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FIRST DIVISION G.R. No. 73751 September 24, 1986 ROMAN R. VILLALON, JR., ROMAN R.C.

III, ROMAN .C. IV, ROMAN A.C. V., JOS! CLARO C. "#$ ARS!NIO RO% C., "&& '(r#"me$ VILLALON, petitioners, vs. )ON. IN*!RM!+IA*! A,,!LLA*! CO-R* . O-R*) S,!CIAL CAS!S +IVISION/, )ON. INOC!NCIO +. MALIAMAN .,R!SI+ING J-+G! O R!GIONAL *RIAL CO-R*, 0RANC) 11I1 A* SAN !RNAN+O, LA -NION/, CA*ALINA N!VAL V+A. +! !0-I2A, C)IL+R!N O ,A*ROCINIO !0-I2A .J-S*INA, MARIANO, !LICI+A+, RANCISCO, !-G!NIA, MARIA, MARCIANA, "#$ SIM!ON, "&& '(r#"me$ !0-I2A/, respondents. RESOLUTION M!L!NCIO3)!RR!RA, J.: On May 16, 1979, Civil Case No. 799 !or "#nn$l%ent o! &eed o! #'sol$te Sale, Re(overy o! )ossession and &a%a*es" +as !iled 'y private respondent Catalina NE,#L ,da. de E'$i-a, o! t.e private respondents all s$rna%ed E'$i-a, a*ainst petitioner #tty. Ro%an R. ,illalon, /r. 0'rie!ly, petitioner ,illalon1 and .is sons, 'e!ore t.e t.en Co$rt o! 2irst Instan(e o! La Union 0t.e Trial Co$rt1, !or t.e re(overy o! a par(el o! land lo(ated at Ur'i-tondo, San /$an. La Union. T.e property involved +as also t.e s$'3e(t o! a &is'ar%ent Case 0#d%. Case No. 14551 previo$sly !iled on /$ly , 1976 +it. Co$rt 'y private respondent 2ran(is(o E7UI8#, (.ar*in* petitioner ,illalon +it. !alsi!i(ation o! a deed o!

a'sol$te sale o! property in .is and .is sons9 !avor, '$t +.i(. petitioner ,illalon (lai%ed to .ave 'een .is (ontin*ent !ee !or t.e pro!essional servi(es .e .ad rendered to E7UI8#9s parents !or s$((ess!$lly .andlin* Civil Case No. 1415 entitled ")a$lino E'$i-a, et all vs. )atro(inio E'$i-a, et al." 'e!ore t.e t.en Co$rt o! 2irst Instan(e o! La Union, 7ran(. II. T.e &is'ar%ent Case +as re!erred 'y Co$rt to t.e O!!i(e o! t.e Soli(itor :eneral !or investi*ation, report and re(o%%endation +.ere testi%onial eviden(e +as re(eived. T.e (ase still pends t.ereat. In t.e (o$rse o! t.e trial o! t.e Civil Case, petitioners introd$(ed in eviden(e t.e testi%onies o! so%e o! t.e private respondents, na%ely, NE,#L, E7UI8#, and /$stina E'$i-a San /$an 0NE,#L, et als.1, in t.e &is'ar%ent Case !or t.e p$rpose o! i%pea(.in* t.eir testi%onies in t.e Civil Case. )rivate respondents !iled a Motion to Stri;e !ro% t.e re(ords o! t.e Civil Case all %atters relatin* to t.e pro(eedin*s in t.e &is'ar%ent Case. Over petitioners9 opposition, on Septe%'er <, 1956, t.e Trial Co$rt iss$ed its =$estioned Order *rantin* t.e Motion to Stri;e. T.e dispositive portion o! said Order reads> ?@ERE2ORE, !indin* t.e %otion to 'e +ellA ta;en, and as prayed !or in t.e %otion, all dire(t re!eren(es to t.e pro(eedin*s in t.e dis'ar%ent (ase a*ainst #tty. ,illalon, /r. are .ere'y ordered stri;in* 0si(1 o$t !ro% t.e re(ords and .en(e!ort., !$ re!eren(es to s$(. %atters are 'arred. T.e Trial Co$rt opined t.e ad%ission o! t.e (ontested eviden(e +o$ld violate Se(tion 1<, R$le 1B9 o! t.e R$les o! Co$rt providin* "pro(eedin*s a*ainst attorneys s.all 'e private and (on!idential". It %aintained petitioner ,illalon

1 Impeachment by Prior Inconsistent Statement

"is not at li'erty to +aive t.e privile*e o! (on!identiality" o! t.e pro(eedin*s in t.e &is'ar%ent Case (onsiderin* t.e p$'li( interest involved "even i! it +o$ld serve .is interest," and Se(tion 1<, R$le 1B9 provides no eC(eption. T.eir Motion !or Re(onsideration .avin* 'een denied on O(to'er 17, 1956, petitioners, resorted to a )etition !or Certiorari, )ro.i'ition, and %anda%$s 'e!ore t.e respondent #ppellate Co$rt to n$lli!y t.e Order o! Septe%'er <, 1956 and to re=$ire t.e Trial Co$rt to allo+ At.e i%pea(.in* eviden(e to re%ain in t.e re(ords o! t.e Civil Case. On 2e'r$ary B, 1956, respondent #ppellate Co$rt denied d$e (o$rse and dis%issed t.e )etition .oldin* "r$lin*s o! t.e trial (o$rt on pro(ed$ral =$estions and ad%issi'ility o! eviden(e d$rin* t.e (o$rse o! t.e trial are interlo($tory in nat$re and %ay not 'e t.e s$'3e(t o! separate appeal or revie+ on (ertiorari." Moreover, it reasoned o$t, ass$%in* t.e Trial Co$rt erred in re3e(tin* petitioners9 pro!!ered eviden(e, t.eir re(o$rse is to %a;e a !or%al o!!er o! t.e eviden(e $nder R$le 1B , Se(tion B6 o! t.e R$les. T.e re(onsideration o! said r$lin* so$*.t 'y petitioners +as denied !or la(; o! %erit on 2e'r$ary 19,1956. )etitioners no+ avail o! )etition !or Revie+ on (ertiorari prayin* a%on* ot.ers, !or t.e ann$l%ent o! respondent #ppellate Co$rt9s &e(ision, +.i(. s$stained t.e Trial Co$rt Orders o! Septe%'er <, 1956 and O(to'er 17, 1956, !or .avin* 'een iss$ed +it. *rave a'$se o! dis(retion. ?e !ind %erit in t.e )etition. )etitioners introd$(ed t.e testi%onies o! private respondents9 +itnesses in t.e &is'ar%ent Case !or p$rposes o! i%pea(.in* t.eir (redi'ility in t.e Civil Case. 1 )etitioners (lai% private respondents9 +itnesses ".ave *iven
2 Impeachment by Prior Inconsistent Statement

(on!li(tin* testi%onies on i%portant !a(t$al %atters in t.e dis'ar%ent (ase, +.i(. are in(onsistent +it. t.eir present testi%ony and +.i(. +o$ld a((ordin*ly (ast a do$'t on t.eir (redi'ility." 2 is a de!ense tool san(tioned 'y Se(tions 16 and 16 o! R$le 1B providin*> Se(. 16. Impeachment of adverse party's witness.A# +itness %ay 'e i%pea(.ed 'y t.e party a*ainst +.o% .e +as (alled, 'y (ontradi(tory eviden(e, 'y eviden(e .is *eneral rep$tation !or tr$t., .onesty, or inte*rity is 'ad or 'y eviden(e .e .as %ade at ti%es state%ents in(onsistent +it. .is present testi%ony, '$t not 'y eviden(e o! parti($lar +ron*!$l a(ts, eC(ept it %ay 'e s.o+n 'y t.e eCa%ination o! t.e +itnesses, or t.e re(ord o! t.e 3$d*%ent, .e .as 'een (onvi(ted o! an o!!ense. Se(. 16. How witness impeached by evidence of inconsistent statements. A7e!ore a +itness (an 'e i%pea(.ed 'y eviden(e .e .as %ade at ti%es state%ents in(onsistent +it. .is present testi%ony, t.e state%ents %$st 'e related to .i%, +it. t.e (ir($%stan(es o! t.e ti%es and pla(es and t.e persons present, and .e %$st 'e as;ed .e %ade s$(. state%ents, and i! soD allo+ed to eCplain t.e% I! t.e state%ents 'e in +ritin* t.ey %$st 'e s.o+n to t.e +itness 'e!ore any =$estion is p$t to .i% (on(ernin* t.e% . 7y iss$in* its Order to stri;e, t.e Trial Co$rt deprived petitioners o! t.eir ri*.t to i%pea(. t.e (redi'ility o! t.eir adverse parties9 +itnesses 'y provin* on !or%er

o((asions t.ey .ad %ade state%ents in(onsistent +it. t.e state%ents %ade d$rin* t.e trial, despite t.e !a(t s$(. state%ents are %aterial to t.e iss$es in t.e Civil Case. T.e s$'3e(t %atter involved in t.e dis'ar%ent pro(eedin*s i.e., t.e alle*ed !alsi!i(ation o! t.e deed o! a'sol$te sale in petitioners9 !avor, is t.e sa%e iss$e raised in t.e Civil Case +.erein t.e ann$l%ent o! t.e said deed o! a'sol$te sale is so$*.t. #d%ittedly, said Order is interlo($tory in (.ara(ter. @o+ever, sin(e it +as iss$ed in patent a'$se o! dis(retion, (ertiorari lies. (ertiorari %ay 'e availed o! to (ontest an interlo($tory order to (orre(t a patent a'$se o! dis(retion 'y t.e lo+er Co$rt in iss$in* t.e sa%e. 3 It %ay also 'e applied !or +.en t.e 'roader interests o! 3$sti(e so re=$ire or +.en ordinary appeal is not an ade=$ate re%edy, 4 as in (ase. T.e o!!er o! eviden(e, s$**ested 'y respondent #ppellate Co$rt as a re%edy open to petitioners, +.ile pro(ed$rally (orre(t, +o$ld 'e inade=$ate and ine!!e(tive !or p$rposes o! i%pea(.%ent. T.e 'roader interests o! 3$sti(e +o$ld t.en re=$ire petitioners 'e *iven s$!!i(ient latit$de to present and prove t.eir i%pea(.in* eviden(e !or 3$di(ial appre(iation. ?.ile pro(eedin*s a*ainst attorneys s.o$ld, indeed, 'e private and (on!idential eC(ept !or t.e !inal order +.i(. s.all 'e %ade p$'li(, 5 (on!identiality is a privile*edE ri*.t +.i(. %ay 'e +aived 'y t.e very la+yer in +.o% and !or t.e prote(tion o! +.ose personal and pro!essional rep$tation it is vested, p$rs$ant to t.e *eneral prin(iple ri*.ts %ay 'e +aived $nless t.e +aiver is (ontrary to p$'li( poli(y, a%on* ot.ers. 6 In !a(t, t.e Co$rt also notes even private respondents9 (o$nsel to$(.ed on so%e %atters testi!ied to 'y NE,#L in t.e dis'ar%ent pro(eedin*s and +.i(. +ere t.e
3 Impeachment by Prior Inconsistent Statement

s$'3e(t o! (ross eCa%ination. #CCOR&IN:LF, t.e Co$rt .ere'y SETS #SI&E respondent #ppellate Co$rt9s &e(ision dated 2e'r$ary B, 1956, and Resol$tion dated 2e'r$ary 19, 1956, and dire(ts t.e Re*ional Trial Co$rt o! La Union, at San 2ernando, to allo+ t.e testi%onies o! private respondents 0plainti!!s 'elo+1, %ore spe(i!i(ally t.ose o! Catalina Neval ,da. de E'$i-a, 2ran(is(o E'$i-a and /$stina E'$i-a San /$an, *iven in #d%inistrative Case No. 1455 and all re!eren(es t.ereto to re%ain in t.e re(ords o! Civil Case No. 799 entitled "Catalina Neval ,da. de E'$i-a, )lainti!!, vers$s Ro%an R. ,illalon, /r., et al., &e!endantsD C.ildren o! )atro(inio E'$i-a> /$stina, et al., all s$rna%ed E'$i-a Intervenors. " T.e Te%porary Restrainin* Order .ereto!ore iss$ed is .ere'y li!ted. SO OR&ERE&. Yap (Chairman), Narvasa, Paras, * and e!iciano, ""., conc#r. Cr#$, "., is on !eave.

FIRST DIVISION [G.R. No. 26708. September 29, 1927.] THE EO !E OF THE HI!I INE IS!"NDS, PlaintiffAppellee, #. "!E$O RES"%"!, Defendant-Appellant. &e'()*+,e- G. I'+o +., V*/e.te Sotto 0or Appellant.

"' $+r+.*'+ 0or Appellee. S3!!"%4S 1. CRIMIN ! PROC"D#R"$ "VID"NC"$ %ITN"SS"S. & The mere 'act that the (itness (as an acc)se*+ e,c-)*e* 'rom the in'ormation in or*er to be )se* as a (itness 'or the prosec)tion+ *oes not pre.ent him 'rom te--in/ the tr)th+ especia--y in the absence o' proo' sho(in/ his interest in testi'yin/ a/ainst the Appellant. 2. ID.$ ID.$ ID.$ CONTR DICTION IN T"STIMON0. & The apparent contra*iction bet(een the testimony /i.en by the (itness in the Co)rt o' First Instance an* that /i.en in the 1)stice o' the peace co)rt+ is not s)''icient to *iscre*it it+ i' he (as not /i.en amp-e opport)nity to e,p-ain it in the Co)rt o' First Instance. The mere presentation o' the *oc)ment containin/ sai* *ec-aration ma*e in the 1)stice o' the peace co)rt is not s)''icient$ it m)st be rea* to him in or*er that he may e,p-ain the *iscrepancies note*. 2#. S. V3. 4a-)yot+ 56 Phi-.+ 337.8 3. ID.$ ID.$ CC#S"D9S COND#CT. & The 'act that the acc)se* (ent to the *ecease*9s ho)se an* assiste* in the preparations o' his ')nera-+ is not incompatib-e (ith his /)i-t. DE5ISION VI!!"&OR, J.6 The e.i*ence sho(s+ as an in*isp)tab-e 'act+ that in the ear-y mornin/ o' pri- 2:+ 1;27+ one Primo Or*i< *ie* at his o(n home

in the barrio o' 4o/o+ m)nicipa-ity o' Maasin+ !eyte+ 'rom the e''ects o' an interna- hemorrha/e ca)se* by a sharp (o)n* in the -e't -)n/+ as appears 'rom the *eath certi'icate+ mar=e* ",hibit . s a conse>)ence o' this+ an in'ormation (as 'i-e* (ith the Co)rt o' First Instance o' !eyte in Maasin+ rea*in/ as 'o--o(s?

@That on or abo)t pri- 2:+ 1;27+ in the m)nicipa-ity o' Maasin+ Pro.ince o' !eyte+ Phi-ippine Is-an*s+ the sai* acc)se*+ (i--')--y+ )n-a(')--y an* crimina--y+ (ith treachery an* e.i*ent preme*itation+ conspirin/ amon/st an* actin/ in common a/reement an* ta=in/ a*.anta/e o' noct)rnity+ m)t)a--y ai*in/ each other+ opene* the (in*o( an* =i--e* Primo Or*i< by means o' a shot 'rom a 9Smith9 33 ca-iber in'-ictin/ a (o)n* in the )pper part o' the -e't nipp-e+ (hich pro*)ce* the instant *eath o' sai* Primo Or*i<. @Contrary to -a(.@
cra- a( .irt)a1a( -ibrary

The 1)*/e (ho trie* the case+ a'ter care')--y ana-y<e* the e.i*ence+ reache* the conc-)sion that the crime committe* by the acc)se* -e1o Resaba- is that o' m)r*er+ pro.i*e* 'or an* pena-i<e* in artic-e 563 o' the Pena- Co*e+ (ith the a//ra.atin/ circ)mstances o' e.i*ent preme*itation+ noct)rnity an* *(e--in/+ an* impose* on the acc)se* the *eath pena-ty+ (ith the accessories o' artic-e :3 in case o' par*on+ an* to pay the *ecease*9s heirs the s)m o' P1+666 by (ay o' in*emnity (ith the costs o' the action. Ae a-so or*ere* that the present case be bro)/ht to this co)rt 'or as pro.i*e* 'or in section :6 o' Benera- Or*ers No. :3. Co)nse- 'or the *e'ense a--e/es that the tria- co)rt erre* in not i/norin/ B-icerio Orit9s testimony+ an* in not ac>)ittin/ the acc)se* -e1o Resaba- on the /ro)n* o' reasonab-e *o)bt.

5 Impeachment by Prior Inconsistent Statement

The ttorneyCBenera- in t)rn as=s that the 1)*/ment ren*ere*+ bein/ in accor*ance (ith the e.i*ence an* the -a(+ be a''irme* (ith the costs a/ainst the Appellant. B-icerio Orit testi'ie* that on the mornin/ o' pri- 2:+ 1;27+ the acc)se*+ arme* (ith a in.ite* him to Primo Or*i<9s ho)se in or*er to =i-- the -atter+ an* on at sai* ho)se+ the acc)se* (ent into the /ro)n*s+ approache* one o' the (in*o(s o' the ho)se -ess than a meter an* a ha-' in hei/ht+ opene* it an* -oo=e* in. t that moment the (itness -e't the p-ace+ an* at a *istance o' 1: bra<as hear* an e,p-osion. B-icerio Orit9s testimony as to the e,p-osion is corroborate* by the *ec-aration o' the boy Dose Or*i<+ (ho s-ept (ith his )nc-e Primo Or*i<+ to the e''ect that ear-y in the mornin/ o' that *ay he (as a(a=ene* by the noise o' an e,p-osion an* sa( his )nc-e Primo Or*i< .omitin/ b-oo* an* )nab-e to spea=. It is )n>)estionab-e+ 'rom the testimony o' these t(o (itnesses an* the res)-t o' the a)topsy+ an* abo.e a-- 'rom the 'in*in/ o' the ",hibit 4+ that the (eapon )se* by the acc)se* to commit the crime+ is the e,hibite* at the tria- o' the case. This (as hi**en by the acc)se* on the -an* c)-ti.ate* by the (itness Carme-o Or*i<+ to (hom the acc)se* re.ea-e* it+ an* (ho+ thro)/h 'ear o' the po-ice+ trans'erre* it to the nei/hborin/ -ot+ b)ryin/ it at the 'oot o' a tree ca--e* @maba/o.@ 4y 'o--o(in/ the *irections o' this (itness+ Carme-o Or*i<+ the chie' o' po-ice+ (ho in.esti/ate* the case+ 'o)n* the (rappe* in t(o pieces o' c-oth ",hibits C an* CC1. The (as -oa*e* (ith t(o b)--ets an* an empty she--+ an* ha* a r)sty barre-. It m)st be note* that ",hibit CC1 appears to be a piece o' c-oth 'rom a pair o' *ra(ers+ an* the chie' o' po-ice (ho searche* the ho)se (here the acc)se* -i.e*+ 'o)n* a piece o' a pair o' *ra(ers in a tr)n= that (as in the =itchen. #pon e,amination o' sai* ",hibits F an* CC1 by this co)rt+ it (as 'o)n* that these t(o pieces o' c-oth ",hibits F an* CC1 ma*e a comp-ete pair o' *ra(ers+ a-- o' (hich sho(s that the acc)se* tore
: Impeachment by Prior Inconsistent Statement

the piece o' c-oth ",hibit CC1 'rom an o-* pair o' *ra(ers in or*er to (rap )p the be'ore p)ttin/ it in the p-ace in*icate* by the (itness Carme-o Or*i<. This (itness testi'ie*+ ')rthermore+ that on the ni/ht o' pri- 25+ 1;27+ the acc)se* him to be sti-- an enemy o' the *ecease* Primo Or*i<+ an* sho(in/ him the ",hibit 4+ in.ite* him to accompany him to *o a(ay (ith Primo Or*i<. On the other han*+ the (itness Vicente mba-on/ corroborates B-icerio Orit9s testimony to the e''ect that ear-y in the mornin/ o' pri- 2:+ 1;27+ the acc)se* (ent to the ho)se (here the -atter (as s-eepin/ to a(a=en him+ an* that he then sa( the acc)se* on the staircase+ ca--in/ to sai* B-icerio Orit. n* (hat is the moti.e o' the crimeE ccor*in/ to the e.i*ence presente* by the prosec)tion+ some t(enty *ays be'ore the inci*ent the acc)se* ha* a *isa/reement (ith the *ecease* beca)se o' a carabao that *estroye* some cocon)t trees be-on/in/ to the *ecease* Primo Or*i<. The acc)se* re>)este* the *ecease* to ret)rn the carabao that (as )n*er his care+ b)t the *ecease* re')se* to *o so be'ore he (as pai* the .a-)e o' the trees *estroye*. This nat)ra--y pro*)ce* resentment+ (hich+ amon/ co)ntry peop-e+ is s)''icient ca)se 'or the commission o' the act char/e* in the in'ormation. The *e'ense o' a-ibi set )p by the acc)se* is not+ in o)r opinion+ s)''icient to o.erthro( the e.i*ence o' the prosec)tion$ 'or+ ta=in/ into consi*eration the short *istance bet(een the *ecease*9s ho)se an* that in (hich the acc)se* s-ept on the ni/ht o' the inci*ent+ the acc)se* co)-* easi-y ha.e /one o)t o' his ho)se an* ret)rne* -ater+ (itho)t been notice* by his companions in the ho)se+ name-y+ his (i'e+ his motherCinC-a(+ an* his sisterCinC-a(+ asi*e 'rom the nat)ra- interest these ha.e in testi'yin/ in the acc)se*9s 'a.or.

The *e'ense ar/)es that B-icerio Orit is not a cre*ib-e (itness+ beca)se o' his been e,c-)*e* 'rom the in'ormation to be )se* as a (itness 'or the prosec)tion$ an*+ beca)se+ o' the contra*ictions in his testimony at the pre-iminary in.esti/ation an* *)rin/ the tria-. %e are o' the opinion that the mere 'act o' been e,c-)*e* 'rom the in'ormation to be )se* as a (itness 'or the Bo.ernment+ *oes not pre.ent this (itness 'rom te--in/ the tr)th in this case+ especia--y in the absence o' proo' sho(in/ the interest he mi/ht possib-y ha.e in testi'yin/ a/ainst the acc)se*. Neither is the apparent contra*iction (hich may be note* in his *ec-arations be'ore the co)rt o' the 1)stice o' the peace+ an* be'ore the co)rt o' 'irst instance s)''icient to *iscre*it his testimony+ 'or the simp-e reason that this (itness (as not /i.en amp-e opport)nity+ by a rea*in/ to him o' his *ec-arations be'ore the co)rt o' the 1)stice o' the peace. to e,p-ain the *iscrepancies note* by co)nse- 'or the acc)se*. The mere presentation o' ",hibit 1+ (itho)t sai* *ec-aration been rea* to the (itness (hi-e he testi'ie* in the Co)rt o' First Instance+ is no /ro)n* 'or impeachin/ his testimony. 2#. S. .. 4a-)yot+ 56 Phi-.+ 33:+ 567.8 The *e'ense a-so impeaches Carme-o Or*i<9s testimony consi*erin/ the in.itation (hich the acc)se* e,ten*e* to him as improbab-e+ =no(in/ that he (as a co)sin o' the *ecease* Primo Or*i<. #n*er or*inary circ)mstances+ s)ch an attit)*e (o)-* appear improbab-e+ b)t not so i' it is consi*ere* that the acc)se* in.ite* the (itness in the be-ie' that the -atter (as sti-- an enemy o' the *ecease*+ on acco)nt o' certain *isa/reements they ha* some -an*. The *e'ense a-so conten*s that the con*)ct o' the acc)se* in /oin/ (ith his 'ami-y to the *ecease*9s ho)se on the mornin/ o' pri- 2:+ 1;27+ he-pin/ in the preparations 'or the b)ria-+ is incompatib-e (ith his bein/ a crimina-. It is+ in*ee*+ an o-* be-ie' that the 'ear o' the s)specte* party to to)ch the corpse (as a si/n o' /)i-t. 4)t
7 Impeachment by Prior Inconsistent Statement

e,perience has sho(n that some crimina-s ha.e /one to the e,treme that the acc)se* *i*+ to a.oi* a-- s)spicion o' /)i-t. The e.i*ence in the recor* sho(s the /)i-t o' the acc)se* beyon* a reasonab-e *o)bt+ an* he * the pena-ty pro.i*e* 'or in artic-e 563 o' the Pena- Co*e. The crime committe* is m)r*er+ >)a-i'ie* by treachery 'or+ in the commission o' the crime+ the acc)se* emp-oye* (ays+ means+ an* 'orms that ten*e* *irect-y an* especia--y to ass)re it+ (itho)t ris= to his person 'rom any *e'ense the assa)-te* party mi/ht ma=e. The tria- co)rt impose* the *eath pena-ty on the acc)se*+ by reason o' the a//ra.atin/ circ)mstances o' e.i*ent preme*itation+ noct)rnity+ an* *(e--in/+ (itho)t any miti/atin/ circ)mstances to o''set them. On this point the opinion o' the co)rt is *i.i*e*+ (ith the res)-t that (e cannot impose on the acc)se* the ma,im)m pena-ty+ or *eath+ in accor*ance (ith ct No. 3165+ beca)se the .ote o' the members o' the co)rt (ho too= part in the *isc)ssion o' the case+ as to the 1)stice o' the imposition o' the *eath pena-ty (as not )nanimo)s. n*+ it bein/ so+ it is )nnecessary to *isc)ss in *etai- the presence o' the sai* a//ra.atin/ circ)mstances. In .irt)e (hereo'+ (e are o' the opinion+ an* so ho-*+ that the acc)se* is /)i-ty o' the crime o' m)r*er+ committe* (ith treachery+ on the person o' Primo Or*i<+ an* (ith the mo*i'ication o' the 1)*/ment on the pena-ty o' ca*ena perpet)a is impose* on the acc)se*+ (ith the accessories o' artic-e :5 o' the Pena- Co*e+ the 1)*/ment o' the tria- co)rt bein/ a''irme* in a-- other respects+ (ith the costs a/ainst the appe--ant. So or*ere*. .anceFa+ C.J.+ Dohnson+ Street+ Ma-co-m+ Rom)a-*e<+ Dohns+ an* Vi--aCRea-+ JJ.+ conc)r.

impeach him. 778 F.2, 1191 91988: R)-e 76I o' the Fe*era- R)-es o' ".i*ence pro.i*es? @The cre*ibi-ity o' a (itness may be attac=e* by any party+ inc-)*in/ the party ca--in/ him.@ 4)t it (o)-* be an ab)se o' the r)-e+ in a crimina- case+ 'or the prosec)tion to ca-- a (itness that it =ne( (o)-* not /i.e it )se')- e.i*ence+ 1)st so it co)-* intro*)ce hearsay e.i*ence a/ainst the *e'en*ant in the hope that the 1)ry (o)-* miss the s)bt-e *istinction bet(een impeachment an* s)bstanti.e e.i*ence & or+ i' it *i*nJt miss it+ (o)-* i/nore it. The p)rpose (o)-* not be to impeach the (itness b)t to p)t in hearsay as s)bstanti.e e.i*ence a/ainst the *e'en*ant+ (hich R)-e 76I *oes not contemp-ate or a)thori<e. %e th)s a/ree that @impeachment by prior inconsistent statement may not be permitte* (here emp-oye* as a mere s)bter')/e to /et be'ore the 1)ry e.i*ence not other(ise a*missib-e.@ United States v. Morlang, :31 F.2* 133+ 1;6 25th Cir.1;I:8. -tho)/h Morlang (as *eci*e* be'ore the Fe*era- R)-es o' ".i*ence became e''ecti.e+ the -imitation that (e ha.e >)ote* on the prosec)torJs ri/hts )n*er R)-e 76I has been accepte* in a-circ)its that ha.e consi*ere* the iss)e. See+ e./.+ United States v. Miller, 775 F.2* ;5+ ;I 2:th Cir.1;318$ United States v. DeLillo, 726 F.2* ;3;+ ;57 22* Cir.1;368$ Whitehurst v. Wright, :;2 F.2* 335+ 33;C56 2:th Cir.1;I;8$ United States v. Rogers, :5; F.2* 5;6+ 5;I 23th Cir.1;I78. %e a/ree (ith these *ecisions. See a-so United States v. orn!, I32 F.2* :;I+ 763C65 2Ith Cir.1;358. 4)t it is >)ite p-ain that there (as no ba* 'aith here. 4e'ore the prosec)tor ca--e* Hin/ to the stan* she as=e* the 1)*/e to a--o( her to e,amine him o)tsi*e the presence o' the 1)ry+ beca)se she *i*nJt =no( (hat he (o)-* say. The *e'en*antJs 11;3G11;3 co)nseob1ecte* an* the .oir *ire (as not he-*. %e *o not see ho( in these circ)mstances it can be tho)/ht that the prosec)tor p)t Hin/ on the stan* =no(in/ he (o)-* /i.e no )se')- e.i*ence. I' she ha* =no(n that+ she (o)-* not ha.e o''ere* to .oir *ire him+ as the .oir *ire (o)-* ha.e pro.i*e* a 'o)n*ation 'or *e'ense co)nse- to ob1ect+

4NITED ST"TES o0 "mer*/+, '+*.t*002"ppe''ee, #. 5'*.to. ;E%STER, De0e.,+.t2"ppe''+.t.

No. 32C21;:. 4.*te, St+te- 5o)rt o0 "ppe+'-, Se#e.t< 5*r/)*t. r/)e* Dan)ary :+ 1;35. Deci*e* May ;+ 1;35. 11;2G11;2 Richar* Doy-e+ Dan.i--e+ I--.+ 'or *e'en*antCappe--ant. Frances C. A)-in+ sst. #.S. tty.+ Dan.i--e+ I--.+ 'or p-ainti''C appe--ee. 4e'ore "SCA4 CA+ POSN"R an* COFF"0+ Circ)it D)*/es. POSN"R+ Circ)it D)*/e. The *e'en*ant+ %ebster+ (as con.icte* o' ai*in/ an* abettin/ the robbery o' a 'e*era--y ins)re* ban= an* sto-en ban= ')n*s+ (as sentence* to nine years in prison+ an* appea-s. On-y one iss)e nee* be *isc)sse*. The /o.ernment ca--e* the ban= robber+ Hin/ 2(ho ha* p-ea*e* /)i-ty an* been /i.en a -on/ prison term8+ as a (itness a/ainst %ebster. Hin/ /a.e testimony that i' be-ie.e* (o)-* ha.e e,c)-pate* the *e'en*ant+ (here)pon the /o.ernment intro*)ce* prior inconsistent statements that Hin/ ha* /i.en the F4I inc)-patin/ %ebster. -tho)/h the co)rt instr)cte* the 1)ry that it co)-* consi*er the statements on-y 'or p)rposes o' impeachment+ %ebster ar/)es that this (as not /oo* eno)/h+ that the /o.ernment sho)-* not be a--o(e* to /et ina*missib-e e.i*ence be'ore the 1)ry by ca--in/ a hosti-e (itness an* then )sin/ his o)tCo'Cco)rt statements+ (hich (o)-* other(ise be ina*missib-e hearsay+ to
I Impeachment by Prior Inconsistent Statement

)n*er Morlang, to the a*mission o' Hin/Js prior inconsistent statements. %ebster )r/es )s+ on the a)thority o' Braham+ Aan*boo= o' Fe*era".i*ence K 76I.3 21;31 an* S)pp.1;338+ to /o beyon* the /oo*C 'aith stan*ar* an* ho-* that the /o.ernment may not impeach a (itness (ith his prior inconsistent statements )n-ess it is s)rprise* an* harme* by the (itnessJs testimony. 4)t (e thin= it (o)-* be a mista=e to /ra't s)ch a re>)irement to R)-e 76I+ e.en i' s)ch a /ra't (o)-* be (ithin the po(er o' 1)*icia- interpretation o' the r)-e. S)ppose the /o.ernment ca--e* an a*.erse (itness that it tho)/ht (o)-* /i.e e.i*ence both he-p')- an* harm')- to it+ b)t it a-so tho)/ht that the harm')- aspect co)-* be n)--i'ie* by intro*)cin/ the (itnessJs prior inconsistent statement. s there (o)-* be no e-ement o' s)rprise+ Pro'essor Braham (o)-* 'orbi* the intro*)ction o' the prior statements$ yet (e are at a -oss to )n*erstan* (hy the /o.ernment sho)-* be p)t to the choice bet(een the Scy--a o' 'or/oin/ impeachment an* the Charyb*is o' not ca--in/ at a-- a (itness 'rom (hom it e,pects to e-icit /en)ine-y he-p')- e.i*ence. The /oo*C'aith stan*ar* stri=es a better ba-ance$ an* it is a-(ays open to the *e'en*ant to ar/)e that the probati.e .a-)e o' the e.i*ence o''ere* to impeach the (itness is c-ear-y o)t(ei/he* by the pre1)*icia- impact it mi/ht ha.e on the 1)ry+ beca)se the 1)ry (o)-* ha.e *i''ic)-ty con'inin/ )se o' the e.i*ence to impeachment. See Fe*.R.".i*. 563. The 1)*/ment o' con.iction is FFIRM"D.

3 Impeachment by Prior Inconsistent Statement

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