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PAOLA ROJAS SEPULVEDA CDIGO: 2092341 The Colombian urban law is a branch of administrative law that has the greatest impact on the daily lives of citizens. The planning regulations governing the use and development of urban properties establishing serious limitations to the powers and authorities of the owners and developers. The transgression of urban standards by their owners can lead to serious sanctions from local authorities. Under this law, any action of construction, expansion, modification, adaptation and demolition of buildings, urbanization and fragmentation, which contravenes the land use plans and planning requirements which generate sanctions, can be considered severe or mild, as affecting the interest protected by such rules. A case that is common in our country is the seizure of public space for commercial property, those who have their business in a well-positioned home and yet feel the need to be on the street offering their products without licenses or permits them permit to exercise their business to avoid police measures and immediate suspension. This law also enacts penalties for those who without a building permit granted by the competent authorities carry out works of construction or that still carry a license do not meet it, for that matter all the works will be suspended until fully credited. This is because lack culture, professional ethics especially those who knew the law are able to start a work in a space that has not been designated for this activity. For these situations the governors, mayors and other designated presented estimated penalties for those who violate the law. What follows are the fines stated in this law: Fines ranging from 15 to 30 kittens Legal Wage per meter of box builds or occupies unlicensed plus demolition thereof or those areas in which they are affected by the road plan or are intended for public facilities. Here it is better to think that the legal stuff to avoid problems that can change the lives of those who dare to do things without considering the consequences or millions in debts. Another fine is ranging from 12 to 25 kittens Legal Wage per meter of box builds or unlicensed dealing in addition to the demolition of the building itself in public parks, gardens, they are locked up without authorization. Also here is common to see that rights are not violated when such public areas must ensure that a visual enjoyment of the area of 90% if you want to access a license otherwise is not granted and if necessary start work, acquires the aforementioned fine.

There is another fine refers to those that build in places suitable for such activity but unlicensed and ranges from 12 to 25 kittens Legal Wage for Metro area that further builds or deal with the demolition of the same by construction. Additionally those doing demolition of buildings that are denominated in architectural conservation, for example those houses that are the identity of a place by its age and design. I think it is important that this heritage is preserved as are the places that show the history of a society and worth keeping, without fear that someone may destroy to build modern buildings they would take the sense of a people. Additionally those who parceled build or urbanize in areas suitable for these events and not meeting as indicated in the license or in breach planning regulations on specific land uses will have to take care of fines ranging from 8-10 mininos wages legal force per meter of box builds or deal. If reference is made commercial establishments have the same punishment for those who do not follow the law. The total or partial demolition of the works carried without a license, or the part of unauthorized or executed in violation of the license, the interested party, achieve charge for compulsory powers if applicable, same when it is obvious that the offender cannot adapt to the norm. Of the sanctions listed above may be said to be serious misconduct if it generates impact on the environment or finds irreparable damage and in this topic I stop a little because it is important and I totally agree that they are fined those who do not take care of nature. While we know that every day is more destroyed the planet and is implementing strategies to prevent the exploitation of it to leave a habitable place for all successors. Returning to the theme of offenders, there are only 60 days to adapt to the norm and get the license. At the end of the term if there is no daily papers and as the law is applicable to the demolition and subsequent imposition of fines by taking into account the seriousness of the offending action. If the seizure of public space, this was destroyed or altered, be repaid in a term of two months from the providence of imposing the sanction it is obliged to leave the place as it was before the offense which is the more correct. All who have committed offenses in urban during the term of Article 104 of Law 388 of 1997 which have not originated punitive administrative actions that is firm to the date of issue of this Act, may invoke the administrative sanctions provided in Article 1 of this law, as are more favorable to the offender. Administrative favorability was applied. Keep in mind that the fines and penalties on urban referred to in Article 2 of this law to the successors of housing does not apply to programs legalization and regularization of urban housing settlements existing social interest entry into force of this Act that advance the competent municipal or district authorities, provided that such administrative actions conform to the provisions of the Land Use Plan. Notaries public instruments and recorders shall not authorize or register respectively, no deed of division of land or subdivision of lots, until the granting of

the relevant planning permission, which should be formalized with the public deed has first been established, except cases pursuant to a court judgment. They shall abstain from approved or registered, respectively any clarification write rose edge over any property contiguous with areas of low water, natural parks or any property for public use without the express permission of the competent authority. Repairs or improvements locative, considered as works that aim to maintain the property in a sanitary condition and ornament, without affecting its supporting structure, its interior layout, functional and formal characteristics, and volumes do not require license construction. Urban curator is responsible for a particular study, processing and issuing licenses fragmentation, urban planning, construction or demolition, and the subdivision or subdivision of land, on request, to advance projects fragmentation, urbanization, construction, demolition or subdivision or sub-division of land, zones or areas of the municipality or municipal district or district administration will be determined as of its jurisdiction. "Urban conservatorship involves the exercise of a public function for the verification of compliance of town planning and building regulations in force in the district or municipality, through the granting of licenses and building community. The license for temporary occupation of public space on the property for public use under the jurisdiction of the Dimar will be granted by the municipal authority or district and by the authority designated for that purpose by the governor of San Andres, Providencia and Santa Catalina. The exercise of urban curatorship shall be subject to the following among other provisions: first the municipal or district mayor appoint the zoning prior competitive basis, to appear at the top of the list of eligible, in strict order of merit. To be appointed conservator the following requirements must be fulfilled: a) Possess professional title of architect, civil engineer or graduate urban or regional or urban planning, b) Prove a minimum work experience of ten (10) years in the practice related to the development or urban planning activities. Prove the collaboration of specialized interdisciplinary group that support the work of urban healer. Finally, we can distinguish the use of this law knowing everything that should not be done being future engineers to avoid inconvenience to our lives both professionally and personally, being aware of the consequences of not having ethics and sanctions which is reached by the no law enforcement. It is important to clarify the rule and apply it not only to know but to prevent the violation of collective rights looking for the own good.

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