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Vol. XXIV No. 2


March 28, 1973 marks the 25th year since the Sanders became the first
missionaries with the Christian

SPECIAL NOTE: Some have probably wondered about the late delivery of the Jan. - Feb. issue of the Brazil Christian Mission report. The printing and mailing operation is now being done by the printing department of. Capstan, Inc., a missionary organization based in Checotah, Oklahoma. In transferring the addressing equipment and plates
from Nebraska to Oklahoma the two

Churches, Churches of Christ in Brazil. This work, which started as a vision of

the last seven years. A preaching convention Iby the Bi^azilian (^hurche.s i and a missionary convention (by the missionaries) are held annually. A

Lloyd David's graduating class at Johnson Bible College, began with two children accepting an invitation to Sunday School in the Sanders' home in
Goiania in 1948. It was .continued, down

printing ministry (APLIC), with its shop located in Goiania, is sponsored by all the missionaries, two giving their full
time to it.

through the years because of the faithful support and prayers of

interested churches and additional fellow - workers. There are now in

Many lives have been changed as the blessings of God h^e _been acceptedL His glory continues to penetrate more and more into this great country. As the Lord gives life and strength, as the churches continue their prayers and
love, the Sanders look forward to the

cabinets of ^ miss-sent to

address plates were Fort Smitji, Arkansas.

After seven of the nine crates arrived in

West Central Brazil, in and around

Goiania (the state capital of Goias) and Brasilia (the national capital of Brazil)
over 1300 active Christians. Also, other

on - going of their testimony in central


Checotah, a trace was requested of the trucking company and finally, the first of April, they arrived at their destination. From now on we will hope to meet the normal mailing schedule without such an extended delay.

workers have evangelized and estab










As evangelism continues, spontane ous expansion has stretched out on the highways reaching 400 miles or more. Methods of Christian training have been planned and utilized from the first. Ministerial training at the Goiania

Christian Institute has a new beginning

under Brazilian director Aurelino

Mendes. The new TEE (Theological Education by Extension] method has

already been added, under the direction

of Earl F. Haubner. The TEE program

is beginning its second year with over a hundred students enrolled, triple the number of last year. Annual seminars are held at the Institute or camp grounds for church leaders under the
direction of Dale H. McAfee. Summer

camps ^e held annually on a farm(in

the federal district) which is leased by
Brazil Christian Mission A Christian from the

federal governfoent and managed by

Charles Kent. Endeavor

Newly elected church board of the Ceilandia Church of Christ. From left to right:
Primo Paleira e Silva, Jose Faer, deacon; Avelino Pereira Filho, minister; and Joao dos Reis, deacon. The church now has 47 adult members.

Youth congress has been held annually

Page 2






The Association for Christian Literature (APLIC) met on January 27 in the Brasilia church building and

l/ The Sanders' family plans to spend

* June through November in the U.S.A. Outside of certain special commitments already made, the Sanders plan to

adopted a reformed constitution in

order to be more in accord with the laws of Brazil. Six members were elected from Brasilia for the new


executive committee:

president is

accept invitations only for the months of September, October and November.

Doctor Abigail SeveAzevedo Mesquita; vice-president is Osorio Gonzalves;

members, Filemon Ribeiro dos Santos,

This publication is printed, addressed end mailed by

Ruth will still be recuperating from a ocvere tropical fever she contracted
last December

^Capstan, Box "E" - Checotoh,


Doctor Zuleika Borges Pereira Celestina Miss Olga Helena Ceasarine da Silva,
and L.David Sanders. Other members elected were Waldir Pires Garcia,

(a missionary service
Field Editor Dole H. McAfee

Oklahoma 74426

Please let them know a preferred

date and also a second choice of dates that will be suitable for them to visit

minister in Anapolis; Thomas W. Fife,

Carol Louis Lowe, and Ivan Ribeiro de

your congregation. They want to meet

with Mission Committees, Elders,

Bessa, Goiania. Missionary Carol Lowe

was elected as Executive Director for

L. David and Ruth Sanders Coixo Postal 07-862

70000 Brozilio, D.F., Brazil For information, colored slides and mission studies,

Deacons or other groups to talk about the work in Brazil and of their plans as they look forward to juibtber-10 years of

developing the total activity of the


Active missionary service. Use their


field address until May 15th: but after

that write them in care of Bonnie

write to: Mr. J.R. (Cay) Ewing

5607 Palatine Place North

Connell (see address box on this page).


Twenty thousand persons were touched with the gospel message ia.jthe

Seattle, Washington 98031 To receive prayer letter,

write to:

federal district of Brazil during tRe,

month of February. Gary Alan Burrell

Artur de Sousa e Silva,


and his associated ^nHnigters, Francisco

-Leite, Moacir Ferreira Reis and-Eugene Smith led in a series of evangelistic 'meetings in the cities of Brasilia, Gama, Taguatinga and Ceilandia, all in the
Federal District.

Brazil Christian Mission

%Bethony Christian Church

Rurol Route 1 - Box 618C

missionary working in Silvania, Goias, has practiced obedience to the Word and love for the non-believing priests in
this town where 22 years ago missionaries were threatened bodily. Artur's two sons and daughter have studied in the priests' school and have
testified in and out of class. These

Anderson, Indiana 46011


Dale H. and Carol McAfee Coixo Postal 154

76700 Ceres, Goios, Brozil For information, colored slides and mission studies,
write to:

priests sought the counsel and help of

Artur and have now voluntarily left

By means of sound truck, films, tract distribution and open air preaching some 20,000 persons heard the Gospel preached. Twelve thousand tracts were
distributed to the crowds which listened

Mrs. Taylor McAfee

510 Oak Street

their jobs and the priesthood. Even so, the village parochial priest recently
threatened Artur at the very door of his home. The Gospel continues to be

to the messages.

Valley Falls, Kansas 66088 To receive prayer letter,

write to:

Over 880 persons indicated interest in receiving a visit from an evangelist.

The Brasilia church saw 26 decisions, a

preached in Silvania and the church

there now numbers 112 active members

real victory (and the Brasilia church had

the least response of all)! Pray for this

Brazil Christian Mission

and includes four rural congregations.

%First Christian Church

P.O. Box 242

Volley Foils, Kansas 66068

Send ALL Contributions to:
Box 17067









Wichita, Kansas 67217

Please help keep our records straight by designating your offering for missionary or project. Please do not send
checks or bills to the field. The Brazil Christian Mission is

God...reveals the state of man...points out the way of salvation...the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories are true, and its

judgments are unchangeable.

Read it to be wise...believe it to be

and the glory of God its end. It should fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet. Read it slowly, frequently and prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth, a garden of glory, and a river of pleasure. It is given you in life, will be open in the Judgment, and will be remembered

owned by the religious organization of the same name and is published bi-monthly vvith second class postage paid at the U.S. Post
Office in Checotoh, Oklahoma

safe...and practice it to be holy. It

contains light to direct you, food to sustain you, and comfort to cheer you. It is the traveler's map, the pilgrim's staff, the pilot's compass, the soldier's
sword, and the Christian's charter.

It involves the greatest responsibil ity...and condemns all who trifle with its
holy contents. "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correclion, and for the instruction in righteousness."
...The Bible

74426. Subscriptions ore paid from offerings received.

Here Heaven is opened and Paradise restored, and the gates of Hell are shown to be reality. CHRIST is its grand subject, our GOD its designer.


Page 3


by Dale McAfee

The Haubners moved to Goiania in

January. Here Earl and Dale converse

at the farewell party after worship service January 14th.

Carol McAfee serving at farewell party. Kimberly Haubner at left. The cookies and kool-aid plus traditional Brazilian goodies were enjoyed by all.

Ruth Anne Haubner and

Project Rondon XI sent Brazilian University students all over Brazil (usually to a section of the country other than their origin] to do and

Angela, Linda McAfee in background, at farewell party.

promote community projects in a Third

World grass roots movement to bring economic, social and cultural devel opment. Here are three of the seven, with Missionary Dale McAfee who was

showing them around Ceres, who

worked their summer vacation in the

Saint Patrick Valley [Ceres, Rialma and other city-counties in the area]. The Rondon youth [from Porto Alegre University, Rio Grande do Sul] were frequently in the McAfee's bookstore,
and-attendedworship service and Sunday Bible School of the Ceres


McAfee's house and


The man in this picture lives in Sao
Luiz do Norte. He came to the McAfee's

house in January and asked for a cow project. His widowed mother and

younger married brother had just signed contracts and received a cow
each on loan. Communications with Sao
Luiz is difficult now as the road is sliced

into numerous detours while paving preparations are made for the highway. By car it is a difficult 22 hour trip one way, whereas when paved it will be approximately 45 minutes!





bookstore at the Bible and

hymnal section. School

materials and text books are also handled.

Page 4
New Indian Tribe Contacted (As



According to reports from the Missionary Information Bureau, in 1969 there were 2,991 evangelical mission aries working in Brazil. There was one foreign evangelical missionary to 5,000 non-evangelicals. The average popula tion per missionary was:
7,450 North 12,250 - Central- -West 25,700 South 47,800 - North - East 50,000 - East

TRAINING AND FOLLOW-UP As the population returns to school

and work after summer vacation, the

reported in the "0 Globe", Rio newspaper) "The first effective peaceful contact between Brazilian government repre
sentatives and the Krain a - Kore

Indian tribe was made Sunday, February 4th at 4 P.M. on the banks of
the "Rio Braco Norte" (North Arm River) in the wilds of Cachimbo, where

the new TransAmazonic highway is being laid.

"For more than a week, the

Brasilia church begins a re - emphasis on her training program for the year. The Sunday School is holding its annual study of prayer through February and March. Courses in Theology by Extension are beginning with 8 students. Tuesday and Thursday classes for the training of teachers
have also been indicated.

Krain - a - Kores had been circling the government camp, but refused to come closer than 200 feet. Suddenly, on Sunday, a group of 30 Krain - a - Kore unarmed Indian men entered the camp and accepted the gifts of hatchets,
knives and beads."

The average population per evan gelical Christian in Brazil is now 31. In some parts of Brazil, however, the average is as high as sixty to one. A few years ago, 40% of the
missionaries were in the south where

The Brasilia church school just completed a six months course in "follow - up" during the Sunday School hour. As a result twenty church members volunteered to adopt one or
more new members and to orientate them in the faith.

In recent months, Brazilian workers

36% of the population is located At that time, 328 missionaries were reported in
Sao Paulo. The Christian Churches. Churches of

In 1972 the Brasilia church happily

received 42 new members into

have been killed by Indians as the "wild west" is opened to settlement. The peaceful meeting with this tribe is another important step as these new tribes accept the coming of the highway
and civilization. An elder of the

Christ count 30 missionary couples on

the field in 1973. These are

fellowship, 36 by baptism. Since there is usually a loss of many new members

from vital church life, the Brasilia

concentrated in three major areas:

North (Belem); Central - West (Brasilia, Goiania); and South (Sao Paulo).

Brasilia Church,

church is working on a plan of integration, with emphasis on prayer and personal evangelism. for the construction of the temple in

Filemon Ribeiro Santos, is an employee in the federal department for the protection of the Indian.

The first stone laid was called the

"foundation stone"...

Before the machine gun... anonymous

Attend The

Before gun powder...

Men turned rocks into arms of war.

The stone that holds up the weight

of the other stones,
A base for the entire structure.


David killed the giant Philistine with

a rock from the creek. Before the electric chair...

November 20-23,1973

"Cornerstone" was the name given to the stone that capped the wall at the

The M}Tiad in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Before the hangman's noose... Men used rocks to apply capital punishment.


the one that tied the

arch or held other rocks at junctures

The woman caught in adultery

Mf^'- do not reject the Bible because
it CO.- radicts itself, but because it contradicts them.

high in the wall, and tied together

the four walls, where today a layer
of concrete the full circumference is used.

would have been stoned...if Jesus hadn't shamed her accusers, if Jesus hadn't offered another solution.

Before hinges... before plaster... Men sealed up cisterns and tombs

with rocks.

Before Neil Armstrong and Edwin


Having analysed Brasilia's develop ment for the last two years. Governor Helio Prates da Silveira reports the following growth:
80% in finances

Jacob began a romance with Rachel by removing a rock from a well, and
Jesus ordered a stone rolled away from Lazarus' tomb, so that the dead
could arise and walk out. Before the Eiffel Tower and Corcovado

Before the first rock brought back from the moon's surface to the earth by Apollo -11... Men already possessed a Rock from
outer space, the Rock that became flesh

20% in population
90% in school rooms

dwelt among us.

And the Rock was Christ:

158% in hospital beds

151% in cars


corner stone,

the foundation

Before iron and reinforced concrete...

stone, the key stone, because He is

the foundation and the Savior of the Church, the head of the corner, the founder of the Church,

48% in consumption of electricity

24% in water lines 64% in school enrollments

80% in paving
125% in buses

Men built their monuments putting stone on top of stone. The crossing on dry land over the River Jordan was commemorated by
means of a rock column erected with
twelve stones.

170% in loans for all purposes 90% in telephones

55% in house construction.

Before footings in the subsoil...

Before burned brick...

the head of the body, the alpha and the omega. This Jesus, the Christ, is the living

stone, yes rejected by men, but for

God elect and precious. For no other foundation can anyone lay
that that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

The government has concentrated on development where there is the greatest need; for example there is still a shortage of hospital beds.

Man already used rock in


Solomon had 80,000 men quarrying and cutting stone in the mountains

l-ia mil tori i \oiii on Se I' V1 o e o lox 17?

lempton, Ind,




Vol. XX iV No. 3


-by Dale McAfee

The Sanders family arrived in Wichita, Kansas, at 4 p.m. on Tuesday May 15th. The Sanders are arranging speaking engagements and would welcome an opportunity to visit with you. The Lord willing, they are planning
to return to Brazil the first of

On March 6, students, faculty and

friends In a of the Instituro Cristao de

TEE program and is assistant to Mendes in the residence program.

Others on the faculty are: Eduardo
Vasconcellos, who delivered the

Educaoao e Cultura (LC.E.C.) gathered

convocation service held in the

November to continue working with the

Brasilia Church and to work with. missions in the Federal District and

meeting house of the Setor Bueno Church of Christ, nearby the Institute Campus. The new school year began
with 30 students enrolled in the

message for the convocation service, Merlyn L. Shields, Gertrude H. Shields,

Tom W. Fife, Antonio Lourenco and
Dale H. McAfee.

Centra) Brazil. They are celebrating their 25th year of service since going to
Brazil in March of 1948. The work of the Brasilia Church is

Maintaining Association

residence program of training for

Christian ministries, 10 in the second

year and 20 in the first year; 120 were enrolled in the TEE (Theological
Education by Extension) in 12 centers.
Aurelino Mendes Filho is director of the

The I.C.E. represents the first institute to be opened and the main thrust of emphasis of the Associacao
Crista de Educacao e Cultura (A.C.E.C.).

presently under the leadership of the

elders and deacons. Commissions of

ACEC is the legal organization and acts

as board of trustees for the Christian

Institute; Earl P. Haubner directs the

(cont'd on page 3)

Convocation service of the Goiania Christian Institute. Here you see the students who were present gathered at the front of the Setor Bueno Church auditorium.

leadership are responsible for the departments of missions, stewardship, education, public relations, social service, and training. The Women's Society takes an active part in visitation, prayer groups and in cooperating with the various depart

Other missionaries and preachers

are scheduled to help supply preaching

during the absence of Brother Sanders. Missionary Charles Kent is responsible for the programmed extension courses
in the Brasilia Church and two other centers in the area. He is also director

of the mission farm and camp grounds. A "setting apart" service for all
leaders in the Brasilia Church was held

on the Sunday before the Sanders' departure. A fellowship supper (held annually) was attended by church members and friends as a special
farewell to the Sanders. The Sanders' stateside residence

address is % Jerry Connell, 216 N. Madison, Anthony, Kansas 67003. Telephone-(313) 842-5659.

Page 2




gospel were registered. Institute

"by Dale McAfee The Churches of Christ (Christian) of


students were present to help in

receiving the decisions and make follow-up calls. The students also distributed Gospel tracts to all who

Central Brazil are developing a tradition for promoting an annual preaching and
fellowship convention. L. David Sanders

was this year's convention president, ably assisted by Osorio Rodrigues

Gonzalves. Attendance was smaller

attended the civic center meetings.

Small groups witnessed to their faith in

(^hrist in the streets at night as people

gathered in front of the houses to watch the "crentes" (belivers) go by. Students were seen to stop and speak of the love of God and His Word; also to sing to these small groups.
Decision To Continue

than at last year's convention; but the

This publication is printed, addressed and mailed by Capstan, Box "E" Checotah,
Oklahoma 74426

meeting place was also smaller. It was full for most of the sessions and packed for the closing night.
Open Air Evangelistic Meetings Beginning on Monday the week, of the convention and in conjunction with the convention the Gary Burrell evangelistic team with sound truck

(a missionary service ministry)

Field Editor Dale H. McAfee

L. David and Ruth Sanders Caixa Postal 07-862

Some felt the dominance of youth at the Convention, the time of year it has been held and difficulties experienced by adults in getting away from their
jobs to attend would turn the

70000 Brazilio, D.F., Brazil For information, colored slides and mission studies,
write to:

Mr. J.R. (Coy) Ewing

5607 Palatine Place North

Seattle, Washington 98031 To receive prayer letter,

write to:

conducted nightly meetings in the Silvania City Square. The city square complete with water fountain, colored lights, and nicely landscaped area made an appropriate place for the mass gatherings. Moacir, the team technician, presented color movies. Moody Science films and films portraying the
crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus

Convention into a youth rally. But after a discussion on the closing night of difficulties, desires, needs, and values,
the decision was made to continue the

Brazil Christian Mission

%Bethany Christian Church

Rural Route 1 - Box 618C

each night, following which Mendes presented a spoken message. Some one
hundred decisions of interest in the

Convention (the youth have their own annual meeting in November, but definately should attend the Convention a committee being elected to name the place and time of next year's
Convention, as well as work out the

Anderson, Indiana 46011


Dale H. and Carol McAfee

Caixa Postal 154

For use in Vacation Bible Junior Church services, etc.


76700 Ceres, Goias, Brazil For information, colored slides and mission studies,
write to:

DIALOG UE-"ON THE THRONE" John Marcos and Nubia are brother and sister who have attended the Brasilia Church since their birth. John Marcos is 9 and Nubia is 8. Just

Mrs. Taylor McAfee

510 Oak Street

Valley Falls, Kansos 66088 To receive prayer letter,

write to:

recently, they both accepted Jesus into their hearts and were baptized. They attended a class every Sunday evening
for three months with Mrs. Sanders.

Brazil Christian Mission % First Christian Church

P.O. Box 242

Valley Falls, Kansas 66088

Send ALL Contributions to:

The following conversation could have taken place...

John Marcos: Are you going to attend Mrs. Missionary's class tonight.

Nubia: No, I don't think so...I want to

Wichita, Kansas 67217

Please help keep our records straight by designating your offering for missionary or project. Please do not send
checks or bills to the field.

play with Deuseiia until dark. And besides, I haven't memorized my scripture verse.
John Marcos: But Nubia, we both went

forward last Sunday and asked

Jesus to sit on the throne in our

The Brazil Christian Mission is

owned name

by and

the is

religious published

organization of the same

hearts. This class will help us as we sing the choruses and learn the scripture verses and talk about what
he wants me to do., it means to be a Christian.

bi-monthly with second class postage paid at the U.S. Post Office in Checotah, Oklahoma

Nubia: Sometimes it seems awfully hard

to have Jesus sit on the throne...I

74426. Subscriptions are paid

from offerings received.

wamt Him in my heart, but there are so many things that I want to do,
(cont'd on page 4)

Nubia and
Brasilia Church.


Marcos of the


Page 3
For use in Vacation Bible Schools,


from p. 1)

Junior Church services, etc.

Institute. ACEC is a non-profit, closed corporation which is entrusted through proper documentation by Brazil Christian Mission for the development of an educational program on the BOM property in Setor Bueno, Goiania. Members of the ACEC are Lloyd David Sandere. president; Waldir Fires Garcia, vice-president; Francisco Leite, secretary; Osorio Rodrigues Gonzalves, Arthur de Souza e Silva, Dale Henry McAfee, Sebastiao Pacheco Borges and
Fiiemon Ribelro dos Santos.


One Sunday morning, Alexandre's

teacher at the Brasilia Bible School

talked to the class about "forgiveness." Were they able to forgive others who mistreated them? Twelve year old Alexandre spoke up, "It took a long, long, time, but Jesus helped me to finally forgive my father after he killed my mother. He is in prison and I pray Special music for the convocation service was presented by the Setor
Universitario Church of Christ male that he will come to know Jesus." It was after this occasion that we

began to learn more about Alexandre

and his family. It was true that his father was in prison, having killed his mother in a fit of rage cause by drink.
Alexandre's aunt and uncle had taken

Institute students singing at the

Silvania Convention. Siloe, one of -the

quartet. Left to right are Florisvaldo, Ulysses, Fideiis and Daniel. Gertrude
Shields is at the organ. Florisvaldo and
Daniel are former Institute students

students is directing, Jeseir (son of the minister, Srtur] and Timothy Shields ("almost a student!" and already a composer of some of the choruses sung] are on the back playing electric guitars in accompanyment.

and ulysses is presently a student and

also minister at Universitario. Fideiis is

him and his sister Rosemary to live with them and their five children. They were

living in an apartment near the Brasilia


a son of the Universitario Church under

Florisvaldo's leadership.

Unfortunately, his uncle also

drank and mistreated his aunt and the children. His aunt had become very

discouraged through the years and, at times, was not even quite herself. She
had suffered several nervous break

One thing above all else that the uncle would not allow was for any of the family to go to church. He refused to have a missionary visit in his home.
Alexandre's mother had told-bim about Jesus before she died, and the three of them, Alexandre, his mother, and

Rosemary had gone to Bible School whenever they could. Alexandre loved Jesus and always wanted to be in
church where he could hear more about

(cont'd on page 4)

Brasilia Sunday School Youth Class with teacher Abigail Mesquita second from the left.

Page 4
F4)r use in Vacation Bible Junior Church services, etc. Schools,


friend Roseanna find the bright new world. With the help of the Holy Spirit
she decided she could not continue

(DIALOGUE cont'd from p. 2)

myself, without thinking about what
He wants me to do.


Young people still bave frontiers

dating a boy who was well on the way to becoming a drug addict. Within a

John Marcos: Let's draw a heart and

to cross. They can still be pioneers. The great unknown, the dangers of the future, the adjustments to the present
are here to be faced. Some seem to
think that these frontiers are new

week she had met a very fine young

man who sings in the "Youth for Christ choir at the church. Angela now has a firm basis for meeting the great
unknown of the future.

put a throne in it. See! Now I'll draw

a cross outside the heart. That's when Jesus is still not in our hearts.

Nubia: Yes, but Jesus is in my

heart...I'm just not sure I want Him
on the throne.

experiences created by drugs and physical experiments. They talk about peace and love and a bright new world, but their drugs and physical experiments do not seem to bring the desired results. They do not find peace, or love, or a bright new world, but their drugs and physical experiments do not seem to bring the desired results. They do not find peace, or love, or a bright
new world.

(BIBLE IN HALL cont'd from p. 3)

John Marcos: Then your heart will look

like this. I'll draw the cross inside the heart, but not on the throne.

the love of Jesus and of the Heavenly Father. He succeeded in persuading his aunt to take the children and go with
him. When she heard more about the

Nubia: That doesn't seem quite fair.

When I remember what Mrs.

Missionary told us what Jesus did

wonderful Saviour, she accepted Him and was baptized. Her husband was

for me, and is doing for me now, I know I would be happier if He sat on
the throne.

This is a story of Angela, who

actually crossed the frontier and found her bright new world. Angela and her friend, Roseana, declared that they did not believe in god.Roseana is an only child and both her parents died a few years ago, leaving her with relatives
who somehow did not know how to show

very angry! He beat her, tore up her Bible and forbade her to go back to church. However, whenever possible,
she and the children would sneak out

John Marcos: Alright! Here is the way

your heart should be. The cross is on
the throne.

and go to Bible School. She was given another Bible, which she kept hidden. Sunday mornings she placed her Bible
in the hall outside the kitchen window.

When all was clear, they would go out

the front door and one of the children would run down the hall to the kitchen

love. Angela, however, comes from a family of six children: a father who is a catholic, but full of superstitions because of spiritism, and a mother who became a believer this past year. (All who follow religions which teach about
God and Jesus are called Christians

window and get the Bible, and they

were off to church!





Nubia: I'm going to call Deuselia and ask her to go with me to class. We will both learn the scripture verse. Let's repeat it together now! John Marcos and Nubia: "God is always at work in you to make you willing and able to obey his own purpose. Do everything without complaining or arguing, that you may be innocent and pure, as God's perfect children
who live in a world of crooked and

here in




Spiritist, or any of the more that 100 sects. So when someone accepts Christ
as Lord and Saviour and follows Bible

teachings, they are called "crentes"believers.)

poems and some hymns which his aunt has put to music. Always their apartment is filled with the sound of choruses and hymns. The uncle is drinking less and less. In January he allowed the missionary and his wife to visit them and help them plan Rosemary's wedding which was held in
the church. The uncle walked down the

mean people. You must shine among

them like stars lighting up the sky,

as you offer them the message of life." Philippians 2: 13 - 16

Peter Wagner, Missionary Informa

Dona Wanda, Angela's mother began to talk to her family about Jesus and would use the Bible to help them in their problems. The family would scoff and tell her they didn't want to hear.

aisle with Rosemary. Most important, he no longer forbids them to go to church. The love of Jesus not only brings can change

tion Bulletin, reports that Christianity is growing by 55,000 persons per day. Since the world increases by 202,739 per day, this means that the number of people who are not accepting Christ is increasing by 147,739 per day.

Angela, especially, would become angry

and refuse to listen.






Angela's attention to some of the things she was doing that would harm her physically and mentally. Angela shouted
that she did not believe in God and that she could do what she wished! From

The Gary Burrell evangelistic team. Institute students and team equipment pose in front of the Institute building in readiness to travel to Silvania for pre-Elaster evangelistic meeting and Central Brazil Convention. Gary Burrell is in the back row between the trucks, Moacir is standing in the truck doorway above him and Mendes on the above-cab speakers platform of the sound truck. Francisco Leite [his small son
directly in front of him] stands in front of the sound truck. Others are Institute

that moment on Angela would not even speak to her mother. This attitude continued for a week, two weeks, and
into the fourth week. Dona Wanda

asked her friends in Christ to pray about the situation. Then, Angela's attitude changed. She even agreed to go to the youth meeting at church one Sunday afternoon. In the happy atmosphere of young people singing and talking freely about Jesus, Angela began to want the same joy and peace. A few weeks later, Angela accepted Christ and now she wants to help her
(cont'd next column)


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Vol. XXIV No. 6


by Dale McAfee

This year a tract of land within one

block of the Ceres township hall (prefeitura) and centra praca (plaza) became available as a permanent
location for our church (Igreja de Cristp

de Monte Siao). It is a triangular shaped

plot surrounded by streets and shows on the city map as a praca. Until now it has been a cultivated field. The city
opened the streets on two sides and
rezoned it for us. Before the land could

be developed it was necessary to stop the farming operation and persuade the family occupying a thatched roof hut at

by L. David Sanders

the edge of the land to re-locate. The

man who had been cultivating the piece

of ground for 18 years, a member of the

local Baptist Church, readily agreed

that an evangelical church and center
will be of more benefit to the

Maria Joyce and I arrived in Brasilia at 5 A.M., Nov. 7, after leaving Miami fifteen hours earlier. Flying time was about 9 hours with a four hour stop in Panama where we also gained two hours in time zone changes. As the early hours dawned, the lights of
Brasilia blinked in the distance and

Then came another special surprise

from the young people, who had waited
for our arrival since 3:30 A.M. at the

airport. The youth at the gate of the customs office in the airport sang a specially written chorus of welcome for
their brother in Christ and minister.

community than the farm land...esp cially since it was borrowed to begin
with! The hut stood where there will

one day be sidewalks and fortunately the occupants were quite willing to

then, as we approached, the city stretched out in her wakening activities. The 707 Pan Am jet settled down gently in the warm morning air. Coming down from 37,000 feet into the tropical
climate, the windows steamed over and obscured our view as we landed. As we

Airport officials, workers and visitors heard the thrilling message in song! It was truly a special moment of joy and a genuine demonstration of love and care.
We were back with loved ones in our

move. All of this has come about as an

answer to prayer - yours and ours

since we made it a request in our prayer


One of our church families, who

adopted country!

Among the welcoming party were

Charles Kent and Dale McAfee. Dale

owns their own house, lives right across the street from the lot and they were
thrilled with this turn of events.

left the plane we heard a chorus of voices yelling our names. We looked up and saw a welcoming group from the church, mostly young people, standing on the roof of the airport building, waving eagerly and calling to us. We passed through customs rapidly because of the very generous attitude of the officials, went through the last doors to greet daughter Starla, son-in-law Luis, and granddaughter Kuyla; and then, a special embrace of welcome by and for
each one of the brethren.

loaded up the baggage and some passengers. Maria rode from the airport
with Luis and Starla, while I rode home
with Charles Kent in our old DKW

Vemagette which we left with the Kents during our furlough. Our ftrst day in Brazil was spent mostly in talking and unpacking, opening mail, examining correspon dence, going over documents and receiving news from various visitors. Dale McAfee had been making trips (Cont'd, on p. 3]

Sept. 29 the MIBRASE open air evangelism sound truck was in Ceres. Moacir, Eugene Smith and Aurelino Mendes presented films and short messages from the truck parked on the church lot using the self contained electrical system. Over 1000 people attended this inauguration of the praca as the praca da Igraja de Cristo De
Monte Siao.

This season we are planting the lot

(closed in now with barbed wire) in

[Cont'd, on p. 3]

Page 2





This publication is printed, addressed and mailed by

Capstan, Box "E" - Checotah,
Oklahoma 74426

We would like to express publicly, our very sincere thanks and apprecia tion to Caroiee Ewing (Mrs. J. Richard Ewing of Puget Sound College of the Bible, Seattle, Washington) for her many years of zealous endeavors as Promotional Agent for the Sanders family. After serving over 12 years with
her husband on the mission field in

(a missionary service ministry)

Field Editor - Dale H. McAfee

L David and Ruth Sanders

Brazil, Caroiee took on the promotional duties, working side by side with the Sanders in this important task until the present date. It is our regret that, due to pressure of other important responsibilities, she will no longer be working in this capacity. Mrs. Caroiee Ewing

Mailing address:
Caixa Postal 07-862

70000 Brazilia, D.F., Brazil

House Address:

W-3. Quandra 708, Bloco 1, Coso 35 70000 Brazilia, D.F., Brazil For Information, colored slides and mission studies, write to;


by Dale McAfee The youth groups of the Churches of
Christ in Central Brazil (South Central Goias and the Federal District) held

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Durham

Box 17067

Wichita, Kansas 67217 .

their 8th annual youth congress (or rally) at the Brasilia church, November


receive prayer letter,

write to:

Officers of the Congress represented

the Brasilia Church (President and

Brazil Christian Mission

%Bethany Christian Church

Rural Route 1 - Box 61 8C

Vice-President), Ceres church (Philip

McAfee, Treasurer) and Setor Bueno

Anderson. Indiana 46011


Dale H. and Carol McAfee

Caixa Postal 154

(Goiania) church, (Secretary). They did a good job organizing and conducting the meeting. Some 100 youth were in
attendance. One of the men of the

76700 Ceres. Goias, Brazil For information, colored slides and mission studies, write to:

Brasilia church, who operates a restaurant, set up a provisionary

restaurant service on the church

Osorio Rodriguez [left], an elder at

the Brasilia church, furnished restau

Mrs. Taylor McAfee

510 Oak Street

Valley Falls. Kansas, 66088 To receive prayer letter,

write to:

grounds and served the meals. Boys slept on straw mattresses scattered on the floor of one of the upstairs rooms, at the back of the church building. Girls

rant service for the Youth Congress. Osorio was selected to be 1974 congress adult sponsor.

Brozil Christian Mission

Outgoing Ikneeling] and mcoming

[standing] officers of the Youth Congress of Churches of Christ in Central Brazil. Kneeling, left to right: Paulo [Pres.], Philip [Treas.], Rosangela [V-Pres.j, Joel [Sec.] Standing: Jeser
[Pres.], Robert Fife [Treas.], Leonal [V-Pres.], Gerson [Sec.].

from out of town were kept in homes of

the church members.

%Capstan, Inc.
Drawer E

Checotah, Oklahoma 74426

Send ALL Contributions to:
Box 17067

Theme for the congress was "We Cannot But Speak of What We Have Seen and Heard" (Acts 4:20). Messages by four different ministers, Waldir Pires, Aurelino Mendes, Dale McAfee and a Presbyterian lay minister of the
Federal District, were centered around

Wichita, Kansas 67217

Please help keep our records straight by designating your offering for missionary or

project. Please do not send

checks or bills to the field. The Brazil Christian Mission Is

on the theme. Youth groups from the Brasilia, Taguatinga, Jundiai (Anapolis), Alexandrina (Anapolis), Setor Bueno
(Goiania), Vila Fama (Goiania) and

owned by the religious organization of the some name ond is published bi-monthly with second class postage paid at the U.S. Post
Office in Checotah, Oklahoma

Ceres churches competed in a Bible quiz. Several groups prepared flags bearing the theme, symbolic colors and drawings. The Ceres youth had specially painted T-shirts with the uplifted index finger and a hand with
the words from John 14:6, "I am the

^4426. Subscriptions are paid vfrom offerings received.

way and the truth." Vila Fama won the Bible quiz and also received the honor
for the best flag or emblem.


Page 3


by Dale McAfee

gasoline - 50c per gal.

small cars:

Ford Corcel, standard 2-door $3,500; Delux - $4,500.

Volkswagen, standard, 2-door $2,775. Chevette standard $3,400

Sao Luiz do Norte church building

and caretaker's house.

NEW STEPS [Cont'd, from p. 1| corn. The church plans to use the green corn produced as a money raising project. Our first campaign is one of


RETURN (Cont'd, from p. 1| monthly to Brasilia in our absence to

oversee activities and handle financial

prayer and faith offerings to pay for the rocks to be used in the building, the fencing, the plowing and planting. Much labor, some posts, wire and seed have
been donated.

Sunday Bible Schoo] of the Sao Luiz

do Norte church.

The Sao Luiz church has its ups and downs. Thankfully it is on the up! With the increase in population and activity, due to the asphaulting of the
Brasilia-Belem road on which it is

matters, so he stayed another day to make a report of the transactions in Brasilia and the progress in various places of the work. Wednesday night is the regular service at the Brasilia
church, so the first service we attended

Our next job in preparation for the building is to get an architect to draw

up blue prints. The church plans to build in stages, with the first stage to be completed next August, before our
furlough. You will be given an opportunity to help with this building project as we make details available soon. We pray you will respond to this request as an opportunity to help lay foundation for a strong church in Ceres and as encouragement to the present members
who are still few^in number. i

was on the night of the day we arrived. We made our first greetings to the

located just 68 km. northeast of Ceres, Sao Luiz is buzzing. The church has benefited from the new people coming in. Five were baptized Oct. 21; a man and his wife and a son, one young man and one teenage girl. The girl's family attends _and are the churches best prospective members at present. A man who accepted Christ and took his public stand for Him Jan. 4, 1971 when Bro. Lewis Foster preached at
Sao Luiz, now lives in a thatched-roof

The second day started late...with more visits, then a trip to the church office and later to the hospital to visit a
Christian brother from Goiania who had

been injured badly in an auto accident. Young Lourival, who has a wife and two children, told us that he might have to stay another year in the hospital. PRAY


It is with a great deal of pleasure, and a feeling of answered prayer, that we present Larry and Opal Durham as the new Promotional Agents for the Sanders' Family. Larry and Opal are
members of the Glenn Park Christian

The third day we were given

another special welcome. On hearing!

that Ruth would remain in the U.S. for another month the church families had

pole house on the church grounds as

prepared a calendar of dinners for us. The Lord blessed our trip to the U.S. and He brought us back to our field of labor and has offered a great
challenge and given us great joy at so many demonstrations of love and care!
What's New?

Church, Wichita, Kansas. Their mailing address as promotional agents will be

Box 17067, Wichita, Kansas 67217.

Write them as you need slides, display or other information concerning the
Sanders family.

Caretaker of the Sao

Luiz church

holding a fish net. His fishing lately has taken a drop in priorities as he gives more time to his job [cutting trees for saw logs] and working in the church. caretaker. He is taking part in the leadership, plays guitar, and helps make improvements on the building and grounds. Someone from Ceres, usually Philip,

We had forgotten how hot it gets here. I thought the first days were burning and suffocating us...then the rains came and I thought we would be flooded out! At least they have been cooling and refreshing. We had also forgotten how prices can change. Among the questions that were always asked while on furlough
most were concerned with the cost of

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Durham

living, cost of meat, cost of gasoline, etc.

Here are some answers based on

purchases, newspapers and inqueries.

These must be approximate because of differences in weights and measures, and because of the money exchange
rate. Prices in Brasilia;

has gone to Sao Luiz every Sunday morning since September to lead Sunday Bible School. Two classes, the
children's class and the adult class, meet

regularly. Pray for the growth of the

church at Sao Luiz.

meat - beef (fresh) - $1.20 and up per pound (and rationed) chicken (dressed) $1.25 per pound suits - range from $50.00 on up

Page 4



By the time you read this article I will have rejoined my family in Brasilia, getting there in time to pass Christmas
with them and loved ones in the Brasilia church.

It has been a thoroughly enjoyable and blessed six months among our
brethren here in the States. We do

appreciate the fine welcome we have

had. Here is a final list of the churches

where we have been during this furlough time:

Meadowview Christian Church Selma, Alabama

First Christian Church,

Mobile, Alabama Memorial Christian Church Mountain Home, Arkansas Fairmont Christian Church

Installation of the officers of the capitol area Bible Society. This board is made up of
pastors and buisness men from the evangelical churches of Brasilia. Brother Sanders, the only foreigner elected to this group, is the second from your right.

Independence, Mo.
Miami Shores Christian Church Miami, Florida
First Christian Church of Miami Miami, Florida
1500 1557


A Brief History of the Brazilian Bible Society 1500-1973
Discovery of Brazil, without the Bible.

Sunset Hills Christian Church

The Huguenots (French and Dutch) were the first to take the Bible to Brazil
and paid with their lives.

Kansas City, Kansas

Emerson Park Christian Church, Kansas City, Kansas

1807 - Dom John VI, King of Portugal, took a Bible to Brazil, but it remained imprisoned in his library.
1818 1822 -

The British and Foreign Bible Society sent James Thompson who traveled from
Argentina to Mexico passing through Brazil.

Manhattan Christian College,

Manhattan, Kansas

Brazil became an empire. The British and Foreign Bible Society sent 2,000
Bibles and Testaments to Brazil. One Lutheran Pastor took Bibles in German
and French.

Norwich Christian Church, Norwich, Kansas Hartford Christian Church, Hartford, Kansas

1837 - A Methodist Missionary by the nameof Kidder distributed Bibles in many parts
of the empire.
1855 1856 -

Dr. Robert Kalley founded the first Evangelical church and worked diligently in
Bible distribution.

First Christian Church, Madison, Ks.

Westside Christian Church Wichita, Kansas

The British and Foreign Bible Society organized the first deposit of Bibles in
Brazil with Richard Cornfield responsible. Within two years 12,000 volumes
were distributed.

1879 -

Glenn Park Christian Church Wichita, Kansas

J. M. G. dos Santos, a Congregational minister, became the Brazilian agent of the British and Foreign Bible Society and in the following 23 years 400,000
pieces were distributed.

Anthony Christian Church, Anthony, Kansas Harper Christian Church, Harper, Ks. National Missionary Convention, Oklahoma City, Ok. Second Christian Church, Houston, Tx.
Gold Coast Ministers Meet

1881 - The Emperor Dom Pedro II received from pastor Santos a specially bound copy
exchanged for bananas, alligator or jaguar or snake hides, parrots, monkeys,
1948 -

of the Bible which today is in the National Library of Rio oe Janeiro. In those years, and during many years since, the Bible has been sold for money or
pigs, turtles, rubber and melons. The British and American Bible Societies founded their work in Brazil with a


Miami Shores, Florida

distribution. By the ship "Light in Amazonia" the Brazilian Bible Society carri^
to distant regions Scriptures, clothing, medicines and food.

worship service for the public with 3,000 persons in attendance. The Brazilian Bible Society was organized on the 10th of June. In this year the Brazilian Bible Society became first in the world in Bible

We thank each of you and pray for

you, that you will have a BLESSED

1971 1972 -

During the years 1948 to 1971, 81,466,772 copies of the Scriptures were

The Edifice of the Bible was inaugurated in Brasilia on the 26th of July.
President of the Republic, General Emilio Garrastazu Medici, visited the Bible building.

distributed in Brazil.

Ruth Sanders

The Brazilian Bible Society has three translations called: FIGUEIREDO,

ALMEIDA and ALMEIDA REVISED. In 1973 the New Testament came out in the

Correction of the report in last issue (Sept.-Oct.): while at Lomita, Cal.,
David visited Carson Christian Church and not Lomita or Pacific Christian

othera.have been distributed, such as the Living New Testament (Kenneth N. Taylor) and Phillips translation (translated into Portuguese). Catholic scholars have published
various translations of the Bible and the New Testament.

Good News for Modern Man translation. Besides the above named translations, various

Catholic and Protestants now celebrate an annual Bible Day in Brazil. Distribution grows continually. The Brazilian Bible Society this year hopes to bring the
total number of Bibles they alone have distributed since their beeinnina: in 1948 to


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