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Official Journal.


s$.oo Per Year, Invariably in Advance,







The Veekly Messenger.

I'uhiblhed Every Saturday.

A Sockdologer.
Divided we stard. Uited we f ll.-Cicero.

Local News.
-- Send your job work to the MESSEN' (;ER office, if you want first class work. - The MESSENGER is again on a boom

Editor and Proprietor. t7Subscript ion $100 a year in advance. ADVERTISING HATES.

The Breaux Bridge Union, oftl; last Saturday, published the fol-

al new subscribers are coming pretty lowing admirable article under and
Mist. t caption of "Breaux Bridge and tq the

Oaeinch.. Two ianhe. Three inhe .


ms 42




the Court House," filled with such

-Now that the fig and melon season Mimie Moses, of New Orleans, is

cogent arguments, that we hasten

300 5 1 ,(: 21 450 8Ei 4 :11 .,354 10 , l Pout iche 400 5 541 6 0 12.0b 14 i; a0 7 Five i nhe'l. 50) Six iche-.. 10 o 0 8 511) 1t One cotalln 1300 2040l 200 4500

of its perusal : 1800 0 22110 In reference to the editorial of our 261) I last edition concerning a meeting of the 30~ citizens i of the third, fourth and tifth 7500 wards soon to be held in Breaux Bridge, we would state to satisfy all to whom it Cl 5 cents per concerns of its purpose, that the meetTransient atd\ertisemenllt, oI will be held for an object that eaich each ing for cents fl iltnsertion; .nch for first and I1 every one of as has monst at heart.inscltion.
subscqulent Otticial or Igal adl-r1lise1ntts, $I per

25f1i 354)


800 to t give our readers the pleasure

has arrived, we may exclaim, too much rain!


on a visit to her Sister Mrs. Dr. H. de ? Mahy.

is lon,g.and ill, like Belllany's Julianl is carefully watched it is because sotnme Ie West. awaiLke in the twentieth centuryt on is afraid of him. It appears, if we !Y one 1, inch for first insertion; atrd ;0 elits for e, This fotr is groundless. Our brotheLt TI an are to judge from what we see, or believe, sclh sub.twslent In enion. . , i or h a t A of the llupper hnlrt have always shbowt upon subjectsh thi some of our politicians, aspirant to that rl"rief mam,'nnic d r- themselllvesIt' fully ulIp to the timtes anti th are very uneasy about one cerof offices - I always willing to mallrch in unky with f public interest ti,licit,i. No attention l tai tain individual. He is growing in po,- l will be given to anonvlnnts .elters. 1t tlhose of other sections for tile best ins pu and that is what troubles them th pularity to a tere'-t of :ill, be thlley fYoht tile northern, so much. But the real popularity of a1 so Pr so ,ollutbhernl, 'tern' or western corner of DR. IHNRY )DEMAHV, person cannot be affected by the under pe th tlhis gran d anlld glorious old iparish. of politicians. working PI1YSICIAN AND SUR;IEON, We ()tice at his sidenlce, Iormerly BerI 'hile LUnion calls uponi every "'mall - -Judge James E. Mouton has boughtt tl woman a;(1d child" to rise antll roclaim trinld's liotel. the the Tourneu property, corner Main Iand " II to the worll that t11ey are determined r. l..\,11T\'I1.i. I:A. anu 2;1 to old tke having is and Streets, Jefferson Jt Itl nlt to be led Iy their "''i.aters of the building torn down, with the intention "' tlo more. aniy thie plrish" pailrt of ,e lower of replacing it with an elegan residence lo 1)t, 1. J. MATIIS, -' We had h I e' -ll:aIle of .lJollhn I.. Sulliivana! unordern architecture. At the south of of nl .'l:i-ed to believe that any part of tsle will soon east A. ea corner of the same streets, l'irA "vII.I.i-:. ,T. Ippulation of this replulii was held In of the, hall handsoime the up be going serslaver :Illd tliltrilled try mllasters. We 'y ,th r m prtiltoikoal $tipetIflilly I Iii thoughlt th at sie .Abe Linicoln issued buildnew Knights of Honor. Those inotd curvice t the p 'ple .f Is i- protlailation, even th' t niggers were hi IInanother will add in one faring ings, lm I'4 rIIIY. l o nlllldi te Gf But it eem4s not., ;iccordinllg to , f" terially to the look and appearance (;f free. jan :3 t)t1tc at I ':--tl , I?,,te . Ihe t nion. It goes fitiher.. It calla th part of Main street. that ulpilon cle hllh-hing :la-s toi exert het el nit"e- ire so steadily working to preventi pro'iiltly. i. 1: ititllrioti ni1d indnelllc her iwooer to jofi the Southern Pl:ci- The schedule oil vim to have what by unture iand I)'by all LOUIS J. VOORIlIIl-S, the ciloIrtl-hu-e lilmVlleelit atn prowb Our young friend, Albert Rousseau, I law belongs to your himtnr1" fie Railroad, which was advertised sever- hi Ililtsl-elf a WrhIly lad. Even the clilt. tr'e'n are asked to put away their toys returned t:, New Attornov-at-Law and Notary Pubhlic. 4Orleans last week, after at al tinmes, went into effect Sunlday last. ,il r neThis ought to wake up the a l\cation of a few days spent with his There 'Ihand at gi\ve tlheir feeble help,. All. :ll. TI is but one train a day now which " : LA. tive*. And mas ST. M.ARl ,\\l:.t, nt ril1y undileir lthe rallying tiryr "tLiSlii Coon as they see .arenits hIlee. 1( at 12:30(p. meet the east t" leave~ Will 'raictiee andil proinptly attend to I that "stature" is "in it," there'll hided v l, lj. uiteld we staud." Attorneys liort Martin, ('has. II. an antl west bound trains, and arriv s lieu'e colleetini of clllinn in $t. Martin andl J sure. teeth, of at 2:3O p. Si- at gt;'slling i'e a Edward and l\ erhies faFelix is :Mout.on, arrangetment This ' . I y 1 lts, Jiuly " 1A F:inc' Exhibition. aldjoninig pa:riir s. vi to the business people for their Women' You, to whom all ilmportant n n'c.e, attended the sessiun of the Supreme vorable have played C co ilnconvevery ourt, at ()pelousa, this week. is ,-t-ps in all gornmlent-' but correspondlence, O-in .g to thei puring dloor all tlda parts with good re-ults. lnch ,lritri,uns i4 rainl r: Stlliay rI\ ire Mr. Felix Htienvenun left last week nient ni for the traveling public. This iregn tfully pltev lni itistiltefor you to take a hand in the t, ed froi ll attenlit lg the 'chool exhibitiol. . matter by stinielatting dulily your .-leep- for litav St. Louis, Miss. lhiewill proba- change, however, is favorable, as it gives t Jeweller, t- p:m" the halance of the summer at n Watchmaker and I,, thle pupilm bly ii our dtlaily papers and mail the day the e'achier.Lhtli) a Ilidr ing husbands,3Y hiy' i i-- ;a : riT ll: 'l'hu i:- a;t hiilre tidg are published; we therefore getIt lIl that Il;':'e th they Now, how's this? Honor bright t Strc 't, N (w Ibcria,La. li t trot relliort- hbroiiht by stiie - T'rl corn i' c,id to have heen blown fi freshler news. ease wn are tlu :ru" t )11 tlO-i N Itol t hi l'"ot liti ll her ith alte '- rei \': te i' h This ought down almost in every section of the parisn't it a clincher? The lea:ling repair :ir.,p lia the Attaka- it --- Education for the masses is the i, to fetch 'ens. ish. but what the damage will be can- crowning the a i out. Muf choitei i 4,Rrrie -biulr or ,; cr glory of th's country, and heIr of twire atu:trd untinted grai'r i Vt tI' e .inMat'd; we hope it will not ot hImthere and last tlat not the t eoet fI "I' anid ddtlges fathers, All kinds of MoiogrlatIl only reliable safeguard. Therefore the uiration ditnte.i who we'r -'areley prepated fnt your sweet-hearts: show themi amounlOt tio much. I4 s should be cherismed and fostered..7do schools Diamond settings nmade to order and at le:it ur ch a rlit.and tihile et-r' I ole card e courage their sham1e in not htlving more TI Mr. Joseph Martin, the son of our There ii preventing their old political mlasters was ood ttste lith can not be too many of these witsh ffrt se irllt thf eir tealsonale rates. in l palhtiul:irly the a'i-c ill the zonate drills hi eassessr. S. V. Martin. retutrned front the institutions, and their usefulness sho!hl I, t control themi. A ftall line of watche clocks and Jew- to T llink F ieillead of Major Ctllege, WVashington I). C(.,b s; ulllnder i be enhanced by procuring all helpful a ids elry always 4o lihand. something Georgetoewnl Joe is looking well and is N (;ull, tilIat I. thI illn:ll. e cVulttollrt Did you hear s, etlc. leers-I genuine week. intertain of last an give to proposed is assortment it Now A select Cl tet an l soldierrtwere l$ emarked lv, itr ." "dra?) glad to be among his relatives and ment, woosih have m with a preci=Ion that - el e on the 28th of August, the lrothaum pipes cigars and cigarette tubes 3rd.r] the tobacco in frienlds. every woman Believe it, if e from which to be used to secure Id. ceeds Russia leather cigar casee fine 4th - Galveston suffered considerably by comfortable 4 and tlth wards would give no rest to , seats for the children attendto be has every reason by pouches etc. kept in strck. .lis. ThnToms efforts, break that :iwould we the love, they those atted of her in the public school here. We cherishl , proud compliments of Which sall tnuneroui My prices are moderate, give me a call yoke which is killing us with taxes shil- the storm Sunday last. The railways ing ; be wiil were sum hend. washed lder to much away, sufficient creldit a tre I dtone the electric debts that it is thegeneralt in light eoipi let. And hope the tt the be wKills parish beloved our ply to keep prev thed tase I wi-h, thlo t a-s the eatertil so that we apparently have no hope to plants were covered by water and the re realized. Court house where it rightly city wrapped in darkness, and the lower that this exhbition dehave tlurt ld intge :littenwllee in arrected was who scoundrel -A tilealll ip, hould be repeatedll ater tlhe as but belongs, here in Breaux Bridge; portion of the city was under water. be t torble. year. The th c etonditions New Orleans last week, charged with stated above, we did not change it and I 56 to 64 Oarondelet Street, -- It is reported that the storm of carrying concealed weapon and lodged yet the smart politicians of the lowver NE\V ORLEANS, LA. c last did considerable damage at in jail, gave his name 0. J. Bienvenu, part of the parish have succeeded in Sunday Centrally located near Cotton ERehage. indebting us with thousand of dollars. Fau-se Pointe. The residence of Mr. anti his residence as St. Martinville. Largo and Airy Roonme Ain't this appeal enough to Albert Boutte is said to have been blown This T scoundrel lied infamously when lie k Take the street cars at the depot and to run up down, and one of his children had an gave the above name and residence, and i: bayou the cause C the near out you put Clim te. of than t, e for hange the driver will arm broken. The residence of a gentle- it was perhaps with malice and rascali- te, geneerall people c Kill more in . Jan 14 1 ya stream for a week? the easepor, this is eha Particularly le known. Hotel. man namned ('hampean was also wrecked ty to reflect uponi the character of Mr, t in thete new homes tion seekting West, "thalaript ' where and called be ir tions of the fevers prevatil Wake up men if you wish to at certics and he anti two of his children received G. and typhoid jig a G J. Blenvenu, a prominent young by that noble title;quite serious injuries. merchant of this town, or to conceal his t the new residence of Mr. Victor own identity. Mr. a. J. Bienvenu of St. a Gird up your loins and slip -The Rochon, north Main street, which he Martinville was not in New Orleans t Carpenter, Contractor anti Bluilder leash. Purniture repaired with care, and at let tS show that we want that Court now occupies, is one of the nice and when that individual fell into the tolls 4 Shop on Port StreetI house here in Breaux Bridge, and noth- elegant residences of this town. having of o the law, and is not the person arresting will prevent us In succeeding. But all the mordern improvements that are ed, although his hame and residence is oand wate of whichlll but tthaubt s also hanlge best ncisll prepara t is tpieaola ST. MARTINVILL, LA. i jan 18 ly ns tatefor tedy near a change ll'oettet's ofclio a he tomaeh atep O ilitts of diiet am remember,itls whleh not only fortlse athe systtes necessary for ease and comfort. given. t. againsot malaria, lltvariable tel neraturlydamp, and the debilitating elffcts of the -We beieve the rains that fell the approach we now And tropdic ls l hea but i also _the leadi g rei citedy a the tontpat onvrabls tpeps live CONVENT of MERCY. complaint, bodily troublost pecllof apt for enough grand climax. It's a paralyzer. fore part of this weeks were O " BROWNS IRON BITTERS to attack emigrants and r|itor to toSt. Martinsvile, La. orir planters in every section of the par- Cures Indigestio. Billousness, Dyspepial. Masl. ris s'. Whether td of th eir snant, HeedPhsi.- ovid. Deblity )eersal and lCervottnems, rit, dlid an immense good, Many clans recommnttd it. All dest. sell .. GO e Ine This Institute offers superior advanta' every men, women ish, and that. aeeomplish to ithlet tmrk and erossed red lines o who were anxiously Waiting iastuade les to Parents desirous of giving and children must be willing to help. were those _ I children a solid and refinedl Edoeatio. and not depend on a few to do that easy for rain to plant their potato vines and Terl:s of tuitiown, Music eta., moderate' work, itwe are united together. "l)i- to lay by their crops which was done this Remarkable Facts. vided we fall, united we stand." week. For particelars apply to disease is usually supposed to r Heart B MERCY SISTERS OF ners. Por of lletreulthdsts in newly poTheuStand from under, everybodly ! -- We undustand that a movement Is r be incurable, but when properly treated on foot to organize an anti-lottery 1 talarre proportion of eases can be eured. Saited the Idi most fiI vorab are ctestimoIl n -- As we go to prem we learn of the league In this place, and that about r e and Thus Mrs. Elmira Hatch, of Elkhurt, Iesdlal oiseslles ini rfine death of Mr. J. . Ledoux, (Tilgotte). liHe eighty signatures have been seered, , Levito AnI)VOge Marithe Dverlahour, 111(ay1 odaughb Ind., and Mrs. Mary L. Baker, of Ovid. died at the residence of his father, Sr. but how correct this information is, , 20 i suffering chred after Mich., at San druggist Valery Ledoux, near Lake Arthur, Cal- we cannot say, but we admit that our r S. C. Lioburger, e years. were redl. St. Martinville, accompranied byi anrt." Mrs. easleu parish.,Thursday the Hth instant. citizens seem to be leaning on the Pronpositin the of aunt, ame idore. laci, ecutke are gets ofor the fir that Dr, Miles' Newl anti side since lately. But it is almost t Jose, Ills., says Heart Cute, which ctred the former, Simpossible to have any correct idea a Salary $25 per week: Wanted good wife." Levi "worked wonders for his this parish Will stand until ii how to as merLogan, of Buchanan, Mich., who halid of line general Agents to sell our y the campaign is fairly opened, and the s two botA says years, for 80 salary disease heart chandlise. No peddling, Above of both sides be heard, then the ae r- friends their mt tideit iNl that di:rjction is ties made him "feel like a new man." Br will be paid to "live" agents. For furother the or side one to flock will people l)r. Miles'New Heart Cure is sold and tt ther information, address: t"; :,.,4 and a fair estimate can be made. At '. :. ; CHIcAGo GENERAL SUPPLY CO., T. J. Labbe's drugstore. e guaranteedicat No 178 West Van Buren St., I th,.ri, ! ,-i'l. t ... . ,:' rlc r iepresent, the parish seem in favor of the of wonderful testimonials free. Hook B CHICAaO, ILL. Slottery.

-- Miss ('oralie Rousseau left for BihI loxi, Miss., last week, to spend a few di days. ---The M ESSSENEER was awarded the ci contract to do the Corporation printing ft the enstfeing year. Neatly prepares his readers for for a subject that is very near to his -- The Fourth of July passed off very quietly here. no demonstration of any h heart--kind was seen in our town. ;lad that is the all important question RI:in! rain I! rain !!! we fear we are Court our of seat future near the about having too much of it and the cry will lI houtse. h ,s be too touch rain! The one graml cry of objection to this soon stlove has been for years that it will iinMr. Gaston Hlienvenu was in town the ta:vs too) muIch, but it is nmore crease rI and Sunday on a short visit to S tha:t probable that at a day so far di.- Saturday tlt. the citizens will tbe called upoil to I1 his relatives. , their taxes inorder to pay somce ,Iwrease --The recent rains have swelled the six or seven thousand dollars that our bl consideerably, which facilitates owing and is unable to bayou is parish low tl tralic Ibetween this town and Breaux yet no new Court house ham thei :dalt play I, R Bridge. build. at least in Breaux -ee-n Brid'. but I anothet heavy chain,- nIr popular young friend, homer J. treaks the camel's Moultonl is again amongst us for a few Here back. lie was holding case on the week. New tla. I, a. we llnow. hn been added on the tax N payers inthe 1shape of an improvement -- If you suffer from sick, nervous, the pre.ent Coturt lhouse. ot ( neuealgie, icinal. hbilious, or dyspeptic 'itlze,' of lth tpper lparish how can; II asleep while our political en'- hi onll lite hetuae''he's. Bradycvole will cure you

I "iiT'h "U' nion' and the Court-Arrangements are being perfected' to give an entertainment on the 28th House. g for the purpose of ralting pr proximo, Ir Iiomunmnnienatlld. fu to supply much needed furniture, funds Breaux Bridge wants the cohirt-botius In in the public school room, in this town. so .slaid outr friend of the thiotn in Its well The TI programme for the occasion, is last i-sue. We were not surprised at varied and interestIltg, and t1i selected, eel i till- nlnolllnclllellt for it is the ambitioC will permit the enjoyment of a pleasant of wi of every smallal town to be a partis eaLt. evening. on A.i we dio not w%!nt to occupy too mltch -The speech made at the tpera house lpace int y!or paper we Will hot discusm in th inl:lginalry righbt of Breaux Bridge e the in New Oaleans the other day, at the meeting of the antis, by Dr. Palmer, r, to tiet court-hlotuse. m( the preacher stumper, hat raised consiThe Union lecutl'A the tititens of the t ,h derable comment throughout the State. '" third. fourth ;indl fith wards of having The antis approve and praise him, while isindlluged in too much sleepl-, nhld makes th i is:patletic appeal to thile wives or the.( the pros condemn the man and his thp We say every man who has ai. speech. S'"leepliig hllusballds" to wake 'elhi up. 1i From the tone of tis appenl we rip F right to vote has a right to express his op opinion and defend his cause. would inllfer that thie nion ftears that
th -If the movement of one individualAIthese

husbandis" inglll

1ili sleep too







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