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ASSIGNMENT 1 SUMMARY In the study entitled From their Perspective: Parental Involvement in the UAE by Jase and Esperanza ( !"#$ %ctober & th'$aims to e(plore parents) opinions in their involvement in children)s education* +,o study)s -uestions ,ere .ocused ,hich ,ere ,hat did it imply to parents to be involved in their children)s education and parents) opinions on teachers and schools re/ardin/ their children)s education* +o ans,er those -uestions$ mi(ed method study ,as done ,here it is a combination o. -uantitative and -ualitative study* +his ali/ns ,ith the study aim ,here it ,ants to better understand the parents) opinions throu/h socio0cultural lens that includes micro and macro systems* +,o instruments ,ere used ,hich ,ere survey and open ended -uestions* Parents) opinions on parentin/$ teachers) and schools) responsibilities re/ardin/ their children)s education can be /ained throu/h the open ended -uestions accordin/ to Jase and Esperanza ( !"#$ %ctober & th'* Jase and Esperanza ( !"#$ %ctober & th' su//est that -uantitative data could help to approve data collected throu/h -ualitative study* +hus$ the mi(ed study method stren/thens this study)s credibility* +he theory that underlies the study is 1ro.enbrenner)s Ecolo/ical 2ystem +heory* +he study loo3ed closely into t,o systems ,hich ,ere micro systems and macro systems* Accordin/ to Jase and Esperanza ( !"#$ %ctober teachers and schools* +he study .ound that many parents ,ere ea/er to involve in their children)s education but in doin/ so they needed more support and /uidelines on ,hat should and could be done .rom teachers and schools* In the study Jase and Esperanza ( !"#$ %ctober &th' .ound in the survey that parents believed parents) involvement in their children)s education ,ere important and they needed help .rom teachers and schools to provide opportunity .or it to happen* It ,as discovered that parents de.ined involvement in their children)s education ,ith close relationship ,ith teachers and school in re/ard o. decision ma3in/ and as an observer and helper in children)s home,or3s* +hree themes ,ere .ound in the open ended -uestions ,hich ,ere teachin/$ classroom)s climate and schools) responsibility* +hrou/h the themes$ Jase & th'$ micro system ,as related to this study as it ,ants to vie, the interrelatedness o. parents$


and Esperanza ( !"#$ %ctober

& th' assumed that parents clearly e(pressed that

they ,anted to be involved but relied on support .rom teachers and schools* In .act$ it ,as noted by Jase and Esperanza ( !"#$ %ctober & th' that many parents shared ne/ative e(periences on their children)s schoolin/ e(periences that could be related to the parents) past schoolin/ e(periences* +hus$ the .indin/s ans,ered t,o study -uestions ,hich ,ere ,hat did it imply to parents to be involved in their children)s education and parents) opinions on teachers and schools re/ardin/ their children)s education*

RESPONSES 1. What was the most significant thing yo !ea"ne# f"om this a"tic!e$ +here ,ere three si/ni.icant thin/s that I learned .rom this article ,hich ,ere socialisation$ parents) education level impact on their involvement and education in the UAE* In this study it .ound that many parents shared ne/ative e(periences on their children)s schoolin/ e(periences* +his ,as closely related to socialization that accordin/ to 1rezin3a$ ("445$ Jan " st' as indirect e..ects to people and manners and practices impacted by past and present e(perience ,ith people indirectly* +hus$ it can be concluded that socialisation is indirect impact o. people)s past and present e(perience* Accordin/ to Jase and Esperanza ( !"#$ %ctober & th'$ the ne/ative children)s e(perience shared by parents$ could be related to the parents) past schoolin/ e(periences* +his ,as correlated ,ith socialisation ,here people)s past e(perience shapes their thin3in/ un3no,in/ly* People see the ,orld throu/h the lens o. their interactions ,ith the society and environment* People ,ill ma3e assumption and 6ud/e the ,orld throu/h that lens* In this study$ parents ,ere actually sharin/ ,hat could be happenin/ durin/ their past school e(periences and not their children* +his .act ,ere ac3no,led/ed by Jase and Esperanza ( !"#$ %ctober & th' ,here they stated that the use o. rote memorization and disconnect bet,een the content and their lives ,as a common e(perience .or this Emirati individuals* Parents ,anted po,er.ul education that could /ive meanin/ to their children ,hich did not happen durin/ their days* +his could be closely related to the .act o. re.orm done by Abu


7habi /overnment ( !#! vision' to decrease their reliance on the oil sector and concentrate on 3no,led/e0 based industries* Po,er.ul education ,ould lead to /reater success in children)s studies thus securin/ their bri/ht .uture in the ,or3 .ield* I had learned in this article that people)s past e(perience shapes their thin3in/ un3no,in/ly* 2econdly$ I had learned about parents) education level impact on their involvement* Accordin/ to Epstein ( !!8' hi/hly educated parents are more involved in children)s educations ,hich lead to better academic achievement o. their children* +here ,ere #&9 o. parents in this study ,hich ,ere unemployed and the bi//est contributors* From this study$ it ,as .ound that parents ,ere ea/er to contribute .or their children)s education but needed support and help .rom teachers and schools on ,hat could be done* :urphy ("44;$ Jan " st' cited that 1ehl and <ahl ("44&' su//est that parents ,ith hi/her level o. education ,ill see3 opportunities .or their children* +his could be implied that parents ,ith lo, educational status did not 3no, ho, to help in their children)s education thus the .indin/s ,here parents relied on teachers and schools to provide opportunities .or them to be more involved in their children)s education* In contrast$ parents ,ith hi/her level o. educational status are perceived as more involved ,ith their children as they al,ays see3in/ opportunities .or their children ,here they ,ould be bene.ited .rom this valuable school e(periences* +here.ore$ I had learned that parents) education level ,ill impact their involvement on their children)s education* I had also learned about the education situation in UAE* UAE had trans.ormed .rom the desert oasis to tribal culture and entrepreneurial country* =eport in !"" indicated a decline in number o. illiteracy .or 3ids a/ed "! years* +he Abu 7habi /overnment had made re.ormation 3no,n as >ision !#! to re.orm the country .ocus .rom entrepreneurial industry to 3no,led/e0 based industry* In doin/ so$ the lon/ term plan is /uidin/ the educational re.orm movement* En/lish is tau/ht in all level and the schools teach the domain sub6ect such as ?umeracy$ @iteracy and 2cience in En/lish* 1y learnin/ the education status in UAE help me to better understand the study as it .ocuses on situation in UAE and re6ected studies .rom the <estern as it may not apply to UAE situations*


%. What was the most & ''!ing( &"o)!ematic( cont"o*e"sia!( t"o )!ing thing yo fo n# in this a"tic!e$

nc!ea" o"

+here ,ere t,o thin/s unclear to me ,hich ,ere the introduction and the .indin/s* In the introduction$ the researcher .ocused on relationship o. improvin/ children)s education ,ith parents) involvement and education status in UAE* It ,as bene.icial to understand the education status in UAE help me to better understand the study as it .ocuses on situation in UAE and re6ected studies .rom the <estern as it may not apply to UAE situations* 1ut it ,as not so bene.icial understand the relationship o. improvin/ children)s education ,ith parents) involvement* It ,ould be much better i. researcher could de.ine ,hat does it mean ,ith vie,s and involvement and lin3 it to the study)s title* 2o$ reader could .ind the .ocus point easily* 2econdly$ this study .ocused on ans,erin/ t,o -uestions ,hich ,ere ,hat did it imply to parents to be involved in their children)s education and parents) opinions on teachers and schools re/ardin/ their children)s education* Ao,ever$ only one -uestion ,as repeatedly ans,ered and stress by researchers ,hich ,as parents) opinions on teachers and schools re/ardin/ their children)s education* +his could be seen stated by Jase and Esperanza ( !"#$ %ctober &th' in their .indin/s and conclusions ,hich ,as that many parents ,ere ea/er to involve in their children)s education but in doin/ so they needed more support and /uidelines on ,hat should and could be done .rom teachers and schools* +he .irst study -uestion ,as actually ans,ered in the .indin/s but ,as not hi/hli/hted by the researcher* +he ans,er ,as$ it ,as discovered that parents de.ined involvement in their children)s education ,ith close relationship ,ith teachers and school in re/ard o. decision ma3in/ and as an observer and helper in children)s home,or3* =esearcher should hi/hli/ht their .indin/s accordin/ to the study -uestions to ma3e it easier .or the readers to understand the article* +here.ore$ I .ound the .indin/s unclear as it did not lin3 to the study -uestions and hi/hli/hted by the researcher* In my opinion$ readin/ the study ,as a bit unclear due to the researchers) ,ay o. ,ritin/* Accordin/ to Palmer ( !"#$ :ay "# th' to have a /ood essay you must ma3e it simple and clear* +he researcher should 3eep their ,ritin/ simple and


clear* +hey should start ,ritin/ ,ith a thesis statement and e(pand it ,ith e(amples .or each para/raph and lin3 the para/raph accordin/ to the subtopic* +here.ore$ I .ound researcher) ,ay o. ,ritin/ is the main problems that made the study unclear to me*

RE+EREN,ES 1rezin3a$ <* ("445$ Jan "st'* Socialization and education: Essays in conceptual criticism*(pp BC" '$ United 2tates o. America:Dreen,ood Press* Epstein$ 7* J* ( !!8'* The impact of parents demographic and psychological characteristics and parent involvement on young children's reading and Math outcomes*(pp " !'* United 2tates: ProEuest In.ormation and @earnin/ Fompany* Jase* :* I C Esperanza* 7*@*>*( !"#$ %ctober &th'* From their Perspective: Parental Involvement in the UAE* International Journal o. 2ociolo/y o. Education* (#'* (pp 4 0#" '*doi:"!*558"Grise* !"#*#& :urphy$ J* ("44;$Jan "st'* Pathways to Privatization in Education *(pp ""&' United 2tates o. America: Able( Publishin/ Forporation* Palmer$ =*( !"#$ :ay "#th'* Write in Style: @ondon:=outled/e Falmer* guide to good English * (


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