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Managing Cost and Quality

Problems to be addressed Cost has always been a companys consideration in creating products or improving efficiency of their production. On the other hand, quality is the managements objective in creating product as well as in running the organization. It has always been a source of different perception between operation production department and finance department. !anaging cost and quality will assists companies to identify and to understand every step in evaluating quality and its impact on financial aspects. Obtaining that s"ill is very important for cost reduction and quality improvement. Objectives : #aving attended this program, the participants are e$pected to % &nderstand the role of cost management in an organization and its impact on financial statement. &nderstand cost quality and its consequences. &nderstand quality process assessment. &nderstand cost behavior in cost reduction program conte$t. Subject Covered : Cost !anagement % covering topics on introduction to cost and its behavior, ma$imizing the value and the role of cost, cost management in organizations 'companies(, the impact of every cost item on financial statement. Cost of )uality % covering topics on quality concept, the role of cost of quality in quality control, alternatives to cost of quality system. )uality *ssessment% I covering topics on the evolution of quality concepts, )C+,! review, quality measurement. Cost reduction -rogram,% covering topics on scope of activities, cost behavior in cost reduction, the impact of value chain to cost and bottle nec" constraint. Participants : -erson who is responsible for cost reduction. -erson who is responsible for quality improvement. -erson who is interested in cost reduction and cost quality. Price : IDR 3.400.00

Pengelolaan Biaya dan Mutu

Menjawab Masalah Apa? Masalah biaya selalu menjadi sorotan dalam pembuatan produk maupun peningkatan efisiensi. Di sisi lain, masalah mutu juga selalu menjadi perhatian manajemen dalam pembuatan produk maupun penyelenggaraan organisasi. Selalu terjadi perbedaan ara pandang antara bagian operasi !produksi dan bagian keuangan. Memanajemeni biaya dan mutu akan membantu mengetahui setiap langkah perusahaan dalam melihat aspek mutu dan pengaruhnya terhadap biaya dan laporan keuangan. "al ini sangat penting dalam rangka penghematan biaya dan perbaikan mutu. Manfaat Apa Yang Anda Peroleh? #ada akhir program, peserta diharapkan dapat $ Memahami peranan cost management dalam organisasi dan pengaruhnya terhadap laporan keuangan. Memahami cost of quality dengan segala konsekuensi. Memahami proses quality assesment. Memahami prilaku biaya dalam konteks cost reduction program. Apa saja yang dibahas? Cost !anagement, meliputi$ pengenalan ost dan prilakunya, maksimisasi %alue dan peran ost, ost management dalam lingkup perusahaan, pengaruh setiap ost terhadap laporan keuangan. Cost of )uality, meliputi$ konsep mutu, peran ost of &uality dalam pengendalian mutu, pilihan terhadap ost of &uality system. )uality *ssesment, meliputi$ perkembangan konsep mutu, re%ie' ()DSM, pengukuran mutu. Cost .eduction -rogram, meliputi$ lingkup kegiatan ost redu tion, perilaku biaya dalam ost redu tion, pengaruh %alue hain terhadap ost, bottle ne k onstraint. Siapa Yang Perlu I ut? Mereka yang bertanggung ja'ab atas cost reduction Mereka yang bertanggung ja'ab atas quality improvement. Mereka yang tertarik dengan cost reduction dan cost of quality. Scedule Month
May - tober

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