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=== Soundy Background Music === Contributors: bducouedic Tags: audio, sound, music, background, sound track, background

sound, background audio, background music, posts, pages Requires at least: 3.6 Tested up to: 3.8.1 Stable tag: 1.1 License: GPL2 License URI: Donate link: Soundy allows a page or post to play a sound track while it is displayed. == Description == The **Soundy** plugin allows to play a background music when a page or post is d isplayed. Each page or post can have its own sound track. The sound track is embedded in the page by means of the HTML 5 audio tag. This w ay, the plugin is compatible with all modern user devices (smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops of all vendors). A background music can be associated with all pages and posts or with individual pages or posts. A Play/Pause button can also be displayed anywhere in the pages and posts. Defaults can be set in the settings page of the plugin. Specific post and page plugin settings can be configured in the Edit Page and Ed it Post pages. In the plugin settings page, an audio track can be set per default. The audio track can be anywhere on the web as it is specified with its URL. It c an also be uploaded in the media library of the WP site. A play and pause button image can be uploaded to replace the default one and can be positioned anywhere. This Play/Pause button can be positioned in a corner of the document or in a cor ner of the window. It can also be positioned with a template tag typically in th e document header or with a shortcode in the content. For an example of a Soundy implementation, have a look to the swiss pianist, Mag ali Bourquin's website: []( A little Soundy example can also be seen in the Description tab of the [Soundy P lugin Home Page]( = Docs & Support = You can find [tutorial](, [ FAQ]( and more detailed informat ion about **Soundy** plugin on []( soundy/). If you were unable to find the answer to your question on the FAQ or i n any of the documentation, you should check the [support forum](http://wordpres on If you can't loc ate any topics that pertain to your particular issue, post a new topic for it. **Soundy** Plugin Home Page: [](http://webartisa = Soundy Needs Your Support = It is hard to continue development and support for this free plugin without cont ributions from users like you. If you enjoy using Soundy and find it useful, ple ase consider [__making a donation__]( _donate). Your donation will help encourage and support the plugin's continued d evelopment and better user support.

== Installation == * In the Admin area (the back-end) of your WordPress Web Site, go to Plugins > A dd New. * Enter **Soundy** in the search field. * **Soundy Background Music** appears. * Click on "Install Now". * Click on "Activate Plugin". * To set up plugin defaults, go to Settings > **Soundy** in the admin area and f ill out the input fields. * For help, here is a [tutorial]( orial). * Happy Soundy Music ! == Frequently Asked Questions == = Is it possible to have different sound tracks for different posts and pages. = Yes, a sound track can be set up on a per post or per page basis. = What kind of audio files can be used with Soundy Plugin ? = The audio files must be in the format MP3, OGG or WAV. The file extension must b e .mp3, .mpg, .mpeg, .ogg .wav or .wave. = Is Soundy Plugin compatible with iphone, ipad and smartphones in general? = Yes, it is as the plugin uses the HTML5 audio tag. There is just one issue with ipod, iphone and ipad (IOS Operating System): Autoplay option is deactivated by Apple on this operating system. = Is it possible to position the Play/Pause button anywhere in the page or post header ? = Yes, this can be done with the soundy_button() template tag. = Is it possible to position the Play/Pause button anywhere in the content of a page or post ? = Yes, this can be done with the [soundy button] shortcode. = Is it possible to modify the Play/Pause button look & feel ? = Yes, you can upload and set up your own button images. = Can I really put my audio files anywhere on the web ? = Yes, you can put your audio files anywhere on any cloud or website, except one p lace: you should not put your audio files in the soundy-background-music plugin directory (or below). If you do, you will loose your files the next time you wil l install a new version of Soundy. The update process deletes this folder and re place it with a new one. If you want to store the audio files on your WP site, t he best place to do so is the media library (/wp-content/uploads/...). == Screenshots == 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. **Default Audio Track Settings** **Play/Pause Button Settings** **Play/Pause Button Corner Settings** **Play/Pause Button Static Settings** **Page or Post Soundy Metabox**

== Changelog == = 1.1 = * Corrected a few minor bugs * Made Soundy forms of the back-end admin section more responsive * Added possibility to disable Soundy for mobile devices. Set variable **$disabl e_soundy_for_mobile** to **true** in soundy.php file to disable Soundy for mobil e devices. = 1.0 = * First Version == Upgrade Notice == = 1.1 = * After having upgraded Soundy to 1.1, please clear the cache of Soundy's admin pages in your browser. The reason is that a few CSS and Javascript files have be en modified and these files are typically cached by browsers.

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