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Raising without Infinitives and the Nature of Agreement



The goal of this paper is twofold. irst! we prese"t e#ide"$e that Gree% has Raisi"g o&t of s&'(&"$ti#e $o)ple)e"ts *see also A"ag"ostopo&lo& +,,,-. Se$o"d! we dis$&ss the i)pli$atio"s of Gree% Raisi"g for the theor. of /ase a"d Agree)e"t! as o&tli"ed i" /ho)s%. *+,,0-.

Raising, Incomplete Checking and Agreement

/ho)s%. *+,,0-! followi"g George 1 2or"filt *+,0+-! proposes that str&$3 t&ral /ase *"o)i"ati#e4a$$&sati#e- is asso$iated to phi3feat&res i" the se"se that $o)plete s&'(e$t3#er' a"d o'(e$t3#er' agree)e"t $he$%i"g res&lts i" str&$t&ral /ase $he$%i"g. /ho)s%. f&rther proposes that s&$$essi#e $.$li$ )o#e)e"t depe"ds o" i"$o)plete feat&re $he$%i"g o" #! T! /. I"$o)plete feat&re $he$%i"g i"#ol#es $he$%i"g a"d eras&re of a feat&re o" the target! '&t "ot of feat&res of the )o#ed $o"stit&e"t. I" the do)ai" of T! s&$$essi#e
* 5e wo&ld li%e to tha"% the a&die"$es at the +0th 5est /oast /o"fere"$e o" or)al Li"g&isti$s at the U"i#ersit. of T&$so"! the ,th /ollo6&i&) of Ge"erati#e Gra))ar i" 7ar$elo"a! the GGS )eeti"g i" St&ttgart a"d a se)i"ar at the U"i#ersit. of T8'i"ge". Tha"%s to Graha) 2at9! 5i"fried Le$h"er! /risti"a S$h)itt! 5olfga"g Ster"efeld! George Tso&las a"d Maria3L&isa :&'i9arreta for $o))e"ts a"d dis$&ssio"s.

$.$li$ )o#e)e"t depe"ds o" defe$ti#e T! i.e. T that $a""ot $he$% /ase. I" *+- Mickey )o#es thro&gh i"ter)ediate Spe$!TPs $he$%i"g their EPP fea3 t&re; Steve i" *<- $a"=t A3)o#e higher o"$e the /ase of the NP is $he$%ed o" a T head *free9i"g effe$t-. *+- Mi$%e. is li%el. >TP t< to 'e as%ed >TP t+ to t (oi" ?&#e"t&s@@ *<- ASte#e see)s >that t is lea#i"g@ If /ase a"d Agree)e"t are two sides of the sa)e $oi"! it is predi$ted that whe"e#er /ase o" the lower $la&se has "ot 'ee" $he$%ed! agree)e"t will 'e i)possi'le. This predi$tio" is tri#iall. 'or"e o&t i" E"glish! where Raisi"g ta%es pla$e o"l. o&t of i"fi"iti#al $la&ses whi$h show "o agree)e"t with the s&'(e$t. Port&g&ese prese"ts a )ore i"teresti"g $ase for /ho)s%.. As %"ow"! Port&g&ese has i"fle$ted i"fi"iti#es *$f. Raposo +,0B-. A"d i"deed Raisi"g o&t of i"fle$ted i"fi"iti#es is i)possi'le! as eCpe$ted *see *D- 'elow! data fro) /risti"a S$h)itt perso"al $o))&"i$atio"-. This $orrelates with the fa$t that i"fle$ted i"fi"iti#es i" Port&g&ese assig" "o)i"ati#e /ase *see Ra3 poso +,0B-. *D- AAs $ria"$as pare$e) falare) port&g&es The $hildre" see)3Dpl to spea%3Dpl Port&g&ese I" this paper we arg&e that the predi$tio" is "ot 'or"e o&t i" Gree%. 7ased o" Gree% Raisi"g o&t of s&'(&"$ti#e $la&sal $o)ple)e"ts! where "o)i"at3 i#e /ase is"=t $he$%ed! .et f&ll agree)e"t is prese"t! we propose that /ase is "ot "e$essaril. li"%ed to agree)e"t. 5e f&rther propose that agree)e"t is a P refleC of either EPP or /ase for)al feat&re $he$%i"g relatio"s. I" other words! agree)e"t 'elo"gs to the )orphologi$al $o)po"e"t *$f. Mara"t9 +,,+-.

reek !u"#unctive Complements and Control

Gree% is a pro3drop la"g&age! showi"g all the properties that $hara$terise s&$h la"g&ages *$f. Ri99i +,0<! AleCiado& 1 A"ag"ostopo&lo& +,,0-. All Gree% #er's i"fle$t for perso" a"d "&)'er! te"se! aspe$t a"d #oi$e.+
1 Gree% has a relati#e freedo) of word order! i.e. SEO! ESO a"d EOS orders are all possi'le. The sa)e fleCi'ilit. is fo&"d with the predi$ates that we will arg&e to 'e Raisi"g predi$ates! i.e. the s&'(e$t $a" o$$&r i" a pre#er'al positio" i" the )atriC $la&se or i" a post#er'al

Gree% la$%s $o)ple)e"ts whose #er's $a" 'e $hara$terised as 'ei"g >3 Agr@. I" Gree%! se"te"$es that $orrespo"d to i"fi"iti#als i" E"glish are i"tro3 d&$ed '. the parti$le na *$f. *F--. Na has 'ee" a"al.sed as a s&'(&"$ti#e )ood )ar%er *$f. Philippa%i35ar'&rto" 1 Eelo&dis +,0F! Philippa%i35ar3 '&rto" +,,G! Ri#ero +,,F- or a s&'(&"$ti#e $o)ple)e"ti9er *Tso&las +,,F! Aggo&ra%i +,,+-. or the p&rposes of this paper either a"al.sis will do. As show" i" *F-! the e)'edded #er'! si)ilarl. to the )atriC #er'! shows agree3 )e"t i" "&)'er a"d perso" with the )atriC s&'(e$t. *FO Petros4ego %ser3i43o "a %oli'a3i43o Peter3"o)4I %"ows4%"ow3+sg s&'( swi)3Dsg43+sg =Peter %"ows how to swi)4I %"ow how to swi)=

Gree% s&'(&"$ti#es differ fro) Ro)a"$e s&'(&"$ti#es i" that the. do "ot show s&'(e$t3o'#iatio" *$f. Ter9i +,,<! Earlo%osta +,,F-. 5hile e)'edded a"d )atriC s&'(e$ts )&st 'e o'ligatoril. dis(oi"t i" refere"$e i" Ro)a"$e s&'(&"$ti#es *H-! this is "ot the $ase i" Gree% *I-J *H- ?&a"i 6&iere 6&e E/(4Ai #e"ga ?oh" wa"ts that $o)es3s&'( =?oh"i wa"ts that he(4Ai $o)es= *I- o ?a"isi theli "a E/i4( erthi ?oh"3"o) wa"ts s&'( $o)e3Dsg =?oh" wa"ts that hei4( $o)es= Spanish

I" this respe$t Gree% s&'(&"$ti#es 'eha#e li%e i"fi"iti#es. I" the re$e"t literat&re o" the Gree% s&'(&"$ti#e! it is ge"erall. as3 s&)ed that the $o"str&$tio"s i" *F- i"#ol#e /o"trol *$f. Iatrido& +,,D! Ter9i +,,<! Earlo%osta +,,F a"d Tso&las +,,F '&t see Philippa%i 1 /atsi)ali +,,,-. A $ase of /o"trol is gi#e" i" *B-! where $orefere"$e is o'ligator. *Ba- a"d "o NP is possi'le i" the e)'edded $la&se *B'-J *B- a. Ao Petros %seri Peter3"o) %"ows '. Ao Petros %seri Peter3"o) %"ows "a %oli)'ao s&'( swi)3+sg "a %oli)'ai i Maria s&'( swi)3Dsg Mar.3"o)

positio" i" the lower $la&se. or ease of eCpositio" we represe"t the s&'(e$t i" the pre#er'al positio" i" )ost $ases! '&t we $o)e 'a$% to this.

Na $la&ses do "ot alwa.s i"#ol#e /o"trol. This is show" i" *0-! where there is "o o'ligator. $orefere"$e 'etwee" the e)'edded a"d the )atriC s&'(e$t *0a- a"d leCi$al NPs $a" 'e li$e"sed *0'-J *0- a. o Petros peri)e"i "a erth&" Peter3"o) eCpe$ts s&'( $o)e3Dpl =Peter eCpe$ts that the. $o)e= '. o Petros elpi9i "a figi i Maria Peter3"o) hopes s&'( go3Dsg Mar.3"o) =Peter hopes that Mar. goes= Earlo%osta *+,,F- arg&es that Gree% has two t.pes of /o"trol predi$atesJ optio"al /o"trol #er's e.g. #olitio"al predi$ates a"d o'ligator. /o"trol #er's e.g. ps.$h #er's s&$h as ksero =%"ow how=! herome ='e happ.=! as3 pe$t&al #er's! s&$h as arhizo =start4'egi"=! sinehizo =$o"ti"&e! a"d #er's li%e matheno =lear"=! dokimazo =tr.=. Note that )a". predi$ates that are optio"al $o"trol i" Gree% $orrespo"d to predi$ates that are o'ligator. $o"trol i" E"g3 lish *$f. ?oseph +,,<! Ter9i +,,<! Earlo%osta +,,F! Marti" +,,I-J *,- a. Owe" tried to s$ore a goal '. AOwe" tried Shearer to s$ore a goal *+G- prospatho "a erthi o ?a"is tr.3+sg s&'( $o)e3Dsg ?oh"3"o) =I tr. for ?oh" to $o)e=

Raising in


I" this se$tio" we arg&e that Gree% has Raisi"g o&t of "a3s&'(&"$ti#e $o)3 ple)e"ts.< Two e"#iro")e"ts )&st 'e disti"g&ishedJ *i- Na3s&'(&"$ti#e $o)ple)e"ts of the aspe$t&al #er's arCi9o *start- a"d sta)atao *stop- a"d *ii- Na3s&'(&"$ti#e $o)ple)e"ts of the #er' fe"ete *see)-. 5e are "ot go3 i"g to dis$&ss e"#iro")e"t *ii- whi$h prese"ts a "&)'er of $o)pli$atio"s *see A"ag"ostopo&lo& +,,, for dis$&ssio"-. 5e prese"t arg&)e"ts o" the 'asis of e"#iro")e"t *i- that Gree% has Raisi"g. As "oted i" the pre#io&s se$tio"! these predi$ates ha#e 'ee" ta%e" to 'e o'ligator. /o"trol predi$3 ates. Kowe#er! we rea" the) as a)'ig&o&s 'etwee" /o"trol a"d Rais3
2 The possi'ilit. that Gree% has Raisi"g has 'ee" s&ggested i" Iatrido& *+,,D- '&t there are "o arg&)e"ts prese"ted. A"ag"ostopo&lo& *+,,,- dis$&sses a "&)'er of arg&)e"ts for Raisi"g. These arg&)e"ts are i"$l&ded i" this se$tio".

i"g *see Perl)&tter +,BG for E"glish aspe$t&al predi$ates-. 5ith aspe$t&al #er's! the s&'(e$t agrees o'ligatoril. with the )atriC a"d the e)'edded #er' i" perso" a"d "&)'erJ *++- Ta pedhia arCisa" "a treCo&" the $hildre"3"o) started3Dpl s&'( r&"3Dpl =The $hildre" started to r&"= *+<- ATa pedhia arCise "a treCo&" the $hildre"3"o) started3Dsg s&'( r&"3Dpl The agree)e"t patter"s i" *++- a"d *+<- $a" 'e eCplai"ed i" ter)s of O'lig3 ator. /o"trol or Raisi"g. Despite the appare"t ide"ti$al shape of eCa)ples *F- a"d *++3+<-! we show 'elow that the two $o"str&$tio" t.pes show a $o"3 siste"tl. differe"t 'eha#io&r with respe$t to a "&)'er of tests diag"osi"g Raisi"g! "a)el. 'i"di"g a"d idio) for)atio". $%1 Nominative Anaphors3 Gree% has "o)i"ati#e a"aphors that are li$e"sed )ai"l. with eCperie"$er o'(e$t predi$ates a"d are 'o&"d '. the o'(e$t eCperie"$er after the. &"der3 go re$o"$tr&s$tio" to a positio" 'elow the o'(e$t eCperie"$er! i.e. their 'ase positio" *$f. A"ag"ostopo&lo& 1 E#eraert +,,, for dis$&ssio"-J *+D- O eaftos t& t& aresi The self his hi) li%es =Ki)self appeals to hi)= *+F- AO eaftos t& to" a"tipathi The self his hi) disli%es =Ki)self disli%es hi)= No)i"ati#e a"aphors are possi'le i" the s&'(e$t positio" of aspe$t&al #er's whe" the e)'edded #er' is a" eCperie"$er o'(e$t #er'J
3 There is a"other test where the two str&$t&res 'eha#e differe"tl.! poi"ted to &s '. Sa'i"e Iatrido&. Pse&do$left for)atio" shows that pse&do3$lefts are allowed with $o"trol str&$t&res '&t "ot with raisi"g o"esJ *iafto p& %seri o ?a"is i"e "a %oli)'a this that %"ows ?oh"3"o) is s&'( swi)3Dsg *ii- Aafto p& arCise o ?a"is i"e "a trehi this that started3Dsg ?oh"3"o) is s&'( r&"3Dsg It is ge"erall. ass&)ed that o"l. /Ps with a Te"se str&$t&re $a" for) pse&do3$lefts.

*+H- O eaftos t& arCi9i "a t& aresi The self his3"o) start3Dsg s&'( /l3ge" appeal3Dsg Ke starts li%i"g4a$$epti"g hi)self= *+I- AO eaftos t& arCi9i "a to" a"tipathi The self his3"o) start3Dsg s&'( /l3ge" disli%e3Dsg =AKi)self starts disli%i"g hi)= The gra))ati$alit. of *+H- shows that the a"aphor re$o"str&$ts i" a positio" where it $a" 'e 'o&"d '. the o'(e$t of the e)'edded $la&se! i.e. its 'ase po3 sitio". This arg&es for Raisi"g *Re$o"str&$tio" possi'le- a"d agai"st /o"3 trol *Re$o"str&$tio" i)possi'le-. Note that "o)i"ati#e a"aphors are i)possi'le with o'ligator. $o"trol #er's! as show" i" *+B-J *+B- AO eaftos t& %seri "a t& aresi The self his3"o) %"ow3Dsg s&'( /l3ge" appeal3Dsg $%2 &eak Crossover '&C() and Clitic *ou"ling A se$o"d related arg&)e"t $o)es fro) a" i"tera$tio" 'etwee" $liti$ do&'li"g of the o'(e$t a"d o'#iatio" of 5/O effe$ts. I" Gree% wea% /rosso#er effe$ts arise whe" the 6&a"tifi$atio"al o'(e$t is "ot i" $liti$3 do&'led *+0'-J *+0- a. 2athe )itera si"odepse to pedhi tis sto sColio E#er. )other a$$o)pa"ied the $hild hers at s$hool =E#er. )other a$$o)pa"ied her $hild to s$hool= '. LAI )itera t& si"odepse to %athe pedhi sto sColio The )other his a$$o)pa"ied the e#er. $hild at s$hool =LAKis )other a$$o)pa"ied e#er. $hild to s$hool= 5he" the 6&a"tifi$atio"al o'(e$t &"dergoes $liti$ do&'li"g the 5/O effe$ts are o'#iated *+0$- *$f. AleCiado& 1 A"ag"ostopo&lo& +,,B-J $. I )itera t& to si"odepse to %athe pedhi sto sColio the )other his $l3a$$ a$$o)pa"ied the e#er. $hild at s$hool Kis )other a$$o)pa"ied ea$h $hild at s$hool= AleCiado& 1 A"ag"ostopo&lo& *+,,,- arg&e that the effe$t is d&e to re$o"str&$tio" of the s&'(e$t to a positio" 'elow the o'(e$t $liti$! i.e. its

'ase3positio" &"der the EP3i"ter"al s&'(e$t h.pothesis. The sa)e effe$t is fo&"d with aspe$t&al #er's. 5/O effe$ts arise whe" the 6&a"tifi$atio"al o'(e$t of the e)'edded #er' *+,'- is "ot do&'led a"d the )atriC s&'(e$t $o"tai"s a pro"o)i"al #aria'leJ *+,- a. 2athe )itera arCise "a si"ode#i to pedhi tis sto sColio E#er. )other started s&'( a$$o)pa". the $hild hers at s$hool =E#er. )other started to a$$o)pa". her $hild to s$hool= '. LAI )itera t& arCise "a si"ode#i to %athe pedhi sto sColio The )other his started s&'( a$$o)pa". the e#er. $hild at s$hool =LAKis )other started to a$$o)pa". e#er. $hild to s$hool= O" the other ha"d! whe" the e)'edded o'(e$t &"dergoes $liti$ do&'li"g the 5/O effe$ts disappear *+,$-. $. I )itera t& arCise "a to si"ode#i to %athe pedhi the )other his started s&'( $l3a$$ a$$o)pa". the e#er. $hild sto sColio at s$hool =Kis )other started to a$$o)pa". ea$h $hild to s$hool= Agai"! this arg&es for Raisi"g *Re$o"str&$tio" possi'le- a"d agai"st /o"trol *Re$o"str&$tio" i)possi'le-. O'#iatio" of 5/O effe$ts is i)possi'le with o'ligator. $o"trol #er'sJ *<G- LAI )itera t& %seri "a to si"ode#i to %athe pedhi the )other his %"ows s&'( $l3a$$ a$$o)pa". the e#er. $hild sto sColio at s$hool $%3 Idioms iCed "o)i"ati#es as part of idio)ati$ eCpressio"s i" Gree% o$$&r i" post3 #er'al positio". *<+- a. M& 'i%a" psili st=aftia $l3+stJ sgJge" e"tered3Dpl fleas3"o) i" the ears =I 'e$a)e s&spi$io&s= '. APsili )& 'i%a" st=aftia ECa)ples li%e *<+a- $a" 'e e)'edded &"der arxizo a"d stamatao. The s&'3 (e$t i" the e)'edded $la&se agrees with the e)'edded a"d the )atriC #er'J

*<<- Sta)atisa"4arCisa" "a )& 'e"&" Stopped3Dpl4started3Dpl s&'( $l3+stJsgJge" e"ter3Dpl psili st=aftia fleas3"o)Jpl i" the ears =I stopped 'ei"g4started 'e$o)i"g s&spi$io&s= I" *<<- the "o)i"ati#e depe"ds o" the lower #er' for its i"terpretatio" a"d .et it agrees with 'oth #er's o'ligatoril.. *<D- ASta)atise4arCise "a )& 'e"&" psili Stopped3Dsg4started3Dsg s&'( $l3+stJsgJge" e"ter3Dpl fleas3"o) st=aftia i" the ears =I stopped 'ei"g4started 'e$o)i"g s&spi$io&s= The fa$t that agree)e"t 'etwee" the s&'(e$t a"d the )atriC #er' is o'3 ligator.! is a" arg&)e"t that i" these $o"str&$tio"s there is Raisi"g of the "o)i"ati#e to the higher $la&se at so)e poi"t i" the deri#atio" *see the dis3 $&ssio" i" foot"ote +-. Agai"! idio)s are i)possi'le with o'ligator. $o"trol #er'sJ *<F- A2ser&" "a )& 'e"&" psili st=aftia 2"ow3Dpl s&'( $l3+stJsgJge" e"ter3Dpl fleas3"o) i" the ears $%$ Raising and ("ligator+ Control The a'o#e tests straightforwardl. show that Gree% aspe$t&al #er's are Rais3 i"g #er's.F The idio) test i" additio" shows that Gree% has $o#ert Raisi"g )a"ifested as Lo"g Dista"$e Agree)e"t. Note that Age"t3orie"ted ad#er's are possi'le with aspe$t&al #er's a"d the. "e$essaril. ha#e )atriC s$opeJ
4 These #er's i" )a". la"g&ages *Ger)a"! D&t$h! Spa"ish! Italia"! ?apa"ese a"d so o"- ha#e 'ee" arg&ed to 'e restr&$t&ri"g #er's. It is "ot $lear whether this is the $ase i" Gree% gi#e" that the &s&al e#ide"$e for restr&$t&ri"g s&$h as $liti$ $li)'i"g does "ot hold *Ter9i +,,<-. It see)s to &s that Gree% does "ot ha#e restr&$t&ri"g predi$ates 'e$a&se of the fa$t that it does "ot ha#e i"fi"iti#es! a )ood )ar%er is prese"t! there is agree)e"t o" the lower #er'! properties that wo&ld 'e hard to a$$o))odate if we were to adopt a )o"o$la&sal approa$h to restr&$t&r3 i"g either alo"g the li"es of Pi$allo +,,G! 5&r)'ra"dt +,,0 a"d others.

*<F- a. Epitidhes arCisa "a )agire#o stis H.GG o" p&rpose started3+sg s&'( $oo%3+sg at H.GG '. Epitidhes sta)atisa "a per"o ta far)a%a o" p&rpose stopped3+sg s&'( ta%e3+sg the )edi$i"e This $a" 'e ta%e" to )ea" that these #er's ha#e a the)ati$ s&'(e$t positio" a"d that the. assig" a" Age"t theta3role to the s&'(e$t.H I" t&r" this arg&es for a" O'ligator. /o"trol A"al.sis of these #er's. Ke"$e we $o"$l&de that arxizo a"d stamatao $a" 'e 'oth Raisi"g or /o"trol predi$ates.

Implications for the -heor+ of Case and Agreement

Ass&)i"g a sta"dard a"al.sis of Raisi"g for Gree%! i" the $ases we ha#e dis$&ssed there is "o "o)i"ati#e /ase a#aila'le i" the e)'edded $la&se. This )ea"s that i" Gree% agree)e"t does "ot $orrelate with /ase 'e$a&se "o)i"ati#e /ase is "ot assig"ed i" Raisi"g s&'(&"$ti#es whi$h "e#ertheless show f&ll agree)e"t. O" the other ha"d! we saw that i" Port&g&ese f&ll agree)e"t does $orrelate with /ase a"d for this reaso" "o)i"ati#e /ase is assig"ed i" i"fle$ted i"fi"iti#es a"d Raisi"g is i)possi'le.I This fleCi'ilit. of Agree)e"t3/ase relatio"s a$ross la"g&ages leads &s to propose that Agree)e"t is a P refleC of for)al feat&re $he$%i"g either /ase or EPP. More spe$ifi$all.! followi"g /ho)s%. *+,,H-! /olli"s *+,,B-! a"d AleCiado& 1 A"ag"ostopo&lo& *+,,0'-! we propose that there are two fea3 t&res asso$iated with TJ a" EPP feat&re *D- a"d a /ase feat&re *N-. 7oth are for)al feat&res of the sa)e! i.e. >3i"terpreta'le@ "o)i"al feat&res o"
5 Note! howe#er! that age"t3orie"ted ad#er's are possi'le o"l. whe" the lower #er' is age"ti#eJ *iMO ?ia""is epitidhes arCise "a ste"oCoriete ?oh"3"o) o" p&rpose started3Dsg s&'( get &pset More "eeds to 'e said a'o&t this fa$t. Possi'l. it is s&pports a restr&$t&ri"g a"al.sis of these #er's *see the pre#io&s foot"ote-. :&'i9arreta *+,0<- arg&es that restr&$t&ri"g #er's are Rais3 i"g #er's a"d tht the age"ti#e readi"g of the s&'(e$t is the res&lt of a" ad(&"$t theta3role as3 sig"ed to the s&'(e$t '. the ad#er'. This wo&ld 'e a" alter"ati#e wa. of a$$o&"ti"g for these fa$ts witho&t resorti"g to a leCi$al a)'ig&it.. 6 There is e#e" a third possi'ilit. whi$h we do "ot dis$&ss here! "a)el. that partial i.e. "&)'er agree)e"t is asso$iated with "o)i"ati#e /ase! whe" a 6&ir%. s&'(e$t $he$%s the EPP. This is fo&"d i" I$ela"di$ *Taraldse" +,,H-.

f&"$tio"al heads a"d 'oth are respo"si'le for the )o#e)e"t operatio"s per3 for)ed '. the $o)p&tatio"al s.ste). *<HTND! NO

5e propose that Agree)e"t spells3o&t at the P 'ra"$h of the gra))ar these for)al feat&re $he$%i"g relatio"s. /rossli"g&isti$all. the" there are at least two t.pes of Agree)e"t3/ase! Agree)e"t3EPP relatio"s *a"d see foot3 "ote I for a" additio"al optio"-J *i- Agree)e"t is a refleC of N4/ase3$he$%3 i"g.. This is the $ase i" E"glish a"d Port&g&ese. *ii- Agree)e"t is the refleC of EPP $he$%i"g. This is fo&"d i" Gree% a"d pote"tiall. i" other 7al%a" la"3 g&ages whi$h la$% i"fi"iti#es *we are "ot dis$&ssi"g s&$h la"g&ages here-. To ill&strate this let &s $o"sider the deri#atio" of the Gree% eCa)ples i" *++- i" detail. As show" i" *<I-! first )o#e)e"t to the e)'edded T! TP +! o$$&rs. This step is EPP3dri#e"! a"d Agree)e"t o" the e)'edded #er' is f&ll. spe$ified. This follows if Agree)e"t i" Gree% is EPP3related.B *<I>TP< DP TND!NO >TP+ t< TNDO >#P t+ @@@

5hat is the $o"ditio" for the a'se"$e of /aseL I" the "eCt se$tio" we arg&e that the $o"ditio" for the a'se"$e of /ase is the a'se"$e of se)a"ti$ Te"se! a propert. whi$h does "ot appear to #ar. $rossli"g&isti$all. *see Marti" +,,I for E"glish-.

Case and -ense

As first poi"ted o&t '. Iatrido& *+,,D-! i" /o"trol s&'(&"$ti#es the e)'ed3 ded $la&se does "ot show )orphologi$al >*Te"se@ spe$ifi$atio"J *<B- Ao Petros %seri "a %oli)'ise Peter3"o) %"ows s&'( swa)3Dsg O" the 'asis of this! Iatrido& *+,,D- proposed that la$% of Te"se res&lts i"
7 Re$all that i" Gree% it is alwa.s possi'le to ha#e a post#er'al s&'(e$t triggeri"g agree)e"t o" 'oth #er's *see foot"ote + a"d se$tio" F.D-. *iarCi9&" "a treh&" ta ped(a start3Dpl s&'( r&"3Dpl the $hildre"3"o) or these eCa)ples we ass&)e eCa$tl. the sa)e deri#atio" eC$ept that the )o#e)e"t is =$o#3 ert= *$o#ert XP! $o#ert feat&re or o#ert feat&re raisi"g-.

la$% of "o)i"ati#e /ase. Earlo%osta *+,,F- refi"es this s&ggestio" a"d i"3 trod&$es a disti"$tio" 'etwee" )orphologi$al a"d se)a"ti$ Te"se. Ear3 lo%osta arg&es that while o'ligator. a"d Optio"al /o"trol ta%e pla$e i" $la&ses whi$h la$% )orphologi$al Te"se! o'ligator. /o"trol is f&rther $o"3 ditio"ed '. the la$% of se)a"ti$ Te"se! i.e. a'se"$e of i"depe"de"t te)poral refere"$e i" the e)'edded $la&se. Th&s $o)ple)e"ts of optio"al /o"trol #er's s&$h as thelo =wa"t= la$% )orphologi$al Te"se *<0a-! '&t the. show e#ide"$e for the prese"$e of se)a"ti$ Te"se! si"$e the. per)it te)poral ad3 #er's *<0'-. S&$h $o)ple)e"ts also show e#ide"$e for the prese"$e of "o)i"ati#e /ase as the. li$e"se NP s&'(e$ts *<0$-. *<0- a. Ao ?a"is theli "a efige i Maria ?oh"3"o) wa"ts s&'( left3Dsg Mar.3"o) =lit. ?oh" wa"ts Mar. to ha#e left= '. o ?a"is theli "a figi a#rio ?oh"3"o) wa"ts s&'( lea#e3Dsg to)orrow =?oh" wa"ts to lea#e to)orrow= $. o ?a"is theli "a figi i Maria ?oh"3"o) wa"ts s&'( lea#e3Dsg Mar.3"o) =?oh" wa"ts Mar. to lea#e= *<,$- s&ggests that "o)i"ati#e /ase assig")e"t is $o"ti"ge"t o" the pres3 e"$e of se)a"ti$ Te"se *$o"tra Iatrido& +,,D-. O" the other ha"d! $o)ple)e"ts of o'ligator. /o"trol #er's la$% )or3 phologi$al Te"se *<,a-! a"d the. also la$% se)a"ti$ Te"se *<,'-. The fa$t that a" e)'edded s&'(e$t $a""ot 'e li$e"sed i" s&$h $ases *<,$- f&rther shows that the a'se"$e of "o)i"ati#e /ase depe"ds o" the a'se"$e of se3 )a"ti$ Te"se. *<,- a. Ao ?a"is %seri "a %oli'ise ?oh"3"o) %"ows s&'( swa)3Dsg '. Ao ?a"is %seri "a %oli'isi a#rio ?oh"3"o) %"ows s&'( swi)3Dsg to)orrow $. Ao ?a"is %seri "a %oli'isi i Maria ?oh"3"o) %"ows s&'( swi)3Dsg Mar.3"o) This $o"$l&sio" is f&rther s&pported '. Raisi"g. 5ith the $o)ple)e"ts of aspe$t&al #er's whi$h displa. Raisi"g a"d he"$e the. prese"t stro"g e#id3 e"$e for the a'se"$e of /ase! apart fro) the fa$t that there is "o )orpholo3 gi$al Te"se *DGa-! there is "o se)a"ti$ Te"se as it is "ot possi'le to )odif.

the e)'edded #er' '. a te)poral ad#er' with i"depe"de"t refere"$e *DG'-. The sa)e of $o&rse holds for the o'ligator. /o"trol #ersio" of these predi$3 ates! as eCpe$ted &"der Earlo%osta=s proposal *D+-. *DG- a. AO eaftos t& arCi9i "a to" a"isiCise The self his3"o) 'egi"s3Dsg s&'( /l3a$$ worr.3Dsg3past =Ke started 'ei"g worried a'o&t hi)self= litJ =Ki)self started worr.i"g hi)= '. Ao eaftos t& arCi9i "a to" a"isiCi a#rio The self his3"o) 'egi"3Dsg s&'( $l3a$$ worr.3Dsg to)orrow *D+- a. AEpitidhes arCisa "a )agirepsa o" p&rpose started3+sg s&'( $oo%ed3+sg '. AEpitidhes arCisa stis H.GG "a )agire#o stis 0.GG o" p&rpose strted3+sg at H. s&'( $oo%3+sg at 0.GG The relatio" 'etwee" /ase a"d Se)a"ti$ Te"se a$ross la"g&ages is s.ste)3 ati$ i" Raisi"g $o"str&$tio"s. or E"glish Marti" *+,,I- eCte"si#el. arg&es that Raisi"g is $o"ti"ge"t o" the a'se"$e of se)a"ti$ Te"se *$f. D<-J *D<- AMi$%e. see)s to pass the 'all right "ow I" Port&g&ese i"fle$ted i"fi"iti#es where "o)i"ati#e /ase is assig"ed a"d Raisi"g is i)possi'le *see se$tio" <-! the e)'edded $la&se $a" 'e )odified '. a te)poral ad#er' *data fro) /risti"a S$h)itt perso"al $o))&"i$atio"-. *DD- O (or"alista la)e"to& ho(e "a 77/ tere) The (o&r"alist regretted toda. at the 77/ ha#e3i"f!Dpl os a)eri$a"os 'o)'ardeado o"te) P I&g&sla#ia the A)eri$a"s 'o)'arded .esterda. the Q&gosla#ia. Th&s e#e" tho&gh )orphologi$al Te"se is "ot prese"t! se)a"ti$ Te"se is a"d the a#aila'ilit. of "o)i"ati#e /ase depe"ds o" the latter. If it t&r"s o&t that the $orrelatio" 'etwee" /ase a"d se)a"ti$ Te"se is &"i#ersal the" this "eeds to 'e eCplai"ed. The )ost straightforward wa. to a$$o&"t for this $or3 relatio" wo&ld 'e to propose that whe"e#er se)a"ti$ Te"se is a'se"t! there is "o Te"se "ode i" the $la&se str&$t&re *see Marti" +,,I for s&$h a propos3 al-. I" t&r" this wo&ld )ea" that EPP dri#e" )o#e)e"t is Agr related a"d "ot T related si"$e it also ta%es pla$e i" Raisi"g $o"str&$tio"s. The #iew that EPP is li"%ed to Agr a"d /ase is li"%ed to Te"se has 'ee" proposed o"

i"depe"de"t gro&"ds i" AleCiado& 1 A"ag"ostopo&lo& *+,,0a-.0

References Ago&ra%i! Q. +,,+ A Moder" Gree% /o)ple)e"ti9er a"d its sig"ifi$a"$e for U"i3 #ersal Gra))ar. UCL Working Papers in Linguistics DJ+3<F. AleCiado&! A. 1 E. A"ag"ostopo&lo&. +,,B. Toward a &"ifor) a$$o&"t of s$ra)3 'li"g a"d $liti$ do&'li"g. German: Syntactic Pro !ems" Pro !ematic Syntax ! eds. 5. A'raha) 1 E. #a" Geldere"! +F<3+I+. T8'i"ge"JMaC Nie) Eer3 lag. AleCiado&! A. 1 E. A"ag"ostopo&lo&. +,,0a. Para)etri9i"g AgrJ 5ord Order! E3 )o#e)e"t a"d EPP3$he$%i"g. Natura! Language and Linguistic #heory +IJ F,+3HD,. AleCiado&! A. 1 E. A"ag"ostopo&lo&. +,,0'. The s&'(e$t i" sit& Ge"erali9atio" a"d the role of /ase i" dri#i"g /o)p&tatio"s. Paper prese"ted at the <+st GLO5 /ollo6&i&)! U"i#ersit. of Til'&rg. AleCiado&! A. 1 E. A"ag"ostopo&lo&. +,,,. /liti$ Phe"o)e"a a"d "o"3$o"fig&ra3 tio"alit.. To appear i" Pronomina! $rguments: Morpho!ogy and Syntax! eds. D. ?&"g a"d ?. Kel)'re$ht. A)stterda)J ?oh" 7e"(a)i"s. A"ag"ostopo&lo&! E. +,,,. Do&'le O'(e$t Alter"atio"s a"d /liti$s! &"p&'lished )a"&s$ript! U"i#ersit. of /rete. A"ag"ostopo&lo&! E. 1 M. E#eraert. +,,,. Towards a More /o)plete T.polog. of A"aphori$ ECpressio"s. Linguistic %n&uiry DGJ ,B3++,. /ho)s%.! N. +,,H. #he Minima!ist Program. MIT Press. /ho)s%.! N. +,,0. Mi"i)alist I"6&iriesJ the ra)ewor%! &"p&'lished )a"&s$ript MIT. /olli"s! /. +,,B. Loca! 'conomy. /a)'ridge! Mass.J MIT Press. George! N. 1 ?. 2or"filt. +,0+. i"ite"ess a"d 7o&"ded"ess i" T&r%ish. (inding and )i!tering ! ed. . Ke".! +GH3+<B. /a)'ridge! Mass.J MIT Press. Iatrido&! S. +,,D. O" No)i"ati#e /ase Assig")e"t a"d a few related thi"gs. M%# Working Papers in Linguistics +,J+BH3+,0. ?oseph! 7. +,,<. Dia$hro"i$ Perspe$ti#es o" /o"trol. Contro! and Grammar! eds. R. Larso"! S. Iatrido&! U. Lahiri a"d ?. Kiggi"'otha)! +GH3<DF. Dordre$htJ 2l&wer. Mara"t9! A. +,,+. /ase a"d li$e"si"g. Proceedings o* the 'ighth 'astern States Con*erence on Linguistics! eds! G. . 5estphal! 7. Ao a"d K.3R. /hae! <DF3 <HD.
8 Note that Agr o" this #iew is "ot o"e '. o"e related to agree)e"t o" the fi"ite #er'. Agree)e"t is a P refleC of either EPP3$he$%i"g or /ase3$he$%i"g! while Agr is &"ifor)l. the lo$&s of EPP.

Marti"! R.A. +,,I. A Mi"i)alist Theor. of PRO a"d /o"trol. Do$toral dissertatio"! U"i#ersit. of /o""e$ti$&t. Perl)&tter! D. +,BG. The two #er's ='egi"=. 'ng!ish #rans*ormationa! Grammar! eds. R. ?a$o's! P. Rose"'a&). 5altha)! Mass.J 7laisdell. Pi$allo! /. +,,G. Modal Eer's i" /atala". Natura! Language and Linguistic #heory 0J<0H3D+<. Philippa%i3 5ar'&rto"! I. +,,G. S&'(e$ts i" E"glish a"d i" Gree%. Proceedings o* the +d Symposium on the description and,or Comparison o* 'ng!ish and Greek! Aristotle U"i#ersit. of Thessalo"i%iJ +<3D<. Philippa%35ar'&rto"! I. 1 ?. Eelo&dis. +,0F. The S&'(&"$ti#e i" /o)ple)e"t /la&ses! Studies in Greek Linguistics H. Philippa%i! I. 1 G. /atsi)ali. +,,,. O" /o"trol i" Gree%. Studies in Greek Syntax! eds. A. AleCiado&! G. Korro$%s! a"d M. Sta#ro&. Dordre$htJ 2l&wer. Raposo! E. +,0B. /ase a"d I"fl3to3/o)pJ the I"fle$ted I"fi"iti#e i" E&ropea" Por3 t&g&ese. Linguistic %n&uiry +0J0H3+G,. Ri#ero! M. +,,F. The Str&$t&re of the /la&se a"d E3)o#e)e"t i" the La"g&ages of the 7al%a"s. Natura! Language and Linguistic #heory +<JID3+<G. Ri99i! L. +,0<. %ta!ian Syntax. Dordre$htJ oris. Taraldse"! T. +,,H. O" Agree)e"t a"d No)i"ati#e O'(e$ts i" I$ela"di$. Studies in Comparative Germanic Syntax! eds. K. Kaider! S. Olse" a"d S. Ei%"er DGB3D<B Dordre$htJ 2l&wer A$ade)i$ P&'lishers. Ter9i! A. +,,<. PRO i" i"ite /la&sesJ a St&d. of the I"fle$tio"al Keads of the 7al%a" La"g&ages. Do$toral dissertatio"! /UNQ. Tso&las! G. +,,D. Re)ar%s o" the str&$t&re a"d the i"terpretatio" of "a3$la&ses! Studies in Greek Linguistics +F. Earlo%osta! S. +,,F. Iss&es o" Moder" Gree% Se"te"tial /o)ple)e"tatio". Do$tor3 al dissertatio"! U"i#ersit. of"d. 5&r)'ra"dt! S. +,,0. I"fi"iti#es. Do$toral dissertatio"! MIT. :&'i9arreta! M.L. +,0<. O" the Relatio"ship of the LeCi$o" to S."taC. Do$toral Dissertatio"! MIT.

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