource of the 'hilippines, or any discharge thereto of any liquid, gaseous or solid waste, or any production of unnecessary noise, or any emission of objectionable odor, as will or is li,ely to create or to render such water, air and9or land resources harmful, detrimental or injurious to public health, safety or welfare, or which will

adversely affect their utilization for domestic, industrial, agricultural, recreational or other legitimate purposes. #o%%ution .ontro% O&&icer 6#.O897nvironmental Bfficer is an officer technically ,nowledgeable in pollution control and environmental management, performing his9her duties and responsibilities in a particular manufacturing and industrial9commercial establishment and, officially accredited by the 5721 to perform such responsibilities.

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#riorit* .hemica%s !ist &'C/* is a list of e$isting and new chemicals that the 5721 has determined to potentially pose unreasonable ris, to public health, wor,place, and the environment. #rocess means the preparation of a chemical substance or mi$ture after its manufacture for commercial distribution: 3. -n the same form or physical state or in a different form or physical state from that which it was received by the person so preparing such substance or mi$ture: or ?. As part of an article containing a chemical substance or mi$ture. Reacti3e0 1eactive wastes are defined as wastes that: &3* are unstable under normal conditions and readily undergo violent change without detonating: &?* react violently with water and create spontaneously e$plosive mi$tures li,e to$ic gases, vapors or fumes: and &@* are capable of detonating. 1ecretar* means the .ecretary of the 5epartment of 7nvironment and 2atural 1esources. 1o%idi&ication means physical immobilization of hazardous substances, through which the waste is consolidated to reduce the surface area of the waste available for vaporization or leaching. 1tabi%ization means chemical immobilization of hazardous substances, through chemical bonds to an immobile matri$, or chemical conversion to immobile species, thereby reducing vaporization or leaching to the environment. T.!# & o$icity Characteristic /eaching 'rocedure* A procedure used to simulate the leaching which a waste will undergo if disposed of in a sanitary landfill. -t is applicable to liquid, solid and multiphase sample. Trans+ort includes conveyance by air, water and land. T1D &treatment, storage, and disposal* facilities are the facilities where hazardous wastes are stored, treated, recycled, reprocessed, or disposed of. Waste generator means a person &natural or juridical* who generates or produces hazardous wastes, through any commercial, industrial or trade activities

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Waste trans+orter means a person &natural or juridical* who is licensed to transport hazardous wastes. Waste treater means a person &natural or juridical* who is licensed to treat, store, recycle, or dispose of hazardous wastes. )nreasonab%e ris= means e$pected high frequency of undesirable effects or adverse responses arising from a given e$posure to a substance.

1+eci&ications o& 1*mbo%s 3. he minimum size of the symbol is ?E cm $ ?Ecm for vessels, containers, and tan,s and @=cm $ @=cm for conveyances carrying vessels, containers, and tan,s. ?. (asic shape of the symbols is a square rotated AE degrees to form a diamond. @. At each of the four sides, a parallel line shall be drawn to form an inner diamond 4E F of the outer diamond. A. he color should follow the colors specified in the figures below

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Toxic and Hazardous Waste Management !aws "uide

ADM(/(1TRAT(>, >(O!AT(O/1 a* failure to provide appropriate information to the 5721 upon registration: submission of documents containing false information: failure to comply with reporting requirements under the law: failure to comply with the conditions of a permit, e$cept those specified herein: failure to comply with labeling requirements: failure to place placards on the conveyance9vehicle g* failure to comply with the subpoena or subpoena duces tecum issued by the .ecretary or his duly authorized representative 'h' 3=,===.==

'h' E=,===.== 'h' 3=,===.== 'h' E=,===.==9 condition violated 'h' E=,===.== 'h' E=,===.== 'h' E=,===.==

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Toxic and Hazardous Waste Management !aws "uide

Toxic and Hazardous Waste Management rocess A0 Househo%d THW

3. Waste Minimization is the ,ey to reduce )# in the first place /ist of )azardous #aste Alternatives in the household

Management o& Househo%d THW

20 #ro+er 1egregation G 1ecycling 6 >otor oil bac, to automobile repair shops )ousehold pesticides bac, to manufacturers &e.g. (ayer* /ead and batteries bac, to 'hilippine 1ecyclers -nc. 40 .o%%ection + 5esignate a collection day

@. Dis+osa% 5esignate a special cell in the landfill

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Toxic and Hazardous Waste Management !aws "uide

-0 (ndustria% THW Management

here are @ basic principles in the management of industrial )#: 3. #aste >inimizatiion ?. 'olllution 'revention @. Cleaner 'roduction Management o& THW &rom (ndustr*

Treatment Methods
he following treatment methods for )# are currently available in the 'hilippines. here are currently facilities accredited by the 7nvironment >anagement (ureau: a. 'hysical9chemical treatment soil washing, solvent e$traction, filtration, distillation b. 2eutralization &for acidic or al,aline waste* c. .tabilization9solidification &heavy metals* d. 1emediation e. 7ncapsulation f. <uel .ubstitution g. Aqueous treatment

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DAO /o0 29 ? (m+%ementing Ru%es and Regu%ations o& RA 6969

his 5AB outlines the requirements of )#> plan in -ndustries. /HIs must be vigilant in monitoring the compliance of industries to these provisions: "oa%s o& Tit%e ((( 1ection 2; - Minimization o& waste generation 1ecycling and reuse of hazardous waste reatment of hazardous wastes /andfill of inert hazardous waste residues 1ection 29 ? Waste (denti&ication -dentified broad classes and subcategories of hazardous wastes 7stablished broad e$emptions of certain waste streams 1ection 26 ? "enerators 1equirement for waste generators: 2otification, 1eporting, 'lanning, raining 1ection 2< and 2' ? Trans+orter and Trans+ort Record 7stablished a permitting program for transporters of hazardous waste 1equired that generators only use authorized transporters to transport hazardous waste 1equired trac,ing the movement of hazardous wastes from the point of generation to the ultimate disposal location &!cradle to grave"* 1ection 29 ? Hazardous Waste 1torage and !abe%ing 1equired that vessels, containers and tan,s storing hazardous waste be clearly labeled with proper information 1ection 47 ? Waste Treatment and Dis+osa% #remises 5efined categories of acceptable waste management premises &also referred to as hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal facilities* 1equired that all waste management premises must receive permits from 5721 beforeaccepting hazardous wastes form off+site sources

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