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The annual increase in pay is drawn as a matter of course from 1 st of the month in which it falls due, except when it is withheld as a statutory punishment. If a o!t. ser!ant is on lea!e or is a!ailin" #oinin" time on the 1st of the month on which increment falls due, the increased pay will $e drawn only from the date on which he resumed duty and not from the first of that month. %n increment fallin" due durin" lea!e shall not $e drawn till the o!t. ser!ant returns to duty. This is $ecause durin" lea!e, the o!t. ser!ant is entitled to draw only lea!e salary which is $ased on the pay drawn $y him $efore proceedin" on lea!e. This will not howe!er, ha!e the effect of postponin" of future increments pro!ided that the portion of the lea!e period fallin" after the due date of increment also count for increment. The increment fallin" durin" the period of #oinin" time will also $e drawn only on #oinin" the new post, since under Rule & of CCS '#oinin" time( Rules 1)&), a o!t. ser!ant on #oinin" time will draw #oinin" time pay e*ual to the pay which was drawn $efore relin*uishment of char"e in the old post. +. Drawal of in r!"!n# fro" $%# of #&! "on#& in w&i & i# fall% '(!)-

,ith effect from 1-11-1)&., an increment shall $e "ranted from the first of the month in which it falls due instead of from the actual date on which it accrues. '1( '+( '.( '3( T&! followin* +!rio'% will o(n# for in r!"!n#%/%ll periods of duty. Ser!ice in another posts. %ll 0inds of lea!e other than E.1.2.. E12 "ranted 'a( 1n Medical Certificate. '$( 1ther than on Medical Certificate $ut due to the ina$ility of the o!ernment ser!ant to #oin duty on account of ci!il commotion. 'c( 4or prosecutin" technical and scientific studies.

'5( '7( '&( '9( ,-

6eputation out of India. 4orei"n Ser!ice. 8oinin" Time :eriod of trainin" $efore appointment on stipend or otherwise. ADVANCE INCREMENT .S/

%n %uthority, who is competent to create a post, whether temporary or permanent, may "rant ad!ance increment's( not only to the incum$ent of the post created under his own power $ut also to those appointed to other post in the same cadre on the same scale of pay, created with the concurrence of the hi"her authorities. This power to "rant ad!ance increment is in!o0ed also in the cases when the pay of a o!ernment ser!ant has to $e fixed under certain circumstances and also to remo!e anomalies in fixation of pay. 0'I( STAGNATION INCREMENT .S/

%dmissi$le to all employees, the maximum of whose pay scale does not exceed Rs.++,3;;. 'II( Not admissi$le to those drawin" fixed pay. 1M!#&o' of o(n#in* 2ro3!n +!rio' 4ro3!n +!rio'% ar! #o 2! o(n#!' a% +!r followin* ill(%#ra#ion%/ To calculate . months and +; days on and from +5th 8anuary, the followin" should $e adopted/<ear Month 6ays th st +5 8anuary to .1 8anuary --& 4e$ruary to %pril -. -th Ist May to 1. May --1. ===================== == . +; ===================== 'a( '$( The period commencin" on .;th 8anuary and endin" with +nd March should $e deemed as 1 month 3 days as under/-

<ear Month 6ays .; 8anuary to .1 8anuary == == + 4e$ruary == 1 == nd Ist March to + March == == + ========================= == 1 3 ========================= th 'c( The period commencin" on 5 8anuary and endin" with +7th March should $e deemed as + months and +. days as under/<ear Month 6ays th st 5 8anuary to .1 8anuary == == +& 4e$ruary == 1 == st th 1 March to +7 March == == +7 ======================= == + +. =======================
th st


M!#&o' for o(n#in* +!rio' of In r!"!n#%

%s per pro!iso to Rule +7 'a( 4R, for the purpose of arri!in" at the date of increment in that time scale, the total of all such periods as do not count for increment in that time scale, shall $e added to the normal date of increment. In other words, the date of next increment is postponed $y the non *ualifyin" periods as under/'1( 6ate of last increment / 1-;7-+;;; '+( :eriod of E12, suspension and other period not countin" for increment 4rom :eriod < M 6 +)-&-+;;; .1-&-+;;; E12 without MC == == . &-1;-+;;; +-1-+;;1 Suspension'Not countin"( == + +& 15-.-+;;1 5-3-+;;1 6ies non == == ++ ================= Total of the period which is not counted for == . ++ increments ================= '.( D!#!r"ina#ion of a #(al 'a#! of in r!"!n# 6ate of last increment 1-7-+;;; To :articulars

6ate of the next increment in normal course 1-7-+;;1 Total non *ualifyin" period for increment . month ++ days 6ate of increment in accordance with the :ro!iso to 4R +7 'a( +.-)-+;;1 >ut the increment will $e drawn from 1-)-+;;1 as an increment fallin" due on any date in a month has to $e drawn from the first of that month.


Gran# of S#a*na#ion In r!"!n# #o #&o%! %#a*na#in* a# #&! "a7i"(" of #&!ir Pa8 % al!%-

It has $een decided that all Central o!t. employees who ha!e opted the re!ised pay scales of pay in terms of the CCS 'R:( Rules 1))& and who ha!e reached the maximum of the re!ised scales of pay shall $e "ranted one sta"nation increment on completion of e!ery two years at the maximum of the respecti!e scales. The sta"nation increment shall $e e*ual to the rate of increment last drawn $y them in their pay scales. % maximum of three such increments shall $e allowed su$#ect to the condition that the "rant of sta"nation increment shall $e restricted to all posts the maximum of the pay scale of which does not exceed Rs.++,3;;?-. In the case of a o!t. ser!ant whose pay has $een fixed at the maximum of the scale as on 1-1-)7, the sta"nation increment shall $e admissi$le after two years rec0oned from 1-1-)7. In other words no o!t. ser!ant shall $ecome eli"i$le for the sta"nation increment $efore 1-1-)9 under CCS 'R:( Rules 1))&. The period, if any, spent at the maximum in the pre-re!ised scale will not $e ta0en into account under CCS 'R:( Rules 1))& and the sta"nation increment, if any, in the pre-re!ised scales will not $e counted towards "rant of maximum three increments in the CCS 'R:( Rules 1))&. The sta"nation increment will count for all purposes such as 6%, @R%, CC% and :ensionary $enefits includin" fixation of pay on promotion. The sta"nation increments shall $e allowed in the same manner as annual increments. Pr!+ar!' 48 D-C-G(+#a9 IDAS D8-C-D-A Offi ! of #&! :#-CDA .4R/ C&an'i*ar&

Mr. 8.S.4onia has $een appointed as %uditor w.e.f. +5-1-); in the pay scale of 1+;;-.;-15;;-3;-+;3; and promoted to Sr.%uditor w.e.f. 19-1;-1)). in the pay scale of Rs.13;;-3;-17;;-5+-+.;;-E>-7;-+7;;. @is pay on promotion has $een fixed A Rs.13;;?- w.e.f. 19-1;-1)). with 6NI 1-1;1))3. @is pay has $een fixed A Rs.5;;;?- p.m. with 6NI 1-1;-1))7 under R:R-)&. ,hereas Shri B.S.Nitnaware was appointed as %uditor w.e.f. +3-91)9)'4N( and promoted Sr.%uditor w.e.f. +3-+-)5 in the pay scale of Rs. 13;;-3;-17;;-5;-+.;;-E>-7;-+7;;. @is pay on promotion as Sr.%uditor fixed A Rs.13;;?- p.m. w.e.f. +3-+-)5 with 6NI 1-+-1))7. The pay of Shri. Nitnaware, Sr.%dr. has $een fixed A Rs.5;;;?- p.m. w.e.f. 1-1-)7 with 6NI 1-+-1))7. Shri. 4onia has represented that his date of annual increment may please $e antedated with his #unior from 1-1;-)7 to 1-+-1))7 under R:R-)& which has $een "ot antedated to 1-+-)7 Pl!a%! Co""!n#% The pay of Shri. 8.S.4onia for antedatin" is in contra!entions of the clarificatory orders already issued !ide :ara + '!( of 61 :T New 6elhi letter no. 3?&?)+-Estt ':ay-I( dated 3-11-).. ,herein it has $een clearly lays down that if a senior is appointed later than the #unior in the lower post than the #unior in such cases the senior cannot claim pay parity in the hi"her post thou"h he may ha!e promoted earlier to the hi"her post. In !iew of the a$o!e clarificatory orders his antedatin" do not falls within the am$it of a$o!e o!t. order as he has recei!ed less pay up to 1&-1;-1)). in the auditor scale than Shri. Nitnaware. Similarly, the antedatin" of their annual increments with Sh.8.S.4onia in the followin" indi!iduals are not extendin" $y this office in terms of a$o!e clarification. 1. I.S.>ist, Sr.%dr. +. Sh.>.S.Rana, Sr.%dr.

The $asic rules "o!ernin" the initial fixation of pay of o!ernment ser!ants in different circumstances were 4RS ++, ++-C and .1. The pay fixed under any of those rules were further su$#ected to 4Rs.+& and .5. 4R .; added a "eneral limitation on the pay fixed in respect of appointment in an officiatin" capacity. 4undamental Rules ++, ++-C, .;, .1 and .5 were the normal rules "o!ernin" fixation of the initial pay of a o!ernment ser!ant under 4Rs. %part from these Rules, separate order of the o!ernment ser!ant in certain cases as for example 'i( 4ixation of pay on appointment to selection "rade postsC 'ii( fixation of pay reemployed Ci!il and Military pensioners, etc. >y notification no. 1?1;?9)-Estt. ':ay-I( dated .;.;9.1)9), 4R ++ was su$stituted incorporatin" interalia the pro!isions of 4R ++-C and orders issued under se!eral office Memoranda from time to time. 4Rs ++-C, .; and .1 were deleted.

FR << .I/ Cla(%! .a/ .$/ deal with fixation of pay of a o!ernment ser!ant holdin" a non tenure
post in a su$stanti!e or temporary or officiatin" capacity on promotion?appointment in a su$stanti!e or temporary of officiatin" capacity to a hi"her post.

Cla(%! .a/ .</ deal with fixation of pay of a "o!ernment ser!ant holdin" a non tenure
post in a su$stanti!e or temporary or officiatin" capacity on transfer?appointment in a su$stanti!e or temporary of officiatin" capacity to another post which is not hi"her than the post which he was holdin".

Cla(%! .a/ .,/ deals with fixation of pay of a o!ernment ser!ant holdin" a post in a
su$stanti!e or temporary or officiatin" capacity on transfer at his own re*uest to a post with the maximum pay in the time-scale of the post lower than his pay in the post held $y him on re"ular $asis.

Cla(%! .2/ deals with fixation of pay of a o!ernment ser!ant on his first appointment
in o!ernment ser!ice and another case not fulfillin" the conditions in clause 'a(.

FR << .II/ deals with "rant of proforma officiatin" promotion under DNext >elow
RuleE to a o!ernment ser!ant who is wor0in" on deputation under the outside his re"ular line of ser!ice on forei"n ser!ice. o!ernment

FR << .III/ stipulates that appointment or promotion of a "o!ernment ser!ant to a post

in the same or identical time scale of pay 'with reference to the scale of the scale of the post of the post held $y him at the time of appointment of promotion( should not $e deemed to in!ol!e the assumptions of duties and responsi$ilities of "reater importance for the purpose of initial fixation of his pay.

FR << .IV/ stipulates that when a o!ernment ser!ant, while holdin" an ex cadre
post, is promoted or appointed re"ularly to a post in his cadre, his pay in the new cadre post should $e fixed with reference to his presumpti!e pay in the old cadre post which he would ha!e $ut for his holdin" the ex cadre post.

FR <6 = This rule !ests competent authorities with the power to fix the pay of a
o!ernment at a sta"e hi"her than that admissi$le under the pro!isions of 4R ++ $y "rantin" premature increments.

FR <> - This rules !ests o!ernment with the power to fix the pay of an officiatin"
o!ernment ser!ant at an amount less than that admissi$le under 4R ++.

CIRCUMSTANCES ?HICH GAVE RISE TO THE FI;ATION OF PAY ARE/1. 4irst appointment to any post, whether in a su$stanti!e or officiatin" capacity. +. Transfer from one post to another, whether in a su$stanti!e or officiatin" capacity. .. Re-appointment in the officiatin" post after $rea0 in ser!ice due to lea!e or ser!ice in another post which does not count for increments in that officiatin" post.

4ixation of pay of a o!ernment ser!ant on promotion?appointment from one post to hi"her post. F %s per clause 'a( '1(, when a o!ernment ser!ant holdin" a post, other than a tenure post, in su$stanti!e or temporary or officiatin" capacity is promoted or appointed in a su$stanti!e, temporary or officiatin" capacity as the case $e, to another post carryin" duties and responsi$ilities of "reater as the case $e, to another post carryin" duties and responsi$ilities of "reater importance than those attachin" to the post held $y him, his initial pay in the time scale of the hi"her post should $e fixed at the sta"e next a$o!e the notional pay arri!ed at $y increasin" his pay on respect of the lower post held $y him re"ularly $y an increment at the sta"e at which such pay accrued or rupees one hundred, whiche!er is more.

%s per the pro!ision to Clause 'a( '1( of 4R ++ 'I(, when a o!ernment ser!ant is, immediately $efore his promotion or appointment on re"ular $asis to a hi"her post, drawin" pay at the maximum of the time-scale of the lower post, his initial pay in the time-scale of the hi"her post $e fixed at the sta"e next a$o!e the pay notionally arri!ed at $y increasin" his pay in respect of the lower post held $y him on the re"ular $asis $y an amount e*ual to the last increment in the time scale of the lower post rupees on hundred, whiche!er is more. ,ith effect from .;-)-1))., the sta"nation increment's( will $e ta0en into account for fixation of pay on promotion to hi"her post on or after .;-)-1)).. NOTE/- The sta"nation increment will $e ta0en into account for fixation of pay in respect of appointments?promotions to hi"her post and also in respect of appointments to another post which does not in!ol!e assumption of duties and responsi$ilities of "reater importance than those attachin" to the post held $y the o!ernment ser!ant. ' I1 '+&( $elow 4R ++ read with I1 '1)( $elow 4R +7( Important :oint/- The fixation of pay on promotion?appointment to a hi"her post under Clause 'a( '1( of 4R ++ 'I( as explained in the proceedin" para"raphs is su$#ect to the followin" conditions/'1( The promotion?appointment to a hi"her post should fulfill the eli"i$ility conditions as per prescri$ed in the rele!ant Recruitment Rules. '+( In case of promotion in the normal line within the cadre which is not a re"ular $asis, i.e. does not fulfill the eli"i$ility conditions, the pay in the hi"her post may also $e fixed under 4R ++ 'I( 'a( '1(. If there is su$stantial increase in pay so fixed, the pay has to $e restricted under 4R 5. so as not to exceed the $asic pay in the lower post $y more than the amounts shown $elow'a( '$( 4or example in receipt of $asic pay up to Rs.9,;;; p.m. 4or employees in receipt of $asic pay a$o!e Rs.9;;; p.m. 15G of $asic pay su$#ect to a maximum Rs.1;;;?- p.m. 1+ H G of $asic pay su$#ect to a maximum of Rs.1;;;?- p.m.

In the case where pay in the manner indicates a$o!e comes to more than the minimum or at the minimum of the promotional posts, the employees concerned will $e allowed pay at the minimum of the scale. .GIO .</9 2!low FR ,1/ '.( The pay in the hi"her post should $e fixed only with reference to the pay drawn in the lower post which has $een held $y the o!ernment ser!ant on re"ular $asis.

OPTION OF DATE FOR FI;ATION OF PAY ON PROMOTION TO THE HIGHER POST)%s per su$-para of Clause 'a( '1( to 4R ++ 'I(, a o!ernment ser!ant promoted to a hi"her post on re"ular $asis is "i!en an option for fixation of his pay on the hi"her post as under/'a( Either his initial pay may $e fixed in the hi"her post on the $asis of Clause 'a( '1( of 4R ++ 'I( strai"htway from the date of promotion without any further re!iew on accrual of increment in the pay scale of the lower postC or '$( @is pay on promotion may initially $e fixed of the time-scale of the new post a$o!e the in the lower post from which he is promoted, which may $e refixed in accordance with Clause 'a( '1( of 4R ++ 'I( on the date of accrual of next increment?on the date of accrual of sta"nation increments in the time-scale of the pay of the lower post. The option should $e exercised $y the o!ernment ser!ant within one month from the date of promotion. This option is not a!aila$le in the cases of appointment of deputation to an ex cadre post, or to a post on ad-hoc $asis or on direct recruitment $asis. @owe!er, in cases where an ad-hoc promotion is followed $y re"ular appointment without $rea0, the option is admissi$le as from the date of initial promotion which should $e exercised within one month from the date of such re"ular appointment. Note/-In the order promotin" the o!ernment ser!ant, it should $e mentioned that he has to exercise the option within one month and that option once exercised is final. +. In the e!ent of the officer refusin" promotion e!en after the a$o!e concession $ecome a!aila$le, he would $e de$arred from promotion for a period of one year. AFR << an' GIO% .$1/ B .<>/ #&! r!(n'!r C Clarifi a#ion r!la#in* #o FR << .I/ .a/ .$/- F4R ++ 'I( 'a( '1( applies not only a respect of promotions to hi"her appointments in the direct line of promotions to hi"her appointments in the direct line of promotion $ut also in respect of appointment to another post 'carryin" hi"her responsi$ility than the post held $y the o!ernment ser!ant( outside the ordinary line which is "enerally termed as ex cadre appointment, pro!ided that in respect of that ex cadre appointment, the o!ernment ser!ant is entitled to or elects to draw pay in the time-scale of the ex cadre post. How!D!r9 #&! o+#ion #o &aD! #&! +a8 fi7!' in #&! a'r! +o%# on #&! a r(al of n!7# in r!"!n# in #&! a'r! +o%# i% no# a'"i%%i2l!In cases of appointment?promotion from one ex cadre post to another ex cadre post where the official opts to draw pay in the scale of the ex cadre post, the pay in the second or su$se*uent ex cadre post should $e fixed under the normal rules Ii.e. 4R ++ 'I( 'a( '1( or 'a( '+(J with reference to the pay in the cadre post only. If on appointment to a second or su$se*uent ex cadre post in a hi"her pay scale than that of the pre!ious ex cadre post, the pay fixed under normal rules with reference to the pay in

the cadre post happens to $e less than that drawn in the pre!ious ex cadre post, the differnece may $e allowed as personal pay to $e a$sor$ed in future increase in pay. A++li a#ion of FR .I/ .a/ .$/ #o S#a#! GoD!rn"!n# %!rDan#% on a++oin#"!n# #o &i*&!r +o%# in #&! GoD!rn"!n# of In'ia = when a State o!ernment ser!nat is appointed to a post under the Central o!ernment and the post carries duties and responsi$ilities of "reater importance than those attachin" to the post held $y him under State o!ernment, the initial pay may $e fixed under 4R ++'a( '1(. I I1 '11(, 4R ++J

Fi7a#ion of +a8 on #ran%f!r fro" on! +o%# #o ano#&!r w&!n #&! a++oin#"!n# 'o!% no# inDolD! a%%("+#ion of &i*&!r r!%+on%i2ili#i!%K%s per Clauses 'a( '+( of 4R ++ 'I(, when a o!ernment ser!ant holdin" a post, other than a tenure post, in a su$stanti!e at temporary of officiatin" capacity is appointed in a su$stanti!e, temporary or officiatin" capacity, as the case may $e, to another post which does not in!ol!e assumption of duties and responsi$ilities of "reater improtance than those attachin" to the post held $y him , his initial pay in the new post should $e fixed at the sta"e which is e*ual to his pay in respect of the old post held $y him on re"ular $asis and he will draw his next increment in the new post on the date on which he would ha!e recei!ed and increment in the time-scale of the old post. If there is no such e*ual sta"e in the time-scale of the new post, his initial pay in the new post will $e fixed at the sta"e next a$o!e his pay in respect of the old post and he will draw his next increment in the new post on completion of the period when an increment is earned in the time-scale of the new post. The a$o!e pro!ision is applica$le also in the cases of appointment to nonfunctional Selection rade posts. The a$o!e pro!ision is applica$le also in the case of appointment to a lower post at own re*uest when the maximum pay of the lower post is not less than the pay drawn in the old post. :rotection of pay drawn under Central?State :SLs, %utonomous >odies, etc., on appointment under Central o!ernment.KIn respect of candidates wor0in" in :u$lic Sector Lnderta0in"s, Lni!ersities, Semi- o!ernment Institutions or %utonomous >odies, who are appointed as direct recruits on selection throu"h inter!iew only $y a properly constituted a"ency includin" departmental authorities ma0in" recruitment directly. Their initial pay will $e fix at a sta"e in the scale of pay attached to the post so that the :ay and 6earness %llowances already $ein" drawn $y them in their parent or"aniMations. In the e!ent of such a sta"e not $ein" a!aila$le in the post to which they ha!e $een recruited, their pay may $e fix at a sta"e #ust $elow in the scale of the post to which they ha!e $een recruited. The pay fixation is to $e made $y the

employin" Ministries?6epartments after !erification of all the rele!ant documents to $e produced $y the candidates who were employed in such or"anisations. I I1s '+9( and '+)(, $elow 4R ++, SwamyNs Compilation of 4R and SR, :art-I 4ourteenth EditionJ

1. The pay of a o!t. ser!ant fixed under 4R ++ 'I( 'a( 'I( on promotion to a hi"her post may sometimes turn to $e lower than the pay drawn $y a #unior official who is promoted later. +. The pay of a o!t. ser!ant fixed on promotion to a hi"her post $efore the re!ision of pay scale. The pay of the #unior official promoted on or after 1-1-)7 may draws hi"her pay due to the notional increase of the rate of increment in the re!ised pay scale after 1-1-1))7 under R:R-)&. .. 6ue to rationaliMation of pay scales.


,hene!er such anomaly occurs, the followin" action will $e ta0en to safe"uard the interest of the senior officer. The pay of the senior officer in the hi"her post will $e stepped up to a fi"ure e*ual to the pay as fixed for the #unior officer in the hi"her post. The steppin" up will, howe!er, $e done with effect from the date of promotion or appointment of the #unior officer and will $e su$#ect to the followin" conditions/-

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